The ONE qst. that should be asked of every GOP candidate

Does that explain a mule? Sorry, couldn't resist.

Well, I explained the mule in the previous post... the one about genus and how we can manipulate species within it. This is a prime example. Domesticated dogs and cats are another example. We can 'evolve' new species into existence. Nature also does this through natural selection. That part of Darwinian evolution is fairly obvious.

What we do not see and find no evidence for, is any kind of evolution across the genus line. Furthermore, the more we understand about mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), the more we understand that it's virtually impossible for this to happen naturally. All kinds of theories abound, but the question is still open... and that's an important thing to note... if the question were concluded, there wouldn't be theories.
Actually, everyone is a 'creationist' unless you are an imbecile. We exist, we didn't always exist, something 'created' us. You may believe random circumstances happened and something came from nothing, culminating in a universe full of possible life because of happenstance.... I may believe we came from some source of intelligence we don't comprehend physically. The question of whether we were 'created' is already answered... we were. By what and how? That IS The Question. YOU don't have the answer and neither do I... so why do we argue?

Well, now you're arguing just based on semantics......which leads us nowhere.....Of course we were and are "created"....but the argument is about who or what created us.

The modern day "creationist" believes in a deity as creator and since an entire doctrine (religion) emerged from that initial belief in a deity as creationist....THAT is where the argument is shaped....SHOULD WE FOLLOW A LEADER WHO MAY GUIDE HIS/HER DECISIONS BASED ON THE ACCOMPANYING SCRIPTURES OF A CREATIONIST?
Well, now you're arguing just based on semantics......which leads us nowhere.....Of course we were and are "created"....but the argument is about who or what created us.

The modern day "creationist" believes in a deity as creator and since an entire doctrine (religion) emerged from that initial belief in a deity as creationist....THAT is where the argument is shaped....SHOULD WE FOLLOW A LEADER WHO MAY GUIDE HIS/HER DECISIONS BASED ON THE ACCOMPANYING SCRIPTURES OF A CREATIONIST?

Well as you admitted, we WERE created. It's obvious and indisputable.

Semantics or not... that's a fact we should be able to agree on unless you're mentally-challenged.

The question is unanswered as to HOW?, WHO?, WHAT?, WHY? We all have different beliefs.

So.... What part of the Constitution says that MY belief is less valid than YOURS? Or that MY belief should not sway or influence other things I believe? Or that YOUR belief must be accepted by ME in how we govern the nation? You see... I don't find that Article and Section in the Constitution or any of it's Amendments. If this is how you want the country operated, you need to pass a Constitutional Amendment and make that happen. If you don't have the support to do that, you need to shut the fuck up and learn that you live in a representative republic where we respect people's rights to believe as they please.
Look right wingers, if you want a president who believes in the "Rapture", you're certainly entitled to that level of stupidity....For my part, I'd rather have leadership of just a bit higher caliber.
We had W who believes in that stuff, look where that got us.
All the issues facing the country and you think that's what is important.

And supposedly republicans are the unintelligent ones.
Well, perhaps for voters like you the question you might prefer is whether a candidate believes in gravity.

Actually, it would be which one believes in reality...only one I see being real is Donald Trump. Meanwhile the entire liberal establishment is collapsing before our very eyes.
At every scheduled debate for the GOP primaries, each of the candidates should be asked one very simple question....just to separate the sane from the insane:

"Do you believe in creationism or evolution....."

The answer to the above can help dwindle down the number of whomever should even be given a microphone and a podium.

The question is insulting because it implies that they believe in creationism. It's like asking democrats if they still believe in slavery.

What I am alarmed by is the tenaciousness the left has for making thinking creationism illegal. I'm serious. What is the big deal that someone believes in creationism? Many religions hold onto dogma for a long time and no one cares that they do. I like the idea of allowing people to judge for themselves what is true instead of browbeating people to death until they comply with what you think.
All the issues facing the country and you think that's what is important.

And supposedly republicans are the unintelligent ones.

Oh yeah, I DO believe in that answer's importance, since from that mindset most of our leaderships' problems emerge.
The question is insulting because it implies that they believe in creationism. It's like asking democrats if they still believe in slavery.

What I am alarmed by is the tenaciousness the left has for making thinking creationism illegal. I'm serious. What is the big deal that someone believes in creationism?

Once again, closeted right wingers like you miss the entire point....Tell you what, change the question to a candidate's belief in Santa Claus and then defend someone's right to believe whatever and STILL desire to be a leader of the free world.

What you folks fail to understand that the question in the O/P attempts to address is this.....Does a potential, prospective leader utilize spiritually-based faith OR fact-based reason when determining policies that impact and affect millions of others?

