The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

if they planned on shooting him why didn't they do it in their previous encounter... why would they take a shotgun loaded with a less lethal ammunition...

Thank you for proving that, along with everything you're fucking clueless about, you know nothing about firearms.

From the distance McMichael was standing, a blast from a 12 gauge shotgun is pretty much going to be fatal...

people who plan on murdering individuals do it with a completely different type of firearm and a completely different range

You need to stop.

Seriously, arguing your indiotic, nippleheaded points is tiresome enough, but now you've seemingly engaged on a campaign of seeing how absolutely fucking ignorant you can make yourself appear. People get murdered with shotguns. People get murdered with .357 Magnums. Interestingly, both of those weapons were in Travis McMichael's truck that day...

How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

Um, did you miss the part where, after Arbury ran past their house, they armed themselves and went after him?

The "went after him" part constitutes the "chase", dipshit.

You've pretty much demonstrated that, not only do you know very little about this case, you know nothing about guns, and you know nothing about the law. That wouldn't be a horrible thing in and of itself, except you're making the conscious decision to remain ignorant of those things because those things don't fit that narrative that you're presenting. In fact, they destroy your narrative.

You conveniently ignore the arguments against you points. You said Ramirez was the subject of a citizen's arrest, and that his arrest was pretty much the same as the citizen's arrest McMichael attempted. However, when it was pointed out that Ramirez was actually a wanted man, by virtue of a warrant for his arrest and Arbury was not, you run away like a cowardly bitch from defending your point. When you said Arbury was "wanted", that wasn't true. It was a lie.

Here are some undeniable truths which exist, regardless of your refusal to accept them:

1. Arbury was not wanted. There was no warrant issued for his arrest.

2. As far as Travis McMichael knew, there was no reason to suspect Arbury committed a crime that day.

3. The owner of the property in question has stated that nothing was stolen.
4. Thanks to "Roddy", there's video evidence of the McMichael boys chasing Arbury.

5. Thanks to "Roddy", there's video evidence of Travis McMichael exiting the pick-up and aiming a shotgun at Arbury.

6. Thanks to "Roddy", there is an eye witness who says McMichael used a racial slur towards Arbury, suggesting the motivation for the shooting was actually due to Arbury's race, and nothing else. Now, that may or may not be true, but you can bet your ignorant ass that the prosecution will present that at trial, and it's going to be damned difficult for McMichael to explain it away.

Your whole thing about how McMichael was just peacefully standing in the street, oh, and he had a shotgun with him, is utterly ridiculous. He got out of the truck and leveled his shotgun at Arbury. That was an absolute misuse of force. Or do you mean to tell me that two fat, white rednecks couldn't put a skinny black guy to the ground and hold him there?

As to the nonsense you keep spewing about a citizen's arrest, here's something for you to chew on: If you are making a citizen's arrest, you're required to inform the person what you are doing, and why. If Arbury was 30 yards away from McMichael when he got out of the truck, then fat-boy certainly had the chance to do that.

Yet he did not.

You must also tell them what offense you believe they've committed. McMichael had the opportunity to do that, too.

Yet he did not.

If you have to use force when arresting a person, you must only use reasonable force. Given that there were two people chasing him, and Arbury was unarmed, only a complete fucking idiot (say, like you) would believe that deadly force was the minimum level of force deemed to be reasonable to effect a citizen's arrest of Arbury.

Now, please, continue on with your mindless, ignorant rantings. All you're doing is further demonstrating not only how stupid and ignorant you are, but also how stupid and ignorant you wish to remain...
what would you have done if someone grabbed your gun and started punching you in the face...hand it over?

Oh, I'd probably shoot him.

And then I suspect I would be arrested and tried for murder, since I would have zero legal ground to stand on, which is exactly the case with Travis McMichael.

You need to pull your head out of your ass, son. The McMichael's escalated everything about this when they armed themselves and chased him. When they did that, they removed their ability to claim self defense.

Now, you can ask you "what if" questions until the cows come home, and it won't change the law, and it won't change the facts of this case...
they were pursuing a suspect and lost him so they stood their ground in the street because they expected him to run back that way because roddy had cut him off

Why was Roddy there? If he "cut him off", then the prosecution's case for false imprisonment sounds like a good one. Roddy is probably going to be the key witness which gets the younger McMichael the spike...

it was an attempted arrest that didnt come to fruition because he ATTACKED them instead of doing the civilized thing

There was no attempt at anything. McMichael jumped out of his truck, armed with a loaded shotgun, and leveled the shotgun at Arbury.

That's assault with a deadly weapon.

They knew of no crime committed by the person they were chasing.

