The Only Way To Peace Is Thru Genocide

What percent of Israelis have guns?

According to data released by the National Security Ministry this week, less than 2 percent of the population has a gun license. In comparison, 30 percent of U.S. adults say they personally own a gun, according to a Pew Research Center survey.
I’ve asked you nicely to remove the Carlin avatar, because you taint his name.

He’s trying to educate you here…
Israel has an extremely low violent crime of the lowest in the world. It also has more police per capita than most nations. Meaning that there is no need to have a firearm in most homes even though compulsory national service is required of every citizen. (Most serve in the IDF and are fully trained in the proper use of firearms)

It was a calamity of several fluke compounding errors that allowed Hamas to break through on October 7th. Any other day and their attempts at such violence would have met with deadly results for the terrorists only.

Usually the only conflicts Israel has faced has been a sole knife wielding individual, suicide vests at borders or the occasional rocket attack. Not hundreds of rifleman wandering the streets.
Israel doesn't intend to wipe out the Palestinians. Israel wants the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Without the Palestinians. How to get the land without the people who live there? Wipe em out or drive em out.
No one is being driven out from the Arab side.
It is the Arabs who have been telling the world that they want to destroy Israel and expel the Jews or worse.

Any Arab leader, Imans and the education the Gaza and PA Arabs receive tells them that on a daily basis.
The "Palestinians " are little different than North Koreans at this point. Kept in poverty and brainwashed constantly with antisemetic propaganda.

So what do you do with the people?

First, I personally would have their command and control pay the ultimate price for abusing their own people in such a fashion as well as their adult children complicit in this abuse.

Move them to the middle of nowhere where they can once again rail about the abuse of themselves. All their claims in English are absolutely nonsense anyway. They are nothing but PR claims with no basis in fact. Their videos of "atrocities " are completely phoney staged bits of acting. POTUS videos get more scrutiny than these do...but for whatever reason people buy into this crap. (Because they want to)

All those weapons manufacturers....
Let's give them back their own munitions. In a special way that only a I mean Emissary of God can.
You forget the Palestinians. They decided the Jews must go

Then you forget ever warring black tribe who determined the other must go

I'll say it again. The world would be a better place without the Palestinians Hamas. You can't seriously refute thst
The world would be a better place without people who think they can determine who deserves to exist and who doesn't

You are as evil as the same people who you wish to see not exist as far as I am just hide behind the power dynamic that allows you to rely on the military industrial complex to satisfy your bloodlust.....fuck both of you
I would say not necessarily eradicate, but drive them out, at the very least is the only way to a secure situation.
I would say 'eradicate' . Anyone who devotes their life to killing Jews is not going to retire and open a grocery store.
Eldridge Cleaver became a Christian first and then quit the whole Black Panther nonsense.

" One night, in deep depression, he fingered a pistol and considered suicide. Looking up he saw a procession of his heroes marching across the moon-Marx, Castro, Mao. Suddenly he saw the image of Jesus Christ. Trembling, frightened, crying, he remembered the words of the Lord's Prayer and the Twenty-third Psalm. The misery subsided and he fell peacefully asleep. He awoke with a start the next morning and "saw a path of light all the way back home"-through a prison cell. He returned to the United States in 1975 and quipped to newsmen at the airport, "Anyone who hasn't changed his views since 1968 is in trouble.""
"peace accord
Israel was on the verge of a peaceful accord with Saudi Arabia when they were attacked by monsters who beheaded children and burned people alive. Now Hamas supporters try to claim that the monsters are really the victims. No surprise.
with saudi arabia?" no, a trump brokered alliance vs yemen.
what does that ^^^^ mean?
it means that for $2B trump got mbs the intelligence assets of mossad to use vs poor people who are reduced to needing iranian assistance.

it means "peace" has very little to do with the abraham agreement.
it means that for $2B trump got mbs the intelligence assets of mossad to use vs poor people who are reduced to needing iranian assistance.

it means "peace" has very little to do with the abraham agreement.
OH??? mossad sold its intelligence stuff on Iran to Trump so that Trump gets
to control Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, "Palestine----uhm any other countries bought
and sold IRAN CLIENTS?
Lefties are so historically ignorant that it defies understanding. The way to peace about 80 years ago during WW2 was indeed genocide. Sensitive lefties ain't seen nuthin until they witness nuclear warfare. Strangely enough the left worries about Israel's response to attack but they aren't concerned about an aged president with clear signs of mental deterioration and his trembling thumb on the nuclear button while he makes jokes about nuclear warfare.
Lefties are so historically ignorant that it defies understanding. The way to peace about 80 years ago during WW2 was indeed genocide. Sensitive lefties ain't seen nuthin until they witness nuclear warfare. Strangely enough the left worries about Israel's response to attack but they aren't concerned about an aged president with clear signs of mental deterioration and his trembling thumb on the nuclear button while he makes jokes about nuclear warfare.
I am not sure that you can call the bombing of Hiroshima "genocide"--- The aim was not to destroy the Japanese people-----just a WHOLE CITY with lots and lots of people

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