The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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George Zimmerman Reenactment Of Trayvon Martin Shooting (Part 2) - YouTube


Go to 4:21.

He distinctly shows that Martin grabbed him from both sides of his head.

Zimmerman's bald. So either he clawed him..or grabbed his ears.

Generally women have long nails, men don't. One of the primary ways for police to identify a rapist is through DNA under their nails or from sperm. Women usually try to scratch the assailant. It doesn't take nails to grab a person with both hands and bash their head into the ground.

It was drizzling that night. Couple that with sweat.

And you have a slippery surface that isn't easy to grab.

Additionally, Zimmerman's injuries don't jibe with his story.

Unless, of course, you are contending that Martin was a weakling.

I think you just explained one of the possible reasons Martin wasn't able to injure Zimmerman any more than he did. Slippery head. Hard to hang onto.

See this picture? This is where Zimmerman said he kept his weapon. In a holster behind his back. He said Trayvon (who apparently has X-ray vision) reached for the gun. But then threw him to the ground and straddled him and started beating his face but he was able to reach behind his back (while he was laying on his back) inside of Trayvon's leg, take out the gun, release the safety and shoot the 17 year old in the chest with the gun at a perpendicular angle.


See what I mean. Remember, Zimmerman was supposedly keeping his weapon in a holster behind him.


All of this while his face was being beaten.

And Republicans say, "That sounds about right".

You really are a complete and utter fucking moron.

and you went through all that effort to prove beyond a doubt you actually don't think things through.

I'd explain, but you don't care.
This one was new to me.

Zimmerman's holster was "really" a concealed carry type. Meaning it was worn on the inside of his pants. And according to the video, he wore it in back above his buttocks on his left side.

Which almost completely destroys another part of Zimmerman's story. That Martin saw the gun.

It would mean that either Martin had xray night vision..or that's another inconsistency.

You're bloodlust to see Zimmerman convicted is rather unbecoming.

Just sayin'.
Ok, get Limbaugh's testicles out of your eyes so you can read this:

This case HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH STAND YOUR GROUND. That is exactly what Martin did. Zimmerman was the THREAT, not Martin! TM stood his ground to neutralize that threat. Sadly, the aggressor had a gun and used it, apparently when he was getting his ass whipped!

Now; after you have finished swallowing the juice you sucked out of Hannity's underpants,
this ought to go down real easy for ya:

In regard to STALKING:

After reviewing the Florida Statues I noticed that 784.048 (1) (b,) seems to define "repeatedly" as applicable to Florida state law:

“Course of conduct” means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose. "

Interpretation is crucial here. Perhaps the Florida Supreme Court would be the ultimate authority to decide if GZ's actions warrants the application of the above rule. The writers of this law included the phrase "however short" in the law and thereby invalidated any necessity to violate the statute by following or harassing someone for days or weeks.

I think it would be reasonable to say that the series of acts instigated by GZ on the night he shot and killed Trayvon Martin would satisfy the legal definition of the word "repeatedly."

1. Spotting and trailing Martin in his vehicle.

2. Getting out of his vehicle to follow Martin further.

3. Chasing Martin.

4. Approaching Martin , engaging and shooting him.

Suffice it to say, JQPubic, that your ignorance knows no bounds.

The case has ZERO to do with "stand your ground."

You have lapped up the uninformed blather of the silly main stream lolberal media.

Stand your ground means you are not required to run away if you are able to do so in safety.

But when some guy is ON TOP of you, pounding you, the question of running away is utterly moot.

You remain entirely wrong.

Laughably so.

Well, Zimmerman's pistol was kept at the small of his back.

If Trayvon was sitting on his chest pounding on him, how would it be possible for him to know he had a gun, much less reach for it?

What a minute. Who said that?
Ok, get Limbaugh's testicles out of your eyes so you can read this:

This case HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH STAND YOUR GROUND. That is exactly what Martin did. Zimmerman was the THREAT, not Martin! TM stood his ground to neutralize that threat. Sadly, the aggressor had a gun and used it, apparently when he was getting his ass whipped!

