The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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From the map of the crime scene, it's impossible to believe that Martin went to attack Zimmerman at the truck because where he dies is so far away from the truck.

Zimmerman is lying.

To believe his story, you have to believe that after the 911 call was made, Martin reappears, circles his truck, and then walks away in the row of houses. Zimmerman is so scared by Martin coming back and circling his truck that he goes out afoot to follow Martin.

Where the altercation happens shows that Zimmerman was following Martin, and not the other way around.

We're also to believe that the mixed-martial artist with the gun and the prior record was having his head bashed into the pavement, was being punched in the face, was swallowing blood AND screaming like a teenager for help.

Zimmerman is lying, and the people who swallow his lies obviously haven't even looked at the map that shows where Martin was shot and killed in cold blood because of one vigilante's moronic assumptions.

LOL. Listen to you. How do you put one foot in front of the other in the morning? Where the fight occurred, was at the intersection of the 'T' meaning that Zimmerman could have been going anywhere. He could have been going back to his truck, he could have been procuring the address for the police, or in your piddly account, he could have been following Martin.

The fact is you can't make those assumptions. The fact is, following someone on public property is not a crime. Therefore that isn't an issue. His MMA teacher called rated him an 0.5 on a scale of proficiency, to a 1.0 on that same scale after a year of training. Calling him a "mixed martial artist" is a bit of a stretch. Calling him a criminal based off of his prior record is a lie, since those charges were dropped (use Google for once). Zimmerman isn't lying since his testimony was majorly corroborated by evidence and witness testimony.

The point? You have not idea how to look at an issue objectively. If we tried Zimmerman on the facts, and not on your emotions, he would be acquitted.
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The state's narrative has more inconsistencies than any of GZ's accounts. GZ's overall account remains the same through all accounts. The defense started out with GZ on top, now GZ is on bottom. That is a huge change. They have yet to state what they believe happened. I'm sorry, but in a reasonable opinion without bias that is reasonable doubt.

If you take all of GZ's accounts as gospel, you might as well next turn to Jim Jones' lectures.
If you're white you have two choices after this case "if" Zimmerman is guility. 1. Move into the country where there is few special people or 2. accept that you're going to die or damaged.

You don't have a clear right to self defense against these people. They will riot until you're rotting in prison.

Thanks for the laugh!!!
Does anyone watching this still believe in the justice system?

No wonder so many poor blacks are in prison.

The prosecutors lie, twist the facts, ignore the law, take evidence and testimony out of context, connive, cheat, ambush...and we call this the "justice" system???

What a joke...

speaking of that--How did GZ manage to find Mark O'Mara to represent him?

I avoided knowing much about this trial until it was inevitable.

O'Mara certainly seems to be top of the line. I can google.

eta: meager results--
Mark O'Mara - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He certainly sounds like he has spent time in the NE.

Mark O?Mara: George Zimmerman?s New Lawyer - The Daily Beast

Yes--it is difficult to have confidence in the justice system after a day like this and historically there have been many.

I suppose Sean Hannity will have some encouraging words. 'Let not your heart be troubled'.

Something is so seriously wrong--that is all I know.

I really don't know how Zimmerman and O'mara found each other, maybe someone else knows the answer to that.

This is the first trial I was interested enough in to watch (or listen to) from opening to verdict.

My former faith in the integrity of the system is shattered.

Presidency corrupt, congress corrupt, business corrupt, unions corrupt, police corrupt local government corrupt and now adds justice system corrupt.

You don't know the half of it when it comes to corrupt justice system forensics. Unless you have a good lawyer the state will railroad your ass with junk forensics. PBS Frontline: The Real CSI
Well. That closing was colossally underwhelming.

Master Stamina is up tomorrow: 8:30AM! Be there or be square! :popcorn:

Prepare yourself for a forthright and smooth presentation intertwining evidence, law, and common sense - a lesson on how it should be done.

