The ONE qst. that should be asked of every GOP candidate

Hint, no, Jesus would not have recommended a lifetime of government funded mooching for the able bodied, he would have given immediate but temporary assistance while teaching how to support themselves.

Moronic......what you're basically stating is that Jesus....WOULD ONLY BE COMFORTABLE LIVING IN THE USA......Implying that Jesus' teachings are NOT respected throughout the rest of the world that DOES HAVE what you stupidly call "government funded mooching"......

What bullshit...guided by Obama hatred.

No...what he's saying is that the Jesus thing to do would be to limit welfare, but to improve access to higher education and job training.

Well, actually I don't think he's saying that at all. But it does follow from his point. Social safety nets do need to be limited. That they are a lifestyle demonstrates severe problems in our society. It's amazing that liberals constantly moan and cry about these problems, but their only solution is to the status quo of handing out welfare and calling it a day.

Maybe we need to end the "work-fare" system and transition into more of a "learn-fare" system. Ya know, teach them to fish.
Second, both SS and Medicare would be just fine is congress did not pilfer those funds.....

Actually, "pilfering" the funds is required. The revenues enter a trust, which is then converted into bonds, which constitute intra-governmental "loans," which are themselves paid back with interest. The "pilfering," as much as it is bemoaned as an expedient political rally cry, is built into the system, and has been since day one. It actually generates more money for the system. Which really means that it is just a way to siphon even more tax dollars into these programs, because part of the debt interest our tax dollars pay goes into these trusts. And yet, they are still on the verge of bankruptcy.

But hey....tell me more about how I'm short on the facts and you're some kind of expert.
Hint, no, Jesus would not have recommended a lifetime of government funded mooching for the able bodied, he would have given immediate but temporary assistance while teaching how to support themselves.

Moronic......what you're basically stating is that Jesus....WOULD ONLY BE COMFORTABLE LIVING IN THE USA......Implying that Jesus' teachings are NOT respected throughout the rest of the world that DOES HAVE what you stupidly call "government funded mooching"......

What bullshit...guided by Obama hatred.

No...what he's saying is that the Jesus thing to do would be to limit welfare, but to improve access to higher education and job training.

Well, actually I don't think he's saying that at all. But it does follow from his point. Social safety nets do need to be limited. That they are a lifestyle demonstrates severe problems in our society. It's amazing that liberals constantly moan and cry about these problems, but their only solution is to the status quo of handing out welfare and calling it a day.

Maybe we need to end the "work-fare" system and transition into more of a "learn-fare" system. Ya know, teach them to fish.
actually, thats pretty much exactly the point Im making.
Liberas prey on christians in order to continue the constant give aways, when the real solution is to cut welfare and get these people to support themselves.
nothing, since these fools think socialism will work, this time.

See, you and S.J., are not completely alone in the half-brained camp....Have another cup of tea.
do you think socialism will work in America?
It already does work with Medicare.
medicare cost more than it claims every year
most doctors refuse to take accept it and the ones that do, well, they aren't the "A" students
and the fraud?


really, that is the worst example you could have come up with.

try SS :lol:
Once again, closeted right wingers like you miss the entire point....Tell you what, change the question to a candidate's belief in Santa Claus and then defend someone's right to believe whatever and STILL desire to be a leader of the free world.

What you folks fail to understand that the question in the O/P attempts to address is this.....Does a potential, prospective leader utilize spiritually-based faith OR fact-based reason when determining policies that impact and affect millions of others?

If you're looking for spiritual guidance.....go to a house of worship......not the white house.

Well you obviously DON'T want a discussion on the OP because I keep responding and you won't address my arguments. Like usual, you want to hoot down everybody else and promote YOUR ideas... nothing more.

I have honestly asked you to explain how one can ignore their core foundation for what they believe when making decisions on what they may or may not support? Belief in God is not the same as belief in Santa... grow the fuck up.

Every argument you make here, every viewpoint you have, is rooted in your Socialistic Liberal dogmatic beliefs... no one can even reason with you about it. Every choice you make, every decision you make, every position you take... all rooted in your beliefs and values as a Liberal. But somehow, you believe religious people are supposed to flip a switch and turn off their beliefs because you don't like them? FUCK YOU!

I also asked you where in the Constitution it said that YOUR beliefs trump MY beliefs, or that MY beliefs are less valid than YOURS, or that we have to ignore MY beliefs and adhere to YOURS when running the country or deciding our laws? Again... I got *crickets* from you.

Religious people have just as much right to govern, hold office, make laws, adjudicate cases, have opinions and views based on their religious convictions as YOU have based on Godless Liberal Socialist dogma. You might not like that but this isn't Fascist Italy and you're not Mussolini.
Once again, closeted right wingers like you miss the entire point....Tell you what, change the question to a candidate's belief in Santa Claus and then defend someone's right to believe whatever and STILL desire to be a leader of the free world.

