The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters;

The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.
I no more blame Maxine Waters for Scalia's being shot than I believe the President is responsible for bombs being mailed out to Democrats.

Lone, unstable nut jobs - or entire parties or anyone else - did these things. And these Lone, unstable nut jobs do not represent entire parties or groups.

THAT being said ...

You're damn right I blame Hillary Clinton for Trump supporters getting beaten and bloodied at Trump rallies during the 2016 election - EVIDENCE SHOWS HER CAMPAIGN HIRED THUGS TO DO IT!

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC, being intelligent enough to know that such behavior could ... AND DID ... incite violence.

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC AFTER an assassination attempt was made against the GOP and Scalise was gunned down.

You're damn right I blame the HILLARY CLINTON for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC - FOR OPENLY CALLING FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF CIVILITY AND FOR AN INCREASE IN LIBERAL VIOLENCE - AFTER SCALISE WAS SHOT- which resulted in the IMMEDIATE response of a female GOP candidate being attacked, a conservative female protestor being attacked, and GOP HAs being vandalized!
- She is not stupid, usr bitter, vindictive, vengeful, hateful, and crooked / criminal as he'll. She knows better!

You're damn right I blame Antifa for violence and Democrats / Liberals / the DOJ / the FBI defending them and letting them break the law and attack people, and pics for admitting they stood by and allowed Antifa at times to attack others.

You're damn right I blame Democrats for their proven crimes, for previous administrations and current DOJs allowing the protected liberal class who gave elevated themselves above the law to get away with it, destroying America's faith in the justice system as citizens are illegally spied on, declared to be guilty until proven innocent, held far beyond the legal limits of the law while opticians are protected from indictment / accountability ... Until the average UNSTABLE citizen, having no faith in politicians / govt / Justice that they act on their in to e act their own measure of Justice...

You're damn right I blame the GOP and President Trump for when they engage in the same violent rhetoric to 'enervize the base' - it's the exact same thing the Democrats have done / are doing...maybe not as much but with the same results, obviously.

As I posted elsewhere, if the OP or anyone else is actually serious about ending this escalation in violence and making civility, not violence, the norm again then they will STOP DEFENDING THE PIECES OF CRAP WITHIN THEIR OWN PARTIES engaging in violent rhetoric, calling for an end to civility, & calling for more violence, they will STOP denying their party does it - that it's only 're other guys, and will START REBUKING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM when they do it.

Hossfly says he hopes there is a civil war. Will you address him and tell him to shut the fuck up?
Tipsycatlover says it’s “kill or be killed”. Will you address her and tell her to shut the fuck up?
HereWeGoAgain speaks of putting Mexicans into wood chippers. Will you address that fag and tell him to shut the fuck up?

You said it.
Now go prove it. One by one…call them out.

This is what makes it fun to fuck with progressives....:21::auiqs.jpg::backpedal::iyfyus.jpg:
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.
I no more blame Maxine Waters for Scalia's being shot than I believe the President is responsible for bombs being mailed out to Democrats.

Lone, unstable nut jobs - or entire parties or anyone else - did these things. And these Lone, unstable nut jobs do not represent entire parties or groups.

THAT being said ...

You're damn right I blame Hillary Clinton for Trump supporters getting beaten and bloodied at Trump rallies during the 2016 election - EVIDENCE SHOWS HER CAMPAIGN HIRED THUGS TO DO IT!

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC, being intelligent enough to know that such behavior could ... AND DID ... incite violence.

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC AFTER an assassination attempt was made against the GOP and Scalise was gunned down.

You're damn right I blame the HILLARY CLINTON for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC - FOR OPENLY CALLING FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF CIVILITY AND FOR AN INCREASE IN LIBERAL VIOLENCE - AFTER SCALISE WAS SHOT- which resulted in the IMMEDIATE response of a female GOP candidate being attacked, a conservative female protestor being attacked, and GOP HAs being vandalized!
- She is not stupid, usr bitter, vindictive, vengeful, hateful, and crooked / criminal as he'll. She knows better!

You're damn right I blame Antifa for violence and Democrats / Liberals / the DOJ / the FBI defending them and letting them break the law and attack people, and pics for admitting they stood by and allowed Antifa at times to attack others.

