The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

they RECOGNIZED him running up the street just like the old lady RECOGNIZED Richard Ramirez in the store


Ramirez was recognized because his picture was released by police>

That didn't happen to Arbury.

in BOTH incidents a citizen RECOGNIZED a wanted criminal and IDENTIFIED them as such and the criminals FLED giving citizens reasonable suspicion that they were in fact the wanted party

It doesn't matter how man times you say it, retard, Arbury was not a wanted man.


Police circulated Ramirezs pic

citizens circulated arberries
imadine living in a world where you could come home and find a strange man digging thru your 12 yr old daughters underware drawer and upon confronting him he could run in a panic out your back door and off into the road where it would be illegal to persue an individual you did not witness commit a crime you could prove in court

Because this individual gained access to your home thru an open back door and didn't commit a crime you can prove in court you would be forbade from persueing him and if you did and he ATTACKED you it would be ILLEGAL for you to defend yourself

This is the world an ultra-liberal freak Fringe wants to pursue in protecting the behavior of a well-known local Thief named Ahmaud Arberry

Many of them hate guns and hate the idea of the citizenry having the same arrest powers that the Government utilises and or have simply bought into the story of "black victimhood" to such a degree that any situation involving a black victim is automatically excuseable or abideable under the ethos of eternal racism

This is simply a story about a couple of redneck do gooders trying to protect their neighborhood from a well-known local Thief who got violent when they tried to detain him
imadine living in a world where you could come home and find a strange man digging thru your 12 yr old daughters underware drawer and upon confronting him he could run in a panic out your back door and off into the road where it would be illegal to persue an individual you did not witness commit a crime you could prove in court

Because this individual gained access to your home thru an open back door and didn't commit a crime you can prove in court you would be forbade from persueing him and if you did and he ATTACKED you it would be ILLEGAL for you to defend yourself

This is the world an ultra-liberal freak Fringe wants to pursue in protecting the behavior of a well-known local Thief named Ahmaud Arberry

Many of them hate guns and hate the idea of the citizenry having the same arrest powers that the Government utilises and or have simply bought into the story of "black victimhood" to such a degree that any situation involving a black victim is automatically excuseable or abideable under the ethos of eternal racism

This is simply a story about a couple of redneck do gooders trying to protect their neighborhood from a well-known local Thief who got violent when they tried to detain him

You are an idiot. Plain and simple. You keep coming up with insane scenarios that have absolutely nothing to do with what we are discussing. First. Arbury was not in the McMichaels house. He just wasn’t. No evidence that he ever had been.

A more accurate scenario. Someone sees your son walking down the street. They think he may have just come from another neighbors house and chase him down. They beat him senseless. There was no crime. And the vigilantes were certain they were right. Damn the evidence. Your son will spend the rest of his life as a vegetable from the brain damage.

Now according to you. Your son had it coming. Just because he didn’t commit a crime is no reason that he should avoid the penalties.

But in your disturbed mind a black guy is always guilty.

And your insane scenario. It happened. Not to Richard Ramirez which is probably why you didn’t hear about it.

What is the difference between the McMichaels and all the examples you come up with? You tend to start them “in your home”. It wasn’t the McMichaels home. If it had been nobody would have charged them with disturbing the peace in Georgia. But it wasn’t their home. They committed crimes and now they are going to prison.

What is even funnier is how you accuse everyone of cowardice for not acting like you say you do. But the truth is you don’t either. Otherwise you would be in prison already.

You are an ignorant ass.
they RECOGNIZED him running up the street just like the old lady RECOGNIZED Richard Ramirez in the store


Ramirez was recognized because his picture was released by police>

That didn't happen to Arbury.

in BOTH incidents a citizen RECOGNIZED a wanted criminal and IDENTIFIED them as such and the criminals FLED giving citizens reasonable suspicion that they were in fact the wanted party

It doesn't matter how man times you say it, retard, Arbury was not a wanted man.


Police circulated Ramirezs pic

citizens circulated arberries

You're a fucking retard.

Ramirez was wanted. Arbury was not.

