The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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You fear that you will be punished for defending yourself?

I have a healthy fear of legal consequences. And am greatly concerned about my ignorance of the law.

At any rate--living in the state of GA--unless you are in your own home and someone is clearly threatening your life--ie --the woman who shot the intruder while hiding in a crawl space with her 2 daughters---it is likely that you would be charged for using deadly force. I cannot think of an example of a person using deadly force outside of his/her home. For whatever reasons, knock on wood, violent crimes seem to be down. Perhaps that is not true--exceptionally violent or crimes that would be of interest to the media may be down.
2 years ago there was a killing/burglary spree around the holidays--since then I can't recall anything major --not that homicide isn't major. There are plenty of homicides weekly. fwiw.

The line of thinking, particularly for women --'It is your responsibility to anticipate danger and do not place yourself at risk.' A few years ago several women were raped and self defense meetings were held.

If you are truly in fear for you life, defend yourself. Deal with consequences later. At least you will be alive. I certainly intend to fight for my life in similar circumstances.

And call Mr. Stamina if you do run into trouble.

And tell him I said "hi!"
You fear that you will be punished for defending yourself?

I have a healthy fear of legal consequences. And am greatly concerned about my ignorance of the law.

At any rate--living in the state of GA--unless you are in your own home and someone is clearly threatening your life--ie --the woman who shot the intruder while hiding in a crawl space with her 2 daughters---it is likely that you would be charged for using deadly force. I cannot think of an example of a person using deadly force outside of his/her home. For whatever reasons, knock on wood, violent crimes seem to be down. Perhaps that is not true--exceptionally violent or crimes that would be of interest to the media may be down.
2 years ago there was a killing/burglary spree around the holidays--since then I can't recall anything major --not that homicide isn't major. There are plenty of homicides weekly. fwiw.

The line of thinking, particularly for women --'It is your responsibility to anticipate danger and do not place yourself at risk.' A few years ago several women were raped and self defense meetings were held.

If you are truly in fear for you life, defend yourself. Deal with consequences later. At least you will be alive. I certainly intend to fight for my life in similar circumstances.

I will try to muster up some courage. I don't think I could survive a trial.
I have a healthy fear of legal consequences. And am greatly concerned about my ignorance of the law.

At any rate--living in the state of GA--unless you are in your own home and someone is clearly threatening your life--ie --the woman who shot the intruder while hiding in a crawl space with her 2 daughters---it is likely that you would be charged for using deadly force. I cannot think of an example of a person using deadly force outside of his/her home. For whatever reasons, knock on wood, violent crimes seem to be down. Perhaps that is not true--exceptionally violent or crimes that would be of interest to the media may be down.
2 years ago there was a killing/burglary spree around the holidays--since then I can't recall anything major --not that homicide isn't major. There are plenty of homicides weekly. fwiw.

The line of thinking, particularly for women --'It is your responsibility to anticipate danger and do not place yourself at risk.' A few years ago several women were raped and self defense meetings were held.

If you are truly in fear for you life, defend yourself. Deal with consequences later. At least you will be alive. I certainly intend to fight for my life in similar circumstances.

And call Mr. Stamina if you do run into trouble.

And tell him I said "hi!"

*tequila kickin in*
Hey, I'm still not far off from negging you, Quick. Don't WTF me. Trayvon is guilty of foolishness.

One, you seem to be thinking that Zimmerman could have averted an altercation. So there is no "slightest' to it. It was Martin who thought just being followed warranted beating a man senseless over. Hey, he wanted to be the tough guy, remember? Were you not watching the trial tonight?

Like I just posted, there is no hard evidence of who started the altercation. I believe Zimmerman pulled the gun, and Trayvon fearing for HIS life tried to wrestle it away from GZ.

Clearly the utterance by Martin "you're going to die tonight, motherfucker" slipped past those ears of yours apparently. Like I said in my previous post, you are being dishonest. There was not an iota of fear from Trayvon. None. Tonight's developments prove it.

You're acting like that is a fact. Why should we believe GZ who came up with that awful line from a B-movie, "You're going to die tonight"? It's ludicrous.
I have a healthy fear of legal consequences. And am greatly concerned about my ignorance of the law.

At any rate--living in the state of GA--unless you are in your own home and someone is clearly threatening your life--ie --the woman who shot the intruder while hiding in a crawl space with her 2 daughters---it is likely that you would be charged for using deadly force. I cannot think of an example of a person using deadly force outside of his/her home. For whatever reasons, knock on wood, violent crimes seem to be down. Perhaps that is not true--exceptionally violent or crimes that would be of interest to the media may be down.
2 years ago there was a killing/burglary spree around the holidays--since then I can't recall anything major --not that homicide isn't major. There are plenty of homicides weekly. fwiw.

