The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

Travis had met him in person and seen him on video doing illegal things thus he recognized him sprinting in a panic up the street as a known and wanted criminal

He was wanted?


Unlike Ramirez, who was actually wanted, Arbury was not, as no warrant had been issued for his arrest.

There was, in fact, a warrant issued for the arrest of Richard Ramirez...

that's exactly how they caught Richard Ramirez you know... somebody recognized him, he panicked and ran and then they caught him

Nobody saw him commit a crime

they just recognized him from a photo and he panicked when confronted

No one needed to see him commit a crime, for the simple fact that a warrant had been issued for his arrest. There was no warrant issued for the arrest of Arbury.

I know that's a distinction you lack the capacity to comprehend, but it's a HUGE difference between the two cases...
that's because they hadn't identified Arberry yet... Larry English wanted him so much that he called his contractor Diego to go over there and catch him in addition to circulating his photo all over Facebook and making multiple police reports

The McMichaels were also trying to identify this local Petty criminal because he was caught ducking in between houses and suspected as the thief of Travis's gun
How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

Why did a man run 30 yards directly at people who were chasing him down?

You are so ignorant of the details of this case it’s absurd that you post anything at all.

Who do you think was recording the aggravated assault and murder?

How would an unarmed jogger being harrassed by two armed men in a pickup truck know that the guy in the car also harrassing and following him not armed as well. AA tried to avoid TM by running to the right of the truck when TM was standing on the left side of the truck, The video shows TM ran to the front of the truck, and then so far to the right side of the truck that TM and AA both disappeared - and the first shot was fired - AA was wounded but not lethally by the first shot.
How come AA ran directly at the truck as he was supposedly being harassed by men with guns??

how can two cars block a man who's running down a street and could simply cut through yards and jump a few fences

The criminal was a young healthy man with a background in football and obviously had no issue entering onto other people's property
if you had an ounce of tactical knowledge you would understand that pursuing a man who may be armed is a incredibly dangerous thing to do only a moron would do it unarmed ( that's why they grab their guns dummy)

Since time immemorial in English common law it's been legal for citizens to pursue and detain individuals suspected of crime and if that individual violently attacks them it's perfectly reasonable for them to defend themselves this is precisely what happened to Trayvon Martin and we saw how the law looked at that scenario in a legitimate display the American legal system... these days we see the American law being perverted by Propaganda spewed all over social media Outlets whose primary motivation is to get ad clicks by inciting outrage. We're living in a world where people like you are so confused that you're literally supporting a filthy disgusting no-good low-down dirty Street criminal who got caught in the act of burglarizing a neighborhood

As someone with over 20 years of professional Public Safety experience I am often put in a scenario where I have to use judgement in order to proceed with arrest procedures and the fact that you people are so easily confused misled and subsequently outraged makes my position more dangerous then it ever has been before... one day you may be in a situation where you could prevent a criminal from escaping Justice but your cowardly predilections to run and hide will kick in and you're hoping to change the law to facilitate legal protection for your spineless worldview

when that little girl's parents asks you why you didn't stop the rapist who was attacking her you no longer have to look inside your own cowardly heart and know that you were too much of a sissy to intercede and will be able to crawl into your own vagina protected by the law which now makes it illegal for a citizen to detain another citizen and required to act like a spineless worthless piece of garbage which apparently you are naturally

Again with this vague experience claim. Yet you have no clue what the law is or how it is applied. If you are a cop you are the worst cop in the world. Full stop. More than likely you have every episode of NCIS on constant play in Mommy’s basement.

It is not legal to tear out after someone with no evidence they are committing a crime. In history these are called lynch mobs.

This was not a lawful citizen’s arrest
Greg McMichael told police that he and his son believed Arbery was responsible for burglaries in their neighborhood, but Georgia does not make it easy for citizens to go around arresting each other. Citizens are entitled to use reasonable force to arrest people who have committed crimes in their presence or immediate knowledge (courts have held that these are synonymous). Here is the statute:

A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.
The most important part of this statute is the unwritten bit — you are allowed to make arrests only with “reasonable force.” You can’t burn down an orphanage to catch one child snatching extra bowls of gruel. And the Georgia Supreme Court has held, as a matter of law, that you can’t chase someone down with a weapon because you think they have committed burglary. For example, it held that there was no evidence of a “citizen’s arrest” when a man with a baseball bat chased down someone who burglarized his home.

Now this is the actual factual law as applied in Georgia. It is nothing new. There have been cases to set precedent. This is hardly the first time a hit head has torn off after a criminal, real or imagined. It is not the first time the Courts have considered these issues. It is not the first time the text of the law passed by the legislature has been examined.