You're damn right I blame Democrats for their proven crimes, for previous administrations and current DOJs allowing the protected liberal class who gave elevated themselves above the law to get away with it, destroying America's faith in the justice system as citizens are illegally spied on, declared to be guilty until proven innocent, held far beyond the legal limits of the law while opticians are protected from indictment / accountability ... Until the average UNSTABLE citizen, having no faith in politicians / govt / Justice that they act on their in to e act their own measure of Justice...

You're damn right I blame the GOP and President Trump for when they engage in the same violent rhetoric to 'enervize the base' - it's the exact same thing the Democrats have done / are doing...maybe not as much but with the same results, obviously.

As I posted elsewhere, if the OP or anyone else is actually serious about ending this escalation in violence and making civility, not violence, the norm again then they will STOP DEFENDING THE PIECES OF CRAP WITHIN THEIR OWN PARTIES engaging in violent rhetoric, calling for an end to civility, & calling for more violence, they will STOP denying their party does it - that it's only 're other guys, and will START REBUKING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM when they do it.

Hossfly says he hopes there is a civil war. Will you address him and tell him to shut the fuck up?
Tipsycatlover says it’s “kill or be killed”. Will you address her and tell her to shut the fuck up?
HereWeGoAgain speaks of putting Mexicans into wood chippers. Will you address that fag and tell him to shut the fuck up?

You said it.
Now go prove it. One by one…call them out.

This is what makes it fun to fuck with progressives....:21::auiqs.jpg::backpedal::iyfyus.jpg:

Well easyt65 here is your chance.
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.

You would think that being 0-2 in two consecutive days would teach them a lesson going forward. We’ll see.

Mr. Bowers HATES President Trump, and that was his motivation. I just don't understand how it adds up he's a conservative or even a moderate.
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.

You would think that being 0-2 in two consecutive days would teach them a lesson going forward. We’ll see.

This guy gets it! :113:
When Gabby Giffords was shot who did the left try and blame for it? Sarah Palin simply because she used a crosshair graphic to highlight Giffords district as one Republicans could win a graphic both sides had used many times over the years. After the Aurora theater shooting when the shooter was identified as James Holmes then ABC reporter Brian Ross rushed on the air to report there was a James Holmes listed on a Colorado Tea Party roster before bothering to find out if he was the same James Holmes that was named as the shooter he wasn't. I have lost track of how many times over the years the left has tried to tie a mass shooter to the NRA both sides try and exploit tragedies for political gain and that is not likely to change.
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.
I no more blame Maxine Waters for Scalia's being shot than I believe the President is responsible for bombs being mailed out to Democrats.

Lone, unstable nut jobs - or entire parties or anyone else - did these things. And these Lone, unstable nut jobs do not represent entire parties or groups.

THAT being said ...

You're damn right I blame Hillary Clinton for Trump supporters getting beaten and bloodied at Trump rallies during the 2016 election - EVIDENCE SHOWS HER CAMPAIGN HIRED THUGS TO DO IT!

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC, being intelligent enough to know that such behavior could ... AND DID ... incite violence.

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC AFTER an assassination attempt was made against the GOP and Scalise was gunned down.

You're damn right I blame the HILLARY CLINTON for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC - FOR OPENLY CALLING FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF CIVILITY AND FOR AN INCREASE IN LIBERAL VIOLENCE - AFTER SCALISE WAS SHOT- which resulted in the IMMEDIATE response of a female GOP candidate being attacked, a conservative female protestor being attacked, and GOP HAs being vandalized!
- She is not stupid, usr bitter, vindictive, vengeful, hateful, and crooked / criminal as he'll. She knows better!

You're damn right I blame Antifa for violence and Democrats / Liberals / the DOJ / the FBI defending them and letting them break the law and attack people, and pics for admitting they stood by and allowed Antifa at times to attack others.

You're damn right I blame Democrats for their proven crimes, for previous administrations and current DOJs allowing the protected liberal class who gave elevated themselves above the law to get away with it, destroying America's faith in the justice system as citizens are illegally spied on, declared to be guilty until proven innocent, held far beyond the legal limits of the law while opticians are protected from indictment / accountability ... Until the average UNSTABLE citizen, having no faith in politicians / govt / Justice that they act on their in to e act their own measure of Justice...

You're damn right I blame the GOP and President Trump for when they engage in the same violent rhetoric to 'enervize the base' - it's the exact same thing the Democrats have done / are doing...maybe not as much but with the same results, obviously.

