The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters;

The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.

You would think that being 0-2 in two consecutive days would teach them a lesson going forward. We’ll see.
0-2? What other thing were we wrong about?

Did you already forget about the Trump supporting dude who sent bombs to a whole bunch of people?
Sorry but that just isn't true in these cases.

You are ignoring the phenomenon of stochastic terrorism which is the dictionary definition for what tRump snd his ilk do.

stochastic terrorism
[stuh-kas-tik ter-uh-riz-uh m]
  1. the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics can not be predicted.

Sounds very, very PC.
Why am I not surprised?
You also believe in micro-aggressions, don't you?
How does that sound PC?

Because you took an adjective (stochastic) that stands alone meaning 'a random variable'); and you applied it to a noun (terrorism) that also stands alone.
By combining the two, you've created a PC term.
It's akin to micro-aggression in the above sense. It's what liberal wordsmiths do to create new labels that suit their political views and needs.
*I* did nothing of the sort. It is a known phenomenon.

I didn't mean you. It was done most likely by a liberal professor in one of our institutions of socialist learning.
Lol. There are liberals under your bed, aren't there.
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.

You would think that being 0-2 in two consecutive days would teach them a lesson going forward. We’ll see.
0-2? What other thing were we wrong about?

Did you already forget about the Trump supporting dude who sent bombs to a whole bunch of people?

He's been building bombs and threatening people for 2 decades...long before
Donald Trump.

He didn't try to blow up a bunch of people because of Trump's rhetoric...
he tried to blow them up because of THEIR rhetoric.

I've never fought anybody because of what somebody else said about them,
but I have engaged others by what they have said to or around me about
things I didn't like.

I think it would be wise for the libs to close their fucking mouths and to get
ANTIFA off the front page. The next guy may not be as stupid as this guy
You left out the part about Mad Max. I'm sure she's in the definitions somewhere.
Who the fuck is mad Max, since I assume you aren't talking about Mel Gibson.

Maxine Waters, that's who.
Why would she be in a dictionary definition?

Even tRump isn't in the definition, that's all in your imagination.

Because she promotes the violence that we see almost every day against Republicans and Trump supporters.

Trump has said some things that may be considered to promote violence, but he says that about individuals that were disrupting his events. Mad Max tells any and all Democrats to harass Republicans wherever they may be: in restaurants, in parks, in public.

There is a difference between directing your anger at a single person or several compared to directing your anger to anybody that may be willing to carry out your evil plans.
Promotes violence? Gonna hafta provide link to that load of crap. And I ain't talking about Alex Jones or Sean Hannity either.

Stop it. This was d9ne by an anti sematic lunatic. This has nothing to do with which party he identifies as. Idiots.Paul Zeise on Twitter

Says the right wingers after it turns out this guy was about as extreme a right-winger as it gets.

Before that, it was "the violent left / evil Muslim" though. Hmm ...

If it was a Muslim lunatic, all hell would break loose and it would be blamed on his religion, not the fact he was a lunatic.

The only one to blame is the person who did it.
So Nazism is nothing to be concerned about?
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.

You would think that being 0-2 in two consecutive days would teach them a lesson going forward. We’ll see.
0-2? What other thing were we wrong about?

Did you already forget about the Trump supporting dude who sent bombs to a whole bunch of people?
So what's the first thing then?
Who the fuck is mad Max, since I assume you aren't talking about Mel Gibson.

Maxine Waters, that's who.
Why would she be in a dictionary definition?

Even tRump isn't in the definition, that's all in your imagination.

Because she promotes the violence that we see almost every day against Republicans and Trump supporters.

Trump has said some things that may be considered to promote violence, but he says that about individuals that were disrupting his events. Mad Max tells any and all Democrats to harass Republicans wherever they may be: in restaurants, in parks, in public.

There is a difference between directing your anger at a single person or several compared to directing your anger to anybody that may be willing to carry out your evil plans.
Promotes violence? Gonna hafta provide link to that load of crap. And I ain't talking about Alex Jones or Sean Hannity either.

I watched your stupid video, where is the call for violence. Please quote it.
Maxine Waters, that's who.
Why would she be in a dictionary definition?

