The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Of course it would.

Can you be more specific? Wouldn't you agree that GZ is at least a loser? You'd have to be to follow people around to try and feel self-important and spend half of your adult life calling the police on people for any reason.

In a time of apathy and selfishness, someone cares enough about the neighborhood that they live in to volunteer their time to try and keep that neighborhood safe by joining a Neighborhood Watch, but you call him a "loser"? What makes George Zimmerman a loser in your eyes? The fact that he cared? That's the OPPOSITE of a sociopath!

I didn't call him a loser.
It's common for criminals to come up with an elaborate story to cover their crimes and those stories are invariably "consistent."

Who's the criminal? Zimmerman was well within his right of self defense. Asshole. :cuckoo:

I believe Quick is explaining his own view of this case. He (Quick) has created a narrative and is sticking with it.

If he's guilty then he lied. That can't be more evident.
STATE persecutors: We want "provoked" to be defined as "anything done by the defendant that might rile up anybody."

O'M: Apparently wants to go with at least one piece of case law that appears to have "defined" "provoked" in a more rational fashion.
Apparently Mertex's comprehension challenges extend to recognizing sarcasm too, but whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
There's a thin line between sarcasm and bigotry. I don't think you fool anyone.

On an unrelated note, he's still too much of a pussy to acknowledge he was full of shit when he claimed that Zimmerman said blacks always get away.
That's what was aired on a tape. That you don't want to admit it is because most racist claim denial when confronted.
But nobody ever said pusillanimity and ignorance are mutually exclusive. :lol:
Bigotry and ignorance go hand in hand, as you have so positively proven.:badgrin:
If his defense stands up to cross examination then not guilty slam dunk.
I do not fault the defense for not putting him up.
This is not about ME but the jury. It may hurt him as there may be jurors that need to hear his side of this subject to cross.
I believe he does not need to testify but have spoken with many jurors that wanted to hear the defendant say his side live.

As a layman, I understand that the accused seldom takes the stand in a murder trial unless the Defense is in serious dog doo-doo

Yea, but in this case there's an additional reason. If Z testifies among the train wreck of the explanations he's already given, the jury will see first hand how peculiar his character is.
And how much of a pathological liar he is as well.

As a layman, I understand that the accused seldom takes the stand in a murder trial unless the Defense is in serious dog doo-doo

Yea, but in this case there's an additional reason. If Z testifies among the train wreck of the explanations he's already given, the jury will see first hand how peculiar his character is.

"Train wreck" That's good. The only train wreck here is the prosecution's case. Zimmerman has been pretty consistent.
Yeah, he's been consistently lying.
Go ahead strike it. The jury will think you're a bully Donnellys testimony was heartfelt and believable
Go ahead strike it. The jury will think you're a bully Donnellys testimony was heartfelt and believable

Layer that on top of being told here's the rebuttal! then no rebuttals - hopefully those women are smart enough to pick up what's being put down as far as that goes. Women ain't dat dum
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