And you're a fucking idiot...
just look at the simple facts

the dramatized news story suggests that a couple of racist Hillbillies saw an innocent unarmed black man jogging and gunned him down in the street

Why would they bother to stop their cars, call 911 and wait till he started punching them to shoot?

Why not just pull up next to him and blast him as he was unaware of your presence and intentions

They must have assumed he could be armed so why on Earth would they drive up next to him and start talking to him?

Why would they stop their truck and get out presenting themselves as a Target AFTER calling 911

They wouldn't.... they would just shoot him from the truck and keep on driving down the road and they sure as hell wouldn't have called 911 and kept the Line open during the entire incident and aftermath

What a ridiculous social justice fantasy world you have to be living in to buy this ridiculous story of a couple racist Hillbillies gunning down an innocent unarmed black jogger because he was caught in the wrong neighborhood....

So you reposted the OP that has been disproven.

Why does this bother you so much? Are you a relative?
Everything I've posted has been 100% accurate that's why you don't quote anything I say you just vaguely reference a theoretical emotion or try to ascribe a fallacious intention

So why did they stop the car?

why did they try to talk to him?

why didn't they just gun him down and keep on driving?

If they were just there to talk why did they rush off to get guns? Why did they as you say go into pursuit? Why did they hem him in? Why did Travis get out of the truck with the shotgun? If he was just there to talk why did he need a shotgun? Why have a round in the chamber?

Read what the lawyer says.

You are wrong. And you won’t say why this case has so enraged you. I say enraged. Because you aren’t debating. Your demanding that the world change everything to align with your idea of what is right and legal. Now either you are seriously disturbed with delusions of grandeur and this notion that you should be a potentate. Or there is another reason why some school crossing guard from California is so wrapped around the axle about a pretty much open and shut case from Georgia. There are miscarriages of justice in California if that was your motivation. So what is it really?

Why did they grab guns before they engaged in an attempted citizen's arrest...???
If you take it upon yourself to chase down a potentially violent armed criminal it's a good idea that you arm yourself

View attachment 432554

why do you hate guns?

My God you are an idiot. In every other reply you bounce back and forth. It was an attempted arrest. It wasn’t. They were pursuing a criminal. They were just standing in the street minding their own business. They knew he was a bad guy. He was not hemmed in. He was resisting a lawful arrest. They never tried to arrest him.

Honestly. I am thankful you are not the lawyer representing these men. If you were then they would get life in the electric chair.
they were pursuing a suspect and lost him so they stood their ground in the street because they expected him to run back that way because roddy had cut him off

it was an attempted arrest that didnt come to fruition because he ATTACKED them instead of doing the civilized thing

(just waiting for the police)

you understand now?

The attempt to arrest was a Felony. They had not seen him commit a crime. They had no legal justification to detain him or even attempt to detain him.

The only burglary reported in the months prior to the killing was Travis’s report of a gun taken out of his truck. He had no reason to suspect Arbury. Nobody saw him around the truck.

The Police did not have Arbury as a suspect for that burglary. The reason? Despite your belief that being black is probable cause it is not by the Constitution.

Now. Sit back. Stretch your attention span to the breaking point. And watch the trial when it is held. It will be televised.
At one point Arberry decided he was going to attack the McMichaels and ran towards Travis grabbing his shotgun and punching him in the face numerous times committing a felony assault

KingGUERRILLA you posted the top photo stating that:

TM was “standing” there bothering nobody when AA decided to attack him absolutely unprovoked. So of course TM had to shoot AA in self defense.

You have a serious problem with your defense. It’s a video. TM was not standing still until he was attacked. He was retreating, being driven to the left by AA, because TM had already shot AA and wounded him.

In the split second before your screen shot, KingG , (see bottom photo) You can see that both of TM’s feet are across the double yellow line. He was not standing stiil. He was being shoved from right to left after shooting AA and wounding him.


TM’s feet are to the right of the double yellow line. The video confirms what TM told police.

Under questioning by Jason Sheffield, an attorney for Travis McMichael, Dial said Travis told police he raised his shotgun at Arbery from roughly 90 feet (27 meters) away and told him to stop and get on the ground.​

That's when Arbery ran around the passenger side of Travis' truck, and the two men met in front of the truck.

Dial said Travis told police Arbery "squared up" like he was going to attack.​

"There's a statement that he might have had his hand on his shirt," Dial said. "Travis McMichael said his adrenaline was pumping and it all happened very quickly."​

He said Travis then fired the first shot into Arbery's chest.​

What appears to be an attack by AA is a struggle to gain control of the weapon that was used to shoot him.

No word from TM that he shot AA because he was being attacked.
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if they planned on shooting him why didn't they do it in their previous encounter... why would they take a shotgun loaded with a less lethal ammunition...

