The one good thing about the capitol insurrection.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
The whole country is doing no such thing. The vast majority know it is not fact based and a narrative to further divide the country. The media has no credibility and the FBI has even less.
Your fantasy world is fascinating.
Imagine how much they have to think is fake news: Pre-election polls, election results, Biden's approvals.

It's all a conspiracy. Don't believe any of it. In reality, most of the country loves Trump.

A group pathology the world hasn't seen in 85 years.
All of that was a lie. Time magazine said as much. Next.
Link, please.
Try google troll.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
The fraud will be exposed by then. All the talk in the world won't change that. And Jan. is not a few months before the election. It is a few months before the primaries that RINOs and corrupt incumbents will lose.

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The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
The whole country is doing no such thing. The vast majority know it is not fact based and a narrative to further divide the country. The media has no credibility and the FBI has even less.
Your fantasy world is fascinating.
Imagine how much they have to think is fake news: Pre-election polls, election results, Biden's approvals.

It's all a conspiracy. Don't believe any of it. In reality, most of the country loves Trump.

A group pathology the world hasn't seen in 85 years.
All of that was a lie. Time magazine said as much. Next.
Link, please.
Try google troll.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
The article from "Time" was discussed on the forum. If you are not paying attention what the fuck are you doing here?
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
As a counterpoint, the American people are infamous for their ability to forget.

And as Republicans have abandoned the big tent, inclusive political paradigm for that of minority rule, the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy will be used to energize the base and get out the vote.
And the cities will still have the most brutal crimes we see everyday. And when the fools vote Prog again, nothing is changing and the nation will get poorer.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

All your side has is one day of a protest that got out of hand, while ignoring violence in the street by the left that continues for a year now, currently targeting Jews.

There, covered that for you, Crepitus.
I know I've asked this before, but I've never gotten a firm answer. Maybe you can help.

How much dope do you have to smoke to be a republican these days?
Snorting orange kool-aid.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.

LOL, from the supporter of left wing domestic terrorism, LOL
I would ask for a quote of me saying that, but I know you'll avoid that.

Because you're a liar and a coward 'n stuff.

Sure, I'll give you a quote. See the red above where you are losing your mind over the one issue from the right while you ignore a summer of leftist violence. And your leftists burned, looted and murdered people, none of which happened on January 6. You make very clear you're fine with the endless leftist violence
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
The whole country is doing no such thing. The vast majority know it is not fact based and a narrative to further divide the country. The media has no credibility and the FBI has even less.
Your fantasy world is fascinating.
Imagine how much they have to think is fake news: Pre-election polls, election results, Biden's approvals.

It's all a conspiracy. Don't believe any of it. In reality, most of the country loves Trump.

A group pathology the world hasn't seen in 85 years.
All of that was a lie. Time magazine said as much. Next.
Link, please.
Try google troll.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
The article was discussed on the forum. If you are not paying attention what the fuck are you doing here?
So you read every thread on this board. Wow, that's dedication.

Link, please.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.

LOL, from the supporter of left wing domestic terrorism, LOL
I would ask for a quote of me saying that, but I know you'll avoid that.

Because you're a liar and a coward 'n stuff.

Sure, I'll give you a quote. See the red above where you are losing your mind over the one issue from the right while you ignore a summer of violence. And you're leftists burned, looted and murdered people, none of which happened on January 6. You make very clear you're fine with the endless leftist violence
I didn't think so.

I just keep saying that to Trumpsters, because you can never back up your words.

Man up for a change.
Usually for some thing to have a”good thing” about it there would be a necessity for it to have factually, actually have occurred.

what did happen was a protest where people were invited in and a few got out of control and one was murdered.
Conservatives’ unwarranted opposition to a Congressional commission to investigate the rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is proof Republicans care little about the truth and more about partisan politics.

It’s further proof that Republicans see the rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy as hurting them at the polls, and appropriately so.
Continue to bitterly cling to your victimization feelings while thinkers defeat the contentions at every turn
Oh, the irony...
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

All your side has is one day of a protest that got out of hand, while ignoring violence in the street by the left that continues for a year now, currently targeting Jews.

There, covered that for you, Crepitus.
I know I've asked this before, but I've never gotten a firm answer. Maybe you can help.

How much dope do you have to smoke to be a republican these days?
Snorting orange kool-aid.

I'd ask if you came up with any of that yourself, but obviously you didn't. You're just parroting the propaganda. You have nothing to add from that
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.

