The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters;

Don't see any call to violence.

This is what a call for violence sounds like:

Got it now?

Good, now show me where Waters said anything like that.

She didn't have to say anything like that. She was promoting it. If some loser stranger approaches you like this guy in a restaurant, WTF would you do?

People listen to their leaders on the left. And don't give me Trump, because there are two differences: One, Trump was referring to certain individuals. Two, Trump was telling people to give troublemakers what they came there for--trouble.

Only those on the left would blame the cute well dressed girl for getting raped by a rapist. These people went to Trump events for one reason and one reason only, and that was to start trouble. When they got what they were looking for, you blame Trump for that.

But that's just one person. You have many others on your side doing similar things. What are the results?

How could she promote what she's not saying? Post up some proof of this mythical "call to violence" or admit you are just parroting rwnj talking points.

Come on kid, I backed mine up. Time for you to put up or shut up.

You didn't backup anything. You were taking quotes out of context leaving out the story behind them. Because she didn't say punch them, and instead push them, that makes any difference?

I'll tell you what, one of these days a clown is going to harass and attack a Trump supporter, and he's going to pull out his gun and kill the attacker. Then you on the left will be saying how it's never a Democrats fault.

Blah blah blah... Out of context my ass. Typical tRumpkin excuse making for their orange god.

Produce a quote of Maxine waters calling for violence or admit you are a liar.

"I did not threaten [Trump] constituents and supporters. I do that all the time, but I didn't do that that time," Waters said to laughter from a crowd in Los Angeles

Maxine Waters mocks: I threaten Trump supporters 'all the time'

So, not real clear on that whole sarcasm thing then are you.
Stop it. This was d9ne by an anti sematic lunatic. This has nothing to do with which party he identifies as. Idiots.Paul Zeise on Twitter

Says the right wingers after it turns out this guy was about as extreme a right-winger as it gets.

Before that, it was "the violent left / evil Muslim" though. Hmm ...

If it was a Muslim lunatic, all hell would break loose and it would be blamed on his religion, not the fact he was a lunatic.

The only one to blame is the person who did it.

That seems to contradict your thread earlier this week claiming the right was more violent than the left.
Not at all. The point I was making in that thread was, despite your coft repeated claims that only the left is violent, both are and it’s ratcheting up with the nutter inspiring rhetoric.

In the end you can blame rhetoric for creating the conditions that inspire these people to act, but the responsibility for act itself is with the one who did.

And in none of these cases is it representative of the mainstream left or right....despite partisan accusations.
She didn't have to say anything like that. She was promoting it. If some loser stranger approaches you like this guy in a restaurant, WTF would you do?

People listen to their leaders on the left. And don't give me Trump, because there are two differences: One, Trump was referring to certain individuals. Two, Trump was telling people to give troublemakers what they came there for--trouble.

Only those on the left would blame the cute well dressed girl for getting raped by a rapist. These people went to Trump events for one reason and one reason only, and that was to start trouble. When they got what they were looking for, you blame Trump for that.

But that's just one person. You have many others on your side doing similar things. What are the results?
How could she promote what she's not saying? Post up some proof of this mythical "call to violence" or admit you are just parroting rwnj talking points.

Come on kid, I backed mine up. Time for you to put up or shut up.

You didn't backup anything. You were taking quotes out of context leaving out the story behind them. Because she didn't say punch them, and instead push them, that makes any difference?

I'll tell you what, one of these days a clown is going to harass and attack a Trump supporter, and he's going to pull out his gun and kill the attacker. Then you on the left will be saying how it's never a Democrats fault.
Blah blah blah... Out of context my ass. Typical tRumpkin excuse making for their orange god.

Produce a quote of Maxine waters calling for violence or admit you are a liar.
"I did not threaten [Trump] constituents and supporters. I do that all the time, but I didn't do that that time," Waters said to laughter from a crowd in Los Angeles

Maxine Waters mocks: I threaten Trump supporters 'all the time'
So, not real clear on that whole sarcasm thing then are you.
You mean like Trump's HYPERBOLE that you claim as FACT?....CREEPYTOES, You are too stupid!
"You form a crowd. You push back on them. You tell them they're not welcome."

Gee, if anybody did that to you, that certainly wouldn't incite violence, would it?

Now in the FIRST harassment video, watch how a patron confronts the leftist loser. Listen to the other patrons telling the clown to get the hell out of the restaurant. Yes, that's what Waters wants; to have people getting into fights.

Don't see any call to violence.

This is what a call for violence sounds like:

Got it now?

Good, now show me where Waters said anything like that.

She didn't have to say anything like that. She was promoting it. If some loser stranger approaches you like this guy in a restaurant, WTF would you do?