It is not even the first time I have dealt with an individual determined to avoid learning at all costs. It merely proves yet again the truism written by Rex Stout more than eighty years ago. Nero Wolf when he is asked if there is anything he can’t do states. “Yes. I can’t pour sense into the mind of a fool. I’ve tried.”

You are no cop. You aren’t even a rent a cop. And Call of Duty does not give you tactical expertise in the real world.
shooting someone who was violently trying to disarm you is perfectly reasonable Force
how can two cars block a man who's running down a street and could simply cut through yards and jump a few fences

and be shot for trespassing by the homeowner or in the back by the armed white assholes in the truck.

Nope. Best option was to stay on a public road and hope to get by unharmed.

But TM shot AA as he tried to get by. Then wounded AA tried to get the shotgun away from his attacker instead of risking being shot in the back.
Why did a man run 30 yards directly at people who were chasing him down?

I answered that question last year:

65#1292 24674947

"They were setting up an armed barricade."

It is amazing how you can watch the video and conclude thi

it’s not amazing to see how your white extremist gun fanaticism distorts your mind whereas you cannot see this as an armed barracade set up to hem the jogger in and stop him.
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If they were going to let him pass the Gunman (yellow arrow) would have stayed put on left of the double yellow line. The jogger would be alive and the two assholes would not be arrested for aggravated assault and murder.

Do you think the shotgunner walked or ran to the location designated by the yellow arrow? Did he not “rush” the attacker.
SavannahMann do you know if the police were given this video at the time of the arrest. And if not why did it’s owner withold it from police?

This video does not help the murderers because shotgunner had to move pretty fast toward his target to initiate contact.
Why run directly at a vehicle that was chasing you if you were being threatened by two men with guns?

if they planned on killing him why didn't they take this clear shot... he was right in the middle of the street running directly at them and no one even aimed a gun at him plus Grandpa didn't even unholster his

In this photo AA completely ignores a wide-open Escape path to the right and decides to attack Travis who is standing his ground in the middle of the road ( notice the bend in his ankle as he makes a supprise attack by curting a hard 90 degree turn directly at Travis McMichael


In this photo we can clearly see Travis McMichael in the middle of the road being attacked buy AA who is now trying to gain control over a deadly weapon

as Travis is repeatedly punched in the face he has no other choice but to fire the weapon in order to defend himself from a man who is violently attacking him while trying to take away his shotgun

In this photo we see Travis McMichael backing up and dropping his aim because AA had finally released his grip on the shotgun

as two experienced Hunters I would figure they had weapons available to them far more deadly than a shotgun loaded with ammunition less deadly than is available at Walmart
just look at the simple facts

the dramatized news story suggests that a couple of racist Hillbillies saw an innocent unarmed black man jogging and gunned him down in the street

Why would they bother to stop their cars, call 911 and wait till he started punching them to shoot?

Why not just pull up next to him and blast him as he was unaware of your presence and intentions

They must have assumed he could be armed so why on Earth would they drive up next to him and start talking to him?

Why would they stop their truck and get out presenting themselves as a Target AFTER calling 911

They wouldn't.... they would just shoot him from the truck and keep on driving down the road and they sure as hell wouldn't have called 911 and kept the Line open during the entire incident and aftermath

What a ridiculous social justice fantasy world you have to be living in to buy this ridiculous story of a couple racist Hillbillies gunning down an innocent unarmed black jogger because he was caught in the wrong neighborhood....

So you reposted the OP that has been disproven.

Why does this bother you so much? Are you a relative?
Everything I've posted has been 100% accurate that's why you don't quote anything I say you just vaguely reference a theoretical emotion or try to ascribe a fallacious intention

So why did they stop the car?

why did they try to talk to him?

why didn't they just gun him down and keep on driving?

If they were just there to talk why did they rush off to get guns? Why did they as you say go into pursuit? Why did they hem him in? Why did Travis get out of the truck with the shotgun? If he was just there to talk why did he need a shotgun? Why have a round in the chamber?

Read what the lawyer says.

You are wrong. And you won’t say why this case has so enraged you. I say enraged. Because you aren’t debating. Your demanding that the world change everything to align with your idea of what is right and legal. Now either you are seriously disturbed with delusions of grandeur and this notion that you should be a potentate. Or there is another reason why some school crossing guard from California is so wrapped around the axle about a pretty much open and shut case from Georgia. There are miscarriages of justice in California if that was your motivation. So what is it really?

