The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The Judge rightfully shut down the defense's nonsense.

1. No animation, if Zimmerman wants his account out there then he should take the damn stand.
2. No text messages from Trayvon, not needed.

1. I can agree on the animation.

2. Judge made a huge mistake ! Marc, your eyes and ears look awfully brown !
RKM, perhaps you missed the expert witness who made the case that NONE of us in extremely stressful situations will remember every detail accurately? There is your 'hole'.

DANG! Thanks Foxy.

His hole needed to be filled.

Our holes are already filled.

The whole hole thing was getting annoying.
Martin isn't on trial. It is clear when Zimmerman was following him around that Martin was just going to the store. Also there is no record of violent crimes for Martin. Now that is an important fact.

Zimmerman was not "following him around." That is a mischaracterization. Als Martin was not just going to the store. In fact he attracted Zimmerman's attention for acting weird. Martin was 17yrs old so no surprise about a lack of record. Not enough time to get one. I mean beyond the graffiti and suspicions of theft.
But all of that is irrelevant. What is relevant is what happened when Zimmerman shot him. Would a reasonable person be in fear of his life at that point? The answer is of course.

How is it a mischaracterization? I listened to zimmermans 911 call. He clearly states Martin ran away. The police also tell him he doesn't need to follow him. So if he isn't following him, how does the altercation ever happen?

So it is ok to harass someone into an altercation and then shoot him?

Because Martin doubled back and confronted him. Or did you miss that part?
They want to put that record up against a high-schooler who's been suspended and had a little bit of weed in his system to relax him.


Too funny!

This is the kid who had all that stolen jewelry in his backpack and was kicked out of school? And was smoking dope?

Uh-huh. This was a rotten kid headed for a life in and out of prison, like way too many.

Why make excuses for this kind of behavior?

Why don't we just kill everybody that gets in trouble then?
RKM, perhaps you missed the expert witness who made the case that NONE of us in extremely stressful situations will remember every detail accurately? There is your 'hole'.

Further - when he's recounting the story, you can hear him trying to "recall" or relive what went where as you would the day after a traumatic event in trying to recount each movement and detail.
Did you watch the trial today? We already knew it was raining, which could easily have washed any DNA off of Martin's hands, or are you going to try to rewrite the weather? It also came out that the ME did something that only happens on TV shows, they stored the wet clothes from both Zimmerman and Martin in sealed plastic bags. I will leave it to you to do some basic research on why you do not store organic material in plastic bags.

It was not a downpour! From what I have seen It was drizzling! The first police officer arrived on the scene in less than a minute after the shooting. That being said, she might have been able to preserve any fragile evidence that would have been washed away in the rain if not for securing GZ first! The 2nd officer arrived seconds later and performed CPR on Martin so the preservation of evidence was not his top priority either.

As far as your plastic bags: K.I.S.S. M.Y. A.S.S. I'll leave that acronym up to you to figure out!

Did I say downpour?

Every single prosecution witness said it was raining fairly heavy. The alleged girlfriend even managed to here the phone drop on wet grass. You should call the state prosecutor up and tell him to go back and discredit the testimony of all his witnesses about the weather because your infinite wisdom has shown you that it was only a drizzle. That might make it even harder for him to prove that Zimmerman was wrong, but it should make you feel better.

Does your acronym mean you are too stupid to look up and see that storing wet clothing in plastic bags causes mildew?

Raining fairly heavy and downpour are subjective terms. However, from the photos I saw of Martin's body, lying where he fell, his hoodie was not soaked...nor were the clothing of GZ in photos and video of him getting out of a police cruiser and entering the police station during the initial investigation! IMHO that is inconsistent with either term.

THE PHONE DROPPING ON WET GRASS! I take it you are being sarcastic here... Surely even YOU can comprehend that if a splooshing sound was made when the phone was dropped it might be because it fell into a puddle formed earlier by lawn sprinklers.

Again, you moronic upstart, there was no evidence that Martin banged GZ's head against the concrete as he claimed. The gun toting coward said he stumbled and fell when Martin supposedly re- appeared near him. Now, I'm wondering if Martin said BOO and caused the scaredy cat GZ to fall backwards and bump his head on the concrete.


We were not talking about storing wet clothing in a bag, idiot. You interjected that tidbit into the conversation and expected me to play games with you over it. No thanks...I don't play by your rules, punk!
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Oh come on!

You just took the contrarian buffoonery to a level of the purey absurd :eusa_hand:

Yeah cause no one has ever been killed in retaliation in before.

He has to change his name and move to Timbuktu. There are no if's and's or butt's about it.

What you said is "if they don't make this thing make sense" like THAT is going to make a difference in the whacks out hunting him down to try to kill him when this is done.

His justice is small justice at best.

Life as he knew it is over forever.

And that is exactly why this entire trial and media circus is a gross miscarriage of justice. I can't imagine with the evidence presented that any jury with any sense of justice will convict Zimmerman. He may or may not be guilty, but the prosecution sure as hell hasn't made a case for second degree murder or even involuntary manslaughter.

