The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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So! What did I miss?

I'm guessing as soon as the rebuttal witnesses are done, George's parents will be allowed into the courtroom? Pretty low by the prosecution to leave them subject to recall. Defense didn't pull that shit on Martin's parents.

Welcome back Ernie. Low moves seem to be the government's playbook these days.
What pisses me off about the sleazeball state is they came in with this rebuttal witness and probably their case law and argument knowing this was improper and there would be a fight and trying to sneak it in and telling Stamina 2 seconds before so they are prepared to argue but defense isn't.

Sleazy fn crap from them this whole trial.

jose cuervo time

[ame=]Jose Cuervo, you are a friend of mine - YouTube[/ame]

Was Pollack released? If so, then he can do whatever the hell he wants to do.

Also, what does it matter if he advertises AFTER he testifies? He didn't choose GZ as a client. GZ chose him. And Pollack had no way of knowing GZ was going to become newsworthy. It's not as if Pollack's testimony should be disbelieved because he wants to capitalize on GZ going to his gym.

ESPECIALLY since the whole focus of the defense has been what a horrible, out of shape, girly man he was, even after losing the weight. Defense is that GZ did not have a clue how to fight or defend himself, to some extent.

Of course it would.

Can you be more specific? Wouldn't you agree that GZ is at least a loser? You'd have to be to follow people around to try and feel self-important and spend half of your adult life calling the police on people for any reason.

In a time of apathy and selfishness, someone cares enough about the neighborhood that they live in to volunteer their time to try and keep that neighborhood safe by joining a Neighborhood Watch, but you call him a "loser"? What makes George Zimmerman a loser in your eyes? The fact that he cared? That's the OPPOSITE of a sociopath!

He's a loser within this idiots mind because he didn't accept being killed or put in a ER. This is all these dumb shits have is this crap.

They hate self defense...We're in for a lot of trouble as they're many.
Can a rebuttal witness be used to introduce new testimony?

That is the question.

anything is possible with this judge.

At this point I expect her to look over at the jury and say "thanks for visiting with us," dismiss them from the courtroom, and begin to cane Zimmerman until he decides to testify. Florida is weird.

She damn near shook him by his shoulders and screamed " TESTIFY AGAINST YOURSELF DAMMIT " !!
Defense has officially rested.

State has called Adam Pollack as rebuttal witness.

and who the heck is Adam Pollack and what does he have to add to this?

Adam Pollack is Zimmerman's fight trainer. Supposedly was trying to teach Zimmerman how to box... was the guy who said Zimmerman didn't know how to punch and was morbidly obese when he met him. Somehow, the state thinks that he is using this whole thing to promote his gym.
The conflict now is about this question:

Mantei asks Adam if he is currently marketing the training he gave to #Zimmerman on his website. He said "absolutely not". Sidebar

He is offering to tell people what training Zimmerman received...after the trial is over. That he is marketing the training is obvious because Zimmerman signed up for it.

I do not know what this has to do with the case.
The 15 minute recess is running long.

Judge Mope is as good at timekeeping as she is with making legal decisions.
Pollack didn't have an ulterior motive at the time GZ became his client so how is his statement of fact in an ad impeachment material?
Defense has officially rested.

State has called Adam Pollack as rebuttal witness.

and who the heck is Adam Pollack and what does he have to add to this?

His owns the gym where Zimmerman trained. He has a request form on his web page that offers information about what training George received. It will be available AFTER THE TRIAL IS OVER.

I think this photo is doctored... how could Mr. Pollack commit such an egregious error?
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