So, yeah, suck on that...
imadine living in a world where you could come home and find a strange man digging thru your 12 yr old daughters underware drawer and upon confronting him he could run in a panic out your back door and off into the road where it would be illegal to persue an individual you did not witness commit a crime you could prove in court

Because this individual gained access to your home thru an open back door and didn't commit a crime you can prove in court you would be forbade from persueing him and if you did and he ATTACKED you it would be ILLEGAL for you to defend yourself

This is the world an ultra-liberal freak Fringe wants to pursue in protecting the behavior of a well-known local Thief named Ahmaud Arberry

Many of them hate guns and hate the idea of the citizenry having the same arrest powers that the Government utilises and or have simply bought into the story of "black victimhood" to such a degree that any situation involving a black victim is automatically excuseable or abideable under the ethos of eternal racism

This is simply a story about a couple of redneck do gooders trying to protect their neighborhood from a well-known local Thief who got violent when they tried to detain him

You're a fucking retard...
This is simply a story about a couple of redneck do gooders trying to protect their neighborhood from a well-known local Thief who got violent when they tried to detain him

why not just put your KKK hood on - take a selfie and post it? Your are spewing defamation of a murdered man and making up stories about the way he was killed only because he is black and his killers are white.

AA was not a well-known local thief or a unknown thief or any kind of thief. And you have no way to know if he initiated the
combat for no reason when they tried to detain him or if he was shot first and did what he had to do to try to survive.

There are huge problems with the version of the killing you made up. Here is one. You have AA running straight at TM (true) as TM was standing on the driver side (true) then AA swerves to avoid TM and pass the entire truck on the passenger side.(true). You have TM standing his ground and not moving much on the driver side (false) you have AA getting past the front end of the truck (true) with a clear path ahead (True i if TM did not move to the front of the truck).(false if TM moved to a position to impede)

AA does get past TM GM and the truck and in your version AA has a clear path ahead but instead of taking the open path he turns abruptly a 90 to run ten feet or so at a man with a shotgun to try and take it away by punching him in the head.

That’s nuts. If you were not a racist you could see what an absurd guess of what happened your version is.

None of us can see exactly what happened when both men came together in front of the truck. But the first shot was fired when they were in front of the truck.

we have clues from TM’s testimony to police. He said he may have grabbed AA’s shirt.

Think about it. Why did TM get so close to AA with a loaded shotgun in his other hand.

Sounds to me according to TM that AA was trying to escape when he reached the front of the truck - not attack. Then he was shot.
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imadine living in a world where you could come home and find a strange man digging thru your 12 yr old daughters underware drawer and upon confronting him he could run in a panic out your back door and off into the road where it would be illegal to persue an individual you did not witness commit a crime you could prove in court

Because this individual gained access to your home thru an open back door and didn't commit a crime you can prove in court you would be forbade from persueing him and if you did and he ATTACKED you it would be ILLEGAL for you to defend yourself

This is the world an ultra-liberal freak Fringe wants to pursue in protecting the behavior of a well-known local Thief named Ahmaud Arberry

Many of them hate guns and hate the idea of the citizenry having the same arrest powers that the Government utilises and or have simply bought into the story of "black victimhood" to such a degree that any situation involving a black victim is automatically excuseable or abideable under the ethos of eternal racism

This is simply a story about a couple of redneck do gooders trying to protect their neighborhood from a well-known local Thief who got violent when they tried to detain him

You are an idiot. Plain and simple. You keep coming up with insane scenarios that have absolutely nothing to do with what we are discussing. First. Arbury was not in the McMichaels house. He just wasn’t. No evidence that he ever had been.

A more accurate scenario. Someone sees your son walking down the street. They think he may have just come from another neighbors house and chase him down. They beat him senseless. There was no crime. And the vigilantes were certain they were right. Damn the evidence. Your son will spend the rest of his life as a vegetable from the brain damage.

Now according to you. Your son had it coming. Just because he didn’t commit a crime is no reason that he should avoid the penalties.

But in your disturbed mind a black guy is always guilty.

