The Only Thing Protecting These Protesters Is The Decency Of Those They Attack

There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.
Why are you people such cowards in these situations? Your "turn the tables" argument implies you recognize that injustice has been ongoing and you fear vengeance.
Is it injustice when more blacks are killed by blacks in Chicago or Baltimore than 1 black man by a dirty white cop, who happens to be working for a Democrat Mayor and Governor?
The truth is that no one really gives a shit when gangbangers shoot each other. It's a horrible problem that does not have a ready solution. On the other hand, police brutality is problem that is readily addressable. It's just a matter of policy changes and hiring practices.
No one give a shit? Hmmm, gang bangers? Many of those blacks are innocent people who happened to be shot just for liberal shits and giggles. But no one gives a shit? What a fucking racist comment, but i dont expect any less from shits like you, you racist prick.
Lol I really don't give a shit if you stroke out stupidly venting your unfocused rage on anonymous internet posters.
You don't give a shit about the dead either.................You push the Narrative during a election year and nothing more..............then chastise anyone who dares to say this is BS...........

He was arrested........Charged...........that is how it's supposed to work................Tell me how them stealing Big Screen TVs is in HIS HONOR........are they HONORING A THIEF by STEALING..........For him of course......

Bricks staged on pallets in areas rioting.........Antifa and others show up to burn.......and we are supposed to STAND DOWN.........LOL

You either do not know the difference between protesters and rioters or you are being willfully ignorant. I guess it's just been so long since we had widespread civil unrest in this country that you think it's some sort of anomaly rather than a natural part of human society. Free countries recognize that things are going to blow up every now and then. It's no reason to get all fascist on the populace and throw freedom in the trash.
You talk about freedom when all you do is create mobs to take everyone's freedom away.
I don't remember creating any mobs lately. Personalizing your dumbfounded rage on an anonymous internet poster is stupid.

You certainly are in support of those that are....So, you think because you personally don't have a hand in creating, or mobilizing violent mobs, that absolves you when you post in a public message board your support of these actions?
I could turn that around and claim you support the cops torturing people to death for petty crimes and all the other bad crap they do, but that would be assuming you are the worst kind of monster.

Funny, because that is exactly what you are doing with your rhetoric here...You could say anything you want, but that doesn't make it true, and in this case you would be lying.

I am deeply saddened that we live in a country where it has to come to this every time some uniformed thug murders someone.

You'll notice that many of these riots, in cities where people feel this sort of thing is going on, are run, and have been run for decades by liberals....Also, you can thank unions for the impossibility of getting rid of these cops as well....

It's all because nothing ever changes and grievances fall on deaf ears. It absolutely sucks that people have to demonstrate before the authorites take notice of festering problems. Protests are usually not a great way to make your voice heard but sometimes it's the only way.

And it is a very American thing to do, and I support protesting....What I don't support is the violence that is associated with the rioting, and looting.....What does that solve?
It solves nothing but sending in the troops to stop it means the actual protesters not involved in mischief get their heads kicked in too. The criminals and anarchists hide in the crowd and break shit, it's been that way since the beginning of time. There does not seem to be a solution that preserves the first amendment.

So, what are they supposed to do? Let them destroy? How does that solve anything?
Mass protests have often been effective in spite of the turmoil. Most of the pivotal social changes in human history started when the rabble decided to step up. It was messy, violent and sometimes lethal. Where would we be if someone didn't fight for every right and freedom we take for granted? It's not something that can be predicted or turned off with any reasonable amount of force. Sometimes society just boils over and shit happens in every single country on earth. It's a human thing.

What's the next thing on the Black Supremacist/Neo-Marxist Agenda ALL to be supported by the MSM human scum? Will it be to DEMAND that White's in America give up their farms and businesses? You know like what's happened in South Africa and before that what happened in Zimbabwe aka Rhodesia?

So is THIS the next thing? The DEMAND that ALL White owned farms and ALL White owned businesses are HANDED over to the Blacks in Reparations?

I KNOW it is, just like YOU should KNOW it is.

I guess you missed the part where white supremacist groups organized on 4chan, burned down all of the popular black owned business on night one of the protests. Or than police shot and killed a black business owner trying to protect his business from looters?

As for giving up their farms and business, I guess you missed the part where Donald Trump's tariffs have lead to a record number of mid-Western farmers going bankrupt and losing their farms. Hardest hit are the small, family owned farms where the farmers live on the land. Their properties are being scooped up by large corporate interests, many of located in South America, who will not employ sound farming practices to preserve the guality and productivity of the land. They'll just pour poisonous chemicals onto the soil, killing bees, polluting groundwater, and stripping the soil of natural nutrients.

