The only laws that will disarm criminals, is a TOTAL BAN, followed by confiscation


The only law that can have any effect on the number of guns criminals can get, is a total ban on all guns, followed by forcible confiscation of the guns people already have.

And even that will only have as much effect, as the total ban on cocaine we have had in place for decades. How hard is cocaine for criminals to get now?

The leftists know this, of course. And so they only put in place very small, partial bans, such as "longer wait times"" or "registration" or "insurance", and hope that the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water's getting warm.

So did you want to discuss my ideas

See the answer I already gave. You quoted it. Try reading it.

Or are you simply going to continue pretending I'm the one dodging the discussion?


The only law that can have any effect on the number of guns criminals can get, is a total ban on all guns, followed by forcible confiscation of the guns people already have.

And even that will only have as much effect, as the total ban on cocaine we have had in place for decades. How hard is cocaine for criminals to get now?

The leftists know this, of course. And so they only put in place very small, partial bans, such as "longer wait times"" or "registration" or "insurance", and hope that the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water's getting warm.

I'll take that as a no then. Thanks anyway.

</troll thread>
Ignore the guns ! Keep the idiots off bridges pointing those guns at other people then talk revolution BS and pound their chest in front of a camera.
Heres a simple rule for the all or nothing bunch.

No laws will ever stop all of everything. But I dont see anyone talking about repealing rape laws, traffic signs, child molestation laws etc.

Drug laws.....Prescription drug laws are the worst!

I don't know what it's like now, but 15 years ago when my stepson was prescribed Ritalin the doc told us that he could only write one prescription per month, and that it had to be on paper, nothing electronic, and if we lost the paper then we would have to wait 30 days to get another. That was the law.

It's easier to get an assault rifle in this country than it is to get your kid's ADHD Rx filled.
The only laws that will disarm criminals, is a TOTAL BAN, followed by confiscation

No, the only laws that will disarm criminals are keeping them in jail for the crimes they committed and putting them in jail and keeping them there when they try to buy or possess a gun.

The left's view they want criminals on the street getting a second, third, fourth, fifth, ... chance, but it's OK, we'll make it illegal for them to buy guns, is retarded.
Still no one has even tried to refute the point of the thread.

The only law that can have any effect on the number of guns criminals can get, is a total ban on all guns, followed by forcible confiscation of the guns people already have.

And even that will only have as much effect, as the total ban on cocaine we have had in place for decades. How hard is cocaine for criminals to get now?

The leftists know this, of course. And so they only put in place very small, partial bans, such as "longer wait times"" or "registration" or "insurance", and hope that the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water's getting warm.
Total ban and confiscation is impractical and possibly illegal.
No shit, Sherlock.
In any event, no one is proposing it.
Right as usual.

"Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal."
- Janet Reno, US Attorney General, 1993

"If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them . . . Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in, I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren't here."
- Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), February 5, 1995
What is being proposed are better background checks, national registration and limited controls on ammunition.
Enjoying that warm water, are you? :uhoh3:

The goal is not perfection.
Correct. Is it disarmament of the law-abiding population?

The goal is a modest but real reduction in needless slaughter
None of the proposed laws will do anything to further that goal.

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Still no one has even tried to refute the point of the thread.

The only law that can have any effect on the number of guns criminals can get, is a total ban on all guns, followed by forcible confiscation of the guns people already have.

And even that will only have as much effect, as the total ban on cocaine we have had in place for decades. How hard is cocaine for criminals to get now?

Since I'm not a criminal, I don't know the answer. Maybe you do? But I watched the whole six seasons of "Breaking Bad" and everybody died except Jessie, Skyler and Flynn.

"""The leftists know this, of course. And so they only put in place very small, partial bans, such as "longer wait times"" or "registration" or "insurance", and hope that the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water's getting warm.

The only real result, will be to completely disarm the law-abiding members of the population... or turn the ones who don't surrender their guns, into criminals.

Is this the real goal of the leftist gun-haters?"""

Since us terrible gun-haters can't even get stupid fucking pinheads like you to agree to decent background checks, why do you make a wild-assed leap to confiscation?

You don't understand liberal thinking at all. You just live in an echo chamber of far right talking points with stupid questions and even stupider answers.
Still no one has even tried to refute the point of the thread.

The only law that can have any effect on the number of guns criminals can get, is a total ban on all guns, followed by forcible confiscation of the guns people already have.

And even that will only have as much effect, as the total ban on cocaine we have had in place for decades. How hard is cocaine for criminals to get now?

Since I'm not a criminal, I don't know the answer. Maybe you do? But I watched the whole six seasons of "Breaking Bad" and everybody died except Jessie, Skyler and Flynn.

"""The leftists know this, of course. And so they only put in place very small, partial bans, such as "longer wait times"" or "registration" or "insurance", and hope that the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water's getting warm.

The only real result, will be to completely disarm the law-abiding members of the population... or turn the ones who don't surrender their guns, into criminals.

Is this the real goal of the leftist gun-haters?"""

Since us terrible gun-haters can't even get stupid fucking pinheads like you to agree to decent background checks, why do you make a wild-assed leap to confiscation?

You don't understand liberal thinking at all. You just live in an echo chamber of far right talking points with stupid questions and even stupider answers.

There are background checks now. Why do you think they need to be changed?
All these big-govt gun-haters are dancing carefully around the fact that none of their gun laws and restrictions will keep guns out of the hands of people who don't obey laws.....

....EXCEPT for a total ban on all guns for everybody, followed by massive confiscation of all guns presently in civilian hands.