People listen to their leaders on the left. And don't give me Trump, because there are two differences: One, Trump was referring to certain individuals. Two, Trump was telling people to give troublemakers what they came there for--trouble.

Only those on the left would blame the cute well dressed girl for getting raped by a rapist. These people went to Trump events for one reason and one reason only, and that was to start trouble. When they got what they were looking for, you blame Trump for that.

But that's just one person. You have many others on your side doing similar things. What are the results?

How could she promote what she's not saying? Post up some proof of this mythical "call to violence" or admit you are just parroting rwnj talking points.

Come on kid, I backed mine up. Time for you to put up or shut up.

You didn't backup anything. You were taking quotes out of context leaving out the story behind them. Because she didn't say punch them, and instead push them, that makes any difference?

I'll tell you what, one of these days a clown is going to harass and attack a Trump supporter, and he's going to pull out his gun and kill the attacker. Then you on the left will be saying how it's never a Democrats fault.

Blah blah blah... Out of context my ass. Typical tRumpkin excuse making for their orange god.

Produce a quote of Maxine waters calling for violence or admit you are a liar.

Are you deaf or something? I posted a video, and had to explain that just because she didn't use violent terms doesn't mean she was not inciting violence. WTF do you think she's doing if not trying to start trouble?
Don't see any call to violence.

This is what a call for violence sounds like:

Got it now?

Good, now show me where Waters said anything like that.

She didn't have to say anything like that. She was promoting it. If some loser stranger approaches you like this guy in a restaurant, WTF would you do?

People listen to their leaders on the left. And don't give me Trump, because there are two differences: One, Trump was referring to certain individuals. Two, Trump was telling people to give troublemakers what they came there for--trouble.

Only those on the left would blame the cute well dressed girl for getting raped by a rapist. These people went to Trump events for one reason and one reason only, and that was to start trouble. When they got what they were looking for, you blame Trump for that.

But that's just one person. You have many others on your side doing similar things. What are the results?

How could she promote what she's not saying? Post up some proof of this mythical "call to violence" or admit you are just parroting rwnj talking points.

Come on kid, I backed mine up. Time for you to put up or shut up.

You didn't backup anything. You were taking quotes out of context leaving out the story behind them. Because she didn't say punch them, and instead push them, that makes any difference?

I'll tell you what, one of these days a clown is going to harass and attack a Trump supporter, and he's going to pull out his gun and kill the attacker. Then you on the left will be saying how it's never a Democrats fault.

Blah blah blah... Out of context my ass. Typical tRumpkin excuse making for their orange god.

Produce a quote of Maxine waters calling for violence or admit you are a liar.

Are you deaf or something? I posted a video, and had to explain that just because she didn't use violent terms doesn't mean she was not inciting violence. WTF do you think she's doing if not trying to start trouble?

Nowhere in that video did she incite violence. I watched the whole thing, and it didn't happen.
Stop it. This was d9ne by an anti sematic lunatic. This has nothing to do with which party he identifies as. Idiots.Paul Zeise on Twitter

Says the right wingers after it turns out this guy was about as extreme a right-winger as it gets.

Before that, it was "the violent left / evil Muslim" though. Hmm ...

If it was a Muslim lunatic, all hell would break loose and it would be blamed on his religion, not the fact he was a lunatic.

The only one to blame is the person who did it.

That seems to contradict your thread earlier this week claiming the right was more violent than the left.
Not at all. The point I was making in that thread was, despite your coft repeated claims that only the left is violent, both are and it’s ratcheting up with the nutter inspiring rhetoric.

In the end you can blame rhetoric for creating the conditions that inspire these people to act, but the responsibility for act itself is with the one who did.

And in none of these cases is it representative of the mainstream left or right....despite partisan accusations.

I said they where both bad and both are ratcheting it up. This violence is just systematic of our new society.
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.

You would think that being 0-2 in two consecutive days would teach them a lesson going forward. We’ll see.

Partisans on both sides blame the other immediately when anything like this happens

But only one side controls most of the media.

You mean like sanity vs. insanity?
She didn't have to say anything like that. She was promoting it. If some loser stranger approaches you like this guy in a restaurant, WTF would you do?

People listen to their leaders on the left. And don't give me Trump, because there are two differences: One, Trump was referring to certain individuals. Two, Trump was telling people to give troublemakers what they came there for--trouble.

Only those on the left would blame the cute well dressed girl for getting raped by a rapist. These people went to Trump events for one reason and one reason only, and that was to start trouble. When they got what they were looking for, you blame Trump for that.