Given that for more than 350 years, blacks were not allowed to own property or businesses, and those who got too "uppity" found their businesses burned, or worse, were hungs from trees, and despite having fully participated in building the wealth of the nation, from 1619 until today, I do believe that some reparations are certainly owed.

Just as I supported reparations for the treatment of native peoples at the hands of the governments of both Canada and the USA.

^^^^ Do you get PAID to consistently post the unhinged gibberish Far Left Propaganda or do you post this crap for FREE.

What else? Oh yes my response to your above unhinged gibberish Far Left Propaganda is this :lalala:
the rabble decided to step up
Proving what some and I have been saying...........they don't care about the dead black guy.........

RABBLE.............playing in and day out as America Burns.

Typical DNC Pecker wood.

If ANY of these unhinged POS ask ANY Rightist to do this knee thing then SPIT in their UGLY faces. IF you are in an out of way place then do MORE than spit in their UGLY faces....use your imagination.
the rabble decided to step up
Proving what some and I have been saying...........they don't care about the dead black guy.........

RABBLE.............playing in and day out as America Burns.

Typical DNC Pecker wood.

The rabble in the White House is playing politics while America burns. When will you realize that that coward currently living in Fortress White House, is the source of all of this disease, death and destruction?

WHO is burning America? Oh that's right the unhinged Leftists and Far Leftists with their pet zoo animals in support.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.
Why are you people such cowards in these situations? Your "turn the tables" argument implies you recognize that injustice has been ongoing and you fear vengeance.
Is it injustice when more blacks are killed by blacks in Chicago or Baltimore than 1 black man by a dirty white cop, who happens to be working for a Democrat Mayor and Governor?
The truth is that no one really gives a shit when gangbangers shoot each other. It's a horrible problem that does not have a ready solution. On the other hand, police brutality is problem that is readily addressable. It's just a matter of policy changes and hiring practices.
No one give a shit? Hmmm, gang bangers? Many of those blacks are innocent people who happened to be shot just for liberal shits and giggles. But no one gives a shit? What a fucking racist comment, but i dont expect any less from shits like you, you racist prick.
Lol I really don't give a shit if you stroke out stupidly venting your unfocused rage on anonymous internet posters.
You don't give a shit about the dead either.................You push the Narrative during a election year and nothing more..............then chastise anyone who dares to say this is BS...........

He was arrested........Charged...........that is how it's supposed to work................Tell me how them stealing Big Screen TVs is in HIS HONOR........are they HONORING A THIEF by STEALING..........For him of course......

Bricks staged on pallets in areas rioting.........Antifa and others show up to burn.......and we are supposed to STAND DOWN.........LOL

You either do not know the difference between protesters and rioters or you are being willfully ignorant. I guess it's just been so long since we had widespread civil unrest in this country that you think it's some sort of anomaly rather than a natural part of human society. Free countries recognize that things are going to blow up every now and then. It's no reason to get all fascist on the populace and throw freedom in the trash.
You talk about freedom when all you do is create mobs to take everyone's freedom away.
I don't remember creating any mobs lately. Personalizing your dumbfounded rage on an anonymous internet poster is stupid.

You certainly are in support of those that are....So, you think because you personally don't have a hand in creating, or mobilizing violent mobs, that absolves you when you post in a public message board your support of these actions?
I could turn that around and claim you support the cops torturing people to death for petty crimes and all the other bad crap they do, but that would be assuming you are the worst kind of monster. I am deeply saddened that we live in a country where it has to come to this every time some uniformed thug murders someone. It's all because nothing ever changes and grievances fall on deaf ears. It absolutely sucks that people have to demonstrate before the authorites take notice of festering problems. Protests are usually not a great way to make your voice heard but sometimes it's the only way.
I do support cops, but not the criminal type that the liberal Governor and Mayor of Minnesota allowed in the police force. Do you hate all cops for the actions of a few? Then We the People should hate all liberals for their actions against US as we see with ANTIFA. Are you part of ANTIFA?
Is it riot season already, i need to go to Bass Pro Shop and get a hunting license for them wraskerly riots. Easy to find just look to the inner cites...
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.

Does that give these feral zoo animals the RIGHT to riot and loot and to destroy buildings etc?
OP did not say "looters" he said "protesters". Of course criminals should be prosecuted but protesting is as legal as walking down the street. Even if you don't agree with the message you must respect their rights if you expect to have those rights for yourself.
The protesters ARE looters, and vandals, and murderers.
The only thing protecting the protesters is not the decency of those they attack; it's the weakness of those they attack - a few heroes, of course, being the exception who were brave but shot down in cold blood anyway.
Message lost with them when they think it's a permit to loot and burn.

Everyone who saw the video knows that the Police killed the man...........they fucked it up with burning the country down......inspired by DNC asswipe groups.............throwing gas on a fire then go why does it burn.

