The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Sunshine Wrote:
That is because THESE are DEFENSE witnesses. All you liberals were ALL bent out of shape over the defense being oh so hard on poor li'l DD on cross. Now it's the prosecution's time to do cross. It goes both ways.

Careful there, Sunshine. You're making assumptions and looking a bit silly in the process. I'm not a liberal, never cried about the defense's cross-examination - in fact, I think they were very calm, measured, and reasonable.

What I was asking - and I understand that tone doesn't always translate well when typing - is why the Prosecution wasn't doing the same thing - wasn't remaining calm, cool, and measured...instead...the Prosecuting Attorney upon first glance looked nasty, hostile, and a bit like he was attacking, rather than questioning.

I wanted to know if it was because the wheels have fallen off the prosecution's case altogether...OR...did he think there was blood in the water and was going after it passionately?

The prosecution did a poor job in their case-in-chief in demonstrating that Zimmerman acted with "a depraved mind regardless of human life." The wheels fell off long ago; they are simply desperate to find a way to show that Zimmerman did act in that manner.
Can you explain in verbatim the benefits (other than for want of knowing on your end) of the accused testifying before the jury, despite the fact his depositions and interviews have been played multiple times before the jury in court?

If his defense stands up to cross examination then not guilty slam dunk.
I do not fault the defense for not putting him up.
This is not about ME but the jury. It may hurt him as there may be jurors that need to hear his side of this subject to cross.
I believe he does not need to testify but have spoken with many jurors that wanted to hear the defendant say his side live.

As a layman, I understand that the accused seldom takes the stand in a murder trial unless the Defense is in serious dog doo-doo

Depends on the type of murder case.
OJ was a who done it and this one that is not in dispute.
I'm really amazed so many people seem to be defending Zimmerman.

I'm listening to the 911 call now and he clearly states that Martin ran away. So there is no question that Zimmerman continues after him even after the police told him they didn't need him to do that. So Martin has some guy stalking him around the neighborhood even after he ran.

I guess we also know that Zimmerman caught up to him again and got out of his car. Why would he do that? What was said between the two? Clearly we don't know as we are only getting one side of the story. But we know Zimmerman said some very negative things on the 911 call. Did he repeat those to Martin when he got out of the car?

Martin has no criminal history of violence. Was he really going to attack some guy without a reason? Seems unlikely to me, but we don't know.

Some scuffle clearly occurs as Zimmerman does have some wounds. For me Zimmerman is the adult and clearly was chasing this kid around the neighborhood. If some scuffle occurs it's his fault, he should have let him go as he was advised by the police.

I don't know what Zimmerman is guilty of, but this altercation is completely his fault yet Martin is the one who is dead. Zimmerman was playing policeman with his gun and picked somebody who was doing nothing wrong. Now that somebody is dead. Carrying a gun is a huge responsibility. I think he should have left this to the police. It seems wrong that he can instigate the incident and kill someone and people support that.

You need to do some research on this case and also learn about personal responsibility.

I've done research. Tell me what I'm missing. It seems like Zimmerman made the wrong call and went after someone who was doing nothing wrong. And that's how we got this tragedy.
You are missing the part about Trayvon getting suspended from school multiple times for misconduct including them finding a shitload of stolen jewelry in his locker, for which his last suspension was given. Furthermore, the neighborhood he was roaming was being neighborhood-watched because the residents were fed up with coming home and finding all their damn jewelry was missing due to burglary.

Ain't it funny how time slips away when you're not getting all the facts in the same corral and connecting the dots. If Trayvon didn't know about the jewelry thefts in the area his relative lived in, why was he casing nearby houses? Was it because he had a place to go to nearby to avoid detection? Nobody knows for sure, but one thing is certain. That jewelry in his locker that didn't belong to him, and he didn't buy it either.
when George walks scott free, the left, Al and Jesse will claim it's payback for letting OJ Free., and how come some blacks want to riot when they don't get their way? yet, no one rioted when Casey got off. This shows that Whites will not riot/throw stones thru glass windows/pull drivers out of their vehicles and beat them senseless when they weren't happy with a jury's decision.

I'm afraid there will be civil unrest when and if Z goes free, also. But LE I hope will be ready for them and give them stiff sentences, for the tvs they looted and harm they do, they'll pay a steep price.

What you don't understand is that there will be civil unrest when and if Z is convicted too! There will be celebratory violence with fires and looting, exactly as if he had been acquitted.