But that's just one person. You have many others on your side doing similar things. What are the results?
How could she promote what she's not saying? Post up some proof of this mythical "call to violence" or admit you are just parroting rwnj talking points.

Come on kid, I backed mine up. Time for you to put up or shut up.

You didn't backup anything. You were taking quotes out of context leaving out the story behind them. Because she didn't say punch them, and instead push them, that makes any difference?

I'll tell you what, one of these days a clown is going to harass and attack a Trump supporter, and he's going to pull out his gun and kill the attacker. Then you on the left will be saying how it's never a Democrats fault.
Blah blah blah... Out of context my ass. Typical tRumpkin excuse making for their orange god.

Produce a quote of Maxine waters calling for violence or admit you are a liar.

Are you deaf or something? I posted a video, and had to explain that just because she didn't use violent terms doesn't mean she was not inciting violence. WTF do you think she's doing if not trying to start trouble?
Nowhere in that video did she incite violence. I watched the whole thing, and it didn't happen.
You mean where I Highlighted what she said exactly, didn't promote violence....You subversives LIE with such ease that you actually believe everyone is as dumb as you are!...Or more gullible than you!
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.
I no more blame Maxine Waters for Scalia's being shot than I believe the President is responsible for bombs being mailed out to Democrats.

Lone, unstable nut jobs - or entire parties or anyone else - did these things. And these Lone, unstable nut jobs do not represent entire parties or groups.

THAT being said ...

You're damn right I blame Hillary Clinton for Trump supporters getting beaten and bloodied at Trump rallies during the 2016 election - EVIDENCE SHOWS HER CAMPAIGN HIRED THUGS TO DO IT!

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC, being intelligent enough to know that such behavior could ... AND DID ... incite violence.

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC AFTER an assassination attempt was made against the GOP and Scalise was gunned down.

You're damn right I blame the HILLARY CLINTON for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC - FOR OPENLY CALLING FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF CIVILITY AND FOR AN INCREASE IN LIBERAL VIOLENCE - AFTER SCALISE WAS SHOT- which resulted in the IMMEDIATE response of a female GOP candidate being attacked, a conservative female protestor being attacked, and GOP HAs being vandalized!
- She is not stupid, usr bitter, vindictive, vengeful, hateful, and crooked / criminal as he'll. She knows better!

You're damn right I blame Antifa for violence and Democrats / Liberals / the DOJ / the FBI defending them and letting them break the law and attack people, and pics for admitting they stood by and allowed Antifa at times to attack others.

You're damn right I blame Democrats for their proven crimes, for previous administrations and current DOJs allowing the protected liberal class who gave elevated themselves above the law to get away with it, destroying America's faith in the justice system as citizens are illegally spied on, declared to be guilty until proven innocent, held far beyond the legal limits of the law while opticians are protected from indictment / accountability ... Until the average UNSTABLE citizen, having no faith in politicians / govt / Justice that they act on their in to e act their own measure of Justice...

You're damn right I blame the GOP and President Trump for when they engage in the same violent rhetoric to 'enervize the base' - it's the exact same thing the Democrats have done / are doing...maybe not as much but with the same results, obviously.

As I posted elsewhere, if the OP or anyone else is actually serious about ending this escalation in violence and making civility, not violence, the norm again then they will STOP DEFENDING THE PIECES OF CRAP WITHIN THEIR OWN PARTIES engaging in violent rhetoric, calling for an end to civility, & calling for more violence, they will STOP denying their party does it - that it's only 're other guys, and will START REBUKING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM when they do it.
How could she promote what she's not saying? Post up some proof of this mythical "call to violence" or admit you are just parroting rwnj talking points.

Come on kid, I backed mine up. Time for you to put up or shut up.

You didn't backup anything. You were taking quotes out of context leaving out the story behind them. Because she didn't say punch them, and instead push them, that makes any difference?

I'll tell you what, one of these days a clown is going to harass and attack a Trump supporter, and he's going to pull out his gun and kill the attacker. Then you on the left will be saying how it's never a Democrats fault.
Blah blah blah... Out of context my ass. Typical tRumpkin excuse making for their orange god.

Produce a quote of Maxine waters calling for violence or admit you are a liar.

Are you deaf or something? I posted a video, and had to explain that just because she didn't use violent terms doesn't mean she was not inciting violence. WTF do you think she's doing if not trying to start trouble?
Nowhere in that video did she incite violence. I watched the whole thing, and it didn't happen.
You mean where I Highlighted what she said exactly, didn't promote violence....You subversives LIE with such ease that you actually believe everyone is as dumb as you are!...Or more gullible than you!
Son, either you are delusional or you are lying. There was no mention of violence in that video.
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.
I no more blame Maxine Waters for Scalia's being shot than I believe the President is responsible for bombs being mailed out to Democrats.