Bring. It. On. :tongue:

I thought Judge Mope said 8:00 A.M.

Are we playing this game again? You're just wanting to hear "the Rat is right" again.

I heard 8:30. Damn HLN is still droning on. They seem delighted that Zim could get 30 years for manslaughter.
Defense closes tomorrow morning.

Odd. here in PA defense closes first and Prosecution last.

I thought the defense got the last word. Maybe the prosecution gets to go again tomorrow? I'm not sure. Just heard on TV the defense lawyers would be working all night on tearing apart the prosecutions closing tomorrow morning.

In Georgia if the defendant testifies the prosecution gets closing argument last and if the defendant does not testify the defense gets last argument. Probably the same everywhere.
That's all it is...The black community wants to be violent and if you defend yourself=you're the bad guy. This is the future of our legal system.

Blacks have just made their choice not the be equals under our justice system. The rules of the jungle they have chosen.

Please quit stating the black community. Just as in any incident, there is a minute amount of individuals that wish to wreak havoc in a given situation.

Please show me a black that is calling this hanging of a innocent man wrong.
Please Show me a right winger who said the shooting of that unarmed black kid was wrong.
That's all it is...The black community wants to be violent and if you defend yourself=you're the bad guy. This is the future of our legal system.

Blacks have just made their choice not the be equals under our justice system. The rules of the jungle they have chosen.

Please quit stating the black community. Just as in any incident, there is a minute amount of individuals that wish to wreak havoc in a given situation.

Please show me a black that is calling this hanging of a innocent man wrong.

I actually know quite a few. In fact, I don't know one that thinks he is guilty, in my group of friends.

And this -
Poll: Only 47% of Blacks Believe Zimmerman Is Guilty Of Murder
George zimmmerman self-defense | Breaking News for Black America

This poll was before the trial. I would suspect that number is even less today.
So. How many hears can he get for manslaughter :)

Before the trial I was stating that manslaughter should be the charge.
But I do not see Zimmerman guilty of that now.
Agg Assault? What a joke that is as the facts do not show either one assaulted the other and if anything reasonable doubt is in Zimmerman's favor.
From the map of the crime scene, it's impossible to believe that Martin went to attack Zimmerman at the truck because where he dies is so far away from the truck.

Zimmerman is lying.

To believe his story, you have to believe that after the 911 call was made, Martin reappears, circles his truck, and then walks away in the row of houses. Zimmerman is so scared by Martin coming back and circling his truck that he goes out afoot to follow Martin.

Where the altercation happens shows that Zimmerman was following Martin, and not the other way around.

We're also to believe that the mixed-martial artist with the gun and the prior record was having his head bashed into the pavement, was being punched in the face, was swallowing blood AND screaming like a teenager for help.

Zimmerman is lying, and the people who swallow his lies obviously haven't even looked at the map that shows where Martin was shot and killed in cold blood because of one vigilante's moronic assumptions.

Does anyone watching this still believe in the justice system?

No wonder so many poor blacks are in prison.

The prosecutors lie, twist the facts, ignore the law, take evidence and testimony out of context, connive, cheat, ambush...and we call this the "justice" system???

What a joke...

I was hauled up in class one night for saying something critical about public defenders, so I won't go there on this post because I was informed by the prof that most public defenders will be a better advocate than the lawyer who stops defending you because you violate "Rule number 1" the first time you are late on your payment. Zimmerman would not have had such good representation were it not for people who contributed to his defense. I didn't contribute to it, but I would contribute to his 'get out of the country' fund for him and his family if there is one WHEN he is found to be NOT guilty.

I wonder how his father and his uncle will fare.

Another thing I wonder--why is there no talk of a foundation for Trayvon? It seems like that is what is done now to honor the memory of a victim. Maybe there is and I have had my head in the sand.

There are some good lawyers in FL --to be a fly on the wall when this case is discussed in private quarters. That would be interesting.
His parents have started a foundation They will be paid employees of it.
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