The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The moral of the story is a member of a special group can beat on you and you can't do a damn thing about it. So stay the fuck away from them and let them steal, rape and kill....In be damn lucky it isn't you.

Liberals enjoy the victim you made as it will always be the victim as long as it thinks this way.
Due process is dead in Florida. The state of Florida and her attorney's have shown that their powers are endless and they will not hesitate to abuse them. If charging a defendant with a crime outside of the scope of the original charge and testimony is allowed on the day of closing arguments we aren't true to the spirit of the system. We are picking a man, trying a case and then seeing what we can get him on at the end of the trial. Malicious prosecution is the only term that can come to one's mind. I don't care if you are in the Zimmerman or Martin camp in this incident. What is happening in this court room today could happen to anyone on this board for any offense. This is unbelievable! If this does not terrify you then nothing will.

It doesn't terrify me. It pisses me off.

It does both to me, Avatar. I'm a Florida resident and I carry a concealed weapon. What they are doing to George Zimmerman NOW is something that gun control zealots could do to me if I were ever to use that weapon to defend myself. If you can't use deadly force when someone is sitting on top of you banging your head off concrete then when can you? It basically turns my second amendment rights into a farce. Yes, you have the right to own a gun but if you ever use it then we will put you in prison for aggravated assault! How is that not taking away my right of self defense?
I don't think Zimmerman is going to be convicted on anything, or at least he shouldn't be convicted, but you never know. With what I've seen and heard in this trial, there's no way I would convict, no way at all, but I'm not on the jury.

This is a travesty, I just don't see how this has come to this. If this judge allows "Child Abuse", I don't think Zimmerman received a fair trial.

Second Degree Murder wasn't proven and neither was Manslaughter. George Zimmerman should be free and clear, I just don't know if he will be because the jury may feel sorry for Martins mother or they are afraid for their own Saftey or they don't want riots.

oh--I think there will be a conviction. Then and only then can the media be happy.

thinking of all that they will have to say--how can they live with themselves.

sigh--I suppose in a decade or so appeals could go all the way to the Supreme Court--that is not what is needed--miscarriage of justice. So many stories.

George Zimmerman will not survive for a year in prison, I can almost gaurentee you that. They may put Zimmerman into protective custody or whatever, so he may survive for a while while the appeals process moves forward though, who knows.

The defense should add that to their closing argument. They should say something like, "No matter what you, the jury, does, George Zimmerman has been convicted and sentenced to death. It is up to you whether or not George Zimmerman dies in prison or as a free man".

They should do that. If anybody can give it the old college try O'Mara seems up to the challenge.

just ridiculous and unjust.

Glad I am no longer teaching--I lived --wasn't killed. That is about all that anyone could say to me. What teachers will have to do to start the year that is quickly approaching--that will be something. Hatred--racism--it is all I can do to remain sane at times.
shutting my mouth. I suppose every word can be traced back to me--if I have to be tried for anything? Yes, I am certain it can.
Folks all big and bad and brazen with a gun in their hand. Hmpf. Leave law enforcement to Law Enforcement. Even the police officers that I work in tandem with prefer to employ stun guns. Neighborhood Watch. Watch is the operative word. All of this is sadly anticipated and un-necessary. What a shame. I remain a firearms advocate nonetheless.
The fucking prosecutor's "charge" DID specifically mention that the victim was a person less than 17.

I think they had this plotted out from jump street, but they did not charge "intent," so it may all be for nothin'.
Due process is dead in Florida. The state of Florida and her attorney's have shown that their powers are endless and they will not hesitate to abuse them. If charging a defendant with a crime outside of the scope of the original charge and testimony is allowed on the day of closing arguments we aren't true to the spirit of the system. We are picking a man, trying a case and then seeing what we can get him on at the end of the trial. Malicious prosecution is the only term that can come to one's mind. I don't care if you are in the Zimmerman or Martin camp in this incident. What is happening in this court room today could happen to anyone on this board for any offense. This is unbelievable! If this does not terrify you then nothing will.

It doesn't terrify me. It pisses me off.

It does both to me, Avatar. I'm a Florida resident and I carry a concealed weapon. What they are doing to George Zimmerman NOW is something that gun control zealots could do to me if I were ever to use that weapon to defend myself. If you can't use deadly force when someone is sitting on top of you banging your head off concrete then when can you? It basically turns my second amendment rights into a farce. Yes, you have the right to own a gun but if you ever use it then we will put you in prison for aggravated assault! How is that not taking away my right of self defense?