Why did they grab guns before they engaged in an attempted citizen's arrest...???
If you take it upon yourself to chase down a potentially violent armed criminal it's a good idea that you arm yourself

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why do you hate guns?

My God you are an idiot. In every other reply you bounce back and forth. It was an attempted arrest. It wasn’t. They were pursuing a criminal. They were just standing in the street minding their own business. They knew he was a bad guy. He was not hemmed in. He was resisting a lawful arrest. They never tried to arrest him.

Honestly. I am thankful you are not the lawyer representing these men. If you were then they would get life in the electric chair.
How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

You're a fucking idiot.

Seriously, you're fucking brain dead...
they lied to you

*its not your fault

Ok. Proof they were not just standing in the road. I am not sure of the source. Perhaps you can evaluate it for me.

why did Arberry attack the mcmichels??

he ran at 2 men

he ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and ATTACKED

Of course, they had to get in their truck, chase him down, stop the truck in front of him and then get out.

Your boys are going to prison, numbnuts. Dig it...
your hero rushed and attacked 2 professionals standing their ground

I don't have a "hero" in this, you cock-sucking little bitch.

Take my bet or admit to being a fucking little bitch coward...
You want me to bet on the legitimacy of the American legal system???

not a chance, I WOULD wager however that you would be the kind of character that would run and hide if you saw a black man crawling out of your daughter's bedroom window covered in blood

likely the police would find you in the tool shed covered in fecal material sucking your thumb as the man who raped and murdered your family disappeared Into the Night Never to be seen again and likely to murder Rob and rape other innocent women in the neighborhood because you were too much of a pussy to man up grab a gun and pursue a person you didn't see commit the crime

Again, I don't give a flying fuck what you believe. You're nothing to me. You could not be more meaningless.

What you continue to fail to realize is that, and what has been pointed out to you repeatedly, is when you say I saw someone jumping from a window in my house, that gives me a reason to believe that he's trespassing. After all, had he been invited in he'd have used the door, you stupid, retarded fuck.

Travis McMichael witnessed only someone running down the street. Hell, in my neighborhood, people run down the street all the time. Some are white and some are black. Should I just take up station at an open bedroom window with a Remington M24 and take them out? After all... THEY'RE RUNNING!!!

Your entire premise in this discussion is that Arbury was guilty of his crime because he's black, and the McMichael twins cannot be guilty because they're white. Period.

Well, they're going to be found guilty, they're going to go to prison, and they're going to prison because the American legal system will work exactly as good, decent people expect it to...
Travis had met him in person and seen him on video doing illegal things thus he recognized him sprinting in a panic up the street as a known and wanted criminal

that's exactly how they caught Richard Ramirez you know... somebody recognized him, he panicked and ran and then they caught him

Nobody saw him commit a crime

they just recognized him from a photo and he panicked when confronted

You really need to learn the laws. Or read the lawyers explanation I posted. Visiting a construction site is not illegal in Georgia. In fact the same day Arbury was killed three others visited the same construction site.

Dude. Accept it. The law does not say what you think it should.
Call the local insurance company and ask them if it's okay if people "visit their construction site" in the middle of the night?

how come Larry English kept calling the police on this guy who was "visiting his construction site" if it was no big deal?

He installed a bunch of video cameras and was calling his neighbors to go catch the person who kept visiting his construction site becomes things kept disappearing

Remember kids if you get caught visiting someone's construction site don't flee like a criminal and then attack like a criminal and then people won't think you're a criminal

He didn’t call the neighbors and nothing was stolen.
how come Larry English kept calling the police on this guy who was "visiting his construction site" if it was no big deal?

How come Larry English said nothing was stolen on the day Travis McMichael murdered Arbury?

Remember kids if you get caught visiting someone's construction site don't flee like a criminal and then attack like a criminal and then people won't think you're a criminal

This is really for the benefit of everyone else, since you've proven to be too fucking stupid to comprehend it:

Travis McMichael had no clue where Arbury was coming from. For all McMichael knew, Arbury was running from nowhere. He just as easily could've been running to somewhere.

But he never got there, because McMichael murdered him...
as two experienced Hunters I would figure they had weapons available to them far more deadly than a shotgun loaded with ammunition less deadly than is available at Walmart

The level of stupidity you possess is simply stunning. I weep for your parents.

You have a complete lack of common sense. Your narrative, that Travis McMichael was simply standing in the middle of the road when Arbury came up to him, is folly. It's nonsense. McMichael chased him. As if that wasn't bad enough, he escalated the encounter when he exited his truck with a weapon. He's the instigator of everything that happened subsequently and, for that reason, he cannot legitimately claim self defense. That's the law.


