Zone1 The Omnipotence of God

"God" being "God", there cannot be "notGod".
Neuro/Linguistic limitations condemn us to metaphorical descriptions at best when trying to speak of the unspeakable.
So what I am hearing you say is the if God exists, then God cannot "not exist". Is that correct? If so then that is something that God cannot do, ie "not exist". Going back to your original comment, how does this make it so that God is not "one"?
So what I am hearing you say is the if God exists, then God cannot "not exist". Is that correct? If so then that is something that God cannot do, ie "not exist". Going back to your original comment, how does this make it so that God is not "one"?
The human limitations of "logic" could not contain "God".
Why would any Omnipotent God have to have Himself incarnated as His own Son, just to have that incarnate Son be tortured to death on a cross?
Because that is what he promised the Israelites.

It was his plan to save humanity.
He promised the Jews of Israel that He would have Himself (in the form of His own Son) tortured to death on a cross?

I don’t think so. But again: why would He make any such promise?
He promised the Jews of Israel that He would have Himself (in the form of His own Son) tortured to death on a cross?

I don’t think so. But again: why would He make any such promise?
Well it’s his redemption plan for humanity.

If you have a problem with it, you’ll get your chance to ask him.
Well it’s his redemption plan for humanity.

If you have a problem with it, you’ll get your chance to ask him.
Why would God need or choose to sacrifice His own Son ant all, much less in such a horrifying fashion? He could accomplish His own goals without that ghoulish methodology.
evil does not exist in the heavens ... rather disingenuous to suggest anything else - the choice was made and will not be broken.
the point was that it is not that God cannot sin but that God chooses not to sin. Nobody is claiming that evil exists in the kingdom of heaven. We are merely claiming that God, as a free will agent chooses to always be good and not that some unknown force is forcing him to be good.
the absurdity of the c-bible story speaks for itself - hawk believes they chose to live as an embryo inside a woman's body for 9 months ... really.
And for some reason that really gets you riled up.

living as an embryo inside a woman's body - " gets you riled up" - no ... only a very perverted people would embrace such an absurdity - hawk.

it's a lie to falsely construe an equally absurd narrative about jesus.

the value being the state of affairs of mary and joseph who were not afarid of religious persecution, judaism and lived their lives accordingly and were made examples by the heavens for their valor.
the point was that it is not that God cannot sin but that God chooses not to sin. Nobody is claiming that evil exists in the kingdom of heaven. We are merely claiming that God, as a free will agent chooses to always be good and not that some unknown force is forcing him to be good.

you are wrong - that is not a choice.

evil is expunged from those in the heavens - that's how they got there and how one is admitted, the triumph over evil.

can not be accomplished by who have overly sinned - they perish.
Why would God need or choose to sacrifice His own Son ant all, much less in such a horrifying fashion? He could accomplish His own goals without that ghoulish methodology.
It is a matter of satisfying the demands of justice. If no unclean thing can enter the kingdom of heaven, then it is unjust to allow the sinner back into heaven. God overcomes this the demands of justice by creating another unjust situation that must be dealt with according to the demands of justice. God the Father being an immortal being cannot lay down his life because of his immortality. So he sends his firstborn son who is a spirit to this earth to be born with a body that can die. While on the earth, Jesus live a perfectly sinless life. Yet he becomes subject to suffering for the sins of all mankind. He is able to do this because he is part God. He is able to die because he is part mortal. So Jesus goes through the greatest of all injustices ever perpetrated on this earth. His suffering for the sins of all mankind is not a just act upon one who is sinless. He is a lamb without blemish and spot. Because of his unjust sufferings and because he was a sinless perfect being, the unjust suffer that he suffers, according to justice, must be recompensed. The recompense is according to justice to right a wrong that perpetrated upon him. The recompense must cover the extent to which he suffered. What is his recompense? He is granted the right to forgive anyone who repents of his sins and turns unto God. If a man sacrifices his sins by repenting, Jesus has the right, according to his just recompense to forgive that man. It is Jesus' just recompense to have the power to redeem the repentant soul. Jesus recompense along with mankind's repentance, according to justice, can overcome the demands of justice of keeping the sinner out of heaven. The law of justice has been satisfied and the law of mercy comes into effect.

The question then arises, Why couldn't God simply forgive the sinner Himself without all the pain and suffering? The answer is because that would violate justice and God will not violate justice. However, he can allow justice to offset itself. Jesus, who did no sin was a perfect being who after suffering the sins of all mankind and dying for our cause deserved a just recompense for what he went through and to the extent of what he went through. Mankind would still need to change his ways and repent, but the justice for Jesus offset the justice of keeping man out of heaven if mankind would only repent and forsake his sins. Thus mercy claims the truly penitent and God is justified in saving his children. Jesus' atonement overcame original sin and also individual sin of those who truly repent. Thus it is the just for the unjust as spoken of in this verse:

1 Peter 3:18
18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
you are wrong - that is not a choice.

evil is expunged from those in the heavens - that's how they got there and how one is admitted, the triumph over evil.

can not be accomplished by who have overly sinned - they perish.
No, you are wrong. God is the most free will being. Nobody or nothing forces God to be God. He does so of his own free will and choice. He chooses to always do good continually and will not sin. He has the power to do all things that are possible for a God to do but he chooses to be a good and holy being. He wants mankind to learn to choose, in and of themselves also to be good beings of their own free will and choice. Only in this way does one truly become a good being. Not by force but by free will choice.
No, you are wrong. God is the most free will being. Nobody or nothing forces God to be God. He does so of his own free will and choice. He chooses to always do good continually and will not sin. He has the power to do all things that are possible for a God to do but he chooses to be a good and holy being. He wants mankind to learn to choose, in and of themselves also to be good beings of their own free will and choice. Only in this way does one truly become a good being. Not by force but by free will choice.

there in fact is not that choice - in the heavens as is their way of life.

you do not understand - there is a level above the duality of good vs evil - a state of being they live by in the heavens ... you only prove your level by not realizing their goal - to be accomplish. or perish.

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