The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Trayvon made the mistake by attacking Zimmerman. Do you leftist really want to give a man a double standard because of the color of his skin? Walking up to that man to ask a question fucking doesn't give him the right to attack.

Understand? If not then we really are doomed.
One juror, according to people in the court room, refuses to make eye contact with the prosecutor. Two current or former CCW holders. Another who is a stay at home mom whose family are gun owners. Just don't see them convicting on murder 2. Don't think they convict on manslaughter either, because the focus was Murder 2 in the closing. That's what was pushed on them.

Juries are often very happy to compromise and hand out lesser charges.
Bernie needs to take a refresher course in PowerPoint. It isn't in beta testing anymore. Maybe that is all that his VIC-20 could handle?
If Zimmerman manages to avoid jail time, does anyone here think he'll be offered an opportunity to speak at the next CPAC convention?

No, but I am sure that the state's "main witness" will be given a prime time speaking time at the dem convention. "dats jus retarded, suh"
Jesus christ, even Z's own description of his action indicates that he stalked the victim. The transcripts of the 911 call confirms it. What more do you fucking need?

This is why the right wing looks so stupid to everyone. They will defend their own, despite guilt or ignorance.

1) Stop taking the Lord's name in vain simply because you want to make things up and people wont let you.
2) Zimmermans own description of his actions do not indicate that he stalked anyone. If they did, he would be charged with stalking. Stalking requires repetitious behavior. Following someone 1 time can never be stalking because it's not repetitious behavior. It's not really that difficult to understand. We've even quoted the definition multiple times in multiple threads.

You cannot just make things up. Just because you are to lazy or dishonest to actually know what you're talking about doesn't mean the rest of us are.

There is zero evidence on who intiated contact. There is zero evidence of who threw the first punch. There is zero evidence that Zimmerman threw any punches. All we have is the eye witness who testified that he saw martin on top punching Zimmerman while Zimmerman cried for help. The injuries Zimmerman had to his face and head. The forensic evidence showing that the only injuries Martin had were the gun shot and the bruises to his knuckles consistant with him punching someone.

Do you understand this? If someone follows me I don't have the right to jump them and beat them to the ground. They have to be hostile to me first. There is no evidence that Zimmerman was hostile to him.

Now could he have initiated? it's possible. But we have no evidence to suggest that. With an absense of evidence that Zimmerman started any aggression and ample evidence that Trayvon was aggressive towards Zimmerman, there is more than enough reasonable doubt to drive a semi truck through.

You can try to lie about what evidence we have. You can try to ignore the evidence we have. You can try to assume a bunch of facts that we don't have. But the evidence is public record. We have what we have. We don't have all your guesses and assumptions as part of the evidence. We have absolutely no evidence of stalking or even an attempt to provide evidence of stalking as he was never charged for it.

If Im going to send someone way for potentially life for murder. I need evidence proving beyond a reasonable doubt. it isnt here. You can think he is a piece of crap all you want. You can think him wrong and evil. But if there is no evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, then he is not guilty.

What is so damn difficult to understand about this?
Trayvon made the mistake by attacking Zimmerman. Do you leftist really want to give a man a double standard because of the color of his skin? Walking up to that man to ask a question fucking doesn't give him the right to attack.

Understand? If not then we really are doomed.

Why do I keep hearing Trayvon supporters being called leftists and libtards? I sure ain't one!

We're doomed if we ever get a lot of vigilante George Zimmermans running around.
Dispatcher: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah.

Dispatcher: Just let me know if he does anything ok
Zimmerman: How long until you get an officer over here?

Dispatcher: Yeah we've got someone on the way, just let me know if this guy does anything else.
Zimmerman: Okay. These assholes they always get away. When you come to the clubhouse you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the clubhouse.

Dispatcher: So it's on the lefthand side from the clubhouse?
Zimmerman: No you go in straight through the entrance and then you make a left...uh you go straight in, don't turn, and make a left. Shit he's running.
Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?
Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.
(this is where Zimmerman left the car.)

Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards? Zimmerman: The back entrance...fucking [unintelligible]

Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah

Dispatcher: Ok, we don't need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok

Dispatcher: Alright sir what is your name?
Zimmerman: George...He ran.
(No sound of heavy breathing or running.)
One juror, according to people in the court room, refuses to make eye contact with the prosecutor. Two current or former CCW holders. Another who is a stay at home mom whose family are gun owners. Just don't see them convicting on murder 2. Don't think they convict on manslaughter either, because the focus was Murder 2 in the closing. That's what was pushed on them.