If you're looking for spiritual guidance.....go to a house of worship......not the white house.
That's why Medicare is on the brink of bankruptcy.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion (fed by FOX news)...but not your own made-up facts....

Claims by some policymakers that the Medicare program is nearing “bankruptcy” are highly misleading. Although Medicare faces financing challenges, the program is not on the verge of bankruptcy or ceasing to operate. Such charges represent misunderstanding (or misrepresentation) of Medicare’s finances.

Medicare’s financing challenges would be much greater without the health reform law (the Affordable Care Act, or ACA), which substantially improved the program’s financial outlook. Repealing the ACA, a course of action promoted by some who simultaneously claim that the program is approaching “bankruptcy,” would worsen Medicare’s financial situation.

The 2015 report of Medicare’s trustees finds that Medicare’s Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund will remain solvent — that is, able to pay 100 percent of the costs of the hospital insurance coverage that Medicare provides — through 2030.

Medicare Is Not Bankrupt Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
All the issues facing the country and you think that's what is important.

And supposedly republicans are the unintelligent ones.

Oh yeah, I DO believe in that answer's importance, since from that mindset most of our leaderships' problems emerge.
You have it close, but not exactly on point.
the problems emerge when the anti Christians like obma try to pretend they are Christian and then try to guild other Christians into thinking that his plans for a socialist United States are the only options for a Christian nation.
Hint, no, Jesus would not have recommended a lifetime of government funded mooching for the able bodied, he would have given immediate but temporary assistance while teaching how to support themselves.

Evident in the liberal talking points. if someone says obamacare is bad, they are not acting Christian, against illegals being catered to? not Christian, Want to cut back on welfare? killing kids and not Christian, against abortion? forcing kids into poverty, not Christian.
Not once do the liberals suggest that people be responsible for their own life, its always, lets prey on the working Christians and guilt them into accepting that they have to keep giving more of their money away.

My job as a Christian is to introduce people to Jesus with the hope that they can be saved. It is not to feed them for life, or insure them for life, it is not to force them to change or denounce who they were born as. It is to lead them to Jesus and let them work it out between themselves and Jesus.

"When Jesus heard it, he said unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
That's why Medicare is on the brink of bankruptcy.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion (fed by FOX news)...but not your own made-up facts....

Claims by some policymakers that the Medicare program is nearing “bankruptcy” are highly misleading. Although Medicare faces financing challenges, the program is not on the verge of bankruptcy or ceasing to operate. Such charges represent misunderstanding (or misrepresentation) of Medicare’s finances.

Medicare’s financing challenges would be much greater without the health reform law (the Affordable Care Act, or ACA), which substantially improved the program’s financial outlook. Repealing the ACA, a course of action promoted by some who simultaneously claim that the program is approaching “bankruptcy,” would worsen Medicare’s financial situation.

The 2015 report of Medicare’s trustees finds that Medicare’s Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund will remain solvent — that is, able to pay 100 percent of the costs of the hospital insurance coverage that Medicare provides — through 2030.

Medicare Is Not Bankrupt Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Um....that's 15 years away. That counts as the brink of bankruptcy in my book. The simple fact of the matter is that the whole scheme doesn't work. Just like SS, it was never anything more than a Ponzi scheme. If it "worked" it should be able to exist into eternity while providing a high level of product quality.
Hint, no, Jesus would not have recommended a lifetime of government funded mooching for the able bodied, he would have given immediate but temporary assistance while teaching how to support themselves.

Moronic......what you're basically stating is that Jesus....WOULD ONLY BE COMFORTABLE LIVING IN THE USA......Implying that Jesus' teachings are NOT respected throughout the rest of the world that DOES HAVE what you stupidly call "government funded mooching"......

What bullshit...guided by Obama hatred.
Hint, no, Jesus would not have recommended a lifetime of government funded mooching for the able bodied, he would have given immediate but temporary assistance while teaching how to support themselves.

Moronic......what you're basically stating is that Jesus....WOULD ONLY BE COMFORTABLE LIVING IN THE USA......Implying that Jesus' teachings are NOT respected throughout the rest of the world that DOES HAVE what you stupidly call "government funded mooching"......

What bullshit...guided by Obama hatred.
How the F did your little ignorant ass come up with that conclusion
talk about a total moron.
Um....that's 15 years away. That counts as the brink of bankruptcy in my book. The simple fact of the matter is that the whole scheme doesn't work. Just like SS, it was never anything more than a Ponzi scheme. If it "worked" it should be able to exist into eternity while providing a high level of product quality. obviously did not read the remainder of the article.
Second, both SS and Medicare would be just fine is congress did not pilfer those funds.....

Look, believe what you want and let others judge based on facts not Fox.

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