The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Didn't she say she went to the hospital, and it was found out later that she never did?

Also, isn't it a rule, that if a witness has been proven untruthful with part of their testimony, the jury can throw out their entire testimony?

Yes they can...or they can take it in part....Thats in the judges instructions just before they deliberate.

Its more of an individual juror thing on what testimony they give credible or not. Of course a juror in deliberations using a lie against a witness to explain their position would carry some weight you would think.
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I never thought "We don't need you to do that" was a direct order to stand down - at all. Way too much being made of that comment by the dispatcher. It was a suggestion, at best. IMHO
[MENTION=43884]SantaFeWay[/MENTION], what was he asking him not do?

I'm agreeing with Santy [MENTION=43884]SantaFeWay[/MENTION] on this. (annddd everything) There's been a ton of talk about "he was told he was told, blah blah", but in reality, the dispatcher said "ok, we don't need you to do that". And that was it. Then again, Z said cops meet me at mailbox, then said have them call me - so he sounded like he changed his mind and was going to go see where TM ran to or spot him and not be at the mailbox (tell them to call me) - but then again - other foot - TM had already ran heading toward the back exit (where dad's house is) and should have made it before Z and all that middle stuff happened. Those middle missing few minutes are key. Part of the GF call is in those missing minutes and her testimony will be questionable.

Excellent post...analyzing both will put pieces together faster than others who dont...nice...thats my partna!!
[MENTION=43884]SantaFeWay[/MENTION], what was he asking him not do?

I'm agreeing with Santy [MENTION=43884]SantaFeWay[/MENTION] on this. (annddd everything) There's been a ton of talk about "he was told he was told, blah blah", but in reality, the dispatcher said "ok, we don't need you to do that". And that was it. Then again, Z said cops meet me at mailbox, then said have them call me - so he sounded like he changed his mind and was going to go see where TM ran to or spot him and not be at the mailbox (tell them to call me) - but then again - other foot - TM had already ran heading toward the back exit (where dad's house is) and should have made it before Z and all that middle stuff happened. Those middle missing few minutes are key. Part of the GF call is in those missing minutes and her testimony will be questionable.

Witness #8 Files: Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman Case | Presents They Always Get Away: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman Documents, Photos, Videos, Audio, and Articles

The above is two audio interviews with Witness #8 (a.k.a Dee Dee or "The Girlfriend"). The extent of her testimony is pretty much unknown right now, you can expect the defense to file a motion to exclude her testimony as hearsay. I doubt if they will be able to keep her off the stand as she can still testify as to the time and duration of the call, she will also be able to testify about what she heard Zimmerman say. The question is will she be allowed to relay what she says Martin said to her, that is the hearsay question.

I'm not quite sure how to say this, but to me she doesn't sound like an effective communicator and I'm not sure if she will play well with the jury.


Listening to these now...thanks WW. So I can tell testy how to feel about
I'm agreeing with Santy [MENTION=43884]SantaFeWay[/MENTION] on this. (annddd everything) There's been a ton of talk about "he was told he was told, blah blah", but in reality, the dispatcher said "ok, we don't need you to do that". And that was it. Then again, Z said cops meet me at mailbox, then said have them call me - so he sounded like he changed his mind and was going to go see where TM ran to or spot him and not be at the mailbox (tell them to call me) - but then again - other foot - TM had already ran heading toward the back exit (where dad's house is) and should have made it before Z and all that middle stuff happened. Those middle missing few minutes are key. Part of the GF call is in those missing minutes and her testimony will be questionable.

Witness #8 Files: Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman Case | Presents They Always Get Away: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman Documents, Photos, Videos, Audio, and Articles

The above is two audio interviews with Witness #8 (a.k.a Dee Dee or "The Girlfriend"). The extent of her testimony is pretty much unknown right now, you can expect the defense to file a motion to exclude her testimony as hearsay. I doubt if they will be able to keep her off the stand as she can still testify as to the time and duration of the call, she will also be able to testify about what she heard Zimmerman say. The question is will she be allowed to relay what she says Martin said to her, that is the hearsay question.

I'm not quite sure how to say this, but to me she doesn't sound like an effective communicator and I'm not sure if she will play well with the jury.


Listening to these now...thanks WW. So I can tell testy how to feel about

Lol...hey 25
I am not sure what your post even means. Editing seems to be a lost art.

Anyway, what ELSE we "know" is largely found in the realm of the physical.