Thank you for proving that, along with everything you're fucking clueless about, you know nothing about firearms.

From the distance McMichael was standing, a blast from a 12 gauge shotgun is pretty much going to be fatal...

people who plan on murdering individuals do it with a completely different type of firearm and a completely different range

You need to stop.

Seriously, arguing your indiotic, nippleheaded points is tiresome enough, but now you've seemingly engaged on a campaign of seeing how absolutely fucking ignorant you can make yourself appear. People get murdered with shotguns. People get murdered with .357 Magnums. Interestingly, both of those weapons were in Travis McMichael's truck that day...

How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

Um, did you miss the part where, after Arbury ran past their house, they armed themselves and went after him?

The "went after him" part constitutes the "chase", dipshit.

You've pretty much demonstrated that, not only do you know very little about this case, you know nothing about guns, and you know nothing about the law. That wouldn't be a horrible thing in and of itself, except you're making the conscious decision to remain ignorant of those things because those things don't fit that narrative that you're presenting. In fact, they destroy your narrative.

You conveniently ignore the arguments against you points. You said Ramirez was the subject of a citizen's arrest, and that his arrest was pretty much the same as the citizen's arrest McMichael attempted. However, when it was pointed out that Ramirez was actually a wanted man, by virtue of a warrant for his arrest and Arbury was not, you run away like a cowardly bitch from defending your point. When you said Arbury was "wanted", that wasn't true. It was a lie.

Here are some undeniable truths which exist, regardless of your refusal to accept them:

1. Arbury was not wanted. There was no warrant issued for his arrest.

2. As far as Travis McMichael knew, there was no reason to suspect Arbury committed a crime that day.

3. The owner of the property in question has stated that nothing was stolen.
4. Thanks to "Roddy", there's video evidence of the McMichael boys chasing Arbury.

5. Thanks to "Roddy", there's video evidence of Travis McMichael exiting the pick-up and aiming a shotgun at Arbury.

6. Thanks to "Roddy", there is an eye witness who says McMichael used a racial slur towards Arbury, suggesting the motivation for the shooting was actually due to Arbury's race, and nothing else. Now, that may or may not be true, but you can bet your ignorant ass that the prosecution will present that at trial, and it's going to be damned difficult for McMichael to explain it away.

Your whole thing about how McMichael was just peacefully standing in the street, oh, and he had a shotgun with him, is utterly ridiculous. He got out of the truck and leveled his shotgun at Arbury. That was an absolute misuse of force. Or do you mean to tell me that two fat, white rednecks couldn't put a skinny black guy to the ground and hold him there?

As to the nonsense you keep spewing about a citizen's arrest, here's something for you to chew on: If you are making a citizen's arrest, you're required to inform the person what you are doing, and why. If Arbury was 30 yards away from McMichael when he got out of the truck, then fat-boy certainly had the chance to do that.

Yet he did not.

You must also tell them what offense you believe they've committed. McMichael had the opportunity to do that, too.

Yet he did not.

If you have to use force when arresting a person, you must only use reasonable force. Given that there were two people chasing him, and Arbury was unarmed, only a complete fucking idiot (say, like you) would believe that deadly force was the minimum level of force deemed to be reasonable to effect a citizen's arrest of Arbury.

Now, please, continue on with your mindless, ignorant rantings. All you're doing is further demonstrating not only how stupid and ignorant you are, but also how stupid and ignorant you wish to remain...
what would you have done if someone grabbed your gun and started punching you in the face...hand it over?

Oh, I'd probably shoot him.

And then I suspect I would be arrested and tried for murder, since I would have zero legal ground to stand on, which is exactly the case with Travis McMichael.

You need to pull your head out of your ass, son. The McMichael's escalated everything about this when they armed themselves and chased him. When they did that, they removed their ability to claim self defense.

Now, you can ask you "what if" questions until the cows come home, and it won't change the law, and it won't change the facts of this case...
so you would do the exact same thing that Travis did under those circumstances

why do you want to take the constitutional protections for citizen's arrest away from the people?
they were pursuing a suspect and lost him so they stood their ground in the street because they expected him to run back that way because roddy had cut him off

Why was Roddy there? If he "cut him off", then the prosecution's case for false imprisonment sounds like a good one. Roddy is probably going to be the key witness which gets the younger McMichael the spike...

it was an attempted arrest that didnt come to fruition because he ATTACKED them instead of doing the civilized thing

There was no attempt at anything. McMichael jumped out of his truck, armed with a loaded shotgun, and leveled the shotgun at Arbury.

That's assault with a deadly weapon.

They knew of no crime committed by the person they were chasing.