This is what the leftist mindset has done throughout Europe. You have very little rights to own a gun or even utter a word. This is what the left thinks about freedom....They hate it.

Their special protected class once wanted to be "equal"? Fuck, they're higher up the food chain then the rest of society with the power to do this shit.:eek:
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The fucking prosecutor's "charge" DID specifically mention that the victim was a person less than 17.

I think they had this plotted out from jump street, but they did not charge "intent," so it may all be for nothin'.

Yeah we've been pissed off/joke/pissed off/joke for a couple hours.

Welcome to the party.
Nope! It's SE Alabama

Pensacola, etc--most definitely the panhandle of FL. Blue Angels and all that.

Life is great there--believe me I have heard.

don't get me started my issues go deep--lol. I used to love Fort Walton beach--white sand, soft shell crabs and pina coladas---that was my dream. lol.

Pensacola's real name is East Foley, AL

Nuhuh! AL just wishes it was part of Pensacola. :tongue:
The State realized long ago that Murder II charges should never have been brought against this man. That was a joke all along. What they are obviously shooting for is that the jury will "compromise" on a lesser charge such as aggravated assault which with Florida's 10/20/Life statute will put Zimmerman behind bars for at least a decade simply for using a gun in a "crime". THAT is why they overcharged Zimmerman in the first place. They're hoping that the jury of six while feel sorry for the Martin family and feel compelled to give Zimmerman some kind of punishment. Let's hope they understand that by doing so they are condemning a man who simply defended himself to possibly spend decades in prison.

The problem isnt hey didn't Overcharge him. The only charge against him was Murder 2. The so called lesser charges were never charged against him.

Now they are trying to charge him with them now. After all the evidence has been presented.

But if the self defense defense was valid for murder 2, it applies to all the lesser charges as well.

No rational person can find him not guilty of murder 2 because of his self defense defense and yet find him guilty of a lesser charge. Attempting to add lesser charges now doesn't promote justice. Quite the opposite.

I hope the defense points this out in closing arguments. "Look the state is conceding that there is reasonable doubt in this case because they have felt the need to try to add lesser offense. But if you think self defense is reasonable doubt for murder 2, then logically it has to be a valid defense for the lesser offenses as well."
Pensacola, etc--most definitely the panhandle of FL. Blue Angels and all that.

Life is great there--believe me I have heard.

don't get me started my issues go deep--lol. I used to love Fort Walton beach--white sand, soft shell crabs and pina coladas---that was my dream. lol.

Pensacola's real name is East Foley, AL

Nuhuh! AL just wishes it was part of Pensacola. :tongue:

Here comes the other homey
If this 3rd degree murder charge based on child abuse is permitted then how could anyone who ever shoots someone under the age of 18 ever walk? Every person shooting a minor in Chicago should always be found guilty of 3rd degree felony Murder. There should be no pleas below this. What they are saying with this charge is, no matter what a person under 18 is doing to you, strangling, beating you with a bat, whatever, you can't shoot them to stop it. This is ludicrous!
Due process is dead in Florida. The state of Florida and her attorney's have shown that their powers are endless and they will not hesitate to abuse them. If charging a defendant with a crime outside of the scope of the original charge and testimony is allowed on the day of closing arguments we aren't true to the spirit of the system. We are picking a man, trying a case and then seeing what we can get him on at the end of the trial. Malicious prosecution is the only term that can come to one's mind. I don't care if you are in the Zimmerman or Martin camp in this incident. What is happening in this court room today could happen to anyone on this board for any offense. This is unbelievable! If this does not terrify you then nothing will.

It doesn't terrify me. It pisses me off.

It does both to me, Avatar. I'm a Florida resident and I carry a concealed weapon. What they are doing to George Zimmerman NOW is something that gun control zealots could do to me if I were ever to use that weapon to defend myself. If you can't use deadly force when someone is sitting on top of you banging your head off concrete then when can you? It basically turns my second amendment rights into a farce. Yes, you have the right to own a gun but if you ever use it then we will put you in prison for aggravated assault! How is that not taking away my right of self defense?

That's why i dont think this is about race. It doesn't hurt their race narrative. But the polarizing factor in this is the right to self defense. The statists dont want us exercising our natural right to self defense.
So it's Second Degree Murder and Manslaughter only?

With all the evidence and testimony, Zimmerman should be a free man when the jury comes back.
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