LOL, from the supporter of left wing domestic terrorism, LOL
I would ask for a quote of me saying that, but I know you'll avoid that.

Because you're a liar and a coward 'n stuff.

Sure, I'll give you a quote. See the red above where you are losing your mind over the one issue from the right while you ignore a summer of violence. And you're leftists burned, looted and murdered people, none of which happened on January 6. You make very clear you're fine with the endless leftist violence
I didn't think so.

I just keep saying that to Trumpsters, because you can never back up your words.

Man up for a change.

LOL, your same stupid answer every time your ass is nailed to the wall
Usually for some thing to have a”good thing” about it there would be a necessity for it to have factually, actually have occurred.

what did happen was a protest where people were invited in and a few got out of control and one was murdered.
Conservatives’ unwarranted opposition to a Congressional commission to investigate the rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is proof Republicans care little about the truth and more about partisan politics.

It’s further proof that Republicans see the rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy as hurting them at the polls, and appropriately so.
Continue to bitterly cling to your victimization feelings while thinkers defeat the contentions at every turn
Oh, the irony...

Oh, the irony...
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.

LOL, from the supporter of left wing domestic terrorism, LOL
I would ask for a quote of me saying that, but I know you'll avoid that.

Because you're a liar and a coward 'n stuff.

Sure, I'll give you a quote. See the red above where you are losing your mind over the one issue from the right while you ignore a summer of violence. And you're leftists burned, looted and murdered people, none of which happened on January 6. You make very clear you're fine with the endless leftist violence
I didn't think so.

I just keep saying that to Trumpsters, because you can never back up your words.

Man up for a change.

LOL, your same stupid answer every time your ass is nailed to the wall
If you say so, Trumpster. I know you have your little world to keep you safe.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
The whole country is doing no such thing. The vast majority know it is not fact based and a narrative to further divide the country. The media has no credibility and the FBI has even less.
Your fantasy world is fascinating.
Imagine how much they have to think is fake news: Pre-election polls, election results, Biden's approvals.

It's all a conspiracy. Don't believe any of it. In reality, most of the country loves Trump.

A group pathology the world hasn't seen in 85 years.

Calm down and put away the paranoia. There was no "conspiracy," leftists just sole the election. You changed the rules and kept voting in Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Los Vegas and Phoenix. There was no hocus pocus, just brawn. There aren't all these paranoid hallucinations and conspiracies you're constantly imagining
Funny little Trumpster. :itsok:

Funny little Bidenette. :itsok:
How silly.
When this country stages an actual insurrection, we won't show up empty handed...
They didn't show up empty handed this time. A good number of them were armed. Some even had explosives. More than one person is facing charges for trying to plant bombs.

Good number of people left Trump's rally early and retrieved weapons and then joined the march on the capital. This alone proves that it was pre-planned and not a spontaneous march called for by Trump at the rally
How silly.
When this country stages an actual insurrection, we won't show up empty handed...
These hateful fools seem to be salivating at the prospect of government goons kicking in doors to collect weapons. I'm not too worried. One thing for sure is THEY won't try it. They'll depend on better men and women than themselves to take those risks. Many local jurisdictions, PDs, sheriffs departments, troopers and the like have already made it clear they will NOT take part in unconstitutional gun grabs. The Feds will have to hire tens of thousands of extra Schutzstaffel and Brown Shirts to do the job...
What are you talking about? Former President Obama took all our guns like the NRA warned us would happen.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
Yeah... And make sure not to talk about the peaceful protesters looting and burning shit down.
Those aren't peaceful protestors. They're idiot rioters.

And Trumpsters' attempts to equate those two things only convince other Trumpsters.
Just as peaceful as your 4 year long insurrection of an elected President that includes looting, burning, the execution of police officers, the abusing and killing of innocent civilian's, and all based on a lie that said Trump was a racist, and many other bad thing's the left lied about in an attempt to destroy his presidency in favor of their long held agenda in which Trump and a majority of Americans weren't going to just go along with.

The leftist agenda is aborting babies like getting a Saturday morning hair fix, pushing all sorts of radical things like attempting to legalize all drugs, decriminalizing most crime, defunding the police, destroying our military strength, destroying our energy independence, embolden our enemies, anti-Semitism, fundamentally transforming the nation into something unimaginable for many, and etc.
Dittos, Rush.
I'll wear that name on my T-shirt proudly.
Of course you would.

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