The one good thing about the capitol insurrection.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

Of course the liberal partisan hacks will drooling over this. They worship stuff like this. Im not surprised. Government is all they have and they bow to worship at its alter.
WTF are you babbling about? You never make any damn sense.
The good thing about the faux Jan. 6th Dimm narrative, is that it's getting headed off at the pass before the mid-terms! :abgg2q.jpg:
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
It's a shame the Federal Election Commission doesn't force the Democratic Party to declare all the news propaganda run by the lefty news propaganda outlets as campaign contributions.
Lotta butt-hurt in that post.
A lot more truth than butt hurt.
That presumes you are capable of recognizing truth.

So far I've seen absolutely no evidence of that.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
It's a shame the Federal Election Commission doesn't force the Democratic Party to declare all the news propaganda run by the lefty news propaganda outlets as campaign contributions.
Lotta butt-hurt in that post.
A lot more truth than butt hurt.
That presumes you are capable of recognizing truth.

So far I've seen absolutely no evidence of that.
You have proven you have no idea of what evidence is. Anything else?
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
The whole country is doing no such thing. The vast majority know it is not fact based and a narrative to further divide the country. The media has no credibility and the FBI has even less.
Your fantasy world is fascinating.
Imagine how much they have to think is fake news: Pre-election polls, election results, Biden's approvals.

It's all a conspiracy. Don't believe any of it. In reality, most of the country loves Trump.

A group pathology the world hasn't seen in 85 years.
It's gotta be getting difficult to maintain, there's some much evidence to the contrary.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

Of course the liberal partisan hacks will drooling over this. They worship stuff like this. Im not surprised. Government is all they have and they bow to worship at its alter.
WTF are you babbling about? You never make any damn sense.

You can't discern even the smallest stuff.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
It's a shame the Federal Election Commission doesn't force the Democratic Party to declare all the news propaganda run by the lefty news propaganda outlets as campaign contributions.
Lotta butt-hurt in that post.
A lot more truth than butt hurt.

I think Creep meant it was making his butt hurt
Ah, a comment from the dribbling moron. Everyone applaud and tell him how good he did so we can get back to the thread.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
Yeah... And make sure not to talk about the peaceful protesters looting and burning shit down.
Yeppers. These Leftists support the Antifa and BLM scumbags with their riots because they are of the same mindset.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
The whole country is doing no such thing. The vast majority know it is not fact based and a narrative to further divide the country. The media has no credibility and the FBI has even less.
Your fantasy world is fascinating.
Imagine how much they have to think is fake news: Pre-election polls, election results, Biden's approvals.

It's all a conspiracy. Don't believe any of it. In reality, most of the country loves Trump.

A group pathology the world hasn't seen in 85 years.
All of that was a lie. Time magazine said as much. Next.
Got a link?
They have the feds' attention now.

View attachment 492322

How soon are they going to start wearing those little red armbands and goose-stepping when they go places?



Didn't you get the memo? They replaced the red armbands with red hats.

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The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
The whole country is doing no such thing. The vast majority know it is not fact based and a narrative to further divide the country. The media has no credibility and the FBI has even less.
Your fantasy world is fascinating.
Imagine how much they have to think is fake news: Pre-election polls, election results, Biden's approvals.

It's all a conspiracy. Don't believe any of it. In reality, most of the country loves Trump.

A group pathology the world hasn't seen in 85 years.
It's gotta be getting difficult to maintain, there's some much evidence to the contrary.
Well, that's the power of a group pathology. They have to know at some level, but they're too emotionally invested in this now to admit they've been conned. So they just stick with it.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
As long as it serves your partisan purposes, what's not to like? :rolleyes:

Party over country anyone?
Lol, you guys did it, not us.

You can't blame this one on partisanship from our side.

This is all on you.
I hate to be the one to break up your happy dance, but I don't know what "you guys" you're referring to, personally I had nothing to do with it nor do I have ANY connection to those that did or to the GOP.

The fact the you're all giddy the fact that this heinous crime occurred only indicates that you're just another typical partisan robot that just can't wait to use it for your own self serving ends, all SELFISHNESS, ZERO PRINCIPLES, congratulations. :rolleyes:
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
The whole country is doing no such thing. The vast majority know it is not fact based and a narrative to further divide the country. The media has no credibility and the FBI has even less.
Your fantasy world is fascinating.
Imagine how much they have to think is fake news: Pre-election polls, election results, Biden's approvals.

It's all a conspiracy. Don't believe any of it. In reality, most of the country loves Trump.

A group pathology the world hasn't seen in 85 years.
All of that was a lie. Time magazine said as much. Next.
Got a link?
Of course not. He's a Trumpster.
Usually for some thing to have a”good thing” about it there would be a necessity for it to have factually, actually have occurred.

what did happen was a protest where people were invited in and a few got out of control and one was murdered.
Conservatives’ unwarranted opposition to a Congressional commission to investigate the rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is proof Republicans care little about the truth and more about partisan politics.

It’s further proof that Republicans see the rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy as hurting them at the polls, and appropriately so.
Continue to bitterly cling to your victimization feelings while thinkers defeat the contentions at every turn
Oh, the irony...

Oh, the irony...
Well, I guess they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...
A doughnut addicted cop died from a stroke due to the Jan. 6th excitement and an unarmed military vet caught up in the mob protest was executed by the Feds with no follow up.
Do the Dimm's really believe this will swing the mid-terms in their favor?
If so, they remain totally unhinged, as usual.
Well, that's the power of a group pathology. They have to know at some level, but they're too emotionally invested in this now to admit they've been conned. So they just stick with it.
I just ran into this not so long ago... But it wasn't with a Trumpster.

You say a lot of wise things directed in a way that makes them less so.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
As long as it serves your partisan purposes, what's not to like? :rolleyes:

Party over country anyone?
Lol, you guys did it, not us.

You can't blame this one on partisanship from our side.

This is all on you.
I hate to be the one to break up your happy dance, but I don't know what "you guys" you're referring to, personally I had nothing to do with it nor do I have ANY connection to those that did or to the GOP.

The fact the you're all giddy the fact that this heinous crime occurred only indicates that you're just another typical partisan robot that just can't wait to use it for your own self serving ends, all SELFISHNESS, ZERO PRINCIPLES, congratulations. :rolleyes:
You're as delusional has the rest of the tRumplings.

I'm certainly not "giddy" that it happened. I'm happy it won't be forgotten about soon.

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