Even tRump isn't in the definition, that's all in your imagination.

Because she promotes the violence that we see almost every day against Republicans and Trump supporters.

Trump has said some things that may be considered to promote violence, but he says that about individuals that were disrupting his events. Mad Max tells any and all Democrats to harass Republicans wherever they may be: in restaurants, in parks, in public.

There is a difference between directing your anger at a single person or several compared to directing your anger to anybody that may be willing to carry out your evil plans.
Promotes violence? Gonna hafta provide link to that load of crap. And I ain't talking about Alex Jones or Sean Hannity either.

I watched your stupid video, where is the call for violence. Please quote it.

"You form a crowd. You push back on them. You tell them they're not welcome."

Gee, if anybody did that to you, that certainly wouldn't incite violence, would it?

Now in the FIRST harassment video, watch how a patron confronts the leftist loser. Listen to the other patrons telling the clown to get the hell out of the restaurant. Yes, that's what Waters wants; to have people getting into fights.
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.

You would think that being 0-2 in two consecutive days would teach them a lesson going forward. We’ll see.
0-2? What other thing were we wrong about?

Did you already forget about the Trump supporting dude who sent bombs to a whole bunch of people?

He's been building bombs and threatening people for 2 decades...long before
Donald Trump.

He didn't try to blow up a bunch of people because of Trump's rhetoric...
he tried to blow them up because of THEIR rhetoric.

I've never fought anybody because of what somebody else said about them,
but I have engaged others by what they have said to or around me about
things I didn't like.

I think it would be wise for the libs to close their fucking mouths and to get
ANTIFA off the front page. The next guy may not be as stupid as this guy

Nice threat.
Why would she be in a dictionary definition?

Even tRump isn't in the definition, that's all in your imagination.

Because she promotes the violence that we see almost every day against Republicans and Trump supporters.

Trump has said some things that may be considered to promote violence, but he says that about individuals that were disrupting his events. Mad Max tells any and all Democrats to harass Republicans wherever they may be: in restaurants, in parks, in public.

There is a difference between directing your anger at a single person or several compared to directing your anger to anybody that may be willing to carry out your evil plans.
Promotes violence? Gonna hafta provide link to that load of crap. And I ain't talking about Alex Jones or Sean Hannity either.

I watched your stupid video, where is the call for violence. Please quote it.

"You form a crowd. You push back on them. You tell them they're not welcome."

Gee, if anybody did that to you, that certainly wouldn't incite violence, would it?

Now in the FIRST harassment video, watch how a patron confronts the leftist loser. Listen to the other patrons telling the clown to get the hell out of the restaurant. Yes, that's what Waters wants; to have people getting into fights.

Don't see any call to violence.

This is what a call for violence sounds like:

Got it now?

Good, now show me where Waters said anything like that.
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.

You would think that being 0-2 in two consecutive days would teach them a lesson going forward. We’ll see.
No. It is cause for all of us to get violent.

I want more violence.

Some leftists need our violence to keep them in check.

We need to kill a few commies for mommy.

I can't wait for a new civil war to break out. I will gladly die shooting commies.

We need some serious violence. It is the only solution.


Looks like Bootney is going to be our next serial shooter from the gist of his post.

How many threads have you seen where right wingers hope for a civil war? I have seen several.

Tipsycatlover has said “kill or be killed”. More left-wing terrorism & hate - shots fired at truck with MAGA flag. That was over a year ago.

Yet somehow the argument is that “all sides” are promoting violence. I’m certainly not saying the left wing is without blame but there is huge difference between speech and violence.
Because she promotes the violence that we see almost every day against Republicans and Trump supporters.

Trump has said some things that may be considered to promote violence, but he says that about individuals that were disrupting his events. Mad Max tells any and all Democrats to harass Republicans wherever they may be: in restaurants, in parks, in public.

There is a difference between directing your anger at a single person or several compared to directing your anger to anybody that may be willing to carry out your evil plans.
Promotes violence? Gonna hafta provide link to that load of crap. And I ain't talking about Alex Jones or Sean Hannity either.

