The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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[MENTION=43021]legaleagle_45[/MENTION] Well, when I was young I was told I looked like the actress Jane Powell:


Si Modo who I met last year in DC agrees I do now. Of course through the miracle of modern chemistry my hair is still the same color~! :evil::evil:


Legaleagle preens what few feathers he has left, sprays some breath freshner into his mouth, unbuttons two buttons on his shirt to reveal his manly chest and states in his lowest baritone voice:

Hey Baby, whats your sign? Can I buy you a drink?:wine:

Obviously legaleagle is smooth around the babes...:cool:

Sounds like a cock blocker to me.:razz:
So why does DNA under his fingernails matter?

Are you moving the goalposts here?

[ame=]George Zimmerman Reenactment Of Trayvon Martin Shooting (Part 2) - YouTube[/ame]


Go to 4:21.

He distinctly shows that Martin grabbed him from both sides of his head.

Zimmerman's bald. So either he clawed him..or grabbed his ears.

Generally women have long nails, men don't. One of the primary ways for police to identify a rapist is through DNA under their nails or from sperm. Women usually try to scratch the assailant. It doesn't take nails to grab a person with both hands and bash their head into the ground.

It was drizzling that night. Couple that with sweat.

And you have a slippery surface that isn't easy to grab.

Additionally, Zimmerman's injuries don't jibe with his story.

Unless, of course, you are contending that Martin was a weakling.
Why wasn't Zimmerman tested for drugs?

There is a police conspiracy behind this, imo.

Martin family: Why wasn't Zimmerman tested? |
It's funny how history gets rewritten. I recollect back in the beginning, the police agreed with Zimmerman at the time he was questioned that his life was in danger and that his wounds were consistent with what he said happened. Why would you test someone you just concluded was innocent of murder when he killed a man in self-defense?

Answer: you wouldn't. His story matched the marks, a person on drugs wouldn't be all that coherent, it seemed all right to those who were asking the tough questions that dragged on for hours, when everybody was allowed to just go home and get a good night's sleep.
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