And you're a fucking idiot...

how can you imprison somebody with a car?

roddy is just trying to cut a deal with the social media outrage inspired state and is willing to say anything to get himself outside of their blast radius just like cowardly Larry English

you can't assault someone by standing in the middle of the street and simply yelling at them and clearly Travis had a good reason to fear Arberrys ATTACK so raising a weapon and somebody running directly at you is a reasonable response

how come travis got out of the truck and didn't just shoot arberry Drive by Style?

what was Travis trying to accomplish by getting out of the truck?
just look at the simple facts

the dramatized news story suggests that a couple of racist Hillbillies saw an innocent unarmed black man jogging and gunned him down in the street

Why would they bother to stop their cars, call 911 and wait till he started punching them to shoot?

Why not just pull up next to him and blast him as he was unaware of your presence and intentions

They must have assumed he could be armed so why on Earth would they drive up next to him and start talking to him?

Why would they stop their truck and get out presenting themselves as a Target AFTER calling 911

They wouldn't.... they would just shoot him from the truck and keep on driving down the road and they sure as hell wouldn't have called 911 and kept the Line open during the entire incident and aftermath

What a ridiculous social justice fantasy world you have to be living in to buy this ridiculous story of a couple racist Hillbillies gunning down an innocent unarmed black jogger because he was caught in the wrong neighborhood....

So you reposted the OP that has been disproven.

Why does this bother you so much? Are you a relative?
Everything I've posted has been 100% accurate that's why you don't quote anything I say you just vaguely reference a theoretical emotion or try to ascribe a fallacious intention

So why did they stop the car?

why did they try to talk to him?

why didn't they just gun him down and keep on driving?

If they were just there to talk why did they rush off to get guns? Why did they as you say go into pursuit? Why did they hem him in? Why did Travis get out of the truck with the shotgun? If he was just there to talk why did he need a shotgun? Why have a round in the chamber?

Read what the lawyer says.

You are wrong. And you won’t say why this case has so enraged you. I say enraged. Because you aren’t debating. Your demanding that the world change everything to align with your idea of what is right and legal. Now either you are seriously disturbed with delusions of grandeur and this notion that you should be a potentate. Or there is another reason why some school crossing guard from California is so wrapped around the axle about a pretty much open and shut case from Georgia. There are miscarriages of justice in California if that was your motivation. So what is it really?

Why did they grab guns before they engaged in an attempted citizen's arrest...???
If you take it upon yourself to chase down a potentially violent armed criminal it's a good idea that you arm yourself

View attachment 432554

why do you hate guns?

My God you are an idiot. In every other reply you bounce back and forth. It was an attempted arrest. It wasn’t. They were pursuing a criminal. They were just standing in the street minding their own business. They knew he was a bad guy. He was not hemmed in. He was resisting a lawful arrest. They never tried to arrest him.

Honestly. I am thankful you are not the lawyer representing these men. If you were then they would get life in the electric chair.
they were pursuing a suspect and lost him so they stood their ground in the street because they expected him to run back that way because roddy had cut him off

it was an attempted arrest that didnt come to fruition because he ATTACKED them instead of doing the civilized thing

(just waiting for the police)

you understand now?

The attempt to arrest was a Felony. They had not seen him commit a crime. They had no legal justification to detain him or even attempt to detain him.

The only burglary reported in the months prior to the killing was Travis’s report of a gun taken out of his truck. He had no reason to suspect Arbury. Nobody saw him around the truck.

The Police did not have Arbury as a suspect for that burglary. The reason? Despite your belief that being black is probable cause it is not by the Constitution.

Now. Sit back. Stretch your attention span to the breaking point. And watch the trial when it is held. It will be televised.
Actually the police and the whole neighborhood we're looking for arberry because he was the one repeatedly caught on video illegally entering the English house

Larry English even called his neighbor Diego in an attempt to catch arberry in the act

the people that ran down and apprehended Richard Ramirez didn't witness him commit a crime.... you want to charge them all with felonies?
At one point Arberry decided he was going to attack the McMichaels and ran towards Travis grabbing his shotgun and punching him in the face numerous times committing a felony assault

KingGUERRILLA you posted the top photo stating that:

TM was “standing” there bothering nobody when AA decided to attack him absolutely unprovoked. So of course TM had to shoot AA in self defense.

You have a serious problem with your defense. It’s a video. TM was not standing still until he was attacked. He was retreating, being driven to the left by AA, because TM had already shot AA and wounded him.

In the split second before your screen shot, KingG , (see bottom photo) You can see that both of TM’s feet are across the double yellow line. He was not standing stiil. He was being shoved from right to left after shooting AA and wounding him.

