The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

Seriously, I think it may be entirely possible that you're just too fucking stupid to converse with...
According to my parents, I could read at 1 year of age. Taught my older brother how to read when I was only 2 years old.

Straight A student. Was actually getting paid to tutor nursing and medical students before I was in my teens.

Scored 158 on the Stanford-Binet. Another time when I took the test I scored even higher than that, but I don't count that because it was the exact same test. The results would be skewed.

The odds that your IQ is even within 50 points of mine are pretty fucking slim.

Judging by your posts, I'd estimate your IQ to be slightly below average. In the 80-95 range.

That is not a valid reply.
A person can be smart and the opposition could be stupid, but the smart person can still be wrong due to being misinformed, prejudiced, making a logical error, deliberately lying, etc.
So one should always stick to the subject and not about personality traits.

Well, that and the fact that Muhammed's full of shit...
Dat's wayciss and xenophobic. :mad:

It's so wayciss and xenophobic that I bet you voted for OMB.

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so you actually believe that Roddy was close enough to hear Travis utter those words under his breath right after he shot maud but Gregorys open line with 911 the entire time did not?

There's no reason to doubt Roddy's statement...
Except for the fact that it only came up after he was desperate to cut a deal having been actually charged with a murder for having the temerity to film a man he was trying to detain for the police

That crazy little thief was actually trying to carjack Roddy because he knew the cops were on the way

I bet none of the people in satilla Shores will ever call the cops again

I wonder what I can get Larry english's place for

hey Larry let's talk cash!!!
you don't strike me as someone that knows much about Street crime

You don't strike me as being very smart...

The fact that a known Petty Thief kept casing out a place that suffered repeated burglaries and then fled like a maniac the moment he was spotted should be all the probable cause anybody should ever need to use their powers of citizen's arrest

Oh, I