Lone, unstable nut jobs - or entire parties or anyone else - did these things. And these Lone, unstable nut jobs do not represent entire parties or groups.

THAT being said ...

You're damn right I blame Hillary Clinton for Trump supporters getting beaten and bloodied at Trump rallies during the 2016 election - EVIDENCE SHOWS HER CAMPAIGN HIRED THUGS TO DO IT!

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC, being intelligent enough to know that such behavior could ... AND DID ... incite violence.

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC AFTER an assassination attempt was made against the GOP and Scalise was gunned down.

You're damn right I blame the HILLARY CLINTON for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC - FOR OPENLY CALLING FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF CIVILITY AND FOR AN INCREASE IN LIBERAL VIOLENCE - AFTER SCALISE WAS SHOT- which resulted in the IMMEDIATE response of a female GOP candidate being attacked, a conservative female protestor being attacked, and GOP HAs being vandalized!
- She is not stupid, usr bitter, vindictive, vengeful, hateful, and crooked / criminal as he'll. She knows better!

You're damn right I blame Antifa for violence and Democrats / Liberals / the DOJ / the FBI defending them and letting them break the law and attack people, and pics for admitting they stood by and allowed Antifa at times to attack others.

You're damn right I blame Democrats for their proven crimes, for previous administrations and current DOJs allowing the protected liberal class who gave elevated themselves above the law to get away with it, destroying America's faith in the justice system as citizens are illegally spied on, declared to be guilty until proven innocent, held far beyond the legal limits of the law while opticians are protected from indictment / accountability ... Until the average UNSTABLE citizen, having no faith in politicians / govt / Justice that they act on their in to e act their own measure of Justice...

You're damn right I blame the GOP and President Trump for when they engage in the same violent rhetoric to 'enervize the base' - it's the exact same thing the Democrats have done / are doing...maybe not as much but with the same results, obviously.

As I posted elsewhere, if the OP or anyone else is actually serious about ending this escalation in violence and making civility, not violence, the norm again then they will STOP DEFENDING THE PIECES OF CRAP WITHIN THEIR OWN PARTIES engaging in violent rhetoric, calling for an end to civility, & calling for more violence, they will STOP denying their party does it - that it's only 're other guys, and will START REBUKING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM when they do it.

Hossfly says he hopes there is a civil war. Will you address him and tell him to shut the fuck up?
Tipsycatlover says it’s “kill or be killed”. Will you address her and tell her to shut the fuck up?
HereWeGoAgain speaks of putting Mexicans into wood chippers. Will you address that fag and tell him to shut the fuck up?

You said it.
Now go prove it. One by one…call them out.
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.

You would think that being 0-2 in two consecutive days would teach them a lesson going forward. We’ll see.

Dang, you're keeping score? Ok, just for the hell of it, how many points did we get for the Whore with the sleazy lawyer? How about the Supreme Court pick?
You didn't backup anything. You were taking quotes out of context leaving out the story behind them. Because she didn't say punch them, and instead push them, that makes any difference?

I'll tell you what, one of these days a clown is going to harass and attack a Trump supporter, and he's going to pull out his gun and kill the attacker. Then you on the left will be saying how it's never a Democrats fault.
Blah blah blah... Out of context my ass. Typical tRumpkin excuse making for their orange god.

Produce a quote of Maxine waters calling for violence or admit you are a liar.

Are you deaf or something? I posted a video, and had to explain that just because she didn't use violent terms doesn't mean she was not inciting violence. WTF do you think she's doing if not trying to start trouble?
Nowhere in that video did she incite violence. I watched the whole thing, and it didn't happen.
You mean where I Highlighted what she said exactly, didn't promote violence....You subversives LIE with such ease that you actually believe everyone is as dumb as you are!...Or more gullible than you!
Son, either you are delusional or you are lying. There was no mention of violence in that video.
Child, to you it DIRECTLY HAD TO SAY VIOLENCE, to all others that know how to read and interpret written words WE get the message!
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.

You would think that being 0-2 in two consecutive days would teach them a lesson going forward. We’ll see.

Dang, you're keeping score? Ok, just for the hell of it, how many points did we get for the Whore with the sleazy lawyer? How about the Supreme Court pick?

Refresh my memory…what was the conspiracy theory behind those incidents?
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.
I no more blame Maxine Waters for Scalia's being shot than I believe the President is responsible for bombs being mailed out to Democrats.

Lone, unstable nut jobs - or entire parties or anyone else - did these things. And these Lone, unstable nut jobs do not represent entire parties or groups.