Spare me the outrage..............the public support for what happened to Floyd was there.........even though Floyd has a history as a criminal..............

The sympathy meter went away.............the policeman will be tried.........was no reason to burn America.

And for that, any black community or national leader with any sense of ethics would say, is the fault of the leftist Antifa and the Democratic Party. By triggering and then defending and promoting the riots, Antifa and the Democrats have stolen the moment from those who really care about police brutality and, in the process, have intentionally destroyed many black communities just so they can point fingers and say it was the fault of the one man who had nothing at all to do with it.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.
You have freedom of speech...but only when it doesn't step on the rights of others.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without having to worry about a bunch of commie protesters trying to beat us up for not doing what they want.
Do you even know what they want? I don't think you do. No one listens to black America until they take to the streets in protest. Even then people like you refuse to listen. Mass protests happen when the normal avenues of public grievance break down or are ineffective. This is what happens when the authorities simply dismiss the complaints of the public they are supposed to serve.
You're a fool if you think that.
What these people want is a fake.
They claim they want the end of racism....but instead what they want is to turn the tables on whites.
They want to become the masters and turn us into their slaves.
But the funny thing is....their organizers are simply using them to cause unrest in America to break down our society.
Their organizers will subjugate them along with the rest of us once they get total control of power.
Why are you people such cowards in these situations? Your "turn the tables" argument implies you recognize that injustice has been ongoing and you fear vengeance.
Is it injustice when more blacks are killed by blacks in Chicago or Baltimore than 1 black man by a dirty white cop, who happens to be working for a Democrat Mayor and Governor?
The truth is that no one really gives a shit when gangbangers shoot each other. It's a horrible problem that does not have a ready solution. On the other hand, police brutality is problem that is readily addressable. It's just a matter of policy changes and hiring practices.
No one give a shit? Hmmm, gang bangers? Many of those blacks are innocent people who happened to be shot just for liberal shits and giggles. But no one gives a shit? What a fucking racist comment, but i dont expect any less from shits like you, you racist prick.

How do you know they are innocent?
Wasnt George Floyd innocent? All those rioting thought he was....Why is it different for some poor child struck by a stray bullet and killed, where are the protests about that? Oh yeah, it was a black on black murder, no big deal..
Dem policy and actions.

Here ya go.


That spider must of been huge. My son asked what a 50 cal rifle costing $3,000 at a Gander Mountain store was for. I told him very big squirrels... Or course if those squirrels come to my neighborhood and started tossing molotov cocktails and bricks around, those squirrels would lose their heads before they even heard the gun shot...Just sayin...

It must burn Trombies to the core when they see the size of the protests over the past 12 days and compare them
with the tiny groups of RW weirdo's who answered Trump's call to "liberate" a few weeks back.
At the 08/08/08 rally where it was not only peaceful but clean because Conservatives pick up after themselves, while you liberal burn and pillage, there were over 1 million citizens gathered there.

The brown turd Oblummer was furious with US for daring to speak out against his administration but he was feckless against US because we kept it very peaceful.

Did Obama turn tear gas and rubber bullets on the peaceful protestors? Did he turn the US Military on peaceful protestors?

The protestors on Monday night were peaceful too. But Trump had to prove he was tough and couldn't be pushed around. Then he surrounded himself with hundreds of military, Secret Service, and Parks Police and walked across the street without a mask on. What a man!!!

If a leader brings nothing but disease, destruction and mourning to his people, he is a failure as a leader. Donald Trump's #1 job is to keep the American people safe. 112,000 dead, 2 million sick from the corona virus. 40 million unemployment, economy cratered. And Donald Trump hiding out in Fortress White House.

So much winning.
Dem policy and actions.

Here ya go.


That spider must of been huge. My son asked what a 50 cal rifle costing $3,000 at a Gander Mountain store was for. I told him very big squirrels... Or course if those squirrels come to my neighborhood and started tossing molotov cocktails and bricks around, those squirrels would lose their heads before they even heard the gun shot...Just sayin...

Here you are posting about killing people, yet again. Real tough keyboard cowboy here folks. You've threatened to put any woman dared to "cross you" in the ground, liberals in general, and now peaceful protestors. It's amazing how tough your are when talking those you consider weak and easy prey.
It must burn Trombies to the core when they see the size of the protests over the past 12 days and compare them
with the tiny groups of RW weirdo's who answered Trump's call to "liberate" a few weeks back.
At the 08/08/08 rally where it was not only peaceful but clean because Conservatives pick up after themselves, while you liberal burn and pillage, there were over 1 million citizens gathered there.

The brown turd Oblummer was furious with US for daring to speak out against his administration but he was feckless against US because we kept it very peaceful.

Did Obama turn tear gas and rubber bullets on the peaceful protestors? Did he turn the US Military on peaceful protestors?

