The Only Thing Melting Is The Climate Cult Narrative

Michael Mann to give his data.
His 1999 data? He has provided it to a number of people. He has not provided it to people who have no technical expertise in the field and are only looking to use it to attack him. His data is privately owned and that is his right.
It isn't that difficult, he has a data set and refuses to give it up even on a court order.
As I stated, he has given it to qualified requesters.
That implies his data is trash, and every graph must match his hockey stick in order to receive funding.
Here are several that do not match his data that were funded. Unfortunately for you and the point you were actually trying to make (by implication only) all those other results support the Mann result that warming since 1850 is unprecedented in the last 1,000 years.


A Review of Michael Mann's Exoneration

I suggest you read the article at this link before you continue to destroy whatever is left of your reputation.

Dude, it's not rocket science, this is all money based propaganda and if you want the money, you must march to the narrative. Warmers think we don't notice the ploy, yet there are now enough scientists out there who refuse the money to tell it straight.
I've presented many of those scientists in the forum.
Then you must remember some of their names. Let's look up their work.
His 1999 data? He has provided it to a number of people. He has not provided it to people who have no technical expertise in the field and are only looking to use it to attack him. His data is privately owned and that is his right.
then why wouldn't he give it to the courts? Funny thing lies, they come from warmers often.
Here are several that do not match his data that were funded. Unfortunately for you and the point you were actually trying to make (by implication only) all those other results support the Mann result that warming since 1850 is unprecedented in the last 1,000 years.
They're all funded and do match his hockey stick. You seem confused by your own data graph.
Does not do any original research? If he is able to find dissenting opinions in "the literature", your claim of censorship goes out the window Whizzo.
no one in the IPCC does anything!
Here we find many different independent studies coming up with almost identical results. There are at least two possible explanations: All those results are very close to actual events or, all those results are a coordinated, manufactured lie. Despite the enormous unlikelihood, all you deniers pick the latter. And yet you seem a little surprised when we call you ignorant.
Here we find many different independent studies coming up with almost identical results. There are at least two possible explanations: All those results are very close to actual events or, all those results are a coordinated, manufactured lie. Despite the enormous unlikelihood, all you deniers pick the latter. And yet you seem a little surprised when we call you ignorant.
All paid by the same money! Color me surprised!

I think it's emotional of you to resort to telling what you ought to clearly know are lies.
Scientists reach opposite conclusions based upon the datasets they analyze. I base my beliefs on 50 million years of empirical climate data which proves the amplification effect of CO2 - otherwise known as climate sensitivity - is not real as the planet cooled for 50 million years with significantly more CO2 than today.
Scientists reach opposite conclusions based upon the datasets they analyze.
Do you ever stop repeating yourself? Scientists have examined a lot of datasets and have concluded that the world is getting warmer and that the primary cause is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions.
I base my beliefs on 50 million years of empirical climate data which proves the amplification effect of CO2
It doesn't "prove" jack shit
- otherwise known as climate sensitivity - is not real as the planet cooled for 50 million years with significantly more CO2 than today.
Which climate sensitivity? ; - )
Do you ever stop repeating yourself? Scientists have examined a lot of datasets and have concluded that the world is getting warmer and that the primary cause is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions.

It doesn't "prove" jack shit

Which climate sensitivity? ; - )
And I think they are wrong.

The amplification effect of CO2 on water vapor. It's an artifact of their flawed computer models. It is 2 to 3 times greater than the radiative forcing of CO2 by itself.
And I think they are wrong.

The amplification effect of CO2 on water vapor. It's an artifact of their flawed computer models. It is 2 to 3 times greater than the radiative forcing of CO2 by itself.
They are so stupid and you are so smart.

Or not.
Do you ever stop repeating yourself? Scientists have examined a lot of datasets and have concluded that the world is getting warmer and that the primary cause is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions.
you fking never qualify your posts and it's inconsistent with reality. Period. There are thousands of scientists who dissent from your nonsense and you fking know it and still generalize your statements as if every fking PhDer thinks like you.

You really aren't an honest person at all. You are quite the opposite. shame.

I even gave you two places with scientists who disagree, Friends of Science and the Heartland Foundation. plus many others.
you fking never qualify your posts and it's inconsistent with reality. Period. There are thousands of scientists who dissent from your nonsense and you fking know it and still generalize your statements as if every fking PhDer thinks like you.

You really aren't an honest person at all. You are quite the opposite. shame.

I even gave you two places with scientists who disagree, Friends of Science and the Heartland Foundation. plus many others.
Have you found any actively researching climate scientists who agree with Ding? Has he?
Have you found any actively researching climate scientists who agree with Ding? Has he?
I'm not Ding and he doesn't need my help. My point again is unchallenged by you, which is consistent with your record in here.

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