And your insane scenario. It happened. Not to Richard Ramirez which is probably why you didn’t hear about it.

What is the difference between the McMichaels and all the examples you come up with? You tend to start them “in your home”. It wasn’t the McMichaels home. If it had been nobody would have charged them with disturbing the peace in Georgia. But it wasn’t their home. They committed crimes and now they are going to prison.

What is even funnier is how you accuse everyone of cowardice for not acting like you say you do. But the truth is you don’t either. Otherwise you would be in prison already.

You are an ignorant ass.
how come George Zimmerman walked then?

unlike Ahmaud travon was a decent kid who was just a punk but at least he wasent robbing houses

if its illegal to shoot someone attacking you why didn't Zimmerman go to jail?

he got arrested just like the mcmichels
they RECOGNIZED him running up the street just like the old lady RECOGNIZED Richard Ramirez in the store


Ramirez was recognized because his picture was released by police>

That didn't happen to Arbury.

in BOTH incidents a citizen RECOGNIZED a wanted criminal and IDENTIFIED them as such and the criminals FLED giving citizens reasonable suspicion that they were in fact the wanted party

It doesn't matter how man times you say it, retard, Arbury was not a wanted man.


Police circulated Ramirezs pic

citizens circulated arberries

You're a fucking retard.

Ramirez was wanted. Arbury was not.

So, yeah, suck on that...
rameriz had been identified through fingerprints

Arberry had not been a legally identified yet because they didn't have any evidence except the eyewitness testimony and the camera footage associated with missing things at Larry english's house

If it was "no big deal and totally fine" to go poking around a man's construction site at night how come the cops kept showing up when they called them then and taking reports of burglary just like the initial DA said

Do you really think if after taking that report the police encountered arberry ducking through the shadows in the neighborhood they wouldn't have immediately arrested him

Yes, everybody was looking for him... the McMichaels the neighborhood Larry English and the police were all looking for the man that kept stealing things from the neighborhood and looked identical to the mentally retarded well-known Petty criminal who got shot that fateful day
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This is simply a story about a couple of redneck do gooders trying to protect their neighborhood from a well-known local Thief who got violent when they tried to detain him

why not just put your KKK hood on - take a selfie and post it? Your are spewing defamation of a murdered man and making up stories about the way he was killed only because he is black and his killers are white.

AA was not a well-known local thief or a unknown thief or any kind of thief. And you have no way to know if he initiated the
combat for no reason when they tried to detain him or if he was shot first and did what he had to do to try to survive.

There are huge problems with the version of the killing you made up. Here is one. You have AA running straight at TM (true) as TM was standing on the driver side (true) then AA swerves to avoid TM and pass the entire truck on the passenger side.(true). You have TM standing his ground and not moving much on the driver side (false) you have AA getting past the front end of the truck (true) with a clear path ahead (True i if TM did not move to the front of the truck).(false if TM moved to a position to impede)

AA does get past TM GM and the truck and in your version AA has a clear path ahead but instead of taking the open path he turns abruptly a 90 to run ten feet or so at a man with a shotgun to try and take it away by punching him in the head.

That’s nuts. If you were not a racist you could see what an absurd guess of what happened your version is.

None of us can see exactly what happened when both men came together in front of the truck. But the first shot was fired when they were in front of the truck.

we have clues from TM’s testimony to police. He said he may have grabbed AA’s shirt.

Think about it. Why did TM get so close to AA with a loaded shotgun in his other hand.