You are discussing a group of people who riot, burn and loot when the home basketball team wins a game!

Z is an excuse, not a reason.
FL--Self defense--'Anywhere you legally have a right to be...'

GA: For anyone who cares---

You can use deadly force, with no duty to retreat, in self-defense or the defense of others, when you reasonably believe such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily injury to yourself. Deadly force is also allowed when you believe it's necessary to prevent the commission of a forcible felony or criminal interference with property or to terminate or prevent trespass.

In your home when the entry is made in a violent manner and you believe the entry is for assault or personal violence. You can also use deadly force to protect property legally in your possession, the possession of your family, or a property you have a legal duty to protect.

That sounds like --Think long and hard in GA, which may partially explain my reticence.

It doesn't sound like FL plans to change its law. The HLN panel believes that it should and infers that steps will be taken.


it's a tough call----there are a million variables that could effect the situation. Would you like a law that says that you must call the police and have them protect yourself and your belongings ?

As far as I know --that is the law we have here.

How LE interprets the Law. I am properly intimidated.

Far more afraid of being 'accused'/charged than of being injured or killed. My brother had some experiences--that is all I will say.
I just heard a rumor that the state is now considering pressing charges against O'Mara for assault on the black dummy. Al Sharpton press conference to come.

Did you notice that when O'Mara raised his fist for the final strike, the dummy's arm was twitching in fear? :eusa_whistle:
O'Mara's tie made an excellent prop, he proved Di Maio's assertion that the clothing would be affected by the gravity and would pull away from the body if one were to be leaning over someone.
I believe GZ was beat up but I don't believe his story about how the fight went.

More likely GZ snuck his hand down pulled the gun brought it up and shot TM and TM never saw it coming.

Seriously, why do you even bother with the trial?

Your "observations" are all based on what preconceived notions you've already decided upon.

Did you not watch the GZ video I just linked? How could the weaker GZ who is getting the poo pounded out of him, suddenly become the better fighter, and with one arm stop TM from grabbing the gun by pinning TM's arm under his arm pit while GZ is laying on the ground, reach down with the same arm draw and fire his gun into TM's chest from 2-4in away on the other side of TM's pinned arm? I don't get it. Can you explain how GZ accomplished this amazing feat? Is GZ double jointed? Are they suddenly playing twister?

Again I'm not saying he wasn't acting in self-defense. I'm asking how he did it.
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How many professional witnesses did the prosecution have?
They get paid also and they work for the prosecution ONLY.
FL--Self defense--'Anywhere you legally have a right to be...'

GA: For anyone who cares---

You can use deadly force, with no duty to retreat, in self-defense or the defense of others, when you reasonably believe such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily injury to yourself. Deadly force is also allowed when you believe it's necessary to prevent the commission of a forcible felony or criminal interference with property or to terminate or prevent trespass.

In your home when the entry is made in a violent manner and you believe the entry is for assault or personal violence. You can also use deadly force to protect property legally in your possession, the possession of your family, or a property you have a legal duty to protect.

That sounds like --Think long and hard in GA, which may partially explain my reticence.

It doesn't sound like FL plans to change its law. The HLN panel believes that it should and infers that steps will be taken.


it's a tough call----there are a million variables that could effect the situation. Would you like a law that says that you must call the police and have them protect yourself and your belongings ?

As far as I know --that is the law we have here.

How LE interprets the Law. I am properly intimidated.

Far more afraid of being 'accused'/charged than of being injured or killed. My brother had some experiences--that is all I will say.

You fear that you will be punished for defending yourself?
I believe GZ was beat up but I don't believe his story about how the fight went.

More likely GZ snuck his hand down pulled the gun brought it up and shot TM and TM never saw it coming.

Seriously, why do you even bother with the trial?

Your "observations" are all based on what preconceived notions you've already decided upon.

Did you not watch the GZ video I just linked? How could the weaker GZ who is getting the poo pounded out of him, suddenly become the better fighter, and with one arm stop TM from grabbing the gun by pinning TM's arm under his arm pit while GZ is laying on the ground, reach down with the same arm draw and fire his gun into TM's chest from 2-4in away on the other side of TM's pinned arm? I don't get it. Can you explain how GZ accomplished this amazing feat? Is GZ double jointed?