Travis McMichael is a murderer, and he'll be lucky to spend the remainder of his pathetic little redneck life in prison...
if you had an ounce of tactical knowledge you would understand that pursuing a man who may be armed is a incredibly dangerous thing to do only a moron would do it unarmed ( that's why they grab their guns dummy)

Since time immemorial in English common law it's been legal for citizens to pursue and detain individuals suspected of crime and if that individual violently attacks them it's perfectly reasonable for them to defend themselves this is precisely what happened to Trayvon Martin and we saw how the law looked at that scenario in a legitimate display the American legal system... these days we see the American law being perverted by Propaganda spewed all over social media Outlets whose primary motivation is to get ad clicks by inciting outrage. We're living in a world where people like you are so confused that you're literally supporting a filthy disgusting no-good low-down dirty Street criminal who got caught in the act of burglarizing a neighborhood

As someone with over 20 years of professional Public Safety experience I am often put in a scenario where I have to use judgement in order to proceed with arrest procedures and the fact that you people are so easily confused misled and subsequently outraged makes my position more dangerous then it ever has been before... one day you may be in a situation where you could prevent a criminal from escaping Justice but your cowardly predilections to run and hide will kick in and you're hoping to change the law to facilitate legal protection for your spineless worldview

when that little girl's parents asks you why you didn't stop the rapist who was attacking her you no longer have to look inside your own cowardly heart and know that you were too much of a sissy to intercede and will be able to crawl into your own vagina protected by the law which now makes it illegal for a citizen to detain another citizen and required to act like a spineless worthless piece of garbage which apparently you are naturally

Again with this vague experience claim. Yet you have no clue what the law is or how it is applied. If you are a cop you are the worst cop in the world. Full stop. More than likely you have every episode of NCIS on constant play in Mommy’s basement.

It is not legal to tear out after someone with no evidence they are committing a crime. In history these are called lynch mobs.

This was not a lawful citizen’s arrest
Greg McMichael told police that he and his son believed Arbery was responsible for burglaries in their neighborhood, but Georgia does not make it easy for citizens to go around arresting each other. Citizens are entitled to use reasonable force to arrest people who have committed crimes in their presence or immediate knowledge (courts have held that these are synonymous). Here is the statute:

A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.
The most important part of this statute is the unwritten bit — you are allowed to make arrests only with “reasonable force.” You can’t burn down an orphanage to catch one child snatching extra bowls of gruel. And the Georgia Supreme Court has held, as a matter of law, that you can’t chase someone down with a weapon because you think they have committed burglary. For example, it held that there was no evidence of a “citizen’s arrest” when a man with a baseball bat chased down someone who burglarized his home.

Now this is the actual factual law as applied in Georgia. It is nothing new. There have been cases to set precedent. This is hardly the first time a hit head has torn off after a criminal, real or imagined. It is not the first time the Courts have considered these issues. It is not the first time the text of the law passed by the legislature has been examined.

It is not even the first time I have dealt with an individual determined to avoid learning at all costs. It merely proves yet again the truism written by Rex Stout more than eighty years ago. Nero Wolf when he is asked if there is anything he can’t do states. “Yes. I can’t pour sense into the mind of a fool. I’ve tried.”

You are no cop. You aren’t even a rent a cop. And Call of Duty does not give you tactical expertise in the real world.
shooting someone who was violently trying to disarm you is perfectly reasonable Force

Reasonable as used in this story is a legal term. Our elected legislators debate and determine the laws. They pass a law and it goes into force with the signature of a Governor in the case of Georgia.

But the debate is not over. Now Lawyers argue what is Reasonable before Judges and Juries. These decisions are reviewed by other judges in context with Constitutional law and other state laws. All of this should have been covered in your Civics classes in School.

Those decisions and reviews become Precedents. That means they become the legal standard by which future cases are decided.

The McMichaels are one of those cases facing a wall of precedence. Previous cases where what was Reasonable was debated and decided. Long ago, many years before the McMichaels were to become notorious, it was decided that if someone died during the commission of certain Felonies, ,among them violent Felonies, we could and would find the Felon guilty of Murder. It is called Felony Murder.

Let’s say you are going to rob a store. You feel the store cheated you. You are just going to get what is coming to you. What you are owed. The Clerk sees your gun and has a heart attack. You didn’t shoot him. But he died as a result of your actions. No premeditation. No plan to kill him. It was just an accident. You would have just committed several crimes. Armed Robbery. Aggravated Assault. And Felony Murder.

So you are in this reply starting your foundation not in the illegal pursuit and detention efforts. But at the moment the struggle broke out. Once again ignoring the chain of events that led to the shooting. Just start there.