Sounds to me according to TM that AA was trying to escape when he reached the front of the truck - not attack. Then he was shot.
AA was a young fit tall and lean man with a background in football.... he could have easily cut through yards and jump fences or simply ran straight ahead ignoring the mcmichels 1/2 ass roadblock

He had absolutely no reason to believe the McMichaels were going to shoot him in this encounter since they hadn't shot him in the multiple times they came into close contact throughout the 10-minute Chase

The only reason that Travis shot him is because he charged Travis at the front of the truck when he pulled the abrupt 90-degree move around the passenger side in a clear attempt to snatch control over the shotgun ( grabbing a man's gun has been grounds for shooting him since time immemorial)

Had Travis McMichael been aiming the shotgun at him he would have been shot well before he was able to make contact

Even though Travis had the shotgun in a ready position he was not taking aim at the fleeing Criminal

even though arbwrry was a mentally retarded criminal from a criminal family he wasn't stupid enough to charge a man who had a gun aimed directly at him and the only reason he tried to grab that gun and knock Travis out is because he thought he had an opportunity since the gun was held low and not aimed at him

it's perfectly legal to walk towards somebody while holding a gun in the state of Georgia and if arberry had pulled a ninja move and secured the shotgun killing both of them I would support that action because he could display a reasonable fear thanks to his diminished mental capacity and exposure to BLM propaganda

the fact that travis never aimed the gun at him, backed up the entire time durring the attack and IMMEADETLY dropped his aim continued to backup and ceased firing proves he was not acting in malice but simply defending himself
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. he could have easily cut through yards

AA had no obligation to escape from three white men committing a felony trying to detain him other than the method and route that he chose. When I watch the video I see AA deciding to try to continue jogging with his safest place being in broad daylight on a public road and ignoring his attackers.

He continued with that strategy of flight up to the end when he was jogging past the front of the truck hoping for an open road ahead but he was shot and superficially wounded on his right wrist.

Arbery suffered a "deep, gaping, shotgun graze" to his right wrist, as well as wounds to his upper left chest and lower middle chest, according to the report written April 1. Thirteen shotgun pellets exited Arbery's back, and 11 more were recovered from his wounds, the report says.​

The shotgun blasts also damaged his right lung and fractured his upper left arm and scapula, according to the report.​

Greg, left, and Travis McMichael stand charged with murder.

Being shot on the wrist AA chose to fight and unfortunately did not win.

So his killers are charged with killing him. AA is dead. He can’t be with his Mama for Christmas. The shitheads that attacked him put him to death without a fair trial. They get a chance to go free and spend Christmas again with family and friends by proving their innocence in a fair trial.

I’d like to see you convert yourself into a decent human being by ceasing to demean and judge the deceased victim in this upcoming trial as the guilty and wrongful party.

Can you do that this Christmas Day. Can you renounce your prejudices and racism? Can you give humanity the gift of choosing to decent?
imadine living in a world where you could come home and find a strange man digging thru your 12 yr old daughters underware drawer and upon confronting him he could run in a panic out your back door and off into the road where it would be illegal to persue an individual you did not witness commit a crime you could prove in court

Because this individual gained access to your home thru an open back door and didn't commit a crime you can prove in court you would be forbade from persueing him and if you did and he ATTACKED you it would be ILLEGAL for you to defend yourself

This is the world an ultra-liberal freak Fringe wants to pursue in protecting the behavior of a well-known local Thief named Ahmaud Arberry

Many of them hate guns and hate the idea of the citizenry having the same arrest powers that the Government utilises and or have simply bought into the story of "black victimhood" to such a degree that any situation involving a black victim is automatically excuseable or abideable under the ethos of eternal racism

This is simply a story about a couple of redneck do gooders trying to protect their neighborhood from a well-known local Thief who got violent when they tried to detain him

You are an idiot. Plain and simple. You keep coming up with insane scenarios that have absolutely nothing to do with what we are discussing. First. Arbury was not in the McMichaels house. He just wasn’t. No evidence that he ever had been.

A more accurate scenario. Someone sees your son walking down the street. They think he may have just come from another neighbors house and chase him down. They beat him senseless. There was no crime. And the vigilantes were certain they were right. Damn the evidence. Your son will spend the rest of his life as a vegetable from the brain damage.

Now according to you. Your son had it coming. Just because he didn’t commit a crime is no reason that he should avoid the penalties.

But in your disturbed mind a black guy is always guilty.

And your insane scenario. It happened. Not to Richard Ramirez which is probably why you didn’t hear about it.