View attachment 432880View attachment 432881
TM’s feet are to the right of the double yellow line. The video confirms what TM told police.

Under questioning by Jason Sheffield, an attorney for Travis McMichael, Dial said Travis told police he raised his shotgun at Arbery from roughly 90 feet (27 meters) away and told him to stop and get on the ground.​

That's when Arbery ran around the passenger side of Travis' truck, and the two men met in front of the truck.

Dial said Travis told police Arbery "squared up" like he was going to attack.​

"There's a statement that he might have had his hand on his shirt," Dial said. "Travis McMichael said his adrenaline was pumping and it all happened very quickly."​

He said Travis then fired the first shot into Arbery's chest.​

What appears to be an attack by AA is a struggle to gain control of the weapon that was used to shoot him.

No word from TM that he shot AA because he was being attacked.View attachment 432894
Travis was standing his ground on the yellow line when arberry ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and attacked

travis then retreated throughout the entire assault as he was being punched in the face multiple times while a violent criminal was trying to gain control over his shotgun

and look what he did the moment arberry finally let go of his shotgun....he dropped his aim and continued to retreat from the violent Criminal

download (44).jpeg
Travis was standing his ground on the yellow line when arberry ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and attacked

(1) Are you you actually saying that in the video you see: TM standing on the driver side of the truck to the left of the DYL (double yellow line) as AA approaches (jogging towards) TM. At this point AA is also to the left of the DYL and about 30 yards are between AA and TM?

(2)Are you you actually saying that in the video you DO NOT see: AA swerve to the right in order to avoid close contact with TM and the shotgun that was pointed at him? You do not see AA run toward the passenger side of the truck at any time in the videi?


(3) When you say you see TM “standing his ground on the DYL when AA ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at him and attacked” does “directly” mean AA continued in a straight line and never veered to the right to try to avoid contact.?

(4) Are you saying AA is not ever seen on the passenger side of the truck?


(5) Do you see TM still standing on the left side of the DYL as AA runs around on the passenger side of the truck?

And here is what TM said happened:

Under questioning by Jason Sheffield, an attorney for Travis McMichael, Dial said Travis told police he raised his shotgun at Arbery from roughly 90 feet (27 meters) away and told him to stop and get on the ground.
That's when Arbery ran around the passenger side of Travis' truck, and the two men met in front of the truck.
Dial said Travis told police Arbery "squared up" like he was going to attack.
"There's a statement that he might have had his hand on his shirt," Dial said. "Travis McMichael said his adrenaline was pumping and it all happened very quickly."
He said Travis then fired the first shot into Arbery's chest.
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cop: did it look like he was defending himself
roddy: yes

Then is the video Roddy describes the criminal trying to enter his vehicle in a clear attempt to carjack him
Travis was standing his ground on the yellow line when arberry ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and attacked

(1) Are you you actually saying that in the video you see: TM standing on the driver side of the truck to the left of the DYL (double yellow line) as AA approaches (jogging towards) TM. At this point AA is also to the left of the DYL and about 30 yards are between AA and TM?

(2)Are you you actually saying that in the video you DO NOT see: AA swerve to the right in order to avoid close contact with TM and the shotgun that was pointed at him? You do not see AA run toward the passenger side of the truck at any time in the videi?

View attachment 432922
(3) When you say you see TM “standing his ground on the DYL when AA ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at him and attacked” does “directly” mean AA continued in a straight line and never veered to the right to try to avoid contact.?

(4) Are you saying AA is not ever seen on the passenger side of the truck?

View attachment 432930
(5) Do you see TM still standing on the left side of the DYL as AA runs around on the passenger side of the truck?

And here is what TM said happened:
You have a good point ...he ran about 30 m directly at the two men he was supposedly terrified of and then broke to the right to run around the passenger side of the vehicle in a clear attempt to Ambush the man holding the shotgun who had now stepped to the front of the vehicle ( Travis McMichael moved about 3 feet and Ahmad moved about 50 yards so it's pretty obvious who was standing their ground)

The point is if you're terrified of two men chasing you with guns why would you run directly at them and choose to attack one when the other one is guaranteed to shoot you dead in the process and if the McMichaels were a couple of racist Hillbillies bent on murdering someone why didn't they just shoot him from the safety of their vehicle during the past 15 minutes of the chase?
( Travis McMichael moved about 3 feet and Ahmad moved about 50 yards so it's pretty obvious who was standing their ground)

You just added 20 yards to a “direct attack” that now includes AA running away from TM by putting the truck between himself and the man with a shotgun who was committing a felony during this entire encounter

Travis was standing his ground on the yellow line when arberry ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and attacked

Now it’s a fifty yard direct attack and TM has moved to block AA’s attempt to get past both TM and his father.