As I posted elsewhere, if the OP or anyone else is actually serious about ending this escalation in violence and making civility, not violence, the norm again then they will STOP DEFENDING THE PIECES OF CRAP WITHIN THEIR OWN PARTIES engaging in violent rhetoric, calling for an end to civility, & calling for more violence, they will STOP denying their party does it - that it's only 're other guys, and will START REBUKING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM when they do it.

Hossfly says he hopes there is a civil war. Will you address him and tell him to shut the fuck up?
Tipsycatlover says it’s “kill or be killed”. Will you address her and tell her to shut the fuck up?
HereWeGoAgain speaks of putting Mexicans into wood chippers. Will you address that fag and tell him to shut the fuck up?

You said it.
Now go prove it. One by one…call them out.

This is what makes it fun to fuck with progressives....:21::auiqs.jpg::backpedal::iyfyus.jpg:

Well easyt65 here is your chance.

And this is supposed to mean what?
Are you deaf or something? I posted a video, and had to explain that just because she didn't use violent terms doesn't mean she was not inciting violence. WTF do you think she's doing if not trying to start trouble?
Nowhere in that video did she incite violence. I watched the whole thing, and it didn't happen.
You mean where I Highlighted what she said exactly, didn't promote violence....You subversives LIE with such ease that you actually believe everyone is as dumb as you are!...Or more gullible than you!
Son, either you are delusional or you are lying. There was no mention of violence in that video.
Child, to you it DIRECTLY HAD TO SAY VIOLENCE, to all others that know how to read and interpret written words WE get the message!
You are inventing things to make your imaginary point.

It's not there, watch the video.
Of course it is, she even changed directions in her very next sentence....she is almost as insane as you, and that is pretty much far out!

One Trump rally attendee repeated a “false flag” conspiracy theory to MSNBC, even though a suspect was arrested earlier in the day.

Even after a suspect was arrested, some supporters of President Donald Trump appear to be clinging to the idea that this week’s attempted bombings of prominent Democrats were faked.

At Least 1 Trump Supporter Still Thinks Obama, Clintons Sent Bombs To Themselves

Scary people. Retarded people.
Nowhere in that video did she incite violence. I watched the whole thing, and it didn't happen.
You mean where I Highlighted what she said exactly, didn't promote violence....You subversives LIE with such ease that you actually believe everyone is as dumb as you are!...Or more gullible than you!
Son, either you are delusional or you are lying. There was no mention of violence in that video.
Child, to you it DIRECTLY HAD TO SAY VIOLENCE, to all others that know how to read and interpret written words WE get the message!
You are inventing things to make your imaginary point.

It's not there, watch the video.
Of course it is, she even changed directions in her very next sentence....she is almost as insane as you, and that is pretty much far out!

Quote it.

One Trump rally attendee repeated a “false flag” conspiracy theory to MSNBC, even though a suspect was arrested earlier in the day.

Even after a suspect was arrested, some supporters of President Donald Trump appear to be clinging to the idea that this week’s attempted bombings of prominent Democrats were faked.

At Least 1 Trump Supporter Still Thinks Obama, Clintons Sent Bombs To Themselves

Scary people. Retarded people.
Family lawyer: mail bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc 'sick individual' - Naples ...
Naples Daily News › news › 2018/10/26

1 day ago · Lawyer: bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc was 'sick individual' ... “You talk to him and he speaks like a 15-year-old, like a child,” Lowy
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.
I no more blame Maxine Waters for Scalia's being shot than I believe the President is responsible for bombs being mailed out to Democrats.

Lone, unstable nut jobs - or entire parties or anyone else - did these things. And these Lone, unstable nut jobs do not represent entire parties or groups.

THAT being said ...

You're damn right I blame Hillary Clinton for Trump supporters getting beaten and bloodied at Trump rallies during the 2016 election - EVIDENCE SHOWS HER CAMPAIGN HIRED THUGS TO DO IT!

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC, being intelligent enough to know that such behavior could ... AND DID ... incite violence.

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC AFTER an assassination attempt was made against the GOP and Scalise was gunned down.

You're damn right I blame the HILLARY CLINTON for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC - FOR OPENLY CALLING FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF CIVILITY AND FOR AN INCREASE IN LIBERAL VIOLENCE - AFTER SCALISE WAS SHOT- which resulted in the IMMEDIATE response of a female GOP candidate being attacked, a conservative female protestor being attacked, and GOP HAs being vandalized!
- She is not stupid, usr bitter, vindictive, vengeful, hateful, and crooked / criminal as he'll. She knows better!