But even with a full acquittal, Zimmerman will never feel completely safe, never feel completely at peace for a long, long time to come. He may be 100% innocent of any crime, misjudgment, or wrong doing, but his life is irrevocably changed forever.

But that pound of flesh isn't sufficient for the politically correct crowd is it. And I doubt that we will have the President of the United States, who rushed to judgment and, in my opinion, thus triggered this whole thing, will acknowledge the acquittal and acknowledge that justice was done. And so the informal trial will continue and be brought up on message boards for years to come.

I wonder if true justice is even possible anymore.
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Criminals all over Florida are celebrating because their text messages and pictures on their phone are inadmissible, unless an eye witness can authenticate that they actually created these images. Strike one for the criminals today! Yay!
You think the next defendant in front of Nelson cites her decision to not allow their own texts? Would love to see her face!
RKM, perhaps you missed the expert witness who made the case that NONE of us in extremely stressful situations will remember every detail accurately? There is your 'hole'.

Understood. Did you watch GZ's reenactment? He's being explicit about the night before. Explicit description of the seconds of the shot. Pinned TM's hand under his arm pit and with the same right arm reached down and pulled the gun brought it up and shot TM all in one motion. I believe it's easy to get some facts wrong. It's also possible that TM was getting up and GZ miss-interpreted that as TM going from the gun. If that's the way they want to fill it.. fill it. Leaving GZ's impossible story as the only explanation... it's just frustrating for this Engineer :)
As far as I know --that is the law we have here.

How LE interprets the Law. I am properly intimidated.

Far more afraid of being 'accused'/charged than of being injured or killed. My brother had some experiences--that is all I will say.

You fear that you will be punished for defending yourself?

I have a healthy fear of legal consequences. And am greatly concerned about my ignorance of the law.

At any rate--living in the state of GA--unless you are in your own home and someone is clearly threatening your life--ie --the woman who shot the intruder while hiding in a crawl space with her 2 daughters---it is likely that you would be charged for using deadly force. I cannot think of an example of a person using deadly force outside of his/her home. For whatever reasons, knock on wood, violent crimes seem to be down. Perhaps that is not true--exceptionally violent or crimes that would be of interest to the media may be down.
2 years ago there was a killing/burglary spree around the holidays--since then I can't recall anything major --not that homicide isn't major. There are plenty of homicides weekly. fwiw.

The line of thinking, particularly for women --'It is your responsibility to anticipate danger and do not place yourself at risk.' A few years ago several women were raped and self defense meetings were held.

If you are truly in fear for you life, defend yourself. Deal with consequences later. At least you will be alive. I certainly intend to fight for my life in similar circumstances.
Clearly the utterance by Martin "you're going to die tonight, motherfucker" slipped past those ears of yours apparently. Like I said in my previous post, you are being dishonest. There was not an iota of fear from Trayvon. None. Tonight's developments prove it.

think you are getting played

I know. That's why I put him on my ignore list.

Thank God. This guy wants to punish people for free speech.
They want to put that record up against a high-schooler who's been suspended and had a little bit of weed in his system to relax him.


Too funny!

This is the kid who had all that stolen jewelry in his backpack and was kicked out of school? And was smoking dope?

Uh-huh. This was a rotten kid headed for a life in and out of prison, like way too many.

Why make excuses for this kind of behavior?

Why don't we just kill everybody that gets in trouble then?

That would certainly help curtailing crime.
Suffice it to say, JQPubic, that your ignorance knows no bounds.

The case has ZERO to do with "stand your ground."

You have lapped up the uninformed blather of the silly main stream lolberal media.

Stand your ground means you are not required to run away if you are able to do so in safety.

But when some guy is ON TOP of you, pounding you, the question of running away is utterly moot.

You remain entirely wrong.

Laughably so.

My "ignorance" has bounds alright The "bounds" are the four corners of your square head.
If it escapes that tight confine then I might be concerned.

Do you have any link to back up that knee jerk definition you just coughed up! Keep in mind that we are talking about Florida law not any other state.

If I am wrong give me something to prove I am wrong. I am not interested in your gut feelings or excerpts from the KKK debate team's perspective on this matter!~

Only idiots and people who have an agenda ever mention stand your ground in reference to this case.

I will leave it to history to judge the fact that having an agenda actually requires intelligence.

In other words, you can't backup your frivolous statements...
RKM, perhaps you missed the expert witness who made the case that NONE of us in extremely stressful situations will remember every detail accurately? There is your 'hole'.

Understood. Did you watch GZ's reenactment? He's being explicit about the night before. Explicit description of the seconds of the shot. Pinned TM's hand under his arm pit and with the same right arm reached down and pulled the gun brought it up and shot TM all in one motion. I believe it's easy to get some facts wrong. It's also possible that TM was getting up and GZ miss-interpreted that as TM going from the gun. If that's the way they want to fill it.. fill it. Leaving GZ's impossible story as the only explanation... it's just frustrating for this Engineer :)

Zimmermans story is only impossible in your eyes. Even someone who rates a .5 on the grappling scale can clinch an arm long enough to pull a weapon and shoot.
Her ruling just became case law. The next time the state tries to use someone's text messages to convict them, why wouldn't the defense use this ruling, especially to her, to disallow these texts?
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