For example, I have seen the evidence of the injuries to Zimmerman's nose. Haven't you? I have seen evidence of the injuries to the back of Zimmerman's noggin. Haven't you? I have yet to see any evidence of injuries to Trayvon OTHER THAN, of course, the tragic bullet wound. Have you?

I have yet to see any evidence of injuries to Trayvon OTHER THAN, of course, the tragic bullet wound. Have you?

You are a funny guy.:lol:

Not at all. Well, at least not in this regard.

If there was a fight that caused Zimmerman to feel (reasonably feel) in fear for his life, that fight must have left some evidence behind. And lo and behold, we see Zimmerman's face, he has a broken nose, the back of his head (consistent with his account) has injuries to it. But there are no injuries to the guy Zimmerman said was beating him up (except maybe some knuckle scrapes which actually kind of support Zimmerman's account a bit further).

I cannot say that Trayvon got "no injury" since he died by bullet wound. But that is the thing that ENDED the fight.

The physical evidence supports Zimmerman's account and is consistent with that account.

Such matters as that have actual weight in the minds of jurors who DO try to be fair and reasonable.

most recent photos show grass stains on the back of zimmermans clothes

and grass stains on martins knees
3. Guess what? Because the police department failed to investigate thoroughly ASAP, we can't get a proper analysis of TM's injuries to compare them too corroborate Zim's LIES!

How convenient!


a complete autopsy of martin was done

as well as lab work on all items of both martin and zimmerman
3. Guess what? Because the police department failed to investigate thoroughly ASAP, we can't get a proper analysis of TM's injuries to compare them too corroborate Zim's LIES!

How convenient!

Okay..................... Now I have to get involved again.

There's an autopsy report that lists his injuries - that isn't even done by the PD, that's the ME's office. Have you read the police report and/or autopsy report and/or witness statements?

Let's try to stay sorta close to the facts. It's great to have an opinion, but for Pete's sake, just saying stuff that isn't even remotely true is silly.

Trayvon Martin Autopsy Report: Killed By Bullet Fired At Intermediate Range

Trayvon Martin Police Report

Soot, Ring Abrasion and Stippling? The only thing missing is a fucking muzzle impression.

It appears to me that to call it "intermediary" is misleading.

It appears to be closer to accurate to call it a (nearly) "close contact" wound.

the lab called it a contact shot
Florida? Oh hell yes, I do love a circus.

Bring on the donkeys.:clap2:


liberal on top
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As I very much hope the jury will ALSO do, I intend to wait and see the evidence. At the moment, I'm inclined to think he's not guilty, but I'm well aware that I've hardly gotten the complete story from either side.
Two to three weeks for jury selection.

I remember the last time I had jury duty. It was a federal case of ttwo men murding a sailor.

The questionnaire asked what experience, if any, I had pertaining to the justice system. I wrote down that I never missed Law and Order and CSI Miami.

They looked aty me funny after that. Not selected.

That question is the reason I'm always out of jury duty before lunchtime. For some reason, defense lawyers are leery of jurors who've been witnesses against a defendant who ended up executed.
Well, to show just how fair it is, the judge just vetoed all the defense requests to show Martin's past actions which are germane to his character.

This case, if Zimmerman is found guilty of anything, will definitely go to appeal. And, he'll win.

Do you think that if a person has bad character then it mitigates murder?

Wow. Can you work a little harder to be obtuse? I've seen bowling balls that are sharper than this.

An aggressive and/or violent personality supports the possibility that Martin instigated the confrontation with Zimmerman, as Zimmerman claims.
I think one of them actually said they never missed an episode of CSI and they was asked if they knew it was just a tv show and not reality.
Any chance the judge will do the right thing and throw the case out of his courtroom?

I doubt it freedombecki. Even though the Prosecution just dumped a 1,000 plus pages of new evidence on the defense last week, the Judge turned down a request for a delay in the trial.

These Prosecutors are a piece of work. They've purposefully been screwing over the Defense on evidence from the get go.

It's disgusting.

The judge started the day saying no to O'Mara's third request for a trial delay. Last week prosecutors handed over more than 1,000 pages of new evidence from Trayvon's cell phone - many of them photos - O'Mara said.