The line of thinking, particularly for women --'It is your responsibility to anticipate danger and do not place yourself at risk.' A few years ago several women were raped and self defense meetings were held.

If you are truly in fear for you life, defend yourself. Deal with consequences later. At least you will be alive. I certainly intend to fight for my life in similar circumstances.

I will try to muster up some courage. I don't think I could survive a trial.

Then you might have real trouble surviving an attack that you think is going to get you killed.
RKM, perhaps you missed the expert witness who made the case that NONE of us in extremely stressful situations will remember every detail accurately? There is your 'hole'.

Understood. Did you watch GZ's reenactment? He's being explicit about the night before. Explicit description of the seconds of the shot. Pinned TM's hand under his arm pit and with the same right arm reached down and pulled the gun brought it up and shot TM all in one motion. I believe it's easy to get some facts wrong. It's also possible that TM was getting up and GZ miss-interpreted that as TM going from the gun. If that's the way they want to fill it.. fill it. Leaving GZ's impossible story as the only explanation... it's just frustrating for this Engineer :)

Even in engineering (regardless of the field), not everything is 100%. There's give and take.
Like I just posted, there is no hard evidence of who started the altercation. I believe Zimmerman pulled the gun, and Trayvon fearing for HIS life tried to wrestle it away from GZ.

Clearly the utterance by Martin "you're going to die tonight, motherfucker" slipped past those ears of yours apparently. Like I said in my previous post, you are being dishonest. There was not an iota of fear from Trayvon. None. Tonight's developments prove it.

You're acting like that is a fact. Why should we believe GZ who came up with that awful line from a B-movie, "You're going to die tonight"? It's ludicrous.

Anybody else as shocked as I am?

Like.... Not at all?

UNREAL: Documents Show DOJ Helped Organize And Support Anti-Zimmerman Protests Including Al Sharpton’s…


Truly enraging.

Via Daily Caller:

A division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) was deployed to Sanford, Florida in 2012 to provide assistance for anti-George Zimmerman protests, including a rally headlined by activist Al Sharpton, according to newly released documents.

The Community Relations Service (CRS), a unit of DOJ, reported expenses related to its deployment in Sanford to help manage protests between March and April 2012, according to documents obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

CRS spent $674.14 between March 25-27 related to having been “deployed to Sanford, FL, to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain.” CRS spent another $1,142.84 for the same purpose between March 25-28.

CRS spent $892.55 “to provide support for protest deployment in Florida” between March 30-April 1, and $751.60 “to provide technical assistance to the City of Sanford, event organizers, and law enforcement agencies for the march and rally on March 31.”

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
If you're running around playing cop which we know GZ was doing from all his complaints about people to 911, don't bring a gun with you. Anybody could do that and get away with killing people. Because it isn't hard to go up to someone like GZ did and provoke anyone. Do that with a gun and end up shooting them dead, and you'll be convicted of manslaughter.
RKM, perhaps you missed the expert witness who made the case that NONE of us in extremely stressful situations will remember every detail accurately? There is your 'hole'.

Understood. Did you watch GZ's reenactment? He's being explicit about the night before. Explicit description of the seconds of the shot. Pinned TM's hand under his arm pit and with the same right arm reached down and pulled the gun brought it up and shot TM all in one motion. I believe it's easy to get some facts wrong. It's also possible that TM was getting up and GZ miss-interpreted that as TM going from the gun. If that's the way they want to fill it.. fill it. Leaving GZ's impossible story as the only explanation... it's just frustrating for this Engineer :)

Zimmermans story is only impossible in your eyes. Even someone who rates a .5 on the grappling scale can clinch an arm long enough to pull a weapon and shoot.

Not with the same arm.. Pin your left hand under your right arm pit.. now while holding your left hand there, use your right hand to reach for an imaginary gun, pull the gun out of the holster, and shoot the guy. What happened to your left hand? Now imagine someone is on top of you you are laying on the ground and he's attacking you. Try this with two people.. it's like GZ is imagining some game of twister.
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Here is the low down.

Person D engages in a fight with person V intending to kill person V and person D draws out a gun and shoots person V in the chest, causing his (V's) death. Person D claims self defense.

Person B engages in a fight with person X NOT intending to kill person X but believing that Person X is trying to kill him (B), so B draws out a gun and shoots Person X in the chest, causing his (X's) death. Person B claims self defense.

Because one of the two defendants is lying (according to this little side-by-side set of hypotheticals) SOME people seem to think that neither of them should be allowed to claim self defense.