The problem is that the chain of events is vitally important to the shooting and the struggle.

I mentioned this before. But it would appear that I need to repeat myself again.

Even if Arbury had stopped. The McMichaels would be going to prison. False Imprisonment and Aggravated Assault. Both Felonies. Both punishable by years in prison.

But they did shoot Arbury. And here again you should have watched the video of the hearing when the lawyers were charting their defenses.

Travis’s Attorney. He was justified and a feared for his life.

Greg’s attorney. He set out to follow and detain Arbury. Travis shot him. It wasn’t my fault. It was Travis.

Roddy’s Attorney. My client was trying to help out neighbors. He did not realize it was an illegal attempt at citizens arrest. He did not realize the McMichaels were so crazy to shoot an unarmed man. They are the criminals. Not Roddy.

Greg is throwing Travis under the bus. Roddy is throwing both under the bus.

Now. What makes this interesting? The fact that two of the defendants are so early in this thing already pointing fingers and blame. Only Travis is arguing it was self defense. But as he was committing other Felonies it is unreasonable to consider his actions self defense. So unreasonable that the legislature passed a law prohibiting it. And the courts have upheld that standard many times.

That is why I and others keep explaining that for Georgians, Citizens Arrest is a bet your life move. If you are wrong you go to prison. It is why people are advised not to do it. It is why the standards for it are so high. We don’t want a bunch of self appointed vigilantes running around screaming citizens arrest at every code violation they find.
how can two cars block a man who's running down a street and could simply cut through yards and jump a few fences

and be shot for trespassing by the homeowner or in the back by the armed white assholes in the truck.

Nope. Best option was to stay on a public road and hope to get by unharmed.

But TM shot AA as he tried to get by. Then wounded AA tried to get the shotgun away from his attacker instead of risking being shot in the back.
he wasn't shot for trespassing, he was shot for violently attacking two men with guns

if they planned on shooting him why didn't they do it in their previous encounter... why would they take a shotgun loaded with a less lethal ammunition then is available at your local Walmart and wait until the criminal is attacking you to fire?

people who plan on murdering individuals do it with a completely different type of firearm and a completely different range

How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

You're a fucking idiot.

Seriously, you're fucking brain dead...
they lied to you

*its not your fault

Ok. Proof they were not just standing in the road. I am not sure of the source. Perhaps you can evaluate it for me.

why did Arberry attack the mcmichels??

he ran at 2 men

he ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and ATTACKED

Of course, they had to get in their truck, chase him down, stop the truck in front of him and then get out.

Your boys are going to prison, numbnuts. Dig it...
your hero rushed and attacked 2 professionals standing their ground

I don't have a "hero" in this, you cock-sucking little bitch.

Take my bet or admit to being a fucking little bitch coward...
You want me to bet on the legitimacy of the American legal system???

not a chance, I WOULD wager however that you would be the kind of character that would run and hide if you saw a black man crawling out of your daughter's bedroom window covered in blood

likely the police would find you in the tool shed covered in fecal material sucking your thumb as the man who raped and murdered your family disappeared Into the Night Never to be seen again and likely to murder Rob and rape other innocent women in the neighborhood because you were too much of a pussy to man up grab a gun and pursue a person you didn't see commit the crime

Again, I don't give a flying fuck what you believe. You're nothing to me. You could not be more meaningless.

What you continue to fail to realize is that, and what has been pointed out to you repeatedly, is when you say I saw someone jumping from a window in my house, that gives me a reason to believe that he's trespassing. After all, had he been invited in he'd have used the door, you stupid, retarded fuck.

Travis McMichael witnessed only someone running down the street. Hell, in my neighborhood, people run down the street all the time. Some are white and some are black. Should I just take up station at an open bedroom window with a Remington M24 and take them out? After all... THEY'RE RUNNING!!!

Your entire premise in this discussion is that Arbury was guilty of his crime because he's black, and the McMichael twins cannot be guilty because they're white. Period.

Well, they're going to be found guilty, they're going to go to prison, and they're going to prison because the American legal system will work exactly as good, decent people expect it to...
Travis had met him in person and seen him on video doing illegal things thus he recognized him sprinting in a panic up the street as a known and wanted criminal

that's exactly how they caught Richard Ramirez you know... somebody recognized him, he panicked and ran and then they caught him

Nobody saw him commit a crime

they just recognized him from a photo and he panicked when confronted

You really need to learn the laws. Or read the lawyers explanation I posted. Visiting a construction site is not illegal in Georgia. In fact the same day Arbury was killed three others visited the same construction site.

