The Orlanado Terror Attack Means Trump Just Won the Election

How can Hillary win with this blood on her hands?
  1. Hillary supports Obama's policy of importing Muslims "refugees."
  2. Hillary has no intention of limiting immigration from Muslim countries.
  3. Hillary won't even use the words "radical Islam."
  4. Hillary supports disarming the American public.
Am I "politicizing" this tragedy? Sure, when have Democrats ever refrained from politicizing any issue? Events like this are precisely why we don't want Hillary in the White House.

Nope it's a double edged sword. The Republican party is well noted for gay hate, this Afgani crazy was born in the United States, raised in the United States and went after gays.

You had 3 GOP Presidential candidates that attended a gay execution rally in Ohio. Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal.

Yet the hottest right wing activist today - Milo Yiannopolous, who calls Trump his "daddy" - is gay.

The libs wouldn't even let the gay speak, just use them as mascots or whatever instead, thinking they are as incapable as the liberal himself. Classic liberal projection.
American Likudnicks and Israel have declared that Syria has to be destroyed - can't do it with Assad in power. You gave me the bullshit that Obama hates Israel . Well , he may , but political correctness requires hat he grin and bear otherwise he will destroy the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton in the process. Quit being a fucktard and assimilate.

You are clearly high as a kite right now. If Obama gave a damn about the Dumbocrat Party he wouldn't have forced Obamacare down the throats of the American people. He could also care less about "political correctness".

So this has been a lot of fun. Is there anything else you want to make up? :lol:
American Likudnicks and Israel have declared that Syria has to be destroyed - can't do it with Assad in power. You gave me the bullshit that Obama hates Israel . Well , he may , but political correctness requires hat he grin and bear otherwise he will destroy the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton in the process. Quit being a fucktard and assimilate.

You are clearly high as a kite right now. If Obama gave a damn about the Dumbocrat Party he wouldn't have forced Obamacare down the throats of the American people. He could also care less about "political correctness".

So this has been a lot of fun. Is there anything else you want to make up? :lol:
How can Hillary win with this blood on her hands?
  1. Hillary supports Obama's policy of importing Muslims "refugees."
  2. Hillary has no intention of limiting immigration from Muslim countries.
  3. Hillary won't even use the words "radical Islam."
  4. Hillary supports disarming the American public.
Am I "politicizing" this tragedy? Sure, when have Democrats ever refrained from politicizing any issue? Events like this are precisely why we don't want Hillary in the White House.

:lol: Trumps unfavorable ratings just hit a whopping 70% ..

.. good luck with that. :lol:
The Orange Gorilla Asshole Trump says its Obama who sides with terror ..wrong ..its the GOP

In December of 2015 the GOP voted to allow possible terrorist on watch list to buy and amass weapons and ammo..that is the Reality folks...they did this six month ago.....these crazy NRA GOP Trollops are going to get us all killed
GOP blocks bill to stop terrorists from buying guns | MSNBC
Senate Republicans rejected a bill that aims to stop suspected terrorists from legally buying guns, on Thursday. The vote came a day after at least 14 people were killed during the San Bernardino massacre in California by two suspects, including a woman said to have pledged allegiance to ISIS.

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