You're damn right I blame Antifa for violence and Democrats / Liberals / the DOJ / the FBI defending them and letting them break the law and attack people, and pics for admitting they stood by and allowed Antifa at times to attack others.

You're damn right I blame Democrats for their proven crimes, for previous administrations and current DOJs allowing the protected liberal class who gave elevated themselves above the law to get away with it, destroying America's faith in the justice system as citizens are illegally spied on, declared to be guilty until proven innocent, held far beyond the legal limits of the law while opticians are protected from indictment / accountability ... Until the average UNSTABLE citizen, having no faith in politicians / govt / Justice that they act on their in to e act their own measure of Justice...

You're damn right I blame the GOP and President Trump for when they engage in the same violent rhetoric to 'enervize the base' - it's the exact same thing the Democrats have done / are doing...maybe not as much but with the same results, obviously.

As I posted elsewhere, if the OP or anyone else is actually serious about ending this escalation in violence and making civility, not violence, the norm again then they will STOP DEFENDING THE PIECES OF CRAP WITHIN THEIR OWN PARTIES engaging in violent rhetoric, calling for an end to civility, & calling for more violence, they will STOP denying their party does it - that it's only 're other guys, and will START REBUKING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM when they do it.

Hossfly says he hopes there is a civil war. Will you address him and tell him to shut the fuck up?
Tipsycatlover says it’s “kill or be killed”. Will you address her and tell her to shut the fuck up?
HereWeGoAgain speaks of putting Mexicans into wood chippers. Will you address that fag and tell him to shut the fuck up?

You said it.
Now go prove it. One by one…call them out.

This is what makes it fun to fuck with progressives....:21::auiqs.jpg::backpedal::iyfyus.jpg:

Well easyt65 here is your chance.

And this is supposed to mean what?

He’s supposed to show us how committed he is to stopping the hate by calling out his own side when they say something particularly violent; like your comment about putting Mexicans into the wood chipper.

I don’t expect him to do anything. As a Conservative you of course know better than anyone that extreme dishonesty is the hallmark of being a right wing knob.
You mean where I Highlighted what she said exactly, didn't promote violence....You subversives LIE with such ease that you actually believe everyone is as dumb as you are!...Or more gullible than you!
Son, either you are delusional or you are lying. There was no mention of violence in that video.
Child, to you it DIRECTLY HAD TO SAY VIOLENCE, to all others that know how to read and interpret written words WE get the message!
You are inventing things to make your imaginary point.

It's not there, watch the video.
Of course it is, she even changed directions in her very next sentence....she is almost as insane as you, and that is pretty much far out!

Quote it.
Go look AGAIN at the highlighted text....

BTW, to you THREATENED ISN'T most other honest people a THREAT IS VIOLENCE!
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.
I no more blame Maxine Waters for Scalia's being shot than I believe the President is responsible for bombs being mailed out to Democrats.

Lone, unstable nut jobs - or entire parties or anyone else - did these things. And these Lone, unstable nut jobs do not represent entire parties or groups.

THAT being said ...

You're damn right I blame Hillary Clinton for Trump supporters getting beaten and bloodied at Trump rallies during the 2016 election - EVIDENCE SHOWS HER CAMPAIGN HIRED THUGS TO DO IT!

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC, being intelligent enough to know that such behavior could ... AND DID ... incite violence.

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC AFTER an assassination attempt was made against the GOP and Scalise was gunned down.

You're damn right I blame the HILLARY CLINTON for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC - FOR OPENLY CALLING FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF CIVILITY AND FOR AN INCREASE IN LIBERAL VIOLENCE - AFTER SCALISE WAS SHOT- which resulted in the IMMEDIATE response of a female GOP candidate being attacked, a conservative female protestor being attacked, and GOP HAs being vandalized!
- She is not stupid, usr bitter, vindictive, vengeful, hateful, and crooked / criminal as he'll. She knows better!

You're damn right I blame Antifa for violence and Democrats / Liberals / the DOJ / the FBI defending them and letting them break the law and attack people, and pics for admitting they stood by and allowed Antifa at times to attack others.