Dude. Accept it. The law does not say what you think it should.
Call the local insurance company and ask them if it's okay if people "visit their construction site" in the middle of the night?

how come Larry English kept calling the police on this guy who was "visiting his construction site" if it was no big deal?

He installed a bunch of video cameras and was calling his neighbors to go catch the person who kept visiting his construction site becomes things kept disappearing

Remember kids if you get caught visiting someone's construction site don't flee like a criminal and then attack like a criminal and then people won't think you're a criminal

He didn’t call the neighbors and nothing was stolen.
Actually Larry English had a system on his phone that would alert him to trespasses thanks to the camera array he setup at the home because it was being repeatedly burglarized

that camera array caught several people entering the construction site and one of them kept coming back over and over

besides catching a couple of children and a man who is clearly there as a contractor as he was carrying a bag of tools into the facility the camera continuously caught arberry poking around the site just like is expected of a thief casing out a home for burglary

suspiciously we only see a couple minutes of this critical footage on the media presentations and because poor old cowardly Larry is so afraid of the death threats he's receiving he doesn't have the courage to reiterate all the report he made in the beginning of this unfortunate scenario

Cowardly Larry English has been receiving death threats ever since this unfortunate scenario unfolded

In fear for his life he is now recanting everything he said prior to the social media outrage that has precipitated the violent threats against his life

Luckily some of the reports he made detailing the string of burglaries he was suffering is documented from his 911 calls

Terroristic threatening is a very effective strategy to silence a victim, what a shame this cowardly man doesn't have the guts to stand up and admit the fact that he was being robbed by the same person who was shot that day in the unfortunate incident between the McMichaels and Ahmaud Arberry

And now after the death threats this cowardly man is singing a completely different tune

that's because they hadn't identified Arberry yet

Wait, what??

Earlier (and often) you said that they recognized him.

Now they didn't identify him.

You're all over the map, and you're only succeeding in making yourself look stupid...

The McMichaels were also trying to identify this local Petty criminal because he was caught ducking in between houses and suspected as the thief of Travis's gun

But you just said they hadn't identified him, so how could they have suspected that he was suspected of anything??
if they planned on shooting him why didn't they do it in their previous encounter... why would they take a shotgun loaded with a less lethal ammunition...

Thank you for proving that, along with everything you're fucking clueless about, you know nothing about firearms.

From the distance McMichael was standing, a blast from a 12 gauge shotgun is pretty much going to be fatal...

people who plan on murdering individuals do it with a completely different type of firearm and a completely different range

You need to stop.

Seriously, arguing your indiotic, nippleheaded points is tiresome enough, but now you've seemingly engaged on a campaign of seeing how absolutely fucking ignorant you can make yourself appear. People get murdered with shotguns. People get murdered with .357 Magnums. Interestingly, both of those weapons were in Travis McMichael's truck that day...

How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

Um, did you miss the part where, after Arbury ran past their house, they armed themselves and went after him?

The "went after him" part constitutes the "chase", dipshit.

You've pretty much demonstrated that, not only do you know very little about this case, you know nothing about guns, and you know nothing about the law. That wouldn't be a horrible thing in and of itself, except you're making the conscious decision to remain ignorant of those things because those things don't fit that narrative that you're presenting. In fact, they destroy your narrative.

You conveniently ignore the arguments against you points. You said Ramirez was the subject of a citizen's arrest, and that his arrest was pretty much the same as the citizen's arrest McMichael attempted. However, when it was pointed out that Ramirez was actually a wanted man, by virtue of a warrant for his arrest and Arbury was not, you run away like a cowardly bitch from defending your point. When you said Arbury was "wanted", that wasn't true. It was a lie.

Here are some undeniable truths which exist, regardless of your refusal to accept them:

1. Arbury was not wanted. There was no warrant issued for his arrest.

2. As far as Travis McMichael knew, there was no reason to suspect Arbury committed a crime that day.

3. The owner of the property in question has stated that nothing was stolen.
4. Thanks to "Roddy", there's video evidence of the McMichael boys chasing Arbury.

5. Thanks to "Roddy", there's video evidence of Travis McMichael exiting the pick-up and aiming a shotgun at Arbury.

6. Thanks to "Roddy", there is an eye witness who says McMichael used a racial slur towards Arbury, suggesting the motivation for the shooting was actually due to Arbury's race, and nothing else. Now, that may or may not be true, but you can bet your ignorant ass that the prosecution will present that at trial, and it's going to be damned difficult for McMichael to explain it away.

