The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The way this seems to be going, it wouldn't make any sense to take the stand and I think the defense is smart enough to ensure that he doesn't take the stand.
Pot affects people in different ways. And it also depends on what was mixed in with it...or taken with it. So who really knows?

Has this latest news been posted yet?

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) — A Florida judge has ruled that jurors at George Zimmerman's trial may be told that Trayvon Martin had small amounts of marijuana in his body when he died.

Judge Debra Nelson on Monday denied a prosecution request to keep out parts of a toxicology report that shows Martin had small amounts of marijuana in his system.

Prosecutors argued the information would be prejudicial.

But defense attorneys said it was relevant since Zimmerman believed Martin was under the influence at the time he spotted him in his neighborhood.

Zimmerman is pleading not guilty to second-degree murder. He is claiming he fatally shot Martin in self-defense.

Judge: Martin's use of pot may be presented

omg--if potheads can get off their asses they would be pissed. :cool:
I don't care how you slice it, calling two police officers, that were sympathetic to his situation and admitted this right before he testified, liars does not really help Tracy Martin's testimony.

My thoughts exactly. So, Tracy is the liar, not the cops. Crump did a good job working this man over. I hope the defense calls Mr. Crump to the stand too. Make an ass out of him.
From what I understand he is approx. 1/2 white, 3/8 indigenous American, 1/8 African.

Zimmerman is not African at all, and not at all Indigenous American. He is half Caucasion and half Hispanic: Hispanic meaning his mother is from South America and her antecedents are from Spain.

His ethnicity has no bearing on the fact that he fired his weapon in self-defense.

Try to stay on point, if you could.
First, he didnt' use his weapon in self defense. That's his story, which you are free to believe. I don't believe it, and I am free to believe what I believe. Second, race is a major part of this: he profiled, stalked and killed Trayvon because he believed Trayvon was a black ganster teenager. Trayvon would be alive had he been white. You can believe otherwise, but you cannot decide that Zimmerman's version of events is fact or truth and tell other posters what they can and cannot discuss. That's not your role here. So fuck off.
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Pot affects people in different ways. And it also depends on what was mixed in with it...or taken with it. So who really knows?

Has this latest news been posted yet?

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) — A Florida judge has ruled that jurors at George Zimmerman's trial may be told that Trayvon Martin had small amounts of marijuana in his body when he died.

Judge Debra Nelson on Monday denied a prosecution request to keep out parts of a toxicology report that shows Martin had small amounts of marijuana in his system.

Prosecutors argued the information would be prejudicial.

But defense attorneys said it was relevant since Zimmerman believed Martin was under the influence at the time he spotted him in his neighborhood.

Zimmerman is pleading not guilty to second-degree murder. He is claiming he fatally shot Martin in self-defense.

Judge: Martin's use of pot may be presented

So, nothing definite yet.

The definitive word is may.

Until that is defined, the point is rather moot.
Not sure how that helps the defense though... :dunno:

Remember when Zimmerman said "I think he's on drugs or something..." on the 911 call. Well, looks like he was, and goes to his credibility.

I looked again at the 7/11 tape.

Even with my bias in GZ's favor at this point I still don't see TM as looking particularly high. In fact, he looks pretty steady on his feet.

If the defense is suggesting that a guy doing some weed is maybe more likely to overlook the risks associated with casing a community, then maybe.

But it sure as hell doesn't seem to make him more of a physical threat. It would seem to make him more docile.

Craving is not as apparent as being high. Likely he was jonesing for a hit.
I'm very interested to see Crump testify. That last re-direct with Tracy Martin was leading to something with Crump. Somebody is going to be called a liar. Either Crump or Tracy Martin.
I don't care how you slice it, calling two police officers, that were sympathetic to his situation and admitted this right before he testified, liars does not really help Tracy Martin's testimony.

Nope but it gives black racists and sympathizers a whole lot to bitch about. You know who THEY think the liars are.
Pot affects people in different ways. And it also depends on what was mixed in with it...or taken with it. So who really knows?

Has this latest news been posted yet?

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) — A Florida judge has ruled that jurors at George Zimmerman's trial may be told that Trayvon Martin had small amounts of marijuana in his body when he died.

Judge Debra Nelson on Monday denied a prosecution request to keep out parts of a toxicology report that shows Martin had small amounts of marijuana in his system.

Prosecutors argued the information would be prejudicial.

But defense attorneys said it was relevant since Zimmerman believed Martin was under the influence at the time he spotted him in his neighborhood.

Zimmerman is pleading not guilty to second-degree murder. He is claiming he fatally shot Martin in self-defense.

