The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Yes it's definitely guns. To me this is an example how things can go really wrong if your carrying a gun. Clearly Martin wasn't doing anything wrong until he was confronted. After that I guess we don't know what happened. If they were fighting after Zimmerman confronted him it seems really wrong that Martin ends up dead. Seems like he was minding his own business and Zimmerman brought about the confrontation. If Martin did attack him I don't think he was going to kill him, should have just been a fight. But instead it's a death thanks to the gun. All that said Zimmerman probably had good intentions that went really bad. Again probably thanks to the gun. So yes the politics is because of the gun.

And that's why Al Sharpton goes ballistic every time a white man is shot with a gun, hmmm? :cuckoo:
Can you be more specific? Wouldn't you agree that GZ is at least a loser? You'd have to be to follow people around to try and feel self-important and spend half of your adult life calling the police on people for any reason.

In a time of apathy and selfishness, someone cares enough about the neighborhood that they live in to volunteer their time to try and keep that neighborhood safe by joining a Neighborhood Watch, but you call him a "loser"? What makes George Zimmerman a loser in your eyes? The fact that he cared? That's the OPPOSITE of a sociopath!

He's a loser within this idiots mind because he didn't accept being killed or put in a ER. This is all these dumb shits have is this crap.

They hate self defense...We're in for a lot of trouble as they're many.

Self-defense is a sacred tenet and should be frowned upon when a stalker tries to claim it.
Well, Zimmerman said he lost of sight of him. Others testified Martin said he ran away from him. So I leave it up to you to figure out how Martin encountered Zimmerman, who was on his way back to his car.

Well like I said the shooting was around a corner from Zimmermans car. That would be out of sight. Zimmerman got there by following Martin. While Martin could have gone farther away and come back, I've not yet heard any evidence of this.

So Zimmerman, who was obese, ran after Martin, who was a football player, caught up with him and shot him? Is that the line you want to take here?

Well Martin may have run till he was out of sight then walked. Zimmerman doesn't look so obese that he couldn't run. But I think what is important is that clearly Zimmerman followed Martin, hence why shooting took place away from car.
Apparently Mertex's comprehension challenges extend to recognizing sarcasm too, but whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
There's a thin line between sarcasm and bigotry. I don't think you fool anyone.

On an unrelated note, he's still too much of a pussy to acknowledge he was full of shit when he claimed that Zimmerman said blacks always get away.
That's what was aired on a tape. That you don't want to admit it is because most racist claim denial when confronted.
But nobody ever said pusillanimity and ignorance are mutually exclusive. :lol:
Bigotry and ignorance go hand in hand, as you have so positively proven.:badgrin:

Are you basing this opinion on the supposed 'fucking coons' comment? Or was there something else in Zimmerman's 911 call which equates to him saying blacks always get away?

I'm honestly curious. I haven't paid enough attention to this case to know exactly what was in the 911 call, but I was under the impression that the 'fucking coons' phrase was pretty well debunked.
Well like I said the shooting was around a corner from Zimmermans car. That would be out of sight. Zimmerman got there by following Martin. While Martin could have gone farther away and come back, I've not yet heard any evidence of this.

So Zimmerman, who was obese, ran after Martin, who was a football player, caught up with him and shot him? Is that the line you want to take here?

Well Martin may have run till he was out of sight then walked. Zimmerman doesn't look so obese that he couldn't run. But I think what is important is that clearly Zimmerman followed Martin, hence why shooting took place away from car.

No, I want to hear your explanation for how Martin, the athlete, ran away and Zimmerman, who was obese according to medical reports at the time, caught up with him and shot him.
Actually, Zimmerman behaved better than his drunk attorney, West in that exchange with the judge. He should have considered firing West on the spot.

Because his attorney PROPERLY objected to an over-reaching question from the judge?

I may have been wrong about you, Sarie. I thought you knew nothing about the law.

It turns out that you know less than nothing about the law.

Well, I do have one thing to say about that. There was a show there that I think is lost on a lot of people. She repeatedly asked and stressed it was ZIMMERMAN'S choice not to testify.

I believe that in the Code of Professional Conduct it is stated that an attorney may not put a person on the stand when he KNOWS the person is going to lie on the stand.

Now, see what a difference? If I were Zimmerman, I would not want to testify either. Given the way the media has treated him, the stress he has been under, I don't think he could make a good presentation on the stand. Having the jury know that HE chose not to take the stand is infinitely better than having them think the lawyer could not put him on the stand because he would perjur himself.

I know that is a sublime difference. But in reality most ordinary people, I think, believe that it is the LAWYER who makes that decision. And in the case of having a client who will commit perjury it IS. It looked like she was picking on the defense, but the jury knowing this was a decision that Zimmerman made for himself is very important. Just my not so humble opinion.
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