Your whole thing about how McMichael was just peacefully standing in the street, oh, and he had a shotgun with him, is utterly ridiculous. He got out of the truck and leveled his shotgun at Arbury. That was an absolute misuse of force. Or do you mean to tell me that two fat, white rednecks couldn't put a skinny black guy to the ground and hold him there?

As to the nonsense you keep spewing about a citizen's arrest, here's something for you to chew on: If you are making a citizen's arrest, you're required to inform the person what you are doing, and why. If Arbury was 30 yards away from McMichael when he got out of the truck, then fat-boy certainly had the chance to do that.

Yet he did not.

You must also tell them what offense you believe they've committed. McMichael had the opportunity to do that, too.

Yet he did not.

If you have to use force when arresting a person, you must only use reasonable force. Given that there were two people chasing him, and Arbury was unarmed, only a complete fucking idiot (say, like you) would believe that deadly force was the minimum level of force deemed to be reasonable to effect a citizen's arrest of Arbury.

Now, please, continue on with your mindless, ignorant rantings. All you're doing is further demonstrating not only how stupid and ignorant you are, but also how stupid and ignorant you wish to remain...
that's because they hadn't identified Arberry yet

Wait, what??

Earlier (and often) you said that they recognized him.

Now they didn't identify him.

You're all over the map, and you're only succeeding in making yourself look stupid...

The McMichaels were also trying to identify this local Petty criminal because he was caught ducking in between houses and suspected as the thief of Travis's gun

But you just said they hadn't identified him, so how could they have suspected that he was suspected of anything??
he doesn't understand the difference between IDENTIFYING AND RECOGNIZING

I can see why you're so confused
just look at the simple facts

the dramatized news story suggests that a couple of racist Hillbillies saw an innocent unarmed black man jogging and gunned him down in the street

Why would they bother to stop their cars, call 911 and wait till he started punching them to shoot?

Why not just pull up next to him and blast him as he was unaware of your presence and intentions

They must have assumed he could be armed so why on Earth would they drive up next to him and start talking to him?

Why would they stop their truck and get out presenting themselves as a Target AFTER calling 911

They wouldn't.... they would just shoot him from the truck and keep on driving down the road and they sure as hell wouldn't have called 911 and kept the Line open during the entire incident and aftermath

What a ridiculous social justice fantasy world you have to be living in to buy this ridiculous story of a couple racist Hillbillies gunning down an innocent unarmed black jogger because he was caught in the wrong neighborhood....

So you reposted the OP that has been disproven.

Why does this bother you so much? Are you a relative?
Everything I've posted has been 100% accurate that's why you don't quote anything I say you just vaguely reference a theoretical emotion or try to ascribe a fallacious intention

So why did they stop the car?

why did they try to talk to him?

why didn't they just gun him down and keep on driving?

If they were just there to talk why did they rush off to get guns? Why did they as you say go into pursuit? Why did they hem him in? Why did Travis get out of the truck with the shotgun? If he was just there to talk why did he need a shotgun? Why have a round in the chamber?

Read what the lawyer says.

You are wrong. And you won’t say why this case has so enraged you. I say enraged. Because you aren’t debating. Your demanding that the world change everything to align with your idea of what is right and legal. Now either you are seriously disturbed with delusions of grandeur and this notion that you should be a potentate. Or there is another reason why some school crossing guard from California is so wrapped around the axle about a pretty much open and shut case from Georgia. There are miscarriages of justice in California if that was your motivation. So what is it really?

Why did they grab guns before they engaged in an attempted citizen's arrest...???
If you take it upon yourself to chase down a potentially violent armed criminal it's a good idea that you arm yourself

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why do you hate guns?

My God you are an idiot. In every other reply you bounce back and forth. It was an attempted arrest. It wasn’t. They were pursuing a criminal. They were just standing in the street minding their own business. They knew he was a bad guy. He was not hemmed in. He was resisting a lawful arrest. They never tried to arrest him.

Honestly. I am thankful you are not the lawyer representing these men. If you were then they would get life in the electric chair.
they were pursuing a suspect and lost him so they stood their ground in the street because they expected him to run back that way because roddy had cut him off

it was an attempted arrest that didnt come to fruition because he ATTACKED them instead of doing the civilized thing

(just waiting for the police)

you understand now?
if they planned on shooting him why didn't they do it in their previous encounter... why would they take a shotgun loaded with a less lethal ammunition...

Thank you for proving that, along with everything you're fucking clueless about, you know nothing about firearms.

From the distance McMichael was standing, a blast from a 12 gauge shotgun is pretty much going to be fatal...

people who plan on murdering individuals do it with a completely different type of firearm and a completely different range

You need to stop.

