The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Pot affects people in different ways. And it also depends on what was mixed in with it...or taken with it. So who really knows?
started out with Al" the racist "Sharpton and now he has all he needs--two white cops lying about what poor Trayvon's Daddy said. Hide and watch----after you move that is.

Go google Eric Holder, etc. and Crump

I can't think that high, it makes my brain explode to go through it all again.

I'll just leave it at political gigantasaurus.

no problem---I guess I'm the only one seeing the conflicting testimonies as crucial evidence. Both the police and Daddy Trayvon we're adamant their opposing views about what occurred. If neither are impugned, the voice screaming help on the tape is still in dispute.

I think there's way too much collaboration for that to be in dispute with or without that testimony. I see two parts of this trial the evidence and trial and the political aspect.
Who knew?


Obama was telling the truth afterall.
Weed does not make you incapable of being angry or being able to fight

I agree. Of course, I have not said otherwise.

Generally, though, it tends to make people more docile.

It makes some people paranoid (guilty)

Kid thought he was being eyed by a rapist :eek:

another good call--if they can even get the word "paranoid" in there it would be big. ( depending on the jury of course )
Not sure how that helps the defense though... :dunno:

Remember when Zimmerman said "I think he's on drugs or something..." on the 911 call. Well, looks like he was, and goes to his credibility.
Plus, pot make people paranoid and get the munchies.

and a little more on it:
DrugFacts: Marijuana | National Institute on Drug Abuse
"marijuana use is associated with a higher likelihood of dropping out from school. Several studies also associate workers' marijuana smoking with increased absences, tardiness, accidents, workers' compensation claims, and job turnover."

Could this be the door opener for M's school records to be presented? I guess we'll see.......
Well I didn't think there were any men in America that were this meek but it appears TM's final mistake was getting into a pistol fight a guy who on a scale of 1-10 in personal combat skills was a .5.

I know men that are in their 40's that are not in very good health that would not stand a chance in hell in a fist fight with a much younger, much stronger, much healthier male.

GZ committed no crime in following what he deemed a suspicious person. That's what a neighborhood watch does you moron!

TM started the fight, GZ ended it.

Now do yourself a favor and take off that hat you're wearing cause you're giving real cowboys a bad name.
No they don't. They are the eyes and ears for the police. Pursuit and apprehension is for the cops, not armed vigilantes.

GZ wasn't in "poor" health.

Don't like my hat? Find a cactus and sit on it.

You really are stupid.

How can a person be eyes and ears if they don't follow the suspicious person to SEE where they're going and what they're doing.

Sit on a cactus? Wow, you look much older than thirteen. Oh and it's not that hat that I have a problem with, it's the idiot wearing it.

Please post a link indicating GZ's health status.
(My grasp of THC and its effects on most people is that it makes them [generally] LESS prone to violence.)

I am surprised that the defense is even going there. But now they can. Interesting.

That would not be the case if all that remained were just the metabolites of THC. If that is the case and they are jonesing, the user will go after any 'creepy ass cracker' he thinks can spot him a dime.
It appears the defense elected not to call Zimmerman to the stand... good move imo.

They are not done yet. What gives the idea that we won't hear from George?

His deposition with Officer Singleton and Investigator Serino has been played over and over and over, on top of that they let the interview with Sean Hannity go, and on top of that you have his video re-enactment, so in essence he has already been on the stand. The beauty of this is that the state cannot cross examine it. It keeps the state from taking advantage of an emotionally taxed defendant/witness. It would be very foolish to put Zimmerman on the stand now. The prosecution is down for the count, don't throw them any more bones!
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Pot affects people in different ways. And it also depends on what was mixed in with it...or taken with it. So who really knows?

Has this latest news been posted yet?

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) — A Florida judge has ruled that jurors at George Zimmerman's trial may be told that Trayvon Martin had small amounts of marijuana in his body when he died.

Judge Debra Nelson on Monday denied a prosecution request to keep out parts of a toxicology report that shows Martin had small amounts of marijuana in his system.

Prosecutors argued the information would be prejudicial.

But defense attorneys said it was relevant since Zimmerman believed Martin was under the influence at the time he spotted him in his neighborhood.

Zimmerman is pleading not guilty to second-degree murder. He is claiming he fatally shot Martin in self-defense.

Judge: Martin's use of pot may be presented
Go google Eric Holder, etc. and Crump

I can't think that high, it makes my brain explode to go through it all again.

I'll just leave it at political gigantasaurus.

no problem---I guess I'm the only one seeing the conflicting testimonies as crucial evidence. Both the police and Daddy Trayvon we're adamant their opposing views about what occurred. If neither are impugned, the voice screaming help on the tape is still in dispute.

I think there's way too much collaboration for that to be in dispute with or without that testimony. I see two parts of this trial the evidence and trial and the political aspect.

Agreed--the political aspect is getting more volatile by the day. White cops and black father with different story and now that the THC is going to be brought in that's going to add to those who want Zimmerman convicted.
THC, stays in the bloodstream for 30 days after use.

Like R D said tho---Zimmerman said he looked like he was on drugs. It might give him cred

They aren't allowing someone else to testify to what Zimmerman said.

The prosecution introduced Zimmerman's call into evidence.

This afternoon the prosecution in George Zimmerman's trial presented testimony from Sean Noffke, the police dispatcher who handled Zimmerman's call the night he shot Trayvon Martin. Both the prosecution and the defense (during cross-examination) repeatedly played parts of the call.

Police Dispatcher Testifies That George Zimmerman Did Not Seem Like a Man on the Verge of Violence - Hit & Run :
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I don't care how you slice it, calling two police officers, that were sympathetic to his situation and admitted this right before he testified, liars does not really help Tracy Martin's testimony.
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