The onslaught against pregnant women

It's just another step towards criminalizing pregnancy.

sure it is....

She is paranoid delusional


the problem in your argument is the next to last slide, its not quite like that, i mean obviously the whole thing is crap, but the just leave me alone is bs

liberals arent about live and let live. Otherwise they wouldnt out gays who dont vote the way the gaystopo wants them to or be so in your face about it. And they wouldnt care if someo e said ******, but they do.

and they dont want to hear anything from christians even in a public place. And theyve forced atheism i several way, like through science and public education.
I know. They tell lies to justify legalized human rights offenses.
for daring to give birth without societal permission continues:

The meme is that abortion is about protecting and saving women, but really it's just a ploy to control women, and remove any consequences for harmful behavior towards women....and to kill children that lefties think are without value.

They have found a way to legally take the children of those women who flout the system and fail to terminate their pregnancies, as they are supposed to.

Pregnant Women Increasingly Face Criminal Prosecution for Positive Drug Tests -

Receive all sorts of kudos and support if you decide to kill your baby outright...but if you smoke weed and get busted while you're pregnant, you're going to jail, and your children removed from you.

Taking the baby from crack moms is good thing.

Getting the infants born is a good thing.

What is your point?

That you don't like almost all abortion?

We know that.

Seriously? A positive drug test can rip apart a family BEFORE IT'S EVEN BORN?
Don't want to live in such a society.. Drug tests can detect consumption WEEKS before the test and don't tell you jackshit about chronic use or lifestyle..

The concept that submitting to medical help can criminalize your behaviour is chilling. And it needs to be fought.

Yes it's ugly to see a crack addicted newborn, but the drug use is a MEDICAL ISSUE between the patient and her doctor -- JUST LIKE THE DECISION to abort. Let's keep it that way..

PS -- follow-up studies on crack addicted babies don't show conclusive evidence of long range harm. There IS time for consueling and reform..

follow-up studies on crack addicted babies don't show conclusive evidence of long range harm

Researchers for the March of Dimes think that children exposed to cocaine prenatally have a lot of issues: Long-Term Effects of Drug-Addicted Babies

Their research showed that 4% of all mothers having babies are addicted to illegal drugs. A few quotes just on crack/cocaine usage are here:

Birth Defects
Some drugs more frequently cause birth defects than others, notably alcohol, the most common cause of preventable birth defects in the United States, affecting between 0.5 and two children per thousand births, the Office of the Surgeon General reported in 2005. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome causes facial malformations, learning difficulties, behavioral issues and small stature. Amphetamines, such as Ecstasy, and methamphetamines may cause congenital heart defects, cleft lip and palate or clubfoot in some infants, according to the March of Dimes. Cocaine exposure may cause urinary tract defects.

Learning Disabilities
A number of studies indicate that prenatal drug exposure can cause learning disabilities as children grow. A 2002 article in the "Journal of the American Medical Association" by lead author Lynn Singer, Ph.D., of Case Western Reserve University Department of Pediatrics found that cocaine-exposed children were twice as likely to have cognitive delays compared to children not prenatally exposed to cocaine. Children prenatally exposed to heroin may also have long-term learning disabilities, the March of Dimes reports.

Behavioral Issues
Learning disabilities and behavioral issues often go hand in hand. One study reported in the 2007 "Journal of Behavioral Pediatrics" by lead author Dr. Michael Lewis reported an increase in high-risk behavior, such as aggression, disregard for safety precautions and substance abuse, in 10-year-old males exposed to cocaine prenatally compared to boys not exposed to cocaine. This issue was found only in boys.

Growth Retardation
Fetal alcohol syndrome can cause growth retardation and short stature. A 2007 University of Pittsburgh study by Dr. Gale Richardson in "Pediatrics" reported that children exposed to cocaine during the first three months of pregnancy had slower growth rates than those not exposed to cocaine.

I know some in academia who think a father's use prior to his contribution to the pregnancy may have a very deleterious effect on the neonate, as far as DNA is concerned. DNA is a blueprint for life.

As a person who once studied drug use on child development, I can confidently say that people who play with drugs are playing with fire in the future of the human race.

I often send up a little prayer, "Oh, Lord, please don't let anybody fall to the temptation of using mind-altering substances today. Amen."

Before research was the end in people's decision-making, we had a better system. Any country doctor worth his salt would tell his clients not to take any mind-altering drugs or beverages if they planned on having children.

I know there's a lot of defensive materials out there fluffing for a no-rules society, and our schools are currently seeing the worst of behavioral problems and try to fix it with more mind-repairing substances that have not been studied for generational effects, and some have actually been pointed to as causal agents in some mind-boggling human ailments later on.

Nicotine and alcohol don't get a free pass from me either, just because they are legal when used by adults. Second-hand smoke and child imprinting can cause children to accept a shitload of future problems just because they think that's what all adults do if they see their own parents do it. Once that lesson is learned, it cannot be unlearned. God help the child that gets the unlucky alcoholic gene if he sees adults enjoying drinking. Imprinting a child with that kind of information is like pouring plaster into a mold that could destroy his life.

/Lectio divinia
for daring to give birth without societal permission continues:

The meme is that abortion is about protecting and saving women, but really it's just a ploy to control women, and remove any consequences for harmful behavior towards women....and to kill children that lefties think are without value.

They have found a way to legally take the children of those women who flout the system and fail to terminate their pregnancies, as they are supposed to.

Pregnant Women Increasingly Face Criminal Prosecution for Positive Drug Tests -

Receive all sorts of kudos and support if you decide to kill your baby outright...but if you smoke weed and get busted while you're pregnant, you're going to jail, and your children removed from you.

It has been a while since I've been invited to an Abortion Party.
The concept that submitting to medical help can criminalize your behaviour is chilling I agree there should be a "no criminalization" zone but believe that it should be before the baby is born.

However, witnessed in "Dallas Buyers Club" as a simple example, government has been infringing on human rights for some time.

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