Seriously, arguing your indiotic, nippleheaded points is tiresome enough, but now you've seemingly engaged on a campaign of seeing how absolutely fucking ignorant you can make yourself appear. People get murdered with shotguns. People get murdered with .357 Magnums. Interestingly, both of those weapons were in Travis McMichael's truck that day...

How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

Um, did you miss the part where, after Arbury ran past their house, they armed themselves and went after him?

The "went after him" part constitutes the "chase", dipshit.

You've pretty much demonstrated that, not only do you know very little about this case, you know nothing about guns, and you know nothing about the law. That wouldn't be a horrible thing in and of itself, except you're making the conscious decision to remain ignorant of those things because those things don't fit that narrative that you're presenting. In fact, they destroy your narrative.

You conveniently ignore the arguments against you points. You said Ramirez was the subject of a citizen's arrest, and that his arrest was pretty much the same as the citizen's arrest McMichael attempted. However, when it was pointed out that Ramirez was actually a wanted man, by virtue of a warrant for his arrest and Arbury was not, you run away like a cowardly bitch from defending your point. When you said Arbury was "wanted", that wasn't true. It was a lie.

Here are some undeniable truths which exist, regardless of your refusal to accept them:

1. Arbury was not wanted. There was no warrant issued for his arrest.

2. As far as Travis McMichael knew, there was no reason to suspect Arbury committed a crime that day.

3. The owner of the property in question has stated that nothing was stolen.
4. Thanks to "Roddy", there's video evidence of the McMichael boys chasing Arbury.

5. Thanks to "Roddy", there's video evidence of Travis McMichael exiting the pick-up and aiming a shotgun at Arbury.

6. Thanks to "Roddy", there is an eye witness who says McMichael used a racial slur towards Arbury, suggesting the motivation for the shooting was actually due to Arbury's race, and nothing else. Now, that may or may not be true, but you can bet your ignorant ass that the prosecution will present that at trial, and it's going to be damned difficult for McMichael to explain it away.

Your whole thing about how McMichael was just peacefully standing in the street, oh, and he had a shotgun with him, is utterly ridiculous. He got out of the truck and leveled his shotgun at Arbury. That was an absolute misuse of force. Or do you mean to tell me that two fat, white rednecks couldn't put a skinny black guy to the ground and hold him there?

As to the nonsense you keep spewing about a citizen's arrest, here's something for you to chew on: If you are making a citizen's arrest, you're required to inform the person what you are doing, and why. If Arbury was 30 yards away from McMichael when he got out of the truck, then fat-boy certainly had the chance to do that.

Yet he did not.

You must also tell them what offense you believe they've committed. McMichael had the opportunity to do that, too.

Yet he did not.

If you have to use force when arresting a person, you must only use reasonable force. Given that there were two people chasing him, and Arbury was unarmed, only a complete fucking idiot (say, like you) would believe that deadly force was the minimum level of force deemed to be reasonable to effect a citizen's arrest of Arbury.

Now, please, continue on with your mindless, ignorant rantings. All you're doing is further demonstrating not only how stupid and ignorant you are, but also how stupid and ignorant you wish to remain...
what would you have done if someone grabbed your gun and started punching you in the face...hand it over?
remember arberry was wanted for questioning in a string of crimes in the area and the mcmichels recognized him from the social media site Larry English was sharing his photos on

citizens recognized him from his wanted photos...just like Richard Ramirez

you people want to make it illegal to chase people...i bet Richard wishes he was living in YOUR world of interpretation dont you Richard???
download (81).jpeg

why did Arberry run more than 30 yards at men threatening him with guns??

The murder victim was shot once before the victim attempted to take a killer’s shotgun away. That’s a fact backed up by the killer’s testimony.

You do know it’s a felony in Georgia to threaten a person with one gun or many guns, or with any type of lethal weapon for that matter. So whatever direction AA was jogging prior to his death is immaterial to the charges of murder brought against the three men that threatened him.

The aggravated assault felony began the second that AA has reason to believe he was in danger. You admit that your three white heroes committed a felony many seconds before that first shot was fired. Now you need to learn that in Georgia when someone is killed by another during a felony its automatically a murder charge.

Your heroes will have to get your fan mail in prison.
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In this photo we can clearly see Travis McMichael in the middle of the road being attacked buy AA who is now trying to gain control over a deadly weapon
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This is the photo you posted to accommodate your lies about the shooting:


You lie that TM stood still here the full time and AA attacked him then fired the first shot.

The photos below show that TM was across the double yellow line and ud retreating because he already shot AA when he was five feet to the right.

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