I think they should both be allowed to claim self defense but that the one who is lying should (in a just universe) have his lie exposed and his defense rejected.
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Did I say downpour?

Every single prosecution witness said it was raining fairly heavy. The alleged girlfriend even managed to here the phone drop on wet grass. You should call the state prosecutor up and tell him to go back and discredit the testimony of all his witnesses about the weather because your infinite wisdom has shown you that it was only a drizzle. That might make it even harder for him to prove that Zimmerman was wrong, but it should make you feel better.

Does your acronym mean you are too stupid to look up and see that storing wet clothing in plastic bags causes mildew?

It would not have completely washed away stains.

The fact remains..that Martin's sleeves had no blood on them.

Not the hoodie. Not the shirt.

That would be strange if he had been stabbing Zimmerman.

It takes longer to get blood on you when you're on top, because of gravity and the injuries weren't arterial in nature, and it was raining which made it harder for blood to splatter. This didn't happen in a vacuum you know.

Just not sure how many inconsistencies you folks want to just wave your hand at..

Martin "Broke" Zimmerman's nose, but the blood went down Zimmerman's throat instead of out..

..Yet..he was able to scream and shout with all blood going down his throat. And with hands over his nose and mouth.

Martin bashed Zimmerman's head against the concrete.. was raining..he wounds were insignificant and no DNA got transferred to his hoodie or shirt or hands.

Martin went for Zimmerman's gun..

..Yet..the gun was located over Zimmerman's butt and in an internal holster under a shirt and jacket. And Zimmerman, who "can't throw a punch" was able to accomplish a complicated arm lock..and pull his gun at the same time.

How much of this stuff do you let fly?
Yeah cause no one has ever been killed in retaliation in before.

He has to change his name and move to Timbuktu. There are no if's and's or butt's about it.

What you said is "if they don't make this thing make sense" like THAT is going to make a difference in the whacks out hunting him down to try to kill him when this is done.

His justice is small justice at best.

Life as he knew it is over forever.

And that is exactly why this entire trial and media circus is a gross miscarriage of justice. I can't imagine with the evidence presented that any jury with any sense of justice will convict Zimmerman. He may or may not be guilty, but the prosecution sure as hell hasn't made a case for second degree murder or even involuntary manslaughter.

But even with a full acquittal, Zimmerman will never feel completely safe, never feel completely at peace for a long, long time to come. He may be 100% innocent of any crime, misjudgment, or wrong doing, but his life is irrevocably changed forever.

But that pound of flesh isn't sufficient for the politically correct crowd is it. And I doubt that we will have the President of the United States, who rushed to judgment and, in my opinion, thus triggered this whole thing, will acknowledge the acquittal and acknowledge that justice was done. And so the informal trial will continue and be brought up on message boards for years to come.

I wonder if true justice is even possible anymore.

It may be brought up, but after this is over I am done with it unless there is an appeal.

I think the media has behaved abominably. I have never seen such a lynch mob as CNN and MSNBC. They want a guilty verdict worse than anyone I have ever seen in my life.

I have no respect for the media in this country.
Anybody else as shocked as I am?

Like.... Not at all?

UNREAL: Documents Show DOJ Helped Organize And Support Anti-Zimmerman Protests Including Al Sharpton’s…


Truly enraging.

Via Daily Caller:

A division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) was deployed to Sanford, Florida in 2012 to provide assistance for anti-George Zimmerman protests, including a rally headlined by activist Al Sharpton, according to newly released documents.

The Community Relations Service (CRS), a unit of DOJ, reported expenses related to its deployment in Sanford to help manage protests between March and April 2012, according to documents obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

CRS spent $674.14 between March 25-27 related to having been “deployed to Sanford, FL, to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain.” CRS spent another $1,142.84 for the same purpose between March 25-28.

CRS spent $892.55 “to provide support for protest deployment in Florida” between March 30-April 1, and $751.60 “to provide technical assistance to the City of Sanford, event organizers, and law enforcement agencies for the march and rally on March 31.”

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

no surprise here either---lots of disgust tho
If you're running around playing cop which we know GZ was doing from all his complaints about people to 911, don't bring a gun with you. Anybody could do that and get away with killing people. Because it isn't hard to go up to someone like GZ did and provoke anyone. Do that with a gun and end up shooting them dead, and you'll be convicted of manslaughter.

How long will St Skittles be dead?
Breaking News: Al Sharpton just released this video to prove that O'Mara assaulted an unarmed black dummy!

[ame=]HD Zimmerman TRIAL- Mark M O'Mara uses A Dummy to show head smashing action DENNIS ROOT - YouTube[/ame]
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