You're damn right I blame Democrats for their proven crimes, for previous administrations and current DOJs allowing the protected liberal class who gave elevated themselves above the law to get away with it, destroying America's faith in the justice system as citizens are illegally spied on, declared to be guilty until proven innocent, held far beyond the legal limits of the law while opticians are protected from indictment / accountability ... Until the average UNSTABLE citizen, having no faith in politicians / govt / Justice that they act on their in to e act their own measure of Justice...

You're damn right I blame the GOP and President Trump for when they engage in the same violent rhetoric to 'enervize the base' - it's the exact same thing the Democrats have done / are doing...maybe not as much but with the same results, obviously.

As I posted elsewhere, if the OP or anyone else is actually serious about ending this escalation in violence and making civility, not violence, the norm again then they will STOP DEFENDING THE PIECES OF CRAP WITHIN THEIR OWN PARTIES engaging in violent rhetoric, calling for an end to civility, & calling for more violence, they will STOP denying their party does it - that it's only 're other guys, and will START REBUKING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM when they do it.

Hossfly says he hopes there is a civil war. Will you address him and tell him to shut the fuck up?
Tipsycatlover says it’s “kill or be killed”. Will you address her and tell her to shut the fuck up?
HereWeGoAgain speaks of putting Mexicans into wood chippers. Will you address that fag and tell him to shut the fuck up?

You said it.
Now go prove it. One by one…call them out.

What the hell is wrong about wanting a civil war? How else are we gonna get rid of them Progressive Liberal Socialist Pukes?
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.
I no more blame Maxine Waters for Scalia's being shot than I believe the President is responsible for bombs being mailed out to Democrats.

Lone, unstable nut jobs - or entire parties or anyone else - did these things. And these Lone, unstable nut jobs do not represent entire parties or groups.

THAT being said ...

You're damn right I blame Hillary Clinton for Trump supporters getting beaten and bloodied at Trump rallies during the 2016 election - EVIDENCE SHOWS HER CAMPAIGN HIRED THUGS TO DO IT!

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC, being intelligent enough to know that such behavior could ... AND DID ... incite violence.

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC AFTER an assassination attempt was made against the GOP and Scalise was gunned down.

You're damn right I blame the HILLARY CLINTON for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC - FOR OPENLY CALLING FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF CIVILITY AND FOR AN INCREASE IN LIBERAL VIOLENCE - AFTER SCALISE WAS SHOT- which resulted in the IMMEDIATE response of a female GOP candidate being attacked, a conservative female protestor being attacked, and GOP HAs being vandalized!
- She is not stupid, usr bitter, vindictive, vengeful, hateful, and crooked / criminal as he'll. She knows better!

You're damn right I blame Antifa for violence and Democrats / Liberals / the DOJ / the FBI defending them and letting them break the law and attack people, and pics for admitting they stood by and allowed Antifa at times to attack others.

You're damn right I blame Democrats for their proven crimes, for previous administrations and current DOJs allowing the protected liberal class who gave elevated themselves above the law to get away with it, destroying America's faith in the justice system as citizens are illegally spied on, declared to be guilty until proven innocent, held far beyond the legal limits of the law while opticians are protected from indictment / accountability ... Until the average UNSTABLE citizen, having no faith in politicians / govt / Justice that they act on their in to e act their own measure of Justice...

You're damn right I blame the GOP and President Trump for when they engage in the same violent rhetoric to 'enervize the base' - it's the exact same thing the Democrats have done / are doing...maybe not as much but with the same results, obviously.

As I posted elsewhere, if the OP or anyone else is actually serious about ending this escalation in violence and making civility, not violence, the norm again then they will STOP DEFENDING THE PIECES OF CRAP WITHIN THEIR OWN PARTIES engaging in violent rhetoric, calling for an end to civility, & calling for more violence, they will STOP denying their party does it - that it's only 're other guys, and will START REBUKING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM when they do it.

Hossfly says he hopes there is a civil war. Will you address him and tell him to shut the fuck up?
Tipsycatlover says it’s “kill or be killed”. Will you address her and tell her to shut the fuck up?
HereWeGoAgain speaks of putting Mexicans into wood chippers. Will you address that fag and tell him to shut the fuck up?

You said it.
Now go prove it. One by one…call them out.

What the hell is wrong about wanting a civil war? How else are we gonna get rid of them Progressive Liberal Socialist Pukes?

Well easyt65 ; preach peace to your buddy here….
Son, either you are delusional or you are lying. There was no mention of violence in that video.
Child, to you it DIRECTLY HAD TO SAY VIOLENCE, to all others that know how to read and interpret written words WE get the message!
You are inventing things to make your imaginary point.

