The Only Thing Melting Is The Climate Cult Narrative

Well, yeah, just as AGW theory predicted. Warmer air holds more water vapor, so more snow.

And still Greenland continues to rapidly lose mass, due to the accelerated glacier calving, which is not something your graph shows.

Again, that's just as AGW theory predicted. So, once more, the predictions made by AGW theory are shown to be correct. And no one is surprised, given how good that prediction record is.

I understand. Your masters didn't want you to know that info, so you had no way of knowing. They feed you propaganda, you regurgitate it here. You're proud of how you keep your cult mind pure by refusing to look at anything except cult-supplied propaganda.
What the warmers always do!!!!
Have you ever contributed anything to a thread exccept trolling?

No, you haven't. I'd rank you as this board's most worthless poster, due to the sheer quantity of your trolling.

Now, care to address the facts I posted, or are you just going to cry and troll more?
I did, you flip how you tell your lies. First it's warming, and when actual warming doesn't occur, you refer to climate change, yet greenland has ice and gained more and you called it climate change. Dude, make up our minds for us, stop flipping and falling.

BTW, you can't argue with me because I challenge your data and your data isn't good enough to use to counter with, so you whine about the quality of my posts because you can't compete with me. So demfk.
I did, you flip how you tell your lies. First it's warming, and when actual warming doesn't occur, you refer to climate change, yet greenland has ice and gained more and you called it climate change. Dude, make up our minds for us, stop flipping and falling.

BTW, you can't argue with me because I challenge your data and your data isn't good enough to use to counter with, so you whine about the quality of my posts because you can't compete with me. So demfk. Challenge the data you ignorant twat.
I did, you flip how you tell your lies. First it's warming, and when actual warming doesn't occur
The warming did occur. That's not debatable by any honest person. You're just lying about that, because you're butthurt about getting humiliated for being so completely wrong every single time.

, you refer to climate change, yet greenland has ice and gained more and you called it climate change.
Greenland lost ice. That's not debatable by any honest person. You're just lying about that, because you're butthurt about getting humiliated for being so completely wrong every single time.

Now, the reason you suck so badly at lying is that you just reflexively lie out of butthurt. You're so enraged, you can't slow down and take the time necessary to lie effectively.

So, the cycle never keeps going. You tell a stupid lie, so you get humiliated for doing it, so you get more butthurt, so you tell more lies, and down you go into a sanity death-spiral.
The warming did occur. That's not debatable by any honest person. You're just lying about that, because you're butthurt about getting humiliated for being so completely wrong every single time.

Greenland lost ice. That's not debatable by any honest person. You're just lying about that, because you're butthurt about getting humiliated for being so completely wrong every single time.

Now, the reason you suck so badly at lying is that you just reflexively lie out of butthurt. You're so enraged, you can't slow down and take the time necessary to lie effectively.

So, the cycle never keeps going. You tell a stupid lie, so you get humiliated for doing it, so you get more butthurt, so you tell more lies, and down you go into a sanity death-spiral.
The warming did occur. That's not debatable by any honest person. You're just lying about that, because you're butthurt about getting humiliated for being so completely wrong every single time
See, the problem with you and your friends is your word isn’t fact, and you nor anyone has proven warming. The ice is still in the Arctics
What are these:


What would it take to convince you that the world has actually warmed precisely as this chart shows?
Fake graphs, Michael Mann told us so, there’d be no ice left in the Arctics if those were true! You lose
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Well, yeah, just as AGW theory predicted. Warmer air holds more water vapor, so more snow.

And still Greenland continues to rapidly lose mass, due to the accelerated glacier calving, which is not something your graph shows.

Again, that's just as AGW theory predicted. So, once more, the predictions made by AGW theory are shown to be correct. And no one is surprised, given how good that prediction record is.

I understand. Your masters didn't want you to know that info, so you had no way of knowing. They feed you propaganda, you regurgitate it here. You're proud of how you keep your cult mind pure by refusing to look at anything except cult-supplied propaganda.
The biggest problem with lies is keeping them straight.

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