Juries are often very happy to compromise and hand out lesser charges.

the sad reality of this is that those jurers are scared shitless of what might happen to them if the acquit GZ.

This entire trial is a product of the media and the racist living in the whitehouse. If TM was white, the case would not have ever made the national news and would probably been thrown out by the grand jury because of no evidence to prove guilt.
wtf? That is why the law was written, so people being attacked aren't obligated to run away. Having an overweight fucker with a gun following you is a valid reason to be proactive.

Soory but I really want a link to that claim. And Trayvon had no clue that GZ had a gun until after the fight had already started. Trayvon walked right up to George's truck. He obviously wasn't that afraid. He certainly wasn't so afraid that he hid at home. Educate yourself before you start this shit, Ravi.

Actually he didn't.

He walked around the truck. Then, ran away.

Innocent people always run away, right?
Anyone who has served on a jury knows that opening and closing remarks mean nothing.
The evidence provided is examined, the character of the witnesses is examined and it doesn't matter what emotions have been raised.
They will consider the event time table, the evidence and testimony and make their decision based on their assessment of that evidence. If the evidence does not, in their mind, convict the defendant then he will be found not guilty. The fact that Zimmerman was beat up and Martin was not - that martin was on top and Zimmerman was on the bottom, where he could not retreat, and that he had repeatedly called for help (why would Martin be calling for help when he was beating Zimmerman?) and finally resorted to the only way he had to defend himself to stop the felonious attack is the only part of any of this that is important to the case.

If someone who was taller than you was sitting on you and beating the crap out of you what would you do?

If a cop had arrived before the shooting Martin would have been charged with assault and battery, placed in jail and easily convicted.
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He was stealthfully following the victim. The victim noticed and felt threatened.

Ergo, Zimmerman was stalking.

The definition of stalking requires repeated behavior not stealthy behavior. Had Zimmerman been following Martin on several prior occasions he would be stalking.

So if a girl leaves a bar and I follow her around just the one time thats ok?

It's not Stalking.

Harassment? Maybe. Depends what you do while following her or why you are following her

Depends why you follow her. For example, if she drops her purse and you follow her to give it back, no there is nothing criminal about it.

If you follow her to ask her phone number and hit on her, that's probably not criminal either.

If you follow her so you can kidnap and rape her then you're going to have some criminal problems.

It's not illegal to follow someone.
One juror, according to people in the court room, refuses to make eye contact with the prosecutor. Two current or former CCW holders. Another who is a stay at home mom whose family are gun owners. Just don't see them convicting on murder 2. Don't think they convict on manslaughter either, because the focus was Murder 2 in the closing. That's what was pushed on them.

Juries are often very happy to compromise and hand out lesser charges.

Something to consider. Most women have been exposed to young, cocky, intimidating, over-assertive Black teenage Males at some point in their lives.

Having an all-woman Jury is a double-edged sword in this case.

Believe it.
What would you do if you tried to avoid someone and they walked upon on you in what your perceived was a threatening manner, like maybe he was going to rob you or beat your ass? In my opinion, there are only three things to do; stand there and wait for him to do something or not do something (taking a chance), run (smart), or fight (depending on the circumstance smart or dumb)?

Are you suggesting that's what happened?

I think that zimmerman followed Martin after Martin tried to get away from him. I think that Martin felt threatened, that's why he initially ran from him. I think that zimmerman got out of his truck in order to pursue Martin. I think that they some how met up with each other when the confrontation began, and one if not more of the three actions I referenced happened.
To my knowledge, none of you have answered my question: If Trayvon disappear into the darkness and Zimmerman walked over a hundred feet and back to his truck, how did Trayvon show up at the same place if he was trying to get away from Zimmerman? There's about a two minute gap in there where Trayvon could likely have sneaked on home to safety.

Any takers?
I suspect he is withholding some stuff that came out earlier because he has to have something to use for rebuttal of the Defense's closing. The prosecution gets a brief rebuttal to the Defense, but the Defense normally does not get a rebuttal to the Prosecution's rebuttal. It will be interesting to watch for.
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