Judge: Martin's use of pot may be presented

omg--if potheads can get off their asses they would be pissed. :cool:

:rofl: :rofl:
Not sure how that helps the defense though... :dunno:

Remember when Zimmerman said "I think he's on drugs or something..." on the 911 call. Well, looks like he was, and goes to his credibility.

Exactly. It might not have increased Martin's likelihood of being confrontational, as folks are pointing out, but it adds to the credibility of Zimmerman's claim that Martin was behaving oddly.

It would have if Martin was needing a hit.
It appears the defense elected not to call Zimmerman to the stand... good move imo.

They are not done yet. What gives the idea that we won't hear from George?

His deposition with Officer Singleton and Investigator Serino has been played over and over and over, on top of that they let the interview with Sean Hannity go, and on top of that you have his video re-enactment, so in essence he has already been on the stand. The beauty of this is that the state cannot cross examine it. It keeps the state from taking advantage of an emotionally taxed defendant/witness. It would be very foolish to put Zimmerman on the stand now. The prosecution is down for the count, don't throw them any more bones!
Still I would like to hear George respond to hostile questioning. I think he would still be acquitted, but I like fireworks and suspense.
Pot affects people in different ways. And it also depends on what was mixed in with it...or taken with it. So who really knows?

Has this latest news been posted yet?

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) — A Florida judge has ruled that jurors at George Zimmerman's trial may be told that Trayvon Martin had small amounts of marijuana in his body when he died.

Judge Debra Nelson on Monday denied a prosecution request to keep out parts of a toxicology report that shows Martin had small amounts of marijuana in his system.

Prosecutors argued the information would be prejudicial.

But defense attorneys said it was relevant since Zimmerman believed Martin was under the influence at the time he spotted him in his neighborhood.

Zimmerman is pleading not guilty to second-degree murder. He is claiming he fatally shot Martin in self-defense.

Judge: Martin's use of pot may be presented

So, nothing definite yet.

The definitive word is may.

Until that is defined, the point is rather moot.

"May" as in "have permission to" or "are allowed".

Not "may" as in "not yet decided".
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I don't care how you slice it, calling two police officers, that were sympathetic to his situation and admitted this right before he testified, liars does not really help Tracy Martin's testimony.

My thoughts exactly. So, Tracy is the liar, not the cops. Crump did a good job working this man over. I hope the defense calls Mr. Crump to the stand too. Make an ass out of him.

You are not thinking with your liberal thinking cap on tho. We need Mr atheist cop hater to join us on this one. He was all anti Trayvon. I bet he changed his mind.
The guy will be on the stand testifying to a toxocology report that cannot specify how much of the drug was in his system at the time of the event and how it affected him.

Imo, slippery slope.

I won't disagree about that; it certainly is a slippery slope. But what I stated would be the use for that evidence. I wouldn't personally use it; Zimmerman's story already seems fairly believable.

Look, I followed the Grateful Dead around for a while, so I'm no stranger to green smoke. And it certainly doesn't turn you into a maniac who wants to chew people's arms off. It's just a credibility thing.

I know what you're saying, I didn't follow the Dead but I have used in my lifetime.

I am just not buying this crazed lunatic slammed my head into the ground 30 times business. I'm just not.

Who said it was 30 times? Are you black AND hearing impaired? Certainly if li'l Trayvon needed a hit he would assault a 'creepy ass cracker' so he could buy himself a dime bag.
Has this latest news been posted yet?

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) — A Florida judge has ruled that jurors at George Zimmerman's trial may be told that Trayvon Martin had small amounts of marijuana in his body when he died.

Judge Debra Nelson on Monday denied a prosecution request to keep out parts of a toxicology report that shows Martin had small amounts of marijuana in his system.

Prosecutors argued the information would be prejudicial.

But defense attorneys said it was relevant since Zimmerman believed Martin was under the influence at the time he spotted him in his neighborhood.

Zimmerman is pleading not guilty to second-degree murder. He is claiming he fatally shot Martin in self-defense.

Judge: Martin's use of pot may be presented

So, nothing definite yet.

The definitive word is may.

Until that is defined, the point is rather moot.

"May" as in "have permission to".

Thanks for the clarification.

They are not done yet. What gives the idea that we won't hear from George?

His deposition with Officer Singleton and Investigator Serino has been played over and over and over, on top of that they let the interview with Sean Hannity go, and on top of that you have his video re-enactment, so in essence he has already been on the stand. The beauty of this is that the state cannot cross examine it. It keeps the state from taking advantage of an emotionally taxed defendant/witness. It would be very foolish to put Zimmerman on the stand now. The prosecution is down for the count, don't throw them any more bones!
Still I would like to hear George respond to hostile questioning. I think he would still be acquitted, but I like fireworks and suspense.

True. But I feel like this is gambling the house away when you don't need to.
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