What is the difference between the McMichaels and all the examples you come up with? You tend to start them “in your home”. It wasn’t the McMichaels home. If it had been nobody would have charged them with disturbing the peace in Georgia. But it wasn’t their home. They committed crimes and now they are going to prison.

What is even funnier is how you accuse everyone of cowardice for not acting like you say you do. But the truth is you don’t either. Otherwise you would be in prison already.

You are an ignorant ass.
how come George Zimmerman walked then?

unlike Ahmaud travon was a decent kid who was just a punk but at least he wasent robbing houses

if its illegal to shoot someone attacking you why didn't Zimmerman go to jail?

he got arrested just like the mcmichels

Because Zimmerman unlike the McMichaels was not committing a crime in Florida when the altercation happened. He’s a pussy and a punk. But again. Laws in different states are different.

A fact that repeatedly escapes you.
imadine living in a world where you could come home and find a strange man digging thru your 12 yr old daughters underware drawer and upon confronting him he could run in a panic out your back door and off into the road where it would be illegal to persue an individual you did not witness commit a crime you could prove in court

Because this individual gained access to your home thru an open back door and didn't commit a crime you can prove in court you would be forbade from persueing him and if you did and he ATTACKED you it would be ILLEGAL for you to defend yourself

This is the world an ultra-liberal freak Fringe wants to pursue in protecting the behavior of a well-known local Thief named Ahmaud Arberry

Many of them hate guns and hate the idea of the citizenry having the same arrest powers that the Government utilises and or have simply bought into the story of "black victimhood" to such a degree that any situation involving a black victim is automatically excuseable or abideable under the ethos of eternal racism

This is simply a story about a couple of redneck do gooders trying to protect their neighborhood from a well-known local Thief who got violent when they tried to detain him

You are an idiot. Plain and simple. You keep coming up with insane scenarios that have absolutely nothing to do with what we are discussing. First. Arbury was not in the McMichaels house. He just wasn’t. No evidence that he ever had been.

A more accurate scenario. Someone sees your son walking down the street. They think he may have just come from another neighbors house and chase him down. They beat him senseless. There was no crime. And the vigilantes were certain they were right. Damn the evidence. Your son will spend the rest of his life as a vegetable from the brain damage.

Now according to you. Your son had it coming. Just because he didn’t commit a crime is no reason that he should avoid the penalties.

But in your disturbed mind a black guy is always guilty.

And your insane scenario. It happened. Not to Richard Ramirez which is probably why you didn’t hear about it.

What is the difference between the McMichaels and all the examples you come up with? You tend to start them “in your home”. It wasn’t the McMichaels home. If it had been nobody would have charged them with disturbing the peace in Georgia. But it wasn’t their home. They committed crimes and now they are going to prison.

What is even funnier is how you accuse everyone of cowardice for not acting like you say you do. But the truth is you don’t either. Otherwise you would be in prison already.

You are an ignorant ass.
how come George Zimmerman walked then?

unlike Ahmaud travon was a decent kid who was just a punk but at least he wasent robbing houses

if its illegal to shoot someone attacking you why didn't Zimmerman go to jail?

he got arrested just like the mcmichels

Because Zimmerman unlike the McMichaels was not committing a crime in Florida when the altercation happened. He’s a pussy and a punk. But again. Laws in different states are different.

A fact that repeatedly escapes you.
but he was chasing a man he had not seen commit a crime while holding a gun in a less redneck state?
. he could have easily cut through yards

AA had no obligation to escape from three white men committing a felony trying to detain him other than the method and route that he chose. When I watch the video I see AA deciding to try to continue jogging with his safest place being in broad daylight on a public road and ignoring his attackers.

He continued with that strategy of flight up to the end when he was jogging past the front of the truck hoping for an open road ahead but he was shot and superficially wounded on his right wrist.

Arbery suffered a "deep, gaping, shotgun graze" to his right wrist, as well as wounds to his upper left chest and lower middle chest, according to the report written April 1. Thirteen shotgun pellets exited Arbery's back, and 11 more were recovered from his wounds, the report says.​

The shotgun blasts also damaged his right lung and fractured his upper left arm and scapula, according to the report.​

Greg, left, and Travis McMichael stand charged with murder.

