The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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When should we expect them to call the "not guilty"?

Friday at the latest.

I'm just not convinced of that, Templar. I'm really not.

I think this guy might get sacrificed on the Altar Of Stupidity And Political Correctness.

If not Murder II, Manslaughter or maybe even Assault.

Something. I hope I'm wrong.

I would love to see the left go apoplectic

You are entitled to believe what you wish, Edgetho. He has all the stars aligned in his favor, regardless of the bias coming from the judge. If he is convicted here, it will be overturned on appeal. It will be a miscarriage of justice to convict a man without preponderance of evidence to suggest he committed the crime for which he is accused.
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One, two, cha, cha, cha

Three, four, cha, cha, cha
Well, I do have one thing to say about that. There was a show there that I think is lost on a lot of people. She repeatedly asked and stressed it was ZIMMERMAN'S choice not to testify.

I believe that in the Code of Professional Conduct it is stated that an attorney may not put a person on the stand when he KNOWS the person is going to lie on the stand.

Now, see what a difference? If I were Zimmerman, I would not want to testify either. Give the way the media has treated him, the stress he has been under, I don't think he could make a good presentation on the stand. Having the jury know that HE chose not to take the stand is infinitely better than having them think the lawyer could not put him on the stand because he would perjur himself.

I know that is a sublime difference. But in reality most ordinary people, I think, believe that it is the LAWYER who makes that decision. And in the case of having a client who will commit perjury it IS. It looked like she was picking on the defense, but the jury knowing this was a decision that Zimmerman made for himself is very important. Just my not so humble opinion.

There was nothing in the judge's questioning of Zimmerman that was even remotely related to any "concern" about the possibility that Zimmerman (like any other witness) might lie.

I don't think the jury was privy to this "discussion" which does look like it was done outside of their presence, thank goodness.

I'm not saying there was. I'm saying if she had not asked HIM, it would have looked as though his lawyer could not put him on the stand for ethical reasons. Whether the jury heard it or not, I think it was a good thing. She will likely make it known to the jury that HE made the decision. If I were Zimmerman I wouldn't want to testify either. I would be a wreck. I think I have been in some key places to see the kind of emotional turmoil people go through when there is a criminal accusation against them. I have also seen the fools who won't settle for probation but rather want their 'name cleared' and end up in the pen.

I assumed it was standard procedure to ask the defendant if he wanted to testify.

'Someone' opined that she could tell that GZ did want to testify. CNN or HLN commentator with long hair--'yes, I have covered many trials and I could tell GZ really wanted to testify'.

Then another person opined that it could have been a defense strategy--to wait until the end of the day to decide, keeping the prosecution guessing--when they, defendant and counsel knew he would not testify.

I don't have much patience for all the opinions.

A panel member said, 'As a juror I wouldn't be satisfied until I heard from the defendant's own mouth why he chose to leave his vehicle.'

shrug--That is not a burning issue to me after all the testimony.
It was not a downpour! From what I have seen It was drizzling! The first police officer arrived on the scene in less than a minute after the shooting. That being said, she might have been able to preserve any fragile evidence that would have been washed away in the rain if not for securing GZ first! The 2nd officer arrived seconds later and performed CPR on Martin so the preservation of evidence was not his top priority either.

As far as your plastic bags: K.I.S.S. M.Y. A.S.S. I'll leave that acronym up to you to figure out!

Did I say downpour?

Every single prosecution witness said it was raining fairly heavy. The alleged girlfriend even managed to here the phone drop on wet grass. You should call the state prosecutor up and tell him to go back and discredit the testimony of all his witnesses about the weather because your infinite wisdom has shown you that it was only a drizzle. That might make it even harder for him to prove that Zimmerman was wrong, but it should make you feel better.

Does your acronym mean you are too stupid to look up and see that storing wet clothing in plastic bags causes mildew?

It would not have completely washed away stains.

The fact remains..that Martin's sleeves had no blood on them.

Not the hoodie. Not the shirt.

Stupid is as stupid posts.

I didn't say it would have washed away the stains, did I? There were grass stains on the back of Zimmerman's jacket, and various blood stains on the front of his and Martin's clothes. The problem is that it destroyed the DNA, not that the stains were gone.

Thanks for allowing me to prove you how uninformed you are at the same time I was doing the same thing to the other idiot who wanted to prove that TV shows are real.
There are times when discovery violations are egregious, and there are times when they are inadvertent, as was the case with Donnelly. This was very petty, and frankly a waste of the court's time.

Other Florida attorneys will remember this when Mantei makes an inadvertent mistake during discovery in some other case. He probably hurt himself more than anyone with this motion. If you live by the sword, you die by the sword.
Quick question..................have you ever washed blood off of YOUR hands?

Even when I've only had my own blood on my hands, it was pretty hard to wash off.

Sorry....................but your "theory" doesn't really hold water.

Quick question, do you normally use sand to clean your hands? Martin was left in the rain for who knows how long before the ME carried him off, and he was then washed down by a lab assistant before the ME began the autopsy, Want to explain why I should consider your claim that you do not know how to wash your hands in light of the reality that most people can get blood off their hands in less than a minute?

[ame=""]Washing blood from my hands - YouTube[/ame]

The police were there 15 seconds after Martin was killed.

Yet they didn't take the elementary precaution of bagging Martin's hands to preserve evidence.
Who ever that still thinks Zimmerman is guilty is racist against Hispanics. You're totally illogical.

It takes 12 people that believe he's guilty for a conviction. Let's wait and see. :)

The jury in this trial is 6 people.

You know so little about this case but you keep flailing away. :dunno:

That's why I have over 2,000 posts in discussions about Zimmy.

I have been listening to the live feed for two days now and when I glance at it, I mostly look at the prosecution, defense, judge or witnesses. I saw the jury but it wasn't a wide-shot, at least, not one I saw.
Judge Ms. Impartiality (cough) is in a tight spot though. I have heard rumors along the underground info service that the Orlando and Sanford police are preparing themselves for a reaction to an innocent verdict. I'm sure she is thinking she and her home could be a target for some extra protest demonstrations too. And also I'm sure the designated and paid demonstrators are also planning their game plan.

I wonder who has compiled the names and addresses of jury members to hand out to the mob?

I can remember when stuff like that didn't factor into the justice system.
It was not a downpour! From what I have seen It was drizzling! The first police officer arrived on the scene in less than a minute after the shooting. That being said, she might have been able to preserve any fragile evidence that would have been washed away in the rain if not for securing GZ first! The 2nd officer arrived seconds later and performed CPR on Martin so the preservation of evidence was not his top priority either.

As far as your plastic bags: K.I.S.S. M.Y. A.S.S. I'll leave that acronym up to you to figure out!

Did I say downpour?

Every single prosecution witness said it was raining fairly heavy. The alleged girlfriend even managed to here the phone drop on wet grass. You should call the state prosecutor up and tell him to go back and discredit the testimony of all his witnesses about the weather because your infinite wisdom has shown you that it was only a drizzle. That might make it even harder for him to prove that Zimmerman was wrong, but it should make you feel better.

Does your acronym mean you are too stupid to look up and see that storing wet clothing in plastic bags causes mildew?

Raining fairly heavy and downpour are subjective terms. However, from the photos I saw of Martin's body, lying where he fell, his hoodie was not soaked...nor were the clothing of GZ in photos and video of him getting out of a police cruiser and entering the police station during the initial investigation! IMHO that is inconsistent with either term.

THE PHONE DROPPING ON WET GRASS! I take it you are being sarcastic here... Surely even YOU can comprehend that if a splooshing sound was made when the phone was dropped it might be because it fell into a puddle formed earlier by lawn sprinklers.

Again, you moronic upstart, there was no evidence that Martin banged GZ's head against the concrete as he claimed. The gun toting coward said he stumbled and fell when Martin supposedly re- appeared near him. Now, I'm wondering if Martin said BOO and caused the scaredy cat GZ to fall backwards and bump his head on the concrete.


We were not talking about storing wet clothing in a bag, idiot. You interjected that tidbit into the conversation and expected me to play games with you over it. No thanks...I don't play by your rules, punk!

Like I said, you should call up the prosecutor and point out how your expertise negates the testimony of every single witness the prosecution called, despite their attempts to prove via testimony that that there was little, or no, rain that night.
Question: Has Al Sharpton ever had a fit/called for mass protests when a black man shot and killed a 7/11 employee in cold blood over 50 bucks?

Nope, but he did get a jewish shop owner, and others, murdered for trying to use his own property. He is about to go 0/3 and criminal race pimping.
There was nothing in the judge's questioning of Zimmerman that was even remotely related to any "concern" about the possibility that Zimmerman (like any other witness) might lie.

I don't think the jury was privy to this "discussion" which does look like it was done outside of their presence, thank goodness.

I'm not saying there was. I'm saying if she had not asked HIM, it would have looked as though his lawyer could not put him on the stand for ethical reasons. Whether the jury heard it or not, I think it was a good thing. She will likely make it known to the jury that HE made the decision. If I were Zimmerman I wouldn't want to testify either. I would be a wreck. I think I have been in some key places to see the kind of emotional turmoil people go through when there is a criminal accusation against them. I have also seen the fools who won't settle for probation but rather want their 'name cleared' and end up in the pen.

I assumed it was standard procedure to ask the defendant if he wanted to testify.

'Someone' opined that she could tell that GZ did want to testify. CNN or HLN commentator with long hair--'yes, I have covered many trials and I could tell GZ really wanted to testify'.

Then another person opined that it could have been a defense strategy--to wait until the end of the day to decide, keeping the prosecution guessing--when they, defendant and counsel knew he would not testify.

I don't have much patience for all the opinions.

A panel member said, 'As a juror I wouldn't be satisfied until I heard from the defendant's own mouth why he chose to leave his vehicle.'

shrug--That is not a burning issue to me after all the testimony.

Nor to me. And I think if he got rattled and came unglued on the stand it would be worse than not taking the stand at all.

The defense is the side that has to present a reasonable alternative theory to the prosecution's case. At the end WTF? It was the PROSECUTION that came out with an alternative theory of how it went down, one that had not set about to prove and did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt.
Question: Has Al Sharpton ever had a fit/called for mass protests when a black man shot and killed a 7/11 employee in cold blood over 50 bucks?

he did not even had a fit when a black kid Jamil Shaw was executed by illegal gang member in LA...because it was not in a party-line to defend that black kid against sanctuary laws
There are times when discovery violations are egregious, and there are times when they are inadvertent, as was the case with Donnelly. This was very petty, and frankly a waste of the court's time.

Other Florida attorneys will remember this when Mantei makes an inadvertent mistake during discovery in some other case. He probably hurt himself more than anyone with this motion. If you live by the sword, you die by the sword.

[MENTION=30899]wharfrat[/MENTION] With Stamina objecting to manslaughter and aggravated assault - how likely are they to get those charges excluded when they argue tomorrow?
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