The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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RKM, perhaps you missed the expert witness who made the case that NONE of us in extremely stressful situations will remember every detail accurately? There is your 'hole'.

Understood. Did you watch GZ's reenactment? He's being explicit about the night before. Explicit description of the seconds of the shot. Pinned TM's hand under his arm pit and with the same right arm reached down and pulled the gun brought it up and shot TM all in one motion. I believe it's easy to get some facts wrong. It's also possible that TM was getting up and GZ miss-interpreted that as TM going from the gun. If that's the way they want to fill it.. fill it. Leaving GZ's impossible story as the only explanation... it's just frustrating for this Engineer :)

Even in engineering (regardless of the field), not everything is 100%. There's give and take.

Willing to give and take... I'm just discussing. I'm just trying to figure out how it could have been done. We know it happened. How could it have happened?
If you are truly in fear for you life, defend yourself. Deal with consequences later. At least you will be alive. I certainly intend to fight for my life in similar circumstances.

I will try to muster up some courage. I don't think I could survive a trial.

Then you might have real trouble surviving an attack that you think is going to get you killed.

I think about that from time to time. A paradigm shift is definitely needed.

Relying on LE to protect me is not enough.
My "ignorance" has bounds alright The "bounds" are the four corners of your square head.
If it escapes that tight confine then I might be concerned.

Do you have any link to back up that knee jerk definition you just coughed up! Keep in mind that we are talking about Florida law not any other state.

If I am wrong give me something to prove I am wrong. I am not interested in your gut feelings or excerpts from the KKK debate team's perspective on this matter!~

Only idiots and people who have an agenda ever mention stand your ground in reference to this case.

I will leave it to history to judge the fact that having an agenda actually requires intelligence.

In other words, you can't backup your frivolous statements...

No. No other words required. You ARE the idiot who imagines that this case has ANYthing to do with "stand your ground."

It does not.

But, let's give you a golden moment to show how brilliant you are.

Define (with reference to Florida statutes and case law) what "stand your ground" means.

Then, tell the class exactly HOW you imagine that the notion of "stand your ground" has ANY connection at all to a situation where a guy is pinned on the ground on his back, getting pummeled and manages to get to his gun before having his skull cracked open.
Understood. Did you watch GZ's reenactment? He's being explicit about the night before. Explicit description of the seconds of the shot. Pinned TM's hand under his arm pit and with the same right arm reached down and pulled the gun brought it up and shot TM all in one motion. I believe it's easy to get some facts wrong. It's also possible that TM was getting up and GZ miss-interpreted that as TM going from the gun. If that's the way they want to fill it.. fill it. Leaving GZ's impossible story as the only explanation... it's just frustrating for this Engineer :)

Even in engineering (regardless of the field), not everything is 100%. There's give and take.

Willing to give and take... I'm just discussing. I'm just trying to figure out how it could have been done. We know it happened. How could it have happened?

It could have happened EXACTLY as he said.
It would not have completely washed away stains.

The fact remains..that Martin's sleeves had no blood on them.

Not the hoodie. Not the shirt.

That would be strange if he had been stabbing Zimmerman.

It takes longer to get blood on you when you're on top, because of gravity and the injuries weren't arterial in nature, and it was raining which made it harder for blood to splatter. This didn't happen in a vacuum you know.

Just not sure how many inconsistencies you folks want to just wave your hand at..

Martin "Broke" Zimmerman's nose, but the blood went down Zimmerman's throat instead of out..

..Yet..he was able to scream and shout with all blood going down his throat. And with hands over his nose and mouth.

Martin bashed Zimmerman's head against the concrete.. was raining..he wounds were insignificant and no DNA got transferred to his hoodie or shirt or hands.

Martin went for Zimmerman's gun..

..Yet..the gun was located over Zimmerman's butt and in an internal holster under a shirt and jacket. And Zimmerman, who "can't throw a punch" was able to accomplish a complicated arm lock..and pull his gun at the same time.
How much of this stuff do you let fly?

You sure spin a good story. Too bad none of it's based on facts or supported by any evidence.
Understood. Did you watch GZ's reenactment? He's being explicit about the night before. Explicit description of the seconds of the shot. Pinned TM's hand under his arm pit and with the same right arm reached down and pulled the gun brought it up and shot TM all in one motion. I believe it's easy to get some facts wrong. It's also possible that TM was getting up and GZ miss-interpreted that as TM going from the gun. If that's the way they want to fill it.. fill it. Leaving GZ's impossible story as the only explanation... it's just frustrating for this Engineer :)

Even in engineering (regardless of the field), not everything is 100%. There's give and take.

Willing to give and take... I'm just discussing. I'm just trying to figure out how it could have been done. We know it happened. How could it have happened?

So far, the most logical explanation is that Martin was leaning over Zimmerman. Testimony supports that, forensic evidence supports that. Today it looks like they prosecution KNOWS they are beaten and are trying to raise reasonable doubt that it was the way the defense has shown it was. But that isn't enough. The prosecution has to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. They have not and they cannot.
If you're running around playing cop which we know GZ was doing from all his complaints about people to 911, don't bring a gun with you. Anybody could do that and get away with killing people. Because it isn't hard to go up to someone like GZ did and provoke anyone. Do that with a gun and end up shooting them dead, and you'll be convicted of manslaughter.

How long will St Skittles be dead?

That's probably a question that GZ now asks about his future victims. He's got a taste now.:eek:
If Zimmernman gets convicted, the defence is going to have a field day with this judge on appeal.
If you're running around playing cop which we know GZ was doing from all his complaints about people to 911, don't bring a gun with you. Anybody could do that and get away with killing people. Because it isn't hard to go up to someone like GZ did and provoke anyone. Do that with a gun and end up shooting them dead, and you'll be convicted of manslaughter.

He wasn't running around playing cop.
He was legally authorized to carry a gun.
Zimmerman didn't provoke anyone.
The gun saved Zimmerman's life.
He won't be convicted of manslaughter. Or anything else.

So otehr than being completely wrong and a slimy crotch jockey you've got it covered.
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Was the judge just badgering Z to get him to answer HER on whether or not he wanted to testify on his own behalf? Damn!
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