Being shot on the wrist AA chose to fight and unfortunately did not win.

So his killers are charged with killing him. AA is dead. He can’t be with his Mama for Christmas. The shitheads that attacked him put him to death without a fair trial. They get a chance to go free and spend Christmas again with family and friends by proving their innocence in a fair trial.

I’d like to see you convert yourself into a decent human being by ceasing to demean and judge the deceased victim in this upcoming trial as the guilty and wrongful party.

Can you do that this Christmas Day. Can you renounce your prejudices and racism? Can you give humanity the gift of choosing to decent?
this has nothing to do with race...quit trying to dramatize a simple shooting

what type of load do you figure Travis McMichael was using in his shotgun?
download (68).jpeg

Why would Travis McMichael shoot him when he ran around the side of the truck rather than shoot him earlier when they were driving right alongside him or well before he approached the truck?

why wait untill he grabbed the muzzle of the shotgun?
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imadine living in a world where you could come home and find a strange man digging thru your 12 yr old daughters underware drawer and upon confronting him he could run in a panic out your back door and off into the road where it would be illegal to persue an individual you did not witness commit a crime you could prove in court

Because this individual gained access to your home thru an open back door and didn't commit a crime you can prove in court you would be forbade from persueing him and if you did and he ATTACKED you it would be ILLEGAL for you to defend yourself

This is the world an ultra-liberal freak Fringe wants to pursue in protecting the behavior of a well-known local Thief named Ahmaud Arberry

Many of them hate guns and hate the idea of the citizenry having the same arrest powers that the Government utilises and or have simply bought into the story of "black victimhood" to such a degree that any situation involving a black victim is automatically excuseable or abideable under the ethos of eternal racism

This is simply a story about a couple of redneck do gooders trying to protect their neighborhood from a well-known local Thief who got violent when they tried to detain him

You are an idiot. Plain and simple. You keep coming up with insane scenarios that have absolutely nothing to do with what we are discussing. First. Arbury was not in the McMichaels house. He just wasn’t. No evidence that he ever had been.

A more accurate scenario. Someone sees your son walking down the street. They think he may have just come from another neighbors house and chase him down. They beat him senseless. There was no crime. And the vigilantes were certain they were right. Damn the evidence. Your son will spend the rest of his life as a vegetable from the brain damage.

Now according to you. Your son had it coming. Just because he didn’t commit a crime is no reason that he should avoid the penalties.

But in your disturbed mind a black guy is always guilty.

And your insane scenario. It happened. Not to Richard Ramirez which is probably why you didn’t hear about it.

What is the difference between the McMichaels and all the examples you come up with? You tend to start them “in your home”. It wasn’t the McMichaels home. If it had been nobody would have charged them with disturbing the peace in Georgia. But it wasn’t their home. They committed crimes and now they are going to prison.

What is even funnier is how you accuse everyone of cowardice for not acting like you say you do. But the truth is you don’t either. Otherwise you would be in prison already.

You are an ignorant ass.
how come George Zimmerman walked then?

unlike Ahmaud travon was a decent kid who was just a punk but at least he wasent robbing houses

if its illegal to shoot someone attacking you why didn't Zimmerman go to jail?

he got arrested just like the mcmichels

Different state, different laws.

You need to stop. You're just making yourself look foolish. We know where you stand, and you know where we stand. The interesting thing, though, is we all know Travis McMichael is probably going to die in prison...
rameriz had been identified through fingerprints

Um, okay.

Arbury was not.

Once Ramirez was identified (and it was because of a single fingerprint), the police released his photo. Continuing to try to draw comparisons between Arbury and Ramirez is stupid, because none of that happened with Arbury...

Arberry had not been a legally identified yet because they didn't have any evidence except the eyewitness testimony and the camera footage associated with missing things at Larry english's house

"Legally identified"??

What the fuck does that even mean. Please explain that, and please provide a link to further explain that concept. See, I did a Google search, and I'm not finding anything referred to as "legally identified".

Or you can just stop making shit up...

