The Orlanado Terror Attack Means Trump Just Won the Election

Am I "politicizing" this tragedy? Sure, when have Democrats ever refrained from politicizing any issue?

Congratulations. You're just like the very same dumb fucks you claim dislike so much. Dimwit.
The Orlanado Terror Attack Means Trump Just Won the Election

Yeah, I'm sure millions of LGBT folks will be rushing to vote for him. Funny...

I bet some will now. However, the vast majority of the public wants something done about Islamic Jihad. Obama and Hillary have made it plain they plan to do nothing, and they even plan to aggravate the problem by importing more of these animals.
How can Hillary win with this blood on her hands?
  1. Hillary supports Obama's policy of importing Muslims "refugees."
  2. Hillary has no intention of limiting immigration from Muslim countries.
  3. Hillary won't even use the words "radical Islam."
  4. Hillary supports disarming the American public.
Am I "politicizing" this tragedy? Sure, when have Democrats ever refrained from politicizing any issue? Events like this are precisely why we don't want Hillary in the White House.

Nope it's a double edged sword. The Republican party is well noted for gay hate, this Afgani crazy was born in the United States, raised in the United States and went after gays.

You had 3 GOP Presidential candidates that attended a gay execution rally in Ohio. Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal.

Trump will make this stick to Obama and Hillary. They both deny that radical Islam is the problem. Obama is importing these terrorists, and Hillary has announced she wants to enlarge Obama's program.

Obama just called this a terrorist attack--based on hate. You know instead of Trump attacking every group including Mexicans, where not one single Mexican has ever strapped on a suicide belt and walked into a group with and AK then maybe he would have a valid point over Muslims.

But he attacks them all. And that's why he's going to get his ass kicked on election night.


Hmmmm, I don't recall Trump blaming Mexicans for terrorism, dumbass.
Will Obama follow his usual protocol?
  • Avoid acknowledging that its a muslim problem.
  • Refuse to call it "terrorism".
  • Blame guns and try to get them outlawed.
How can Hillary win with this blood on her hands?
  1. Hillary supports Obama's policy of importing Muslims "refugees."
  2. Hillary has no intention of limiting immigration from Muslim countries.
  3. Hillary won't even use the words "radical Islam."
  4. Hillary supports disarming the American public.
Am I "politicizing" this tragedy? Sure, when have Democrats ever refrained from politicizing any issue? Events like this are precisely why we don't want Hillary in the White House.
The killer was born in America....should have made him a federal judge....ehhhh libtards?
How can Hillary win with this blood on her hands?
  1. Hillary supports Obama's policy of importing Muslims "refugees."
  2. Hillary has no intention of limiting immigration from Muslim countries.
  3. Hillary won't even use the words "radical Islam."
  4. Hillary supports disarming the American public.
Am I "politicizing" this tragedy? Sure, when have Democrats ever refrained from politicizing any issue? Events like this are precisely why we don't want Hillary in the White House.
Yep, and Obama just came out and is blaming the guns. Did the shooter get his legally or not?
Yes he did he had a permit which is irrelevant to anything. No system can account for nut jobs. Or religious extremists that obey the law until they don't.
Am I "politicizing" this tragedy? Sure, when have Democrats ever refrained from politicizing any issue?

Congratulations. You're just like the very same dumb fucks you claim dislike so much. Dimwit.

As I said before "live by the sword. Die by the sword."

My integrity isn't based off the actions of other assholes.
You have integrity?

Ouch! What a snappy retort.
Yeah, I'm sure millions of LGBT folks will be rushing to vote for him. Funny...

Astoundingly ignorant comment. An election isn't about extremism. Liberals will always vote liberals, no matter what. The elections comes down to the very small swing group that will vote either way. Guess which way that group will be voting come this November?
Better listen to Trump and shut down Muslim Migration until we get this shit stopped!
The terrorist was married long enough to get his bride a visa and made her eligible to remain in the USA time to stop that shit.
The blood is squarely on the hands of Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats. He refused to acknowledge muslim terrorism, he refused to address the ISIS problem, and he did everything in his power to make sure we had no border security in hopes of creating permanent Dumbocrat power.

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