I watched your stupid video, where is the call for violence. Please quote it.

"You form a crowd. You push back on them. You tell them they're not welcome."

Gee, if anybody did that to you, that certainly wouldn't incite violence, would it?

Now in the FIRST harassment video, watch how a patron confronts the leftist loser. Listen to the other patrons telling the clown to get the hell out of the restaurant. Yes, that's what Waters wants; to have people getting into fights.

Don't see any call to violence.

This is what a call for violence sounds like:

Got it now?

Good, now show me where Waters said anything like that.

She didn't have to say anything like that. She was promoting it. If some loser stranger approaches you like this guy in a restaurant, WTF would you do?

People listen to their leaders on the left. And don't give me Trump, because there are two differences: One, Trump was referring to certain individuals. Two, Trump was telling people to give troublemakers what they came there for--trouble.

Only those on the left would blame the cute well dressed girl for getting raped by a rapist. These people went to Trump events for one reason and one reason only, and that was to start trouble. When they got what they were looking for, you blame Trump for that.

But that's just one person. You have many others on your side doing similar things. What are the results?
Promotes violence? Gonna hafta provide link to that load of crap. And I ain't talking about Alex Jones or Sean Hannity either.

I watched your stupid video, where is the call for violence. Please quote it.

"You form a crowd. You push back on them. You tell them they're not welcome."

Gee, if anybody did that to you, that certainly wouldn't incite violence, would it?

Now in the FIRST harassment video, watch how a patron confronts the leftist loser. Listen to the other patrons telling the clown to get the hell out of the restaurant. Yes, that's what Waters wants; to have people getting into fights.

Don't see any call to violence.

This is what a call for violence sounds like:

Got it now?

Good, now show me where Waters said anything like that.

She didn't have to say anything like that. She was promoting it. If some loser stranger approaches you like this guy in a restaurant, WTF would you do?

People listen to their leaders on the left. And don't give me Trump, because there are two differences: One, Trump was referring to certain individuals. Two, Trump was telling people to give troublemakers what they came there for--trouble.

Only those on the left would blame the cute well dressed girl for getting raped by a rapist. These people went to Trump events for one reason and one reason only, and that was to start trouble. When they got what they were looking for, you blame Trump for that.

But that's just one person. You have many others on your side doing similar things. What are the results?

How could she promote what she's not saying? Post up some proof of this mythical "call to violence" or admit you are just parroting rwnj talking points.

Come on kid, I backed mine up. Time for you to put up or shut up.
His Facebook page, until they deleted it had him as a DemonRAT up until 2016.....but hey, what does it matter!

I watched your stupid video, where is the call for violence. Please quote it.

"You form a crowd. You push back on them. You tell them they're not welcome."

Gee, if anybody did that to you, that certainly wouldn't incite violence, would it?

Now in the FIRST harassment video, watch how a patron confronts the leftist loser. Listen to the other patrons telling the clown to get the hell out of the restaurant. Yes, that's what Waters wants; to have people getting into fights.

Don't see any call to violence.

This is what a call for violence sounds like:

Got it now?

Good, now show me where Waters said anything like that.

She didn't have to say anything like that. She was promoting it. If some loser stranger approaches you like this guy in a restaurant, WTF would you do?

People listen to their leaders on the left. And don't give me Trump, because there are two differences: One, Trump was referring to certain individuals. Two, Trump was telling people to give troublemakers what they came there for--trouble.

Only those on the left would blame the cute well dressed girl for getting raped by a rapist. These people went to Trump events for one reason and one reason only, and that was to start trouble. When they got what they were looking for, you blame Trump for that.

But that's just one person. You have many others on your side doing similar things. What are the results?

How could she promote what she's not saying? Post up some proof of this mythical "call to violence" or admit you are just parroting rwnj talking points.

Come on kid, I backed mine up. Time for you to put up or shut up.

You didn't backup anything. You were taking quotes out of context leaving out the story behind them. Because she didn't say punch them, and instead push them, that makes any difference?

