The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Ayup, this is the part of the movie where the guy says, yeah he may be innocent based on self defense, but Trayvon was a kid, big kid but a kid nonetheless and our job as citizens is to protect our kids not shoot them in self defense.

Whatever the hell that means.

It means kids can beat the carp out of you, and if you strike them back you go to jail. Welcome to the moonbatery that is zero tolerance.

This CCW-gun-toter is just fine with "striking", it's the shooting TO DEATH that I have more than an issue with. Carry a weapon. Learn how to use it ... properly and appropriately. If not, carry a stun gun dang it!
Nelson is a total whack job.

If GZ is found guilty of anything, he has numerous grounds for a successful appeal.

What's the rush with this trial? I get the jurors are sequestered but, my God woman, do your job correctly. This is completely absurd and unfair.

Zimmerman gets 25 years for killing an unarmed child. We can dream.

Well, I hope a CHILD like that never runs across one of your children.

It's telling. It's what he was actually doing there, Trayvon became a suspect, how?

Walking while Black.

I think just walking did it

Looking in houses.

Did anyone else see Fancy Grapes last night? She was going bat-shit crazy over the fact that George wouldn't testify, and was trying to convince her guests that he wanted to, but O'Mara forced him not to. None of them bought her fable.

Also interesting was the fact that 2 of her guests were lawyers for DeeDee. Why did she need to lawyer up with not 1, but 2 attorneys? :dunno:

I very seldom post because I don't want to get invested too much anymore. I just can't stomach HLN at all. All the screeching and fomenting racial discord and maybe even firing up the mobs has completely turned me off. I will be making my opinions known after this clusterflock of a trial is over.

DeeDee has 2 attorneys? She doesn't look like she has the pot or the window. ( Not talking that kind of pot, either...) I, too, wonder why she has lawyered up x2.

Did lil Trayvon's parents share some of the settlement with her?
Looks like they are spending that settlement like a bag lady winning the powerball.
Anyone know if they would have to return that settlement money if GZ is acquitted?
The argument the Defense is offering right now is the way I see it. At the eleventh hour, just before closing arguments, to spring all this case law to add charge after charge after charge now to the original charge is just unconscionable. If all that was legitimate to put into play, it should have been put into play at the beginning so the Defense would have a fair shot at rebutting and defending against it.

This prosecution is desperate to convict Zimmerman of something. And the judge appears to be of the same mind? Or am I reading her entirely wrong? Her ruling on this will be the proof in the pudding.


I'm digging the beardage.
Everything that can be done will be done to convict Zimmerman in order to calm the masses.
No one wants to deal with the rioting and looting.
Due process is dead in Florida. The state of Florida and her attorney's have shown that their powers are endless and they will not hesitate to abuse them. If charging a defendant with a crime outside of the scope of the original charge and testimony is allowed on the day of closing arguments we aren't true to the spirit of the system. We are picking a man, trying a case and then seeing what we can get him on at the end of the trial. Malicious prosecution is the only term that can come to one's mind. I don't care if you are in the Zimmerman or Martin camp in this incident. What is happening in this court room today could happen to anyone on this board for any offense. This is unbelievable! If this does not terrify you then nothing will.

It doesn't terrify me. It pisses me off.
I want to know, too--seems like there should be a long list.

Not in the mood to hear what a member of the media might say at present.

I don't think Zimmerman is going to be convicted on anything, or at least he shouldn't be convicted, but you never know. With what I've seen and heard in this trial, there's no way I would convict, no way at all, but I'm not on the jury.

This is a travesty, I just don't see how this has come to this. If this judge allows "Child Abuse", I don't think Zimmerman received a fair trial.

Second Degree Murder wasn't proven and neither was Manslaughter. George Zimmerman should be free and clear, I just don't know if he will be because the jury may feel sorry for Martins mother or they are afraid for their own Saftey or they don't want riots.

oh--I think there will be a conviction. Then and only then can the media be happy.

thinking of all that they will have to say--how can they live with themselves.

sigh--I suppose in a decade or so appeals could go all the way to the Supreme Court--that is not what is needed--miscarriage of justice. So many stories.

George Zimmerman will not survive for a year in prison, I can almost gaurentee you that. They may put Zimmerman into protective custody or whatever, so he may survive for a while while the appeals process moves forward though, who knows.

The defense should add that to their closing argument. They should say something like, "No matter what you, the jury, does, George Zimmerman has been convicted and sentenced to death. It is up to you whether or not George Zimmerman dies in prison or as a free man".
An appeal will fix all of this, but in the meantime a man has to sit in jail while the appeal is heard by a higher court.

Will it? Don't get me wrong if convicted I know we will see appeals. But that doesn't mean they will make the correct decision.

Look at the Obamacare ruling. It wasn't right and everyone on the Court knows it.
Is this break giving defense time to deal with the ridiculous M3/Child Abuse bullshit?

Yes, I think this is the most time she's allowed them to research a state below the belt bullshit surprise. She usually makes them do it on the fly and then rules against them.
The State realized long ago that Murder II charges should never have been brought against this man. That was a joke all along. What they are obviously shooting for is that the jury will "compromise" on a lesser charge such as aggravated assault which with Florida's 10/20/Life statute will put Zimmerman behind bars for at least a decade simply for using a gun in a "crime". THAT is why they overcharged Zimmerman in the first place. They're hoping that the jury of six while feel sorry for the Martin family and feel compelled to give Zimmerman some kind of punishment. Let's hope they understand that by doing so they are condemning a man who simply defended himself to possibly spend decades in prison.
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
So the defense rests and NOW new charges that weren't argued or discussed in any fashion are up for consideration?

He can now be convicted of child abuse but isn't allowed to defend himself against that NEW charge.

What a bunch of bullshit. Railroads were cool as a child but not so much now

You catch on to The Rep Thread pretty quick!

Where is all this "Rep" at? I never get paid in rep or negs.

I'm not special.
West is off somewhere staring off into space trying to think of ways to get out of all this work.
So the defense rests and NOW new charges that weren't argued or discussed in any fashion are up for consideration?

He can now be convicted of child abuse but isn't allowed to defend himself against that NEW charge.

What a bunch of bullshit. Railroads were cool as a child but not so much now

You catch on to The Rep Thread pretty quick!

I come here for updates when I miss the news. The neg rep fest was pretty dumb.
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