The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Be back later. I have to follow my black neighbor's kids around for a while.

Calm down, we're doing a charity walk for the widow of a man that got run over riding his bike. The kids move faster than these old bones can go. :)
Do you believe that if you're attacked you have the right to defend yourself? Let's say someone is bashing your head into the ground does that give you a right to use "deadly" force(gun, knife, etc) in order to save your own life.

If you don't have the right to defend yourself, then that means every other person has the right to bash your head in. If they have that right, then you have the right to bash their head in, which is the equivalent of defending yourself. So the proposition that you don't have the right to defend yourself is a contradiction. It can't possibly be true.
That's all it is...The black community wants to be violent and if you defend yourself=you're the bad guy. This is the future of our legal system.

Blacks have just made their choice not the be equals under our justice system. The rules of the jungle they have chosen.

Please quit stating the black community. Just as in any incident, there is a minute amount of individuals that wish to wreak havoc in a given situation.

Please show me a black that is calling this hanging of a innocent man wrong.

The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder. Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason.
Say you are walking home from buying a bag of Skittles and someone starts following you so you run off. Say you think you got away and suddenly, you hear "You punks always get away" so you turn around. Then they shoot you in the chest and you die. Guess you didn't get the chance to defend yourself.

How does it feel to be so dishonest that you literally have to make things up?

It's an experience all liberals have to suffer through.
So. How many hears can he get for manslaughter :)

Before the trial I was stating that manslaughter should be the charge.
But I do not see Zimmerman guilty of that now.
Agg Assault? What a joke that is as the facts do not show either one assaulted the other and if anything reasonable doubt is in Zimmerman's favor.

I'm not sure, but can't you go to prison for aggravated assault just for a barroom brawl?
I was hauled up in class one night for saying something critical about public defenders, so I won't go there on this post because I was informed by the prof that most public defenders will be a better advocate than the lawyer who stops defending you because you violate "Rule number 1" the first time you are late on your payment. Zimmerman would not have had such good representation were it not for people who contributed to his defense. I didn't contribute to it, but I would contribute to his 'get out of the country' fund for him and his family if there is one WHEN he is found to be NOT guilty.

I wonder how his father and his uncle will fare.

Another thing I wonder--why is there no talk of a foundation for Trayvon? It seems like that is what is done now to honor the memory of a victim. Maybe there is and I have had my head in the sand.

There are some good lawyers in FL --to be a fly on the wall when this case is discussed in private quarters. That would be interesting.
His parents have started a foundation They will be paid employees of it.

My contribution:
Manslaughter is just as bad, if not worse, than Murder II in this Case because the victim was a Minor.

Florida has a number of Cimes that are subject to the 10-20-Life rule.

Gets complicated. But some of those 'Lesser Charges' ain't so 'less'

I agree BUT this was a manslaughter case and not a murder case to begin with.
Yes, Florida is a right wing kook state. Since there was a gun involved the Republican Legislature passed a mandatory 10 year sentence on this if he is convicted.
Just another example of the police state we live in these days. Amazing the foolish liberals here want to roast Zimmerman as most times it is the state and their vast resources prosecuting petty drug offenses and sending people with health problems to prison for mandatory 10 year drug sentences for a handful of crack cocaine.
At one time in the Federal system you would get less time if you robbed a bank and pistol whipped the teller than if you had over a certain amount of crack cocaine.
People need to wake up as we have doubled the prison population since 2005 and most of them are petty dope cases with mandatory sentences. In Georgia it is 25 years mandatory sentence if you flash your penis at a minor as that is child molestation under the law here . There have been many arrests on college campuses of students and adults tailgating before football games and guys are taking a whiz behind the bushes. "Daddy, I saw that man's penis". I know of one plea of 25 to do 2 on those cases and the others have been plea bargained down to disorderly conduct or something else but the LAW REMAINS.
Same as Florida laws. Blame the Republican Legislatures for their draconian laws.

It doesn't matter which party does what. Such political posturing may send an innocent man to jail. Here we are acting like this is a game, one party rooting for the defendant, the other the victim. Does anyone not care that there is a chance a miscarriage of justice might be perpetrated?

It doesn't matter that the legal interpretations in this trial, charges and sentences are all in law because the Republican Legislature passed those laws that Zimmerman will be subject to?
Damn sure matters to me that the Republican Legislature in Florida has stacked the deck against NOT ONLY George Zimmerman but every other criminal defendant for the last 10 years and in the future.
George Zimmerman is not the only criminal defendant on trial this week in Florida that has gotten a raw deal.
Happens EVERY DAY and it was Republicans that passed all of the laws there allowing it.
Ha HA! The guys have a little Mark thing going on too! I thought it was all about evidence cutie.

Tell the truth - it's his #Stamina. It's ok, you're among friends, you can be honest.

LOL. One of the reasons I like to watch trials is to contrast the attorney's styles. Law really isn't that hard. It's black and white. How an attorney adds color to the facts of any case makes and/or breaks a case in trial. I would be lying to you if I told you otherwise.

But, from a totally hetero perspective, he's doing a good job of impressing me.

Yeah, he is one of those people I'd like to have lunch with. Along with Golda Meier, George Washington, Shakespeare, Leonardo Da Vinci and some others. And yeah, I know a lot of my heroes are dead.

Only had the pleasure of meeting one of those you mentioned.
The prosecution failed miserably in their closing arguments. It was pathetic.