Now; after you have finished swallowing the juice you sucked out of Hannity's underpants,
this ought to go down real easy for ya:

In regard to STALKING:

After reviewing the Florida Statues I noticed that 784.048 (1) (b,) seems to define "repeatedly" as applicable to Florida state law:

“Course of conduct” means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose. "

Interpretation is crucial here. Perhaps the Florida Supreme Court would be the ultimate authority to decide if GZ's actions warrants the application of the above rule. The writers of this law included the phrase "however short" in the law and thereby invalidated any necessity to violate the statute by following or harassing someone for days or weeks.

I think it would be reasonable to say that the series of acts instigated by GZ on the night he shot and killed Trayvon Martin would satisfy the legal definition of the word "repeatedly."

1. Spotting and trailing Martin in his vehicle.

2. Getting out of his vehicle to follow Martin further.

3. Chasing Martin.

4. Approaching Martin , engaging and shooting him.

Suffice it to say, JQPubic, that your ignorance knows no bounds.

The case has ZERO to do with "stand your ground."

You have lapped up the uninformed blather of the silly main stream lolberal media.

Stand your ground means you are not required to run away if you are able to do so in safety.

But when some guy is ON TOP of you, pounding you, the question of running away is utterly moot.

You remain entirely wrong.

Laughably so.

Well, Zimmerman's pistol was kept at the small of his back.

If Trayvon was sitting on his chest pounding on him, how would it be possible for him to know he had a gun, much less reach for it?


I just learned today that the holster is worn "inside" the pants..not outside.

It was nearly impossible to see.
Much of the most devastating evidence shows uo on the internet but never makes it to trial.

Rerun the responding officer's testimony again as to the holster.
George Zimmerman's story has way, way too many holes in it.

To believe it requires too many leaps of logic.

Yeah. He must have bashed his own head against the pavement to turn it into a bloody pulp.
Suffice it to say, JQPubic, that your ignorance knows no bounds.

The case has ZERO to do with "stand your ground."

You have lapped up the uninformed blather of the silly main stream lolberal media.

Stand your ground means you are not required to run away if you are able to do so in safety.

But when some guy is ON TOP of you, pounding you, the question of running away is utterly moot.

You remain entirely wrong.

Laughably so.

Well, Zimmerman's pistol was kept at the small of his back.

If Trayvon was sitting on his chest pounding on him, how would it be possible for him to know he had a gun, much less reach for it?

What a minute. Who said that?

It was entered into testimony today.
So if it were impossible for martin to see the weapon in the struggle, why didn't the prosecution make the point and prove the point?

It hasn't come up yet because Zimmerman hasn't testified.

That specific moment needs to come up so that the prosecution can question it.

The very video Sallow is using was INTRODUCED AS EVIDENCE by the prosecution.

So they DEFINITELY could have introduced this turd as part of their case.

They didn't...because it is bogus...grasping at straws.
Well, Zimmerman's pistol was kept at the small of his back.

If Trayvon was sitting on his chest pounding on him, how would it be possible for him to know he had a gun, much less reach for it?

What a minute. Who said that?

It was entered into testimony today.

So now you're claiming that Trayvan is so good at immobilizing his victims that Zimmerman had no chance?

Jeesus. You guys take the cake.
So if it were impossible for martin to see the weapon in the struggle, why didn't the prosecution make the point and prove the point?

Probably because the defense did it for them.

10:20 a.m. ET: O'Mara is sticking his hands in his pants to demonstrate the internal holster Zimmerman was using the night of the shooting. Osterman said Zimmerman was allowed to use that type of holster, because he had a concealed and carry permit. Osterman has been excused.
Win for defense: Jury to hear Martin's pot use |
What a minute. Who said that?

It was entered into testimony today.

So now you're claiming that Trayvan is so good at immobilizing his victims that Zimmerman had no chance?

Jeesus. You guys take the cake.

He was one of the Xmen, doncha know.

He was able to pound Zimmerman's head into the cement without grabbing it and see a black gun tucked inside the pants near the buttocks in the dark.

Truly amazing fellow.

It's a "wonder" Zimmerman survived.

Hey..he may be an Xman too!
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