The protestors on Monday night were peaceful too. But Trump had to prove he was tough and couldn't be pushed around. Then he surrounded himself with hundreds of military, Secret Service, and Parks Police and walked across the street without a mask on. What a man!!!

If a leader brings nothing but disease, destruction and mourning to his people, he is a failure as a leader. Donald Trump's #1 job is to keep the American people safe. 112,000 dead, 2 million sick from the corona virus. 40 million unemployment, economy cratered. And Donald Trump hiding out in Fortress White House.

So much winning.
Canadian TDS on steroids.............oh the DRAMA.
There's also this thing called the "First Amendment" you might have heard of it.

Does that give these feral zoo animals the RIGHT to riot and loot and to destroy buildings etc?
OP did not say "looters" he said "protesters". Of course criminals should be prosecuted but protesting is as legal as walking down the street. Even if you don't agree with the message you must respect their rights if you expect to have those rights for yourself.
Looters are one thing. But protesters that prevent commerce or stop people from getting to work are going to be in for a horrible surprise if they don't stop.

But I think that is the goal of these troublemakers.
They want the authorities to arrest anyone who pushes back.
The day will come that nobody will be around to arrest us.....and we'll be unleashed on your dumb asses.

Business owners have insurance for their losses. Donald Trump shut down all of the police reforms against violence when he took office. He castigated Colin Kapernick and demanded his firing for taking a knee.

How long are the American people supposed to tolerate being brutalized and killed by the police at the rate of 1000 people per year - with black and brown people making up a far greater percertage of those being victimized by the police?

Republican since Ronald Reagan have demanded the militarization of the police, and the subjugation of black and brown people to the police. They have surpressed minority votes, both by using federal laws to charge black and brown men with crimes, thus permanently stripping them of the right to vote, for life. Along with voter suppression and gerrymandering, this is how Republicans have stayed in power.

Police have been allowed to brutalize and kill American citizen with impunity, which means the police forces attract racists and those with violent tendencies, because as cops, these people have no restraint on how brutal they can be. I've met these guys, and they're no different than the criminals they're arresting. But they're legally allowed to beat people up and even kill them enforcing laws for petty crimes, like selling cigarettes, or passing a $20 bill.

An economy which overwhelming rewards the wealthy class over the working class, requires a police state to enforce order. They especially need to brutalize and frighten those at the bottom of the economic scale to keep them in line.

You're being sold the false notion that property and the economy matter more than people, and their lives. The people being forced to go back to work in the pandemic, with no protections, are the serving class, who work in transit, health care, child care, and teachers, restaurants and public services - overwhelmingly low wage jobs where minorities are more likely to be working.

The people dying in the pandemic, are overwhelmingly minorities and elderly. People who don't matter to you.

BLACK LIVES MATTER. Until you can say that and mean it, the protests will continue until your entire nation is in flames, because if the only way that fools like you will understand the people come first.

What will it take for you to stop killing people of colour and start putting people first?

Nobody cares what Communist Traitors like you think. You are supporting CRIMINALS rioting and looting and destroying buildings. You have NO Moral High Ground. If you support CRIMINALS then the time is coming that you ALSO will be treated as a CRIMINAL and when you cannot go crybabying to the police anymore, I suggest you learn how to get on your KNEES and PRAY for mercy you will NOT be getting.

The rest of your demented rant, you should just stick with what you know - pushing the unhinged Russian Conspiracy Theory and accusing EVERYONE who is a Conservative of being a Russian Troll and/or Russian Bot.

The founders threw the criminals out a long time ago........the Canadians kneeled to them being the pussies they were............Allowed Britain............

Hey wait a minute.............this isn't the History thread where we were talking about a lot of Canadians became pussies.............

Sorry..........screw with your sorry ass on the other thread.
The time will come when a protest like this will become a massacre.
People are getting fed up with these protesters.....but the only thing stopping people from mashing them into roadkill is the fear for authority by those they are trying to subjugate.
Get rid of the cops and that fear will be gone.

The thread title says The Only Thing Protecting These Protesters Is The Decency Of Those They Attack.

That is exactly right. I am already ready to fill them with led if they come to my door.
What the hell happened to some of these Canadians..........their minds have turned to mush..........they been visiting the liberal DOPE HEADS IN Cali.,,

When you dang Canadians leave take some of the Liberal Morons with you.

The time will come when a protest like this will become a massacre.
People are getting fed up with these protesters.....but the only thing stopping people from mashing them into roadkill is the fear for authority by those they are trying to subjugate.
Get rid of the cops and that fear will be gone.

Wow, man, if you want to "Mash" people because they are saying stuff you don't like, you have some serious problems.
If my boogaloo buddies ever decided to take matters in their on hands then the cowardly Left wouldn't stand a chance.

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