I'll tell you what, one of these days a clown is going to harass and attack a Trump supporter, and he's going to pull out his gun and kill the attacker. Then you on the left will be saying how it's never a Democrats fault.
His Facebook page, until they deleted it had him as a DemonRAT up until 2016.....but hey, what does it matter!

According to the family lawyer, he stated this guy had the mentality of a 14 year old. He never had the slightest interest in politics. He believes that since the father abandoned the family when he was a child, he found a father figure in Donald Trump and it was less about politics than personal.

His mother on the other hand was a staunch Democrat and active in the party.
I watched your stupid video, where is the call for violence. Please quote it.

"You form a crowd. You push back on them. You tell them they're not welcome."

Gee, if anybody did that to you, that certainly wouldn't incite violence, would it?

Now in the FIRST harassment video, watch how a patron confronts the leftist loser. Listen to the other patrons telling the clown to get the hell out of the restaurant. Yes, that's what Waters wants; to have people getting into fights.

Don't see any call to violence.

This is what a call for violence sounds like:

Got it now?

Good, now show me where Waters said anything like that.

She didn't have to say anything like that. She was promoting it. If some loser stranger approaches you like this guy in a restaurant, WTF would you do?

People listen to their leaders on the left. And don't give me Trump, because there are two differences: One, Trump was referring to certain individuals. Two, Trump was telling people to give troublemakers what they came there for--trouble.

Only those on the left would blame the cute well dressed girl for getting raped by a rapist. These people went to Trump events for one reason and one reason only, and that was to start trouble. When they got what they were looking for, you blame Trump for that.

But that's just one person. You have many others on your side doing similar things. What are the results?

How could she promote what she's not saying? Post up some proof of this mythical "call to violence" or admit you are just parroting rwnj talking points.

Come on kid, I backed mine up. Time for you to put up or shut up.

You didn't backup anything. You were taking quotes out of context leaving out the story behind them. Because she didn't say punch them, and instead push them, that makes any difference?

I'll tell you what, one of these days a clown is going to harass and attack a Trump supporter, and he's going to pull out his gun and kill the attacker. Then you on the left will be saying how it's never a Democrats fault.

Blah blah blah... Out of context my ass. Typical tRumpkin excuse making for their orange god.

Produce a quote of Maxine waters calling for violence or admit you are a liar.
"You form a crowd. You push back on them. You tell them they're not welcome."

Gee, if anybody did that to you, that certainly wouldn't incite violence, would it?

Now in the FIRST harassment video, watch how a patron confronts the leftist loser. Listen to the other patrons telling the clown to get the hell out of the restaurant. Yes, that's what Waters wants; to have people getting into fights.

Don't see any call to violence.

This is what a call for violence sounds like:

Got it now?

Good, now show me where Waters said anything like that.

She didn't have to say anything like that. She was promoting it. If some loser stranger approaches you like this guy in a restaurant, WTF would you do?

People listen to their leaders on the left. And don't give me Trump, because there are two differences: One, Trump was referring to certain individuals. Two, Trump was telling people to give troublemakers what they came there for--trouble.

Only those on the left would blame the cute well dressed girl for getting raped by a rapist. These people went to Trump events for one reason and one reason only, and that was to start trouble. When they got what they were looking for, you blame Trump for that.

But that's just one person. You have many others on your side doing similar things. What are the results?

How could she promote what she's not saying? Post up some proof of this mythical "call to violence" or admit you are just parroting rwnj talking points.

Come on kid, I backed mine up. Time for you to put up or shut up.

You didn't backup anything. You were taking quotes out of context leaving out the story behind them. Because she didn't say punch them, and instead push them, that makes any difference?

I'll tell you what, one of these days a clown is going to harass and attack a Trump supporter, and he's going to pull out his gun and kill the attacker. Then you on the left will be saying how it's never a Democrats fault.

Blah blah blah... Out of context my ass. Typical tRumpkin excuse making for their orange god.

Produce a quote of Maxine waters calling for violence or admit you are a liar.

"I did not threaten [Trump] constituents and supporters. I do that all the time, but I didn't do that that time," Waters said to laughter from a crowd in Los Angeles

Maxine Waters mocks: I threaten Trump supporters 'all the time'

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