The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The guns and the race of this case are one thing. The far more reaching travesty that I've witnessed in this court room and prosecution is that your, mine, anyone's right to due process is just lip service. Every person in the country can at least agree that we are entitled to a fair trial. I would defend any person for that right, even Marc and Quick.

Somehow I doubt marc, quick and a large section of the leftist community gives a damn about fair trials. Justice is one sided when it comes to the "SPECIAL GROUP".
The dishonorable prosecutors had inserted some language in their sole count to support such a charge down, but "neglected" to provide any evidence to support "intent."

Fuck them.

I think "Fuck them" should qualify as an objection.

OBJECTION! Fuck them.

I think those were the words that martin's momma used when she heard the child abuse charges were out the window.

"Waaaat??? Dey no beez chargen him widda chile abus fo gattin muh baby? Fug dem!!! Fug dem rite uppa der creepy cracka azzez!!!"

"Waaaat??? Dey no beez chargen him widda chile abus fo gattin muh anjil baby? Fug dem!!! Fug dem rite uppa der creepy cracka azzez!!!"

eyz beez fixin dat fo youz
Ok, what is Second Degree Murder and what is Manslaughter? and none of this legal crap either. Just tell me what each says in a way I, yes, even I, would understand it. I know I ask a lot of you and may take some time to get it posted. Try to include pictures and small words. I like pictures and small words I can understand better.

Thank You

In a nutshell. . . .

Murder is death caused by an intent to kill somebody unlawfully..

Manslaughter is death caused by a negligent act or intent to cause harm, but not death, to another.

If you ram your car into somebody with the intent to kill them that is murder. First degree, if you planned it out in advance. Second degree if it was a spur of the moment choice.

If you ram your car into somebody while texting or while drunk and they die as a result of that, that is manslaughter.

The gray area is in the shooting of somebody who is beating the crap out of you. The jury has to decide if George Zimmeman was reasonably justified in using deadly force in that situation. I believe the defense has made an adequate case that he could have been--enough of a case to create reasonable doubt re murder or manslaughter, though I don't think the judge should allow the manslaughter charge at the 11th hour. The defense didn't put up a rigorous objection to that as they did re the child abuse charge, though, so I don't think the defense is really worried about that all that much.
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Due process is dead in Florida. The state of Florida and her attorney's have shown that their powers are endless and they will not hesitate to abuse them. If charging a defendant with a crime outside of the scope of the original charge and testimony is allowed on the day of closing arguments we aren't true to the spirit of the system. We are picking a man, trying a case and then seeing what we can get him on at the end of the trial. Malicious prosecution is the only term that can come to one's mind. I don't care if you are in the Zimmerman or Martin camp in this incident. What is happening in this court room today could happen to anyone on this board for any offense. This is unbelievable! If this does not terrify you then nothing will.

It doesn't terrify me. It pisses me off.

It does both to me, Avatar. I'm a Florida resident and I carry a concealed weapon. What they are doing to George Zimmerman NOW is something that gun control zealots could do to me if I were ever to use that weapon to defend myself. If you can't use deadly force when someone is sitting on top of you banging your head off concrete then when can you? It basically turns my second amendment rights into a farce. Yes, you have the right to own a gun but if you ever use it then we will put you in prison for aggravated assault! How is that not taking away my right of self defense?

Bookmarking this post for later if Zimmerman is found guilty. This is the question I want to ask all my liberal friends who posted guilty-until-proven-innocent crap on my wall.

But I want to wait to see what the jury does.
The guns and the race of this case are one thing. The far more reaching travesty that I've witnessed in this court room and prosecution is that your, mine, anyone's right to due process is just lip service. Every person in the country can at least agree that we are entitled to a fair trial. I would defend any person for that right, even Marc and Quick.

Somehow I doubt marc, quick and a large section of the leftist community gives a damn about fair trials. Justice is one sided when it comes to the "SPECIAL GROUP".

You are more than likely right, but I would raise hell over that.
Florida defines murder in the second degree as:

The unlawful killing of a human being, when perpetrated by any act imminently dangerous to another and evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although without any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual, is murder in the second degree . . .

Florida’s standard jury instruction for murder 2 notes that:

An act is “imminently dangerous to another and demonstrating a depraved mind” if it is an act or series of acts that:

a person of ordinary judgment would know is reasonably certain to kill or do serious bodily injury to another, and
is done from ill will, hatred, spite, or an evil intent, and
is of such a nature that the act itself indicates an indifference to human life.
-- words of Andrew Branca found at Getting to Murder 2: Finding George Zimmerman?s ?Depraved Mind?

Then look at "manslaughter." Law of Self Defense ? FL 782.07 Manslaughter

"Culpable negligence." That's the key element of "manslaughter."