Seemed like a wandering aimlessly while screaming incoherently closing to me. I've seen meth heads that were in better control of themselves than the prosecutor. What the hell did that guy have for lunch a 4loco?
LOL. One of the reasons I like to watch trials is to contrast the attorney's styles. Law really isn't that hard. It's black and white. How an attorney adds color to the facts of any case makes and/or breaks a case in trial. I would be lying to you if I told you otherwise.

But, from a totally hetero perspective, he's doing a good job of impressing me.

Yeah, he is one of those people I'd like to have lunch with. Along with Golda Meier, George Washington, Shakespeare, Leonardo Da Vinci and some others. And yeah, I know a lot of my heroes are dead.

Only had the pleasure of meeting one of those you mentioned.

Shakespeare? LOL.

I would add Margaret Thatcher.
Odd. here in PA defense closes first and Prosecution last.

I thought the defense got the last word. Maybe the prosecution gets to go again tomorrow? I'm not sure. Just heard on TV the defense lawyers would be working all night on tearing apart the prosecutions closing tomorrow morning.

In Georgia if the defendant testifies the prosecution gets closing argument last and if the defendant does not testify the defense gets last argument. Probably the same everywhere.

That's an interesting twist.
I was hauled up in class one night for saying something critical about public defenders, so I won't go there on this post because I was informed by the prof that most public defenders will be a better advocate than the lawyer who stops defending you because you violate "Rule number 1" the first time you are late on your payment. Zimmerman would not have had such good representation were it not for people who contributed to his defense. I didn't contribute to it, but I would contribute to his 'get out of the country' fund for him and his family if there is one WHEN he is found to be NOT guilty.

I wonder how his father and his uncle will fare.

Another thing I wonder--why is there no talk of a foundation for Trayvon? It seems like that is what is done now to honor the memory of a victim. Maybe there is and I have had my head in the sand.

There are some good lawyers in FL --to be a fly on the wall when this case is discussed in private quarters. That would be interesting.
His parents have started a foundation They will be paid employees of it.

ok--That seems the right thing to do.

So many lives affected. Some good should come of this.

in other news--

Stay out of court. My dad's advice.
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I wonder how his father and his uncle will fare.

Another thing I wonder--why is there no talk of a foundation for Trayvon? It seems like that is what is done now to honor the memory of a victim. Maybe there is and I have had my head in the sand.

There are some good lawyers in FL --to be a fly on the wall when this case is discussed in private quarters. That would be interesting.
His parents have started a foundation They will be paid employees of it.

ok--That seems the right thing to do.

So many lives affected. Some good should come of this.

Yeah, his parents get to retire. Too bad it's not for other unsupervised inner city 'children.' You know. Like li'l Trayvon.
Did anyone see the judge grill Zimmerman directly about when "HE" would decide to testify or not?

Very bizarre

I couldn't believe how RUDE she was to him and his attorney!! I don't know a lot about it, but it sounds like that's not the "normal" procedure, that's why his attorney kept trying to object.....

All of that will help Zimmerman appeal, which given the bait and switch he should do (if found guilty).
The Prosecution has admitted that they didn't prove their overcharged allegations that Zimmerman is guilty of 2nd degree murder, so they are now asking the Judge to include lesser charges in an attempt to get any kind of conviction to appease the Black population and prevent riots.

I have never heard of this happening before. It must have... but I have never heard of it. Usually the Prosecutors will string together groups of charges knowing that each one increases their chances of a conviction if they fail on their primary charge.

All I can say is I hope that the Judge refuses to do it, or if she does, it is tossed on appeals. It's not the Judge's job to help the Prosecutors to get a conviction which is what will look like if she agrees to this.

Judge considers lesser charges for Zimmerman | Detroit Free Press |

SANFORD, Fla. - State prosecutors are asking the judge in the Trayvon Martin murder case to instruct the jury to consider lesser charges - manslaughter and aggravated assault - when they begin deliberations.

Zimmerman's attorney have objected. Nelson will hold a hearing Thursday morning to determine whether the jury should consider those charges, in addition to the second-degree murder charge that prosecutors sought when the trial began.

The last-minute maneuvering by prosecutors has been seen by some legal experts as an indication that they are not as confident about their chances for a second-degree murder conviction. The jury is expected to start deliberating on Friday.

called it.

Kinda shocked they are not charging him for wearing a disguise in public. After all, he was walking while white.
Let's say, for example, that I'm walking home from the store. I notice some guy stalking me. I think he's stopped, finally, but then I see him again. I do not know what he's up to, and I'm doing nothing wrong.

I want to know why he's following me. I think he's creepy, and I'm getting pissed. So I duck behind some bushes to see if he's still coming after me.

When he pops up AGAIN, I jump his creepy ass--because (1) I'm pissed, (2) he's a threat, and (3) I hope to teach him not to stalk people.

And then he shoots me dead as I'm pounding his creepy dumb ass.

I'd say that the creep should see some jail time. When creepy dumb asses look for trouble and find it--well, that isn't self defense. It's stupidity.

OK, so you are the aggressor and want the victim, defended himself from your aggression, to serve jail time. You dont KNOW he was stalking you. He could have been going the same direction. Did you confront him in a nonaggressive manner and ask him?


Youre the aggressor here, so you did not defend yourself. You dont know he's a threat, you assumed and then acted.

(1) Stalking can be quite obvious at times. In this Florida case, it sounds as if the stalker were being obvious. (I do not know if he did this intentionally or not.)

(2) Uninvited stalking is an agressive act.

(3) And, yes, a person does have a right to defend himself/herself against an aggressor. It is not the defendant's fault if the stalker is a pussy.

Stalking is an act you must prove. In your scenario, you didnt prove it. One time? Someone was walking behind you and you didnt even confront them? You attack them and then call it justified?

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