I want you to start thinking about TM telling police that he shot AA when he “squared up” as if AA was going to attack him. TM told nothing about “being attacked” first
and then shooting AA during a struggle for the gun.

Now that you admit that TM did not stand his ground because you admit he moved far enough to get closer to AA escape path.

You need to square up your interpretation of the video with TM’s confession that he shot AA before being attacked.
how can you imprison somebody with a car?

Further evidence you know nothing about the law.

I'm not going to spoon feed you, Dumbfuck. You've already proven that you don't want information. You just want people to agree with you...

roddy is just trying to cut a deal with the social media outrage inspired state and is willing to say anything to get himself outside of their blast radius just like cowardly Larry English

Of course. This is all one big conspiracy to frame two white boys who'd probably be fishing right now if they didn't decide to play lawman...

you can't assault someone by standing in the middle of the street and simply yelling at them and clearly Travis had a good reason to fear Arberrys ATTACK so raising a weapon and somebody running directly at you is a reasonable response

As soon as McMichael leveled his shotgun at Arbury it became assault with a deadly weapon. This has been explained to you ad nauseum...

how come travis got out of the truck and didn't just shoot arberry Drive by Style?

I don't know why he didn't just shoot as he drove by, and I don't really care. It's not at all pertinent to this case. He got out of the truck to initiate a violent encounter with Arbury. Smart people know that because, well, Travis was holding a shotgun...

what was Travis trying to accomplish by getting out of the truck?

He wanted to kill Arbury.

Mission accomplished...
if they planned on shooting him why didn't they do it in their previous encounter... why would they take a shotgun loaded with a less lethal ammunition...

Thank you for proving that, along with everything you're fucking clueless about, you know nothing about firearms.

From the distance McMichael was standing, a blast from a 12 gauge shotgun is pretty much going to be fatal...

people who plan on murdering individuals do it with a completely different type of firearm and a completely different range

You need to stop.

Seriously, arguing your indiotic, nippleheaded points is tiresome enough, but now you've seemingly engaged on a campaign of seeing how absolutely fucking ignorant you can make yourself appear. People get murdered with shotguns. People get murdered with .357 Magnums. Interestingly, both of those weapons were in Travis McMichael's truck that day...

How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

Um, did you miss the part where, after Arbury ran past their house, they armed themselves and went after him?

The "went after him" part constitutes the "chase", dipshit.

You've pretty much demonstrated that, not only do you know very little about this case, you know nothing about guns, and you know nothing about the law. That wouldn't be a horrible thing in and of itself, except you're making the conscious decision to remain ignorant of those things because those things don't fit that narrative that you're presenting. In fact, they destroy your narrative.

You conveniently ignore the arguments against you points. You said Ramirez was the subject of a citizen's arrest, and that his arrest was pretty much the same as the citizen's arrest McMichael attempted. However, when it was pointed out that Ramirez was actually a wanted man, by virtue of a warrant for his arrest and Arbury was not, you run away like a cowardly bitch from defending your point. When you said Arbury was "wanted", that wasn't true. It was a lie.

Here are some undeniable truths which exist, regardless of your refusal to accept them:

1. Arbury was not wanted. There was no warrant issued for his arrest.

2. As far as Travis McMichael knew, there was no reason to suspect Arbury committed a crime that day.

3. The owner of the property in question has stated that nothing was stolen.
4. Thanks to "Roddy", there's video evidence of the McMichael boys chasing Arbury.

5. Thanks to "Roddy", there's video evidence of Travis McMichael exiting the pick-up and aiming a shotgun at Arbury.

6. Thanks to "Roddy", there is an eye witness who says McMichael used a racial slur towards Arbury, suggesting the motivation for the shooting was actually due to Arbury's race, and nothing else. Now, that may or may not be true, but you can bet your ignorant ass that the prosecution will present that at trial, and it's going to be damned difficult for McMichael to explain it away.

Your whole thing about how McMichael was just peacefully standing in the street, oh, and he had a shotgun with him, is utterly ridiculous. He got out of the truck and leveled his shotgun at Arbury. That was an absolute misuse of force. Or do you mean to tell me that two fat, white rednecks couldn't put a skinny black guy to the ground and hold him there?

As to the nonsense you keep spewing about a citizen's arrest, here's something for you to chew on: If you are making a citizen's arrest, you're required to inform the person what you are doing, and why. If Arbury was 30 yards away from McMichael when he got out of the truck, then fat-boy certainly had the chance to do that.

Yet he did not.

You must also tell them what offense you believe they've committed. McMichael had the opportunity to do that, too.