THAT being said ...

You're damn right I blame Hillary Clinton for Trump supporters getting beaten and bloodied at Trump rallies during the 2016 election - EVIDENCE SHOWS HER CAMPAIGN HIRED THUGS TO DO IT!

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC, being intelligent enough to know that such behavior could ... AND DID ... incite violence.

You're damn right I blame the Democratic Party for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC AFTER an assassination attempt was made against the GOP and Scalise was gunned down.

You're damn right I blame the HILLARY CLINTON for IRRESPONSIBLY ENGAGING IN EXCESSIVE VIOLENT RHETORIC - FOR OPENLY CALLING FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF CIVILITY AND FOR AN INCREASE IN LIBERAL VIOLENCE - AFTER SCALISE WAS SHOT- which resulted in the IMMEDIATE response of a female GOP candidate being attacked, a conservative female protestor being attacked, and GOP HAs being vandalized!
- She is not stupid, usr bitter, vindictive, vengeful, hateful, and crooked / criminal as he'll. She knows better!

You're damn right I blame Antifa for violence and Democrats / Liberals / the DOJ / the FBI defending them and letting them break the law and attack people, and pics for admitting they stood by and allowed Antifa at times to attack others.

You're damn right I blame Democrats for their proven crimes, for previous administrations and current DOJs allowing the protected liberal class who gave elevated themselves above the law to get away with it, destroying America's faith in the justice system as citizens are illegally spied on, declared to be guilty until proven innocent, held far beyond the legal limits of the law while opticians are protected from indictment / accountability ... Until the average UNSTABLE citizen, having no faith in politicians / govt / Justice that they act on their in to e act their own measure of Justice...

You're damn right I blame the GOP and President Trump for when they engage in the same violent rhetoric to 'enervize the base' - it's the exact same thing the Democrats have done / are doing...maybe not as much but with the same results, obviously.

As I posted elsewhere, if the OP or anyone else is actually serious about ending this escalation in violence and making civility, not violence, the norm again then they will STOP DEFENDING THE PIECES OF CRAP WITHIN THEIR OWN PARTIES engaging in violent rhetoric, calling for an end to civility, & calling for more violence, they will STOP denying their party does it - that it's only 're other guys, and will START REBUKING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM when they do it.

Hossfly says he hopes there is a civil war. Will you address him and tell him to shut the fuck up?
Tipsycatlover says it’s “kill or be killed”. Will you address her and tell her to shut the fuck up?
HereWeGoAgain speaks of putting Mexicans into wood chippers. Will you address that fag and tell him to shut the fuck up?

You said it.
Now go prove it. One by one…call them out.
Another who doesn't know the meaning of hyperbole!
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.

You would think that being 0-2 in two consecutive days would teach them a lesson going forward. We’ll see.

Dang, you're keeping score? Ok, just for the hell of it, how many points did we get for the Whore with the sleazy lawyer? How about the Supreme Court pick?

Refresh my memory…what was the conspiracy theory behind those incidents?

Oh, I see, we're only counting conspiracy theories. Ok, how many points did we get for the Russia, Russia, Russia thing?
Blah blah blah... Out of context my ass. Typical tRumpkin excuse making for their orange god.

Produce a quote of Maxine waters calling for violence or admit you are a liar.

Are you deaf or something? I posted a video, and had to explain that just because she didn't use violent terms doesn't mean she was not inciting violence. WTF do you think she's doing if not trying to start trouble?
Nowhere in that video did she incite violence. I watched the whole thing, and it didn't happen.
You mean where I Highlighted what she said exactly, didn't promote violence....You subversives LIE with such ease that you actually believe everyone is as dumb as you are!...Or more gullible than you!
Son, either you are delusional or you are lying. There was no mention of violence in that video.
Child, to you it DIRECTLY HAD TO SAY VIOLENCE, to all others that know how to read and interpret written words WE get the message!
You are inventing things to make your imaginary point.

It's not there, watch the video.
The only reason that the politics of the shooter/bomber matters is because the Right Wing posters on this board and numerous prominent right wing personalities immediately blamed the events on the left.

You would think that being 0-2 in two consecutive days would teach them a lesson going forward. We’ll see.

Dang, you're keeping score? Ok, just for the hell of it, how many points did we get for the Whore with the sleazy lawyer? How about the Supreme Court pick?

Refresh my memory…what was the conspiracy theory behind those incidents?

Oh, I see, we're only counting conspiracy theories. Ok, how many points did we get for the Russia, Russia, Russia thing?

Its still under investigation. Five Trump hires have been found guilty or pled guilty. It’s 0-3

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