The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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It's over. Even the lesser of invol. manslaughter through negligence is out of the question now. How can you find someone guilty of negligence in this matter when the guy in question has been proven to be completely incapable of competence in the matter.

He was competent enough to kill him. I think that's all it takes for that kind of charge.

Nope. The gun was. He was not able to defend himself; and to the extent that the evidence supports a finding by the jury that GZ was reasonable in fearing for his life or in fearing for his physical safety, his resort TO the gun can be determined to be properly justified.

If the jury thinks that a reasonable person in GZ's position would have felt the fear of death (or serious injury), then they are going to label his action justified.
Wow. Judge is going to allow the testimony about Trayvon's THC in the blood and the effects of that on a person?


Not sure how that helps the defense though... :dunno:

Remember when Zimmerman said "I think he's on drugs or something..." on the 911 call. Well, looks like he was, and goes to his credibility.

I looked again at the 7/11 tape.

Even with my bias in GZ's favor at this point I still don't see TM as looking particularly high. In fact, he looks pretty steady on his feet.

If the defense is suggesting that a guy doing some weed is maybe more likely to overlook the risks associated with casing a community, then maybe.

But it sure as hell doesn't seem to make him more of a physical threat. It would seem to make him more docile.
Wow. Judge is going to allow the testimony about Trayvon's THC in the blood and the effects of that on a person?


Not sure how that helps the defense though... :dunno:

Remember when Zimmerman said "I think he's on drugs or something..." on the 911 call. Well, looks like he was, and goes to his credibility.

Exactly. It might not have increased Martin's likelihood of being confrontational, as folks are pointing out, but it adds to the credibility of Zimmerman's claim that Martin was behaving oddly.
Not sure how that helps the defense though... :dunno:

Remember when Zimmerman said "I think he's on drugs or something..." on the 911 call. Well, looks like he was, and goes to his credibility.

The guy will be on the stand testifying to a toxocology report that cannot specify how much of the drug was in his system at the time of the event and how it affected him.

Imo, slippery slope.

I won't disagree about that; it certainly is a slippery slope. But what I stated would be the use for that evidence. I wouldn't personally use it; Zimmerman's story already seems fairly believable.

Look, I followed the Grateful Dead around for a while, so I'm no stranger to green smoke. And it certainly doesn't turn you into a maniac who wants to chew people's arms off. It's just a credibility thing.
Well I didn't think there were any men in America that were this meek but it appears TM's final mistake was getting into a pistol fight a guy who on a scale of 1-10 in personal combat skills was a .5.

I know men that are in their 40's that are not in very good health that would not stand a chance in hell in a fist fight with a much younger, much stronger, much healthier male.

GZ committed no crime in following what he deemed a suspicious person. That's what a neighborhood watch does you moron!

TM started the fight, GZ ended it.

Now do yourself a favor and take off that hat you're wearing cause you're giving real cowboys a bad name.
No they don't. They are the eyes and ears for the police. Pursuit and apprehension is for the cops, not armed vigilantes.

GZ wasn't in "poor" health.

Don't like my hat? Find a cactus and sit on it.
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(My grasp of THC and its effects on most people is that it makes them [generally] LESS prone to violence.)

I am surprised that the defense is even going there. But now they can. Interesting.

It also makes you paranoid and clouds your judgement. Now the defense can say, "Well, it looks like Zimmermans injuries were superficial but since Martin was hopped up on marijuana, Martin wouldn't have been able to stop. Zimmerman was screaming for help, but since Martin was doped up, he couldn't tell if he was fearing for his life or just playing around" or something like that.
Well I didn't think there were any men in America that were this meek but it appears TM's final mistake was getting into a pistol fight a guy who on a scale of 1-10 in personal combat skills was a .5.

I know men that are in their 40's that are not in very good health that would not stand a chance in hell in a fist fight with a much younger, much stronger, much healthier male.

GZ committed no crime in following what he deemed a suspicious person. That's what a neighborhood watch does you moron!

TM started the fight, GZ ended it.

Now do yourself a favor and take off that hat you're wearing cause you're giving real cowboys a bad name.
No they don't. They are the eyes and ears for the police. Pursuit and apprehension is for the cops, not armed vigilantes.

GZ wasn't in "poor" health you moron.

Don't like my hat? Fine a cactus and sit on it.

Ok. But I'm not sure what purpose it will serve:

That will be $100.00 or 3 days in jail, there, cactus.
State is moving that certain testimony by Mr. Donelly should be stricken from the record.
I think they were moving that all of his testimony be stricken.

At any rate she allowed it all. Prosecution is fucked.
Not what I heard. She granted Prosecutions motion to bar the witness from testifying regarding GZ's post traumatic stress problems.

That may be a consolation prize to the prosecution for losing the other two motions. I'm betting they are literally sick about the coming toxicology testimony.
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Well there's that.

Don't know since that black/white thing WAS the heart of that cover, that was the catalyst for race.

I can't even think that far ahead.

I'm moving anyhow so who cares.

started out with Al" the racist "Sharpton and now he has all he needs--two white cops lying about what poor Trayvon's Daddy said. Hide and watch----after you move that is.

Go google Eric Holder, etc. and Crump

I can't think that high, it makes my brain explode to go through it all again.

I'll just leave it at political gigantasaurus.

no problem---I guess I'm the only one seeing the conflicting testimonies as crucial evidence. Both the police and Daddy Trayvon we're adamant their opposing views about what occurred. If neither are impugned, the voice screaming help on the tape is still in dispute.
Remember when Zimmerman said "I think he's on drugs or something..." on the 911 call. Well, looks like he was, and goes to his credibility.

The guy will be on the stand testifying to a toxocology report that cannot specify how much of the drug was in his system at the time of the event and how it affected him.

Imo, slippery slope.

I won't disagree about that; it certainly is a slippery slope. But what I stated would be the use for that evidence. I wouldn't personally use it; Zimmerman's story already seems fairly believable.

Look, I followed the Grateful Dead around for a while, so I'm no stranger to green smoke. And it certainly doesn't turn you into a maniac who wants to chew people's arms off. It's just a credibility thing.

I know what you're saying, I didn't follow the Dead but I have used in my lifetime.

I am just not buying this crazed lunatic slammed my head into the ground 30 times business. I'm just not.
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