If it was "no big deal and totally fine" to go poking around a man's construction site at night how come the cops kept showing up when they called them then and taking reports of burglary just like the initial DA said

Do you really think if after taking that report the police encountered arberry ducking through the shadows in the neighborhood they wouldn't have immediately arrested him

No, I definitely don't.

They certainly would've detained him. More than likely he'd have been released with a citation. And, hey, maybe they would've arrested him. But that doesn't matter. As far as I know, neither of the McMichael inbreds were in a police uniform wearing a badge. While Arbury may have elected to stop for actual police, and not a couple of rednecks playing "police", all he saw with the McMichaels were two armed rednecks chasing him...

Yes, everybody was looking for him... the McMichaels the neighborhood Larry English and the police were all looking for the man that kept stealing things from the neighborhood and looked identical to the mentally retarded well-known Petty criminal who got shot that fateful day

They "were all looking for the man".


They just had no idea who that man was...
imadine living in a world where you could come home and find a strange man digging thru your 12 yr old daughters underware drawer and upon confronting him he could run in a panic out your back door and off into the road where it would be illegal to persue an individual you did not witness commit a crime you could prove in court

Because this individual gained access to your home thru an open back door and didn't commit a crime you can prove in court you would be forbade from persueing him and if you did and he ATTACKED you it would be ILLEGAL for you to defend yourself

This is the world an ultra-liberal freak Fringe wants to pursue in protecting the behavior of a well-known local Thief named Ahmaud Arberry

Many of them hate guns and hate the idea of the citizenry having the same arrest powers that the Government utilises and or have simply bought into the story of "black victimhood" to such a degree that any situation involving a black victim is automatically excuseable or abideable under the ethos of eternal racism

This is simply a story about a couple of redneck do gooders trying to protect their neighborhood from a well-known local Thief who got violent when they tried to detain him

You are an idiot. Plain and simple. You keep coming up with insane scenarios that have absolutely nothing to do with what we are discussing. First. Arbury was not in the McMichaels house. He just wasn’t. No evidence that he ever had been.

A more accurate scenario. Someone sees your son walking down the street. They think he may have just come from another neighbors house and chase him down. They beat him senseless. There was no crime. And the vigilantes were certain they were right. Damn the evidence. Your son will spend the rest of his life as a vegetable from the brain damage.

Now according to you. Your son had it coming. Just because he didn’t commit a crime is no reason that he should avoid the penalties.

But in your disturbed mind a black guy is always guilty.

And your insane scenario. It happened. Not to Richard Ramirez which is probably why you didn’t hear about it.

What is the difference between the McMichaels and all the examples you come up with? You tend to start them “in your home”. It wasn’t the McMichaels home. If it had been nobody would have charged them with disturbing the peace in Georgia. But it wasn’t their home. They committed crimes and now they are going to prison.

What is even funnier is how you accuse everyone of cowardice for not acting like you say you do. But the truth is you don’t either. Otherwise you would be in prison already.

You are an ignorant ass.
how come George Zimmerman walked then?

unlike Ahmaud travon was a decent kid who was just a punk but at least he wasent robbing houses

if its illegal to shoot someone attacking you why didn't Zimmerman go to jail?

he got arrested just like the mcmichels

Because Zimmerman unlike the McMichaels was not committing a crime in Florida when the altercation happened. He’s a pussy and a punk. But again. Laws in different states are different.

A fact that repeatedly escapes you.
but he was chasing a man he had not seen commit a crime while holding a gun in a less redneck state?

The police chief in that case said that Zimmerman was released because there was no evidence to refute Zimmerman's claim of having acted in self-defense, and that under Florida's Stand Your Ground statute, the police were prohibited by law from making an arrest.

It wasn't a judgement call. It was the law which dictated Zimmerman not be arrested...
he could have easily cut through yards and jump fences...

Oh, so now you're okay with him trespassing? Because that's what "running through yards" would've amounted to.

You're like the Minnestoa Vikings of debate. You think you've got what it takes to slam the door on the competition, but you fall short every time...

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