The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Looks like mana$$ is annoying him, too

The conflict now is about this question:

Mantei asks Adam if he is currently marketing the training he gave to #Zimmerman on his website. He said "absolutely not". Sidebar

He is offering to tell people what training Zimmerman received...after the trial is over. That he is marketing the training is obvious because Zimmerman signed up for it.

I do not know what this has to do with the case.

Perhaps about the same thing that Jeantel's going to the funeral or not going to the funeral have to do with the case.

Weapons Grade stupidity
I explained this to him a few nights ago, when he was playing coy. He picks and chooses what he wants to believe. Has his own narrative, absent the facts, and is being consistent to it. This is his own definition of a criminal and a sociopath.

I don't remember you saying to me their were only 6 jurors. Are you sure?

You sound desperate to grab onto a simple mistake so vehemently.

you don't remember because you do not listen. You have your own paranoid ideas and nothing goes through to you

Looks like mana$$ is annoying him, too


Anyone know who the man is next to the one circled in yellow is? He has on a grey tie? (He's cute! Possibly WAT?)
Well, I do have one thing to say about that. There was a show there that I think is lost on a lot of people. She repeatedly asked and stressed it was ZIMMERMAN'S choice not to testify.

I believe that in the Code of Professional Conduct it is stated that an attorney may not put a person on the stand when he KNOWS the person is going to lie on the stand.

Now, see what a difference? If I were Zimmerman, I would not want to testify either. Give the way the media has treated him, the stress he has been under, I don't think he could make a good presentation on the stand. Having the jury know that HE chose not to take the stand is infinitely better than having them think the lawyer could not put him on the stand because he would perjur himself.

I know that is a sublime difference. But in reality most ordinary people, I think, believe that it is the LAWYER who makes that decision. And in the case of having a client who will commit perjury it IS. It looked like she was picking on the defense, but the jury knowing this was a decision that Zimmerman made for himself is very important. Just my not so humble opinion.

There was nothing in the judge's questioning of Zimmerman that was even remotely related to any "concern" about the possibility that Zimmerman (like any other witness) might lie.

I don't think the jury was privy to this "discussion" which does look like it was done outside of their presence, thank goodness.

I'm not saying there was. I'm saying if she had not asked HIM, it would have looked as though his lawyer could not put him on the stand for ethical reasons. Whether the jury heard it or not, I think it was a good thing. She will likely make it known to the jury that HE made the decision. If I were Zimmerman I wouldn't want to testify either. I would be a wreck. I think I have been in some key places to see the kind of emotional turmoil people go through when there is a criminal accusation against them. I have also seen the fools who won't settle for probation but rather want their 'name cleared' and end up in the pen.

The only good thing that might have come out in Zimmerman's testimony is if he got upset during cross and got all shrill and high pitched like the screams on the 911 tape.
When should we expect them to call the "not guilty"?

Friday at the latest.

I'm just not convinced of that, Templar. I'm really not.

I think this guy might get sacrificed on the Altar Of Stupidity And Political Correctness.

If not Murder II, Manslaughter or maybe even Assault.

Something. I hope I'm wrong.

I would love to see the left go apoplectic
Bitchy's telling everyone who she's investigating for sequestration violations.

Wonder who it is?

Does it matter since she said the person was never called to testify?
I found a more interesting trial to watch.

[ame=]Courtroom Antics - YouTube[/ame]
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