They want to arrive at that slowly, a little at a time, so the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water is getting warmer.

So they only suggest a small restriction here, a ban on only certain guns there...... for now.



When do you suppose they'll notice that even their total gun ban, will work as well as the current nationwide bans on marijuana, cocaine, and exceeding the speed limit in your car?


Even that wouldn't work. Think those criminals will have their guns where they can be confiscated? It would end up only criminals will have guns. Did you see how Chicago's crime rate has dropped since they changed their law? Tells ya why good people need guns.
1. Longer wait times on ALL gun purchases
2. Expanded background checks on all gun purchases, even during private transactions
3. Registration of all firearms
4. Mandatory insurance for all guns owned
5. MUCH stiffer penalties for illegal gun possession
6. Convicted criminals, mentally unstable can not own a weapon. Zero tolerance.

You meet all of the criteria above? Then you get to own as much and any gun you want.

Will that completely eliminate gun violence? Of course not, but it will make a noticeable impact.

Apply your 'rules' to recent mass murderers, which ones would they have stopped?

Over time I'd like to think most of them. In a short time frame, I don't know...not many. This is not an overnight solution.

And what effect will they have over the 'long term' that is going to make the difference?
Apply your 'rules' to recent mass murderers, which ones would they have stopped?

Over time I'd like to think most of them. In a short time frame, I don't know...not many. This is not an overnight solution.

And what effect will they have over the 'long term' that is going to make the difference?

Fewer unregistered guns in the general population. More direct responsibility of where each gun is and who owns it. Plus stronger penalties for non-compliance will make access to firearms for those who don't follow the process more difficult and thus less gun deaths will hopefully result.
Over time I'd like to think most of them. In a short time frame, I don't know...not many. This is not an overnight solution.

And what effect will they have over the 'long term' that is going to make the difference?

Fewer unregistered guns in the general population. More direct responsibility of where each gun is and who owns it. Plus stronger penalties for non-compliance will make access to firearms for those who don't follow the process more difficult and thus less gun deaths will hopefully result.

Will this stop the gun black market? Do drug laws stop drug usage?
Do kids quit finding ways to get alcohol even though law says theyare too young? Do murder laws stop murder?
And what effect will they have over the 'long term' that is going to make the difference?

Fewer unregistered guns in the general population. More direct responsibility of where each gun is and who owns it. Plus stronger penalties for non-compliance will make access to firearms for those who don't follow the process more difficult and thus less gun deaths will hopefully result.

Will this stop the gun black market? Do drug laws stop drug usage?
Do kids quit finding ways to get alcohol even though law says theyare too young? Do murder laws stop murder?

Are you against laws that outlaw rape, kiddie porn and child abuse?
3. Registration of all firearms
Violation of privacy rights.

6. Convicted criminals, mentally unstable can not own a weapon. Zero tolerance.

Convicted criminals, as in ones who commit felonies
or all criminals, including those who forget to pay parking tickets?

And your idea of "mentally unstable" could be abused through broad definition. For example, i have slight ADHD. Am i "mentally unstable"? Some unelected government bureaucrat could say "yes" and end my chances of owning a gun.
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Fewer unregistered guns in the general population. More direct responsibility of where each gun is and who owns it. Plus stronger penalties for non-compliance will make access to firearms for those who don't follow the process more difficult and thus less gun deaths will hopefully result.

Will this stop the gun black market? Do drug laws stop drug usage?
Do kids quit finding ways to get alcohol even though law says theyare too young? Do murder laws stop murder?

Are you against laws that outlaw rape, kiddie porn and child abuse?

So you don't see the difference between owning a gun and committing rape? LOL, when you think liberals can't get any more stupid...
3. Registration of all firearms
Violation of privacy rights.
How is it any different the auto registration?

6. Convicted criminals, mentally unstable can not own a weapon. Zero tolerance.

Convicted criminals, as in ones who commit felonies
or all criminals, including those who forget to pay parking tickets?

And your idea of "mentally unstable" could be abused through broad definition. For example, i have slight ADHD. Am i "mentally unstable"? Some unelected government bureaucrat could say "yes" and end my chances of owning a gun.

Not all criminals, just ones who have shown a violent past. And obviously not all mentally unstable. These are the things that can be discussed.
Will this stop the gun black market? Do drug laws stop drug usage?
Do kids quit finding ways to get alcohol even though law says theyare too young? Do murder laws stop murder?

Are you against laws that outlaw rape, kiddie porn and child abuse?

So you don't see the difference between owning a gun and committing rape? LOL, when you think liberals can't get any more stupid...

Says the guy that compares auto accident deaths to gun murders. Thats rich.
How do we get guns away from criminals?
What's the plan?
Step by step, please.
First we ban them. Then we require that you turn them in. Then we shoot anyone with a gun who isn't in uniform dead if they show up with one.

For those who hole up in their homes with their armory we have a special treat, you and your entire family get to meet Jesus as we bulldoze the place flat.

You are bat shit crazy.
Just as for rape, we have murder laws. If someone is raped with a bottle, do we outlaw bottles? No, we hold the person culpable, not the means.
Both are crimes against a person. Think.
Fewer unregistered guns in the general population. More direct responsibility of where each gun is and who owns it. Plus stronger penalties for non-compliance will make access to firearms for those who don't follow the process more difficult and thus less gun deaths will hopefully result.

Will this stop the gun black market? Do drug laws stop drug usage?
Do kids quit finding ways to get alcohol even though law says theyare too young? Do murder laws stop murder?

Are you against laws that outlaw rape, kiddie porn and child abuse?

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