The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I believe GZ was beat up but I don't believe his story about how the fight went.

More likely GZ snuck his hand down pulled the gun brought it up and shot TM and TM never saw it coming.
Guy wins ...

The "professional witness" Dennis Root just EFFed up big time.

Said he got information from the media.

The defense IMMEDIATELY called for a sidebar.

Sunshine Wrote:
That is because THESE are DEFENSE witnesses. All you liberals were ALL bent out of shape over the defense being oh so hard on poor li'l DD on cross. Now it's the prosecution's time to do cross. It goes both ways.

Careful there, Sunshine. You're making assumptions and looking a bit silly in the process. I'm not a liberal, never cried about the defense's cross-examination - in fact, I think they were very calm, measured, and reasonable.

What I was asking - and I understand that tone doesn't always translate well when typing - is why the Prosecution wasn't doing the same thing - wasn't remaining calm, cool, and measured...instead...the Prosecuting Attorney upon first glance looked nasty, hostile, and a bit like he was attacking, rather than questioning.

I wanted to know if it was because the wheels have fallen off the prosecution's case altogether...OR...did he think there was blood in the water and was going after it passionately?
The "professional witness" Dennis Root just EFFed up big time.

Said he got information from the media.

The defense IMMEDIATELY called for a sidebar.


Witnesses can't get 'information' from the LSM?

Since when?
I believe GZ was beat up but I don't believe his story about how the fight went.

More likely GZ snuck his hand down pulled the gun brought it up and shot TM and TM never saw it coming.

Seriously, why do you even bother with the trial?

Your "observations" are all based on what preconceived notions you've already decided upon.
By golly! they always get away


"My good gosh, these cherubic little angels always get away."

I just don't think making pejorative comments about teens makes you any more depraved than the next person. There was a time when teenagers were of great value for the amount of work they could provide on the family farm. Now, teens have absolutely no use in American society whatsoever. A lot of them do get in trouble. A lot of people do wrongly judge them. For those reasons, I kept my right under my thumb until they went away to college where the amount of college level work and other work to earn spending money did the job for me. Parents who don't know these things are stupid. You got teens? Here's a flash. Nobody likes them! :eek:

Interesting. Everyone loves my kids.
I just heard a rumor that the state is now considering pressing charges against O'Mara for assault on the black dummy. Al Sharpton press conference to come.
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*Maybe* Donnelly wasn't subpoenaed until 8 days after he was in the courtroom.

So maybe moot point with that thing.

Wouldn't think Mr. Stamina would be that dum.
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