It's not there, watch the video.
Of course it is, she even changed directions in her very next sentence....she is almost as insane as you, and that is pretty much far out!

Quote it.
Go look AGAIN at the highlighted text....

BTW, to you THREATENED ISN'T most other honest people a THREAT IS VIOLENCE!
There is no threat. Your highleted text is not a threat, not a call to violence, nothing.

If that frightens you you really need to man-up.
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.
I no more blame Maxine Waters for Scalia's being shot than I believe the President is responsible for bombs being mailed out to Democrats.

Lone, unstable nut jobs - or entire parties or anyone else - did these things. And these Lone, unstable nut jobs do not represent entire parties or groups.

THAT being said ...

You're damn right I blame Hillary Clinton for Trump supporters getting beaten and bloodied at Trump rallies during the 2016 election - EVIDENCE SHOWS HER CAMPAIGN HIRED THUGS TO DO IT!

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC, being intelligent enough to know that such behavior could ... AND DID ... incite violence.

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC AFTER an assassination attempt was made against the GOP and Scalise was gunned down.

You're damn right I blame the HILLARY CLINTON for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC - FOR OPENLY CALLING FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF CIVILITY AND FOR AN INCREASE IN LIBERAL VIOLENCE - AFTER SCALISE WAS SHOT- which resulted in the IMMEDIATE response of a female GOP candidate being attacked, a conservative female protestor being attacked, and GOP HAs being vandalized!
- She is not stupid, usr bitter, vindictive, vengeful, hateful, and crooked / criminal as he'll. She knows better!

You're damn right I blame Antifa for violence and Democrats / Liberals / the DOJ / the FBI defending them and letting them break the law and attack people, and pics for admitting they stood by and allowed Antifa at times to attack others.

You're damn right I blame Democrats for their proven crimes, for previous administrations and current DOJs allowing the protected liberal class who gave elevated themselves above the law to get away with it, destroying America's faith in the justice system as citizens are illegally spied on, declared to be guilty until proven innocent, held far beyond the legal limits of the law while opticians are protected from indictment / accountability ... Until the average UNSTABLE citizen, having no faith in politicians / govt / Justice that they act on their in to e act their own measure of Justice...

You're damn right I blame the GOP and President Trump for when they engage in the same violent rhetoric to 'enervize the base' - it's the exact same thing the Democrats have done / are doing...maybe not as much but with the same results, obviously.

As I posted elsewhere, if the OP or anyone else is actually serious about ending this escalation in violence and making civility, not violence, the norm again then they will STOP DEFENDING THE PIECES OF CRAP WITHIN THEIR OWN PARTIES engaging in violent rhetoric, calling for an end to civility, & calling for more violence, they will STOP denying their party does it - that it's only 're other guys, and will START REBUKING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM when they do it.

Hossfly says he hopes there is a civil war. Will you address him and tell him to shut the fuck up?
Tipsycatlover says it’s “kill or be killed”. Will you address her and tell her to shut the fuck up?
HereWeGoAgain speaks of putting Mexicans into wood chippers. Will you address that fag and tell him to shut the fuck up?

You said it.
Now go prove it. One by one…call them out.

What the hell is wrong about wanting a civil war? How else are we gonna get rid of them Progressive Liberal Socialist Pukes?

Well easyt65 ; preach peace to your buddy here….
This buddy is a soldier who hates war but I hate them Progressives more. Guess we'll have war.
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.
I no more blame Maxine Waters for Scalia's being shot than I believe the President is responsible for bombs being mailed out to Democrats.

Lone, unstable nut jobs - or entire parties or anyone else - did these things. And these Lone, unstable nut jobs do not represent entire parties or groups.

THAT being said ...

You're damn right I blame Hillary Clinton for Trump supporters getting beaten and bloodied at Trump rallies during the 2016 election - EVIDENCE SHOWS HER CAMPAIGN HIRED THUGS TO DO IT!

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC, being intelligent enough to know that such behavior could ... AND DID ... incite violence.

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC AFTER an assassination attempt was made against the GOP and Scalise was gunned down.

