The Oprah Digit: Culture Deuteronomy?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Doesn't it seem that Muslims/Arabs have always been the most outspoken critics of Western civilization?

Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that Ishmael and Isaac parted ways and one was the ancestor of Judaism and the other was the ancestor of Islam.

After WWII (1939-1945), the establishment of the nation 'Israel' in Palestinian territory (a need arising from a crisis scenario of homeless Jews) did not sit well with the Middle East, and the legacy was perhaps 9/11.

The modern world is 'united' by concerns such as the reach of NATO, the development of nuclear weapons in North Korea, and the ongoing political turmoil (i.e., terrorism) in areas such as Ireland and Iran.

The cyber-highway is the new 'traffic,' which is why the NSA now boasts a cyber-division.

Can we honestly say we feel better about humanity's sociological interaction with the Earth (e.g., Chernobyl) when we watch lifestyle-therapy American TV programs such as The Oprah Winfrey Show?

Perhaps the real challenge of the new global 'market' (e.g., Wall Street, European Union, Facebook, etc.) can be faced with continual evaluations of governance dissatisfaction.


Oprah Winfrey was kidnapped by Firefly, an agent of the super-terrorist organization 'Cobra.' Cobra wanted to hold Winfrey as ransom until the U.S. government and its army of pro-populism covert socioculture-warfare agents known as 'G.I. Joe' consented that Winfrey be made President after the completion of Trump's term. Cobra insisted that the New World Order (i.e., Wall Street) be anchored by a proactive gesture such as the election of a female media icon to political office. Tom Cruise (aka, 'Duke'), the prominent American movie superstar, was enraged by this suggestion and retorted in the press, "Hey, I'm not ashamed to tell the American public that I'm a devout 'participant' of the G.I. Joe army, which is why I can tell you that if Americans feel 'pressured' to elect Oprah Winfrey as its new President, then we should boast pluralism resources necessary to give wide voice to non-traditional religions such as Scientology!"

Cobra Commander concluded Tom Cruise must be one of the leaders of G.I. Joe and decided to use Cruise's controversial statements in the press regarding his demands that his wives be supporters of Scientology to demonize the American celebrity and bolster Cobra's original claim that Western civilization must produce more concrete 'trophies' of progressive populism politics and if that means superceding the 'assumptions' of mob psychology (e.g., celebrity hysteria), then the election of Winfrey as U.S. President is no more ridiculous than the advocacy of terrorism. The response was immediate, and Cruise had his PR agents demand to know why the U.S. government was not responding to the Cobra claim that terrorism is justified by human frailty. An idealistic Albanian-American Internet-blogger named Ajay Satan wrote on World Discussion Forum, "I don't care if Cruise is President or if Winfrey is President, and I may be a 'ninja' of G.I. Joe! What matters is the defense of democracy!"

Cobra Commander concluded Ajay Satan must also be one of the leaders of G.I. Joe and decided to post messages on the Internet anonymously about the necessity of censorship (even in Western Civilization) and the link between free-speech and oligarchy. Cobra Commander wrote about the mistakes of Western Civilization: e.g., Chernobyl, Enron, Watergate, etc. Ajay Satan retorted to these posts by writing, "It's ironic that Cobra's insistence that Western Civilization would be 'uplifted' by a progressive 'deed' such as the election of Oprah Winfrey as U.S. President is not too far from a democratic 'cure': Can pro-populism politics be forwarded by human culture or angst?" Readers loved Ajay's note and the Trump Administration caught wind of this new 'populism' buzz, and President Trump stated during one of his union addresses on TV, "I dare Oprah Winfrey to run for President, since America cherishes 'media-daredevils' (e.g., Tom Cruise, Ajay Satan, etc.)! Cobra Commander admitted Americans were buzzing about political (and cultural) revolution; he decided to turn his attention to North Korea.



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