The Ongoing, Outright, Flagrant Hypocracy of The Republicans.


Dec 5, 2011
Yes, that what is to.

The whole and entire argument against the Affordable Health Care Act is that the Republican Party "Does Not Want The Government Making Medical Decisions".

The Repubilcan Party does not "Want The Government In The Doctor's Office".

The Republican Party does not want "The Government To Get In Between The Doctor and The Patient".

Each and every lie has been heard numerous times.

Lies, no these aren't lies they will say. Yet time again, these same ConJobs/RePugs/NeoNuts/TeaHadists will push very restrictive Anti-Abortion Laws down the throats of American Women.

Putting "The Government In The Doctor's Office".

Allowing "The Government To Make Medical Decisions".

Putting "The Government Between The Doctor and The Patient".

At TeaBagger Demonstration after Demonstration there were signs.

"Keep Your Hands Off My MediCare".

Hey TeaBagger, MediCare is a U.S. Tax Payer Funded, U.S. Government Support Health Care Program. If MediCare is good enough for you, then it is good for everybody else as well. If you want do not U.S. Government Supported MediCare, all you have to is resign from the program and get your health on the "Open Market". But don't wave stupid signs that have no firm, real basis in reality.

After President Obama was elected in a landslide, the Birther Nuts came out.

"Obama is a Secret Muslim". As if being Muslim is something to be ashamed of.

"Obama a Kenyan Nazi, Socialist, Communist". No, he was in Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaii is a State.

Now, these Birther Whack Jobs think that Ted Cruz is great.

The Texas Senator was born in Canada and his Father fought with and for Fidel Castro.

The Shouts for "Shutting Down The Government Over Debt Ceiling" are loud, long and wrong.

Ronald Wilson Reagan raised the Debt Ceiling Eighteen (18) Times during his two terms in office. Reagan also raised taxes. Reagan called playing with "Good Faith and Credit of The United States Dangerous" and even called House and Senate Republican Leadership to the White House and threatened "To Veto Every Bill Sent To The Oval Office" if House and Senate Republican did not vote to increase the Debt Ceiling. They voted the increase.

Newtie Putie, the man who divorced his cancer ridden wife in a hospital supports Closing Down The Government, he ignores the total disaster that his shut down during the Clinton Presidence was.

What does Net Neutrality have to do with the Debt Ceiling.....nothing.

Just loading crap on is all it is.

The threat the World Economy is real and the RePugs play games.

Low Life, scum sucking cowards every one of them.
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Low Life, scum sucking cowards every one of them.

You know what’s crazy? Someone telling us that he’ll create “the most transparent Administration in HISTORY”, and then prosecuting more gov’t whistleblowers than any President in history. Or telling us that he will “go after the fat cats” on the campaign trail, and then fail to prosecute A SINGLE fraud stained wall-street exec following the largest market collapse in history, all while bailing the banks out indefinitely with QE for 6 years at the tune of $50+ billion a month (still happening). You know what’s also crazy? Someone winning the Nobel Peace Prize and then orchestrating the expansion of a Drone Program that has killed literally thousands of innocent children to date.

My point is, there’s a lot of reasons why people oppose the Dems and the President and they don’t deserve to be called “scum sucking cowards” for doing so..
Low Life, scum sucking cowards every one of them.

You know what’s crazy? Someone telling us that he’ll create “the most transparent Administration in HISTORY”, and then prosecuting more gov’t whistleblowers than any President in history. Or telling us that he will “go after the fat cats” on the campaign trail, and then fail to prosecute A SINGLE fraud stained wall-street exec following the largest market collapse in history, all while bailing the banks out indefinitely with QE for 6 years at the tune of $50+ billion a month (still happening). You know what’s also crazy? Someone winning the Nobel Peace Prize and then orchestrating the expansion of a Drone Program that has killed literally thousands of innocent children to date.

My point is, there’s a lot of reasons why people oppose the Dems and the President and they don’t deserve to be called “scum sucking cowards” for doing so..

And most certainly, they don't deserve to be called racists.
My brother's individual health insurance policy was just cancelled because of the ACA. He had a catastrophic plan with many smaller things not covered. It took him years to find a doctor he could trust, who knew his shit, and who listened to his patients. Now? He is forced, via the government (Dems), to go through the exchanges in order to obtain health insurance, insurance which will likely cover things he does not need or want and which will increase his premiums considerably.

Please, tell me again how the Democrats are the party of 'choice'.
What's Ironic is that he what he is calling the Hypocrisy of the Republicans is actually the Hypocrisy of the Democrats.

Obamacare undermines every argument they've ever made in favor of abortion.
My brother's individual health insurance policy was just cancelled because of the ACA. He had a catastrophic plan with many smaller things not covered. It took him years to find a doctor he could trust, who knew his shit, and who listened to his patients. Now? He is forced, via the government (Dems), to go through the exchanges in order to obtain health insurance, insurance which will likely cover things he does not need or want and which will increase his premiums considerably.

Please, tell me again how the Democrats are the party of 'choice'.

The Dems appear to be the party of "Lets shove it down their throats." " We know whats best and the hell with who's going to get hosed to pay for it."

Oh and lets just never mind that the phone lines to DC were clogged with people not wanting this POS bill passed. We passed it anyway. WE know whats best.

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