It's a really BIG problem for the prosecution because if the jury agrees that the intentional acts of pulling out the gun and firing it at the person (TM) was "justified," then it is NOT "negligence" of any stripe or flavor.
Obama is using this just like he used the shootings to take away our rights to bear arms...What's even more scary is these people don't even want us to defend ourselves...Look at Britain to realize what our future is if these people win.:(

It's not just the right to bear arms. It's the right to self defense, regardless of what weapon or any is involved.

People who cannot defend themselves, cannot govern themselves.
Ok, what is Second Degree Murder and what is Manslaughter? and none of this legal crap either. Just tell me what each says in a way I, yes, even I, would understand it. I know I ask a lot of you and may take some time to get it posted. Try to include pictures and small words. I like pictures and small words I can understand better.

Thank You

2nd degree murder is when a someone kills someone else for a really bad, and hateful reason ieven if they did not plan to kill.


Manslaughter is when someone kills someone for reason which are somewhat understandable but nonetheless criminal.

Do you believe that if you're attacked you have the right to defend yourself? Let's say someone is bashing your head into the ground does that give you a right to use "deadly" force(gun, knife, etc) in order to save your own life.

No sir, you do not.

You must first consider the race of the perpetrator. If he belongs to a race which has special privileges then roll over play dead and beg for your life.

Secondly, you must call the governor's office , describe the situation and ask if you have a right to defend yourself at this point in time.

Thirdly, call 911, and ask if the po po can get there in less than 4 minutes.

That's it in a nutshell.

wtf? That is why the law was written, so people being attacked aren't obligated to run away. Having an overweight fucker with a gun following you is a valid reason to be proactive.

Stand your ground means you are allowed to use deadly force without running away, it does not mean you can start a fight because you think the guy is mean. Feel free to prove me wrong by citing the exact portion of the Florida law that backs you up.

However, a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat if:

(1) He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony;

Moving the goalposts again?

Since Zimmerman was walking away from Martin he was, obviously, not in reasonable fear of death or bodily injury.
Ok, what is Second Degree Murder and what is Manslaughter? and none of this legal crap either. Just tell me what each says in a way I, yes, even I, would understand it. I know I ask a lot of you and may take some time to get it posted. Try to include pictures and small words. I like pictures and small words I can understand better.

Thank You

2nd degree murder is when a someone kills someone else for a really bad, and hateful reason ieven if they did not plan to kill.


Manslaughter is when someone kills someone for reason which are somewhat understandable but nonetheless criminal.


Do you use these visual aids at trial and can we come watch pretty please?
The state needs 30 minutes to take 3rd degree felony child abuse out of closing.

heh heh heh heh

And after they do that, the rest of their time will be spent in the bathroom scrubbing the sh$t out of their pants after the judge didn't allow it in.
Ok, what is Second Degree Murder and what is Manslaughter? and none of this legal crap either. Just tell me what each says in a way I, yes, even I, would understand it. I know I ask a lot of you and may take some time to get it posted. Try to include pictures and small words. I like pictures and small words I can understand better.

Thank You

You are bound to be disappointed.

The jury will get the standard Florida criminal instructions (the so-called judge's "charge") and that will not be all that clear to them, either.


some may already know --how can they wipe what they already know out of their minds completely--whatever. Deliberate--bring back a verdict and next case.

my family had its share. that's about all I have to say.
Interesting................apparently a lot of you posters have never had a bloody nose. can go down your throat, but when it does, you cough and sneeze trying to keep the blood from going down in your lungs. Sorry, but the body is wired to do that very thing.

And.....................when you sneeze, or cough, or figure out somewhere else for the blood to go, it's generally not in the closed part of the body.

Me personally? I think that Zimmerman followed TM, and was confronted by him (BTW................FL law says it doesn't matter who wins, it matters who starts the fight) and TM punched him in the nose for hassling him (that is................after GZ threw the first punch as stated by the girl he'd called when this happened), and GZ was pissed about having his ass kicked (remember, he scored low in the self defense class) and pulled the gun and shot TM.

GZ needs to go to jail. For at least 5 years.

Tell me something, have you ever been on your back when you had a bloody nose? With someone straddling you and pounding on your face?

Want to try again, or simply admit you are trying to do the impossible by proving that Zimmerman did something when the evidence clearly says he did not?
Do you believe that if you're attacked you have the right to defend yourself? Let's say someone is bashing your head into the ground does that give you a right to use "deadly" force(gun, knife, etc) in order to save your own life.

No sir, you do not.

You must first consider the race of the perpetrator. If he belongs to a race which has special privileges then roll over play dead and beg for your life.

Secondly, you must call the governor's office , describe the situation and ask if you have a right to defend yourself at this point in time.

Thirdly, call 911, and ask if the po po can get there in less than 4 minutes.

That's it in a nutshell.


It's sad that there's a lot of truth in the above. :(
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