Again I'm not saying he wasn't acting in self-defense. I'm asking how he did it.

scrambling around on the ground doesn't make GZ a better fighter.
Sunshine Wrote:
That is because THESE are DEFENSE witnesses. All you liberals were ALL bent out of shape over the defense being oh so hard on poor li'l DD on cross. Now it's the prosecution's time to do cross. It goes both ways.

Careful there, Sunshine. You're making assumptions and looking a bit silly in the process. I'm not a liberal, never cried about the defense's cross-examination - in fact, I think they were very calm, measured, and reasonable.

What I was asking - and I understand that tone doesn't always translate well when typing - is why the Prosecution wasn't doing the same thing - wasn't remaining calm, cool, and measured...instead...the Prosecuting Attorney upon first glance looked nasty, hostile, and a bit like he was attacking, rather than questioning.

I wanted to know if it was because the wheels have fallen off the prosecution's case altogether...OR...did he think there was blood in the water and was going after it passionately?

The prosecution did a poor job in their case-in-chief in demonstrating that Zimmerman acted with "a depraved mind regardless of human life." The wheels fell off long ago; they are simply desperate to find a way to show that Zimmerman did act in that manner.

IMO, this train never had wheels in the first place. At best, local authorities should have sent the case to a Grand Jury who would have had all the evidence, both that allowed and not allowed in court, and almost certainly would have returned an opinion of insufficient evidence to convict. And that should have ended it. This has been a trial based on political correctness from Day 1 and a travesty of justice.
Meanwhile, in other parts of the country, a terrorist goes to court today, and MSM is full steam on the race show trial.
From the first time I saw Mark Osterman on the stand, I didn't believe him. I think he was embellishing to benefit his book sales.

Now look at how much trouble he's caused for GZ - the P keeps referring to this Osterman version as an example of a big change of story.

Did Zimmerman ever tell anyone else besides Osterman that TM touched the gun? I can't think of anyone.

In GZ's reenactment video with the investigator on the scene the next day he is on video saying TM went for the gun, GZ suddenly became a stronger better fighter than TM, pinned TM's hand under his arm pulled and fired the gun with the same arm while he was holding GZ's hand and arm from getting the gun. Sounds impossible or at least improbable. This is the BS I wanted to see "animated" or at least reenacted with someone on top of someone else in the mounted mma position. I just don't see how this would be possible. TM would have been trying to grab the gun with his right arm. Where is TM's left arm? How could GZ pin TM's right hand and arm with his right armpit while pulling a gun and shooting TM? I just don't get it.

Go to 10min in:

[ame=]George Zimmerman Re-enactment (Full Video) - YouTube[/ame]

My point exactly. Zimmerman does NOT say TM touched his gun. GZ says he felt TM "reaching for it" and GZ pinned TM's hand somehow (not important to me) and GZ beat TM to the gun. NEVER in that video did GZ say that TM touched the gun.

My recollection is that the ONLY person who ever said that was Mark Osterman.
You need to do some research on this case and also learn about personal responsibility.

I've done research. Tell me what I'm missing. It seems like Zimmerman made the wrong call and went after someone who was doing nothing wrong. And that's how we got this tragedy.
You are missing the part about Trayvon getting suspended from school multiple times for misconduct including them finding a shitload of stolen jewelry in his locker, for which his last suspension was given. Furthermore, the neighborhood he was roaming was being neighborhood-watched because the residents were fed up with coming home and finding all their damn jewelry was missing due to burglary.

Ain't it funny how time slips away when you're not getting all the facts in the same corral and connecting the dots. If Trayvon didn't know about the jewelry thefts in the area his relative lived in, why was he casing nearby houses? Was it because he had a place to go to nearby to avoid detection? Nobody knows for sure, but one thing is certain. That jewelry in his locker that didn't belong to him, and he didn't buy it either.

Martin isn't on trial. It is clear when Zimmerman was following him around that Martin was just going to the store. Also there is no record of violent crimes for Martin. Now that is an important fact.
Did you not watch the GZ video I just linked? How could the weaker GZ who is getting the poo pounded out of him, suddenly become the better fighter, and with one arm stop TM from grabbing the gun by pinning TM's arm under his arm pit while GZ is laying on the ground, reach down with the same arm draw and fire his gun into TM's chest from 2-4in away on the other side of TM's pinned arm? I don't get it. Can you explain how GZ accomplished this amazing feat? Is GZ double jointed? Are they suddenly playing twister?

Again I'm not saying he wasn't acting in self-defense. I'm asking how he did it.
You don't want to get it.

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