George Zimmerman trial Day 1 jury selection - Page 2 -

You mean Evidence Hider and Used Car Salesman?

i just want a fair trial

hopefully those wanting on the jury with an agenda

will be weeded out

Same here. I would like to see fairness with our critiques in here also. Fair and logical debate....there are good and bad on both sides. Lets make sure we all look at all makes for the best problem solving.

Jon, you are very good at this already as many are. Im working on
As I very much hope the jury will ALSO do, I intend to wait and see the evidence. At the moment, I'm inclined to think he's not guilty, but I'm well aware that I've hardly gotten the complete story from either side.

Hi cecilie...alot of our debate is going on in the thread "Zimmerman Trial"...I hope you will engage over there also. One more logical thinker always helps.
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I still think the biggest thing in this case is going to be what happened when Z was approached by Trayvon...if he went for his gun or phone and then was charged by Trayvon, then my whole opinion on this case turns immediately. Im putting myself in Trayvons situation when I say that.

In the initial interrogation of Mr Z, he states that he was punched just after or while he was going for his phone in his turns out that that is where his holster was also, so if he is reaching for something in that area, then IMO trayvon may have been right in charging him before Mr Z could get whatever he was reaching for.

Mr Z says he was reaching for his phone...Im not sure I believe that from watching his interrogation tape. We will see how much the prosecution team presses this, but if they do press it, then IMO Mr Z is in some big trouble.

I think the prosecution and the Trayvon supporters would do well in taking race out of the picture and concentrating on the "reaching" that George admits to in his interrogation. I think a jury will be inclined to consider trays move an act of self defense if they do concentrate on this initial reaction or panic by Mr Z.

This is America and everyone has a right to a fair trial....but if tray was acting in self defense, then he didnt get a fair trial did he...hell he was executed on the spot. Sorry, but that initial reaction says it all to me...i will need to be convinced one way or the other based on the evidence each side brings pertaining to that matter.

1) I don't care if Mr Z was suspicious...he has that right for whatever reason he chooses to be suspicious.

No one has the right to tell him what he can be suspicious of and what he cant...its irrelevant. He is a Neighborhood Watch Captain in a area that had recent robberies...he has a right to be suspicious as does any other neighbor.

On the other hand:

2) I dont care that Trayvon circled back and asked someone he thought was following him what the problem was...i would expect that and I would do the same...he asked the question...whats wrong with that? You are following me...why? seems logical to me...who wouldnt do the same?

So there you had the right to be suspicious the other had the right to ask why he was being followed. Now, what happened immediately after that? The initial confrontation. According to george he immediately went reaching for his pockets....when he did he was charged by trayvon. Now the question is who is acting in self defense at that point?

I would like to hear everyones take...lets leave race out of it on both wont get anyone anywhere with regards to the actual facts and events in this case. Lets keep it on whats relevant...someone died and someone is being or the other or both were acting in self defense...but who was acting in self defense first? Trayvon or George?

George says he was reaching for a phone...thats would be more fine if there didnt happen to be a gun in a holster in the same spot he was reaching. If no gun there, then fine....but if it turns out there is a gun (which there was indisputably), then you have some splainin to do, which he will be given that chance.
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Witness #8 Files: Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman Case | Presents They Always Get Away: Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman Documents, Photos, Videos, Audio, and Articles

The above is two audio interviews with Witness #8 (a.k.a Dee Dee or "The Girlfriend"). The extent of her testimony is pretty much unknown right now, you can expect the defense to file a motion to exclude her testimony as hearsay. I doubt if they will be able to keep her off the stand as she can still testify as to the time and duration of the call, she will also be able to testify about what she heard Zimmerman say. The question is will she be allowed to relay what she says Martin said to her, that is the hearsay question.

I'm not quite sure how to say this, but to me she doesn't sound like an effective communicator and I'm not sure if she will play well with the jury.


-Posted: Jun 03, 2013 3:23 PM PDT
Updated: Jun 10, 2013 3:23 PM PD

George Zimmerman has won an appeal to depose an attorney for Trayvon Martin's family.

The Fifth District Court of Appeals on Monday ruled that Zimmerman is entitled to take a limited deposition of Benjamin Crump, to inquire as to the substance of Crump's interview with a girlfriend of Trayvon Martin. The girlfriend, referred to as Witness 8, was on the phone with the 17-year-old Martin moments before he was shot and could potentially be a crucial witness for the prosecution.

Read more: Zimmerman attorneys can depose Crump over Witness 8 interview - FOX 35 News Orlando
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