You're damn right I blame the HILLARY CLINTON for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC - FOR OPENLY CALLING FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF CIVILITY AND FOR AN INCREASE IN LIBERAL VIOLENCE - AFTER SCALISE WAS SHOT- which resulted in the IMMEDIATE response of a female GOP candidate being attacked, a conservative female protestor being attacked, and GOP HAs being vandalized!
- She is not stupid, usr bitter, vindictive, vengeful, hateful, and crooked / criminal as he'll. She knows better!

You're damn right I blame Antifa for violence and Democrats / Liberals / the DOJ / the FBI defending them and letting them break the law and attack people, and pics for admitting they stood by and allowed Antifa at times to attack others.

You're damn right I blame Democrats for their proven crimes, for previous administrations and current DOJs allowing the protected liberal class who gave elevated themselves above the law to get away with it, destroying America's faith in the justice system as citizens are illegally spied on, declared to be guilty until proven innocent, held far beyond the legal limits of the law while opticians are protected from indictment / accountability ... Until the average UNSTABLE citizen, having no faith in politicians / govt / Justice that they act on their in to e act their own measure of Justice...

You're damn right I blame the GOP and President Trump for when they engage in the same violent rhetoric to 'enervize the base' - it's the exact same thing the Democrats have done / are doing...maybe not as much but with the same results, obviously.

As I posted elsewhere, if the OP or anyone else is actually serious about ending this escalation in violence and making civility, not violence, the norm again then they will STOP DEFENDING THE PIECES OF CRAP WITHIN THEIR OWN PARTIES engaging in violent rhetoric, calling for an end to civility, & calling for more violence, they will STOP denying their party does it - that it's only 're other guys, and will START REBUKING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM when they do it.

Hossfly says he hopes there is a civil war. Will you address him and tell him to shut the fuck up?
Tipsycatlover says it’s “kill or be killed”. Will you address her and tell her to shut the fuck up?
HereWeGoAgain speaks of putting Mexicans into wood chippers. Will you address that fag and tell him to shut the fuck up?

You said it.
Now go prove it. One by one…call them out.

What the hell is wrong about wanting a civil war? How else are we gonna get rid of them Progressive Liberal Socialist Pukes?

Well easyt65 ; preach peace to your buddy here….
This buddy is a soldier who hates war but I hate them Progressives more. Guess we'll have war.

Child, to you it DIRECTLY HAD TO SAY VIOLENCE, to all others that know how to read and interpret written words WE get the message!
You are inventing things to make your imaginary point.

It's not there, watch the video.
Of course it is, she even changed directions in her very next sentence....she is almost as insane as you, and that is pretty much far out!

Quote it.
Go look AGAIN at the highlighted text....

BTW, to you THREATENED ISN'T most other honest people a THREAT IS VIOLENCE!
There is no threat. Your highleted text is not a threat, not a call to violence, nothing.

If that frightens you you really need to man-up.
I did not threaten [Trump] constituents and supporters. I do that all the time, but I didn't do that that time," Waters said to laughter from a crowd in Los Angeles

Thanks for showing everyone that I DO THAT ALL THE TIMEL!

You are inventing things to make your imaginary point.

It's not there, watch the video.
Of course it is, she even changed directions in her very next sentence....she is almost as insane as you, and that is pretty much far out!

Quote it.
Go look AGAIN at the highlighted text....

BTW, to you THREATENED ISN'T most other honest people a THREAT IS VIOLENCE!
There is no threat. Your highleted text is not a threat, not a call to violence, nothing.

If that frightens you you really need to man-up.
I did not threaten [Trump] constituents and supporters. I do that all the time, but I didn't do that that time," Waters said to laughter from a crowd in Los Angeles

Thanks for showing everyone that I DO THAT ALL THE TIMEL!

Obviously you aren't real good with sarcsm and such.
Of course it is, she even changed directions in her very next sentence....she is almost as insane as you, and that is pretty much far out!

Quote it.
Go look AGAIN at the highlighted text....

BTW, to you THREATENED ISN'T most other honest people a THREAT IS VIOLENCE!
There is no threat. Your highleted text is not a threat, not a call to violence, nothing.

If that frightens you you really need to man-up.
I did not threaten [Trump] constituents and supporters. I do that all the time, but I didn't do that that time," Waters said to laughter from a crowd in Los Angeles

Thanks for showing everyone that I DO THAT ALL THE TIMEL!

Obviously you aren't real good with sarcsm and such.
Did she say exactly that?......but you'll take Trump's HYPERBOLE for word for word! Child, you really do look like a jackass!

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