What you folks fail to understand that the question in the O/P attempts to address is this.....Does a potential, prospective leader utilize spiritually-based faith OR fact-based reason when determining policies that impact and affect millions of others?

If you're looking for spiritual guidance.....go to a house of worship......not the white house.

Well you obviously DON'T want a discussion on the OP because I keep responding and you won't address my arguments. Like usual, you want to hoot down everybody else and promote YOUR ideas... nothing more.

I have honestly asked you to explain how one can ignore their core foundation for what they believe when making decisions on what they may or may not support? Belief in God is not the same as belief in Santa... grow the fuck up.

Every argument you make here, every viewpoint you have, is rooted in your Socialistic Liberal dogmatic beliefs... no one can even reason with you about it. Every choice you make, every decision you make, every position you take... all rooted in your beliefs and values as a Liberal. But somehow, you believe religious people are supposed to flip a switch and turn off their beliefs because you don't like them? FUCK YOU!

I also asked you where in the Constitution it said that YOUR beliefs trump MY beliefs, or that MY beliefs are less valid than YOURS, or that we have to ignore MY beliefs and adhere to YOURS when running the country or deciding our laws? Again... I got *crickets* from you.

Religious people have just as much right to govern, hold office, make laws, adjudicate cases, have opinions and views based on their religious convictions as YOU have based on Godless Liberal Socialist dogma. You might not like that but this isn't Fascist Italy and you're not Mussolini.

Well, the main reasons why I don't answer stupid questions (as those posed by you) is mainly because they ARE stupid questions.

You can read my O/P and simply state that you disagree....instead, you chose to obfuscate the intent and get on your high horse of moralistic outrage and the rights of Christians...a group that I proudly belong to.

Take a laxative (and learn the meaning of "fascism" before you cast that term about like other clueless right wingers.)
So you won't answer my questions because you say they are stupid? ...Got it!

I disagree with the OP... I think you are an absolute moron and NOT a Christian. You ARE a fascist in the authoritative sense, not political. You rule with an iron fist... it's YOUR way or NO way! MY questions are "stupid" because you don't want to address them because they defeat your OP argument.
All the issues facing the country and you think that's what is important.

And supposedly republicans are the unintelligent ones.

Oh yeah, I DO believe in that answer's importance, since from that mindset most of our leaderships' problems emerge.

Really? I'm sure Obama agrees with your thoughts on that question and it hasn't fixed any of his problems or made him a competent leader.

Maybe because it has nothing to do with leadership.
Once again, closeted right wingers like you miss the entire point....Tell you what, change the question to a candidate's belief in Santa Claus and then defend someone's right to believe whatever and STILL desire to be a leader of the free world.

What you folks fail to understand that the question in the O/P attempts to address is this.....Does a potential, prospective leader utilize spiritually-based faith OR fact-based reason when determining policies that impact and affect millions of others?

If you're looking for spiritual guidance.....go to a house of worship......not the white house.

Well you obviously DON'T want a discussion on the OP because I keep responding and you won't address my arguments. Like usual, you want to hoot down everybody else and promote YOUR ideas... nothing more.

I have honestly asked you to explain how one can ignore their core foundation for what they believe when making decisions on what they may or may not support? Belief in God is not the same as belief in Santa... grow the fuck up.

Every argument you make here, every viewpoint you have, is rooted in your Socialistic Liberal dogmatic beliefs... no one can even reason with you about it. Every choice you make, every decision you make, every position you take... all rooted in your beliefs and values as a Liberal. But somehow, you believe religious people are supposed to flip a switch and turn off their beliefs because you don't like them? FUCK YOU!

I also asked you where in the Constitution it said that YOUR beliefs trump MY beliefs, or that MY beliefs are less valid than YOURS, or that we have to ignore MY beliefs and adhere to YOURS when running the country or deciding our laws? Again... I got *crickets* from you.

Religious people have just as much right to govern, hold office, make laws, adjudicate cases, have opinions and views based on their religious convictions as YOU have based on Godless Liberal Socialist dogma. You might not like that but this isn't Fascist Italy and you're not Mussolini.

Well, the main reasons why I don't answer stupid questions (as those posed by you) is mainly because they ARE stupid questions.

You can read my O/P and simply state that you disagree....instead, you chose to obfuscate the intent and get on your high horse of moralistic outrage and the rights of Christians...a group that I proudly belong to.

Take a laxative (and learn the meaning of "fascism" before you cast that term about like other clueless right wingers.)

Circular reasoning. They aren't stupid simply because you say so. It's a cop out because you don't have the capacity to answer or are too lazy to answer

And we know what fascism is. Which is precisely why we oppose it.

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