Yet he did not.

If you have to use force when arresting a person, you must only use reasonable force. Given that there were two people chasing him, and Arbury was unarmed, only a complete fucking idiot (say, like you) would believe that deadly force was the minimum level of force deemed to be reasonable to effect a citizen's arrest of Arbury.

Now, please, continue on with your mindless, ignorant rantings. All you're doing is further demonstrating not only how stupid and ignorant you are, but also how stupid and ignorant you wish to remain...
what would you have done if someone grabbed your gun and started punching you in the face...hand it over?

Oh, I'd probably shoot him.

And then I suspect I would be arrested and tried for murder, since I would have zero legal ground to stand on, which is exactly the case with Travis McMichael.

You need to pull your head out of your ass, son. The McMichael's escalated everything about this when they armed themselves and chased him. When they did that, they removed their ability to claim self defense.

Now, you can ask you "what if" questions until the cows come home, and it won't change the law, and it won't change the facts of this case...
so you would do the exact same thing that Travis did under those circumstances

why do you want to take the constitutional protections for citizen's arrest away from the people?

I don't.

And, yes, I would do exactly what McMichael did.

You're ignoring the part where I said I would expect to be arrested and charged, though...
the people that ran down and apprehended Richard Ramirez didn't witness him commit a crime.... you want to charge them all with felonies?

You're officially a fucking retard.

Richard Ramirez was a wanted man. He had been identified. A warrant had been issued for his arrest. There was a bounty of $36,777 for him.

None of these things were the case with Arbury.He had not been identified. There was no warrant for his arrest. There was no bounty for him.

These things apparently matter to everyone except you, the master level retard of USMB...
( Travis McMichael moved about 3 feet and Ahmad moved about 50 yards so it's pretty obvious who was standing their ground)

You just added 20 yards to a “direct attack” that now includes AA running away from TM by putting the truck between himself and the man with a shotgun who was committing a felony during this entire encounter

Travis was standing his ground on the yellow line when arberry ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and attacked

Now it’s a fifty yard direct attack and TM has moved to block AA’s attempt to get past both TM and his father.

I want you to start thinking about TM telling police that he shot AA when he “squared up” as if AA was going to attack him. TM told nothing about “being attacked” first
and then shooting AA during a struggle for the gun.

Now that you admit that TM did not stand his ground because you admit he moved far enough to get closer to AA escape path.

You need to square up your interpretation of the video with TM’s confession that he shot AA before being attacked.
how many yards did AA run directly at the mcmichels??

your allowed to walk a few feet and still stand your ground dummy, you dont have to be a statue LOL

most likely travis walked 3 feet toward the front of his truck so Arberry couldent take a tactical position and fire from the cover of the passenger side of the engine block, its a military tactic called "cutting the pie"

the people that ran down and apprehended Richard Ramirez didn't witness him commit a crime.... you want to charge them all with felonies?

You're officially a fucking retard.

Richard Ramirez was a wanted man. He had been identified. A warrant had been issued for his arrest. There was a bounty of $36,777 for him.

None of these things were the case with Arbury.He had not been identified. There was no warrant for his arrest. There was no bounty for him.

These things apparently matter to everyone except you, the master level retard of USMB...
They they were trying to identify Ahmaud because they hadent caught him yet, it doesn't mean that he wasn't wanted... the fact that Larry English installed the security system, called the police multiple times and called his neighbors in several repeated attempts to catch the criminal who was repeatedly burglarizing his home under construction means that he was definitely a wanted man

Both Ahmaud and Ramirez were identified from photographic evidence and then chased down even though no one had witnessed them commit a crime

they simply fit the description and ran when they were confronted

Either you people don't understand the law or you don't like the law and are trying to change it by blaming the last person that used it to detain a Criminal

* here we are in 2020 and American privileged whites are protecting criminals over Good Samaritans

Roddy: It was like the black guy was tired of running and fixing to confront them

just look at the simple facts

the dramatized news story suggests that a couple of racist Hillbillies saw an innocent unarmed black man jogging and gunned him down in the street

Why would they bother to stop their cars, call 911 and wait till he started punching them to shoot?

Why not just pull up next to him and blast him as he was unaware of your presence and intentions

They must have assumed he could be armed so why on Earth would they drive up next to him and start talking to him?

Why would they stop their truck and get out presenting themselves as a Target AFTER calling 911

They wouldn't.... they would just shoot him from the truck and keep on driving down the road and they sure as hell wouldn't have called 911 and kept the Line open during the entire incident and aftermath

What a ridiculous social justice fantasy world you have to be living in to buy this ridiculous story of a couple racist Hillbillies gunning down an innocent unarmed black jogger because he was caught in the wrong neighborhood....

So you reposted the OP that has been disproven.

Why does this bother you so much? Are you a relative?
Everything I've posted has been 100% accurate that's why you don't quote anything I say you just vaguely reference a theoretical emotion or try to ascribe a fallacious intention

So why did they stop the car?

why did they try to talk to him?

why didn't they just gun him down and keep on driving?

If they were just there to talk why did they rush off to get guns? Why did they as you say go into pursuit? Why did they hem him in? Why did Travis get out of the truck with the shotgun? If he was just there to talk why did he need a shotgun? Why have a round in the chamber?

Read what the lawyer says.

You are wrong. And you won’t say why this case has so enraged you. I say enraged. Because you aren’t debating. Your demanding that the world change everything to align with your idea of what is right and legal. Now either you are seriously disturbed with delusions of grandeur and this notion that you should be a potentate. Or there is another reason why some school crossing guard from California is so wrapped around the axle about a pretty much open and shut case from Georgia. There are miscarriages of justice in California if that was your motivation. So what is it really?

Why did they grab guns before they engaged in an attempted citizen's arrest...???
If you take it upon yourself to chase down a potentially violent armed criminal it's a good idea that you arm yourself

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why do you hate guns?

My God you are an idiot. In every other reply you bounce back and forth. It was an attempted arrest. It wasn’t. They were pursuing a criminal. They were just standing in the street minding their own business. They knew he was a bad guy. He was not hemmed in. He was resisting a lawful arrest. They never tried to arrest him.

Honestly. I am thankful you are not the lawyer representing these men. If you were then they would get life in the electric chair.
they were pursuing a suspect and lost him so they stood their ground in the street because they expected him to run back that way because roddy had cut him off

it was an attempted arrest that didnt come to fruition because he ATTACKED them instead of doing the civilized thing

(just waiting for the police)

you understand now?

The attempt to arrest was a Felony. They had not seen him commit a crime. They had no legal justification to detain him or even attempt to detain him.

The only burglary reported in the months prior to the killing was Travis’s report of a gun taken out of his truck. He had no reason to suspect Arbury. Nobody saw him around the truck.

The Police did not have Arbury as a suspect for that burglary. The reason? Despite your belief that being black is probable cause it is not by the Constitution.

Now. Sit back. Stretch your attention span to the breaking point. And watch the trial when it is held. It will be televised.
Actually the police and the whole neighborhood we're looking for arberry because he was the one repeatedly caught on video illegally entering the English house

Larry English even called his neighbor Diego in an attempt to catch arberry in the act

the people that ran down and apprehended Richard Ramirez didn't witness him commit a crime.... you want to charge them all with felonies?

Why do you keep bribing up Ramirez? There are literally no similarities. The police were not looking for Arbury. The 911 caller couldn’t describe or tell the Dispatcher what Arbury had done. They just kept saying he is jogging down the road.

Ramirez was raping and Murdering. Hey. Similarities after all. Or a Similarity. Travis waa murdering too. Even in your worst description Arbury was a petty thief.

The police put a wanted poster out on Ramirez.

And finally. Ramirez was in California. Arbury was in Georgia. I have asked you to explain the difference. I finally figured it out. You parents probably claimed to be one of those involved in capturing Ramirez.

But much like your claim to be experienced in Public Safety. That claim is probably false too.

The McMichaels were the Felons. From start to finish they committed crimes. Even in California they would have been arrested for Murder.

They have had two bail hearings. And both times been refused. Extreme flight risk and extreme hazard to the community.

The second hearing was five months after the first. Five months for three legal teams to examine the evidence. Five months for them to challenge the Prosecution’s narrative. Five months to find witnesses and exculpatory information.

That means there is going to be a trial. And in Georgia with the attitude of the Jurors of Guilty Damn them towards any defendant. A conviction is basically certain.

And despite your insane beliefs. A change of venue does not help them. The nearest city is Savannah. The McMichaels would not want that. Savannah is 50% Minority. I suppose it would give you the claim that it was totally racist to convict them. Atlanta would be no better.

So being tried in their own County is about the best bet. That raises the odds of an acquittal to perhaps twenty percent.

The Prosecutor is convinced. The locals on the Grand Jury were convinced. The Judge was convinced. Another Local by the way. And the GBI was convinced. If you believe the County Commission, the cops who responded and interviewed the McMichaels wanted to arrest them.

But they are all wrong. And only you and the White Wing are right.

Here is a question of far more relevance for you. Michael Drejka was attacked and knocked down. He shot his attacker and is serving twenty years in prison. Wasn’t that self defense?

It brings me back to the point you have studiously ignored. You have to learn the laws.

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