The 'Other Holocaust'....the ones the milennials know nothing of


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
I speak of 'Stalin's reign. Many more people died during the 24 yrs. of his hold on power 1929-53 than died under Nazi Germany......though they died over a longer period of time. Most historians estimate that 30 million people were killed by Stalin's regime.

It is this group in America (ignorant millenials)that are the biggest proponents of socialism....knowing little or nothing of the track record of Socialism,communism and marxism.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn did a great job exposing what went on in the labor camps in the infamous Gulag Archipielago in Russia....but the younger generation know nothing of him or what he lived and wrote about.

The pain inflicted by the Gulags has cast a long shadow over soviet era history.

The Gulag Archipelago is Solzhenitsyn's masterwork, a vast canvas of camps, prisons, transit centers and secret police, of informers and spies and interrogators and also of heroism, a Stalinist anti-world at the heart of the Soviet Union where the key to survival lay not in hope but in despair. The work is based on the testimony of some two hundred survivors, and on the recollection of Solzhenitsyn's own eleven years in labour camps and exile. It is both a thoroughly researched document and a feat of literary and imaginative power

In the forced labor camps, conditions were brutal. Prisoners were barely fed. Stories even came out saying that the inmates had been caught hunting rats and wild dogs, snagging any living thing they could find for something to eat.

While starving, they worked themselves literally to the bone, using usually outdated supplies to do intense labor. The Soviet gulag system, instead of relying on expensive technology, threw the sheer force of millions of men with crude hammers at a problem. Inmates worked until they collapsed, often literally dropping dead.

These laborers worked on massive projects, including the Moscow–Volga Canal, the White Sea–Baltic Canal, and the Kolyma Highway. Today, that highway is known as the “Road of Bones” because so many workers died building it that they used their bones in the foundation of the road.

No exceptions were made for women, many of whom were only imprisoned because of the imagined crimes of their husbands or fathers. Their accounts are some of the most harrowing to emerge from the gulag prisons.



Haunting images of prisoners in Stalin's Gulag prisons | Daily Mail Online
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estimated more than 10 million small land owners of the UKRAINE---
who resisted forced "collectivism" of their property------historically
called KULAKS ----the concept was developed to reduce homelessness
and put everyone to work. Anyone reminded of any current Mayor?
One of the first books I read after subscribing to National Review back in Buckley's heyday was The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
estimated more than 10 million small land owners of the UKRAINE---
who resisted forced "collectivism" of their property------historically
called KULAKS ----the concept was developed to reduce homelessness
and put everyone to work. Anyone reminded of any current Mayor?
Yes, the man-made famine in the Ukraine during the winter of 1932-1934. Holodomor.

And just like today, there were influential Americans claiming the Russians were good guys.
estimated more than 10 million small land owners of the UKRAINE---
who resisted forced "collectivism" of their property------historically
called KULAKS ----the concept was developed to reduce homelessness
and put everyone to work. Anyone reminded of any current Mayor?
Yes, the man-made famine in the Ukraine during the winter of 1932-1934. Holodomor.

And just like today, there were influential Americans claiming the Russians were good guys.

today there are A WHOLE BUNCH of young people who are potential leaders who
SUPPORT other potential leaders who are STALINISTS -------anyone want to venture a guess?

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