The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Asking the judge to add charges AFTER the defense's unAmerican

Not adding charges, consider a lesser charge.
And MOST times it is THE DEFENSE that does this.
Standard procedure done in most all criminal cases, especially murder cases.
Media is making this appear to be something unusual for ratings.
Imagine that, media distorting, slanting and twisting the facts.

What's really disturbing is that some of those on the LSM shows that are doing it...??

They're Lawyers.
The judge is going overboard in trying to fix a conviction for something. She knows that the prosecution failed to prove up their case she's trying to help.

Just like Cynthia Crowley helped Obama in the debate...
I believe what the evidence suggests. The evidence suggests that ZImmerman's story is, generally speaking, the true account of what happened. I see little to no evidence to suggest the opposite. I dont care what color or what political persuasion anyone is. I care about facts and the law.

You have no reason to believe what you do other than "Zimmerman shot a child to death." It is clear that is not the case. Martin was hardly a child. He was over 6 feet tall. Zimmerman was reasonably in fear of his life, as evidenced by his injuries and the neighbor's testimony. It is established in court that Martin was on top of Zimmerman. That makes Zimmerman's act an act of self defense and the killing a justifiable killing.
If you have some evidence other than "Zimmerman is a cop wannabe" or "Zimmerman shot an unarmed man" then bring it. OTherwise stfu and get out of this discussion.

Yes as long as we have a statement from the killer I guess all is settled. We should probably just always take the word of the killer and not waste time with trials. You are very wise.

So again I guess you ignore that Martin had no history of violent crime and blindly believe his first violent crime was going to be beating Zimmerman to death on the street.

Martin was 17, so that makes him a minor. Zimmerman is an adult. Zimmerman did shoot Martin dead. These are facts.

From what I have read who was on top is in question. We also don't know for sure who was screaming for help.

What we know is that Martin was coming back from the store and had every right to be there. Zimmerman followed him and a confrontation took place. Martin the minor ends up shot. Now I certainly don't know what happened, but I'm not going to believe everything the killer says blindly. That would just be dumb.

I believe things until I have a reason not to believe them. If you have no forensic or eye witness evidence to counter Zimmerman's testimony, and it is not contradicted by anything else, then there is no reason not to believe it.
Unless of course you're a brain dead hack with an agenda that says we must support inner city Negroes no matter what.

Or unless your a pro gun brain dead who assumes the shooter is always right.

I've gotten no good response to why Martin ran away just to run back and attack Zimmerman. Nor why a kid with no history of violence attacked him at all. I think only the brain dead can without question pick a side in this.
The judge is going overboard in trying to fix a conviction for something. She knows that the prosecution failed to prove up their case she's trying to help.

The other way to look at it is;

She knows a 'Not Guilty' verdict is coming and she has acted in a manner consistent with her siding with the persecution.

Damn! I'm starting to sound like a freaking lawyer now myself.

Remember after the OJ Trial? Everybody thought they were Marcia Clark or F Lee?

Pretty disturbing.
Ayup, this is the part of the movie where the guy says, yeah he may be innocent based on self defense, but Trayvon was a kid, big kid but a kid nonetheless and our job as citizens is to protect our kids not shoot them in self defense.

I hope she lets it in. It's so stupid only a moron would applaud this . Now we know why the texts were fought so hard

Zero tolerance.

What if, arguendo, TM was 12, 11, 10, 9? At what point does self defense fall and child abuse begin?

At no point does justification fall...if a five year old shoots a gun at you, you have the right to defend yourself.
It really doesn't matter what happens, if found guilty, he goes to prison.
If he is found NOT guilty, then released to the Heavily Armed general public ............. well, I'll let you formulate your own thoughts as to what will happen from this point.
If I was Zimmerman ................. I would plead GUILTY for my own safety.

Nope. I'd move to Montana. No black folks there.

FYI, Vermont is still the Whitest state in the union..and ironically, the most liberal, too.
I thought when I brought up the child issue earlier in the thread one of our resident lawyers said TM was not a child in the eyes of the law, he's a minor or a young adult or something.

I hope she lets it in. It's so stupid only a moron would applaud this . Now we know why the texts were fought so hard

Zero tolerance.

What if, arguendo, TM was 12, 11, 10, 9? At what point does self defense fall and child abuse begin?

At no point does justification fall...if a five year old shoots a gun at you, you have the right to defend yourself.

the worst trial ever.
I can't believe she didn't laugh at this absurd child abuse shit. She can't make a ruling based on logic but must make Defense put a half dozen people to work arguinf against sheer stupidity?

As an aside, has anyone else noticed a bat shaped tuft of hair on Richard Mantei's forehead?
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Yes as long as we have a statement from the killer I guess all is settled. We should probably just always take the word of the killer and not waste time with trials. You are very wise.

So again I guess you ignore that Martin had no history of violent crime and blindly believe his first violent crime was going to be beating Zimmerman to death on the street.

Martin was 17, so that makes him a minor. Zimmerman is an adult. Zimmerman did shoot Martin dead. These are facts.

From what I have read who was on top is in question. We also don't know for sure who was screaming for help.

What we know is that Martin was coming back from the store and had every right to be there. Zimmerman followed him and a confrontation took place. Martin the minor ends up shot. Now I certainly don't know what happened, but I'm not going to believe everything the killer says blindly. That would just be dumb.

I believe things until I have a reason not to believe them. If you have no forensic or eye witness evidence to counter Zimmerman's testimony, and it is not contradicted by anything else, then there is no reason not to believe it.
Unless of course you're a brain dead hack with an agenda that says we must support inner city Negroes no matter what.

Or unless your a pro gun brain dead who assumes the shooter is always right.

I've gotten no good response to why Martin ran away just to run back and attack Zimmerman. Nor why a kid with no history of violence attacked him at all. I think only the brain dead can without question pick a side in this.

Well, what does "no history of violence" mean? The pics from his phone certainly suggest violence. I dont know why Martin ran off then came back. Do you think that isn't what happened? Because every piece of circumstantial evidence says it did.
Yes as long as we have a statement from the killer I guess all is settled. We should probably just always take the word of the killer and not waste time with trials. You are very wise.

So again I guess you ignore that Martin had no history of violent crime and blindly believe his first violent crime was going to be beating Zimmerman to death on the street.

Martin was 17, so that makes him a minor. Zimmerman is an adult. Zimmerman did shoot Martin dead. These are facts.

From what I have read who was on top is in question. We also don't know for sure who was screaming for help.

What we know is that Martin was coming back from the store and had every right to be there. Zimmerman followed him and a confrontation took place. Martin the minor ends up shot. Now I certainly don't know what happened, but I'm not going to believe everything the killer says blindly. That would just be dumb.

I believe things until I have a reason not to believe them. If you have no forensic or eye witness evidence to counter Zimmerman's testimony, and it is not contradicted by anything else, then there is no reason not to believe it.
Unless of course you're a brain dead hack with an agenda that says we must support inner city Negroes no matter what.

Or unless your a pro gun brain dead who assumes the shooter is always right.

I've gotten no good response to why Martin ran away just to run back and attack Zimmerman. Nor why a kid with no history of violence attacked him at all. I think only the brain dead can without question pick a side in this.

I've gotten no good response to why Martin ran away just to run back and attack Zimmerman.

Creepy ass cracker dissed me.......
Mmmm not really fiery, more like whiney. He's having a meltdown, now I have to do MORE work?

She probably wants to allow it just because.
The prosecution is trying their last ditch attempt at a conviction for something, so they want to add child abuse as a lesser included offense. They think they proved that up, if nothing else.

I hope she lets it in. It's so stupid only a moron would applaud this . Now we know why the texts were fought so hard

Zero tolerance.

What if, arguendo, TM was 12, 11, 10, 9? At what point does self defense fall and child abuse begin?

At no point does justification fall...if a five year old shoots a gun at you, you have the right to defend yourself.
Harder to prove you were in fear of your life from a five year old. Is that really a measure for when child abuse is self defense, fear? This whole self defense based on fear thing.. hmm. My gut says fear is the mind killer and we should not make decisions based on fear alone. But that may just be a residual ingrain from my approval of the Frank Herbert Dune books.
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