The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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If they don't make this thing make sense, if they don't provide a reasonable explanation... some idiot's gonna kill GZ in retaliation.

Oh come on!

You just took the contrarian buffoonery to a level of the purey absurd :eusa_hand:

My comments were more focused on the fact that Mark Osterman's story keeps popping up from the P as "proof" that GZ's story changed appreciably. I disagree. I think Osterman either misheard, embellished the story to make it more dramatic, or outright lied depending on how generous I may be feeling towards him on any given day.

Except for Osterman's (published, yeah right) account of what he says GZ told him about TM grabbing the gun and touching it, no one else has ever said that. That means to me that GZ's story has remained consistent and that allows me to comfortably say that I believe his story.

Unlike you, tough guy Texan, I don't know nuttin' bout fightin'. LOL But I have been in stressful, think on your feet, situations where instinct kicks in. I liken that to what GZ went through when he was confronted, punched, and knocked down by TM. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to remember exactly which hand was where, what I did first, etc. I don't think I would be able to recreate the circumstances that caused the instinctual reaction well enough to explain exactly what happened.

All I would know, as we do, is what we do here, and that is that GZ sustained injuries from TM that were severe enough for HIM to fear for his life. GZ had a gun and he used it. That's really all I need to know.

My issue arose from hearing many people say GZ's story kept changing. I have not heard of any substantial fact change in his story except out of the mouth of Mark Osterman. Osterman said GZ told him this and he repeated it. I think Osterman is....what I said.

Sorry for the rant. It's a long lunch break...
LOL...Al Sharpton...Tawana Brawley...

Al Sharpton...Duke lacrosse team

Al Sharpton...Trayvon Martin

Race pimp Al and his ilk in here soon to be 0 - 3. And if the clown had a decent attorney maybe his MSNBC contract pays him a bonus for hitting the magic No. 3?
Yes I do. I'm on GZ's side in this now. He got the shit beat out of him. The shooting was obvious self defense. I want closure for this obvious hole.

Maybe the cartoon will help illustrate:

[ame=]Zimmerman trial: Forensics animation of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman - YouTube[/ame]

Ayup. Watch GZ's reenactment at 10min in on the above linked video. Then this animation... then GZ's reenactment one more time. GZ's reenactment does not match the defense's animation. More particularly they purposefully hide and omit GZ's remarkable feat of pinning TM's arm, stopping TM from getting the gun, drawing and firing the gun.

No they don't - they did 3 positions and then the after position - they didn't animate head banging or arm movements.

As to the other video - I don't have that ?? gaping hole with the story that you did so I haven't microscoped it - mainly because I don't know that you would remember every move you made in a struggle - but more so because he said he felt his hand on his side, it's logical that he could get his arm in his armpit and get his gun. I don't have a problem with that and it makes sense to me so I can't help you fill your gap as much as I'd like to help.

since we are on a lunch break--

again there was a discussion of the 'lesser charges'---insert whatever you prefer, it has all been said before...

the conclusion--this case will be sent to the jury with a lot of unanswered questions. It will be difficult for the jury to render a verdict.

no surprise there. Just stop now--go to closing arguments. please.

O'Mara (on top) asks Judge (under O'Mara) to reconsider some of her rulings.
Defense is shitting their pants... that the prosecution may be figuring out the hole.. finally.

If even you, as a skeptic, are in the camp that Zimmerman acted in self-defense, then why would the defense be concerned? Justification is an absolute defense to murder. :confused:
It's more important that I went out and bb gunned a chicken hawk in the butt that was harassing my chickens and am feeling much better about life now.

shooting birds while intoxicated ? That sounds like way more fun than watching this trial.

Birds hell - Let's shoot some rioters in the heart & video record to time how long they walk & talk. Inquiring minds want to know. :tongue:

Defense is shitting their pants... that the prosecution may be figuring out the hole.. finally.

If even you, as a skeptic, are in the camp that Zimmerman acted in self-defense, then why would the defense be concerned? Justification is an absolute defense to murder. :confused:

Because, if the how is impossible, then the why is suspect.

If GZ lied about the how.. what really happened? It's a hole. The prosecution may fill that hole in closing? Strong opening strong closing?

Will they argue the only possible way the weaker GZ could have shot and killed TM is if TM was backing away? If they do.. GZ may be found guilty. I'd rather it come up and the defense shows how it is possible, I'd rather hear from GZ how he was mistaken in the video I linked or how his double jointed feat was possible. You can't simultaneously pin someones hand with your arm pit while pulling a hip gun and shooting someone unless you are double jointed at the elbow. Try it yourself. When you grab the gun you have to release the guy's arm.
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If they don't make this thing make sense, if they don't provide a reasonable explanation... some idiot's gonna kill GZ in retaliation.

Oh come on!

You just took the contrarian buffoonery to a level of the purey absurd :eusa_hand:

Yeah cause no one has ever been killed in retaliation in before.

He has to change his name and move to Timbuktu. There are no if's and's or butt's about it.

What you said is "if they don't make this thing make sense" like THAT is going to make a difference in the whacks out hunting him down to try to kill him when this is done.

His justice is small justice at best.

Life as he knew it is over forever.
Defense is shitting their pants... that the prosecution may be figuring out the hole.. finally.

If even you, as a skeptic, are in the camp that Zimmerman acted in self-defense, then why would the defense be concerned? Justification is an absolute defense to murder. :confused:

Because, if the how is impossible, then the why is suspect.

If GZ lied about the how.. what really happened? It's a hole. The prosecution may fill that hole in closing? Strong opening strong closing?

Will they argue the only possible way the weaker GZ could have shot and killed TM is if TM was backing away? If they do.. GZ may be found guilty. I'd rather it come up and the defense shows how it is possible, I'd rather hear from GZ how he was mistaken in the video I linked or how his double jointed feat was possible.

And who has the burden of proving reasonable doubt? I don't think Zimmerman's story to be implausible, and I don't think these six women will somehow all be experts in street fights, ambidexterity, and human anatomy. I think you are trying too hard.
What Judge Nelson fails to acknowledge is that it’s the accused entitled to due process, not the jury or to herself!

Guess that would go in the don't know your rights thread too. She apparently is unaware of the 5th and 14th amendments of the constitution.

Precisely! This entire case is a farce. And this judge has an agenda. I smell it.

Maybe that's why they charged him with murder instead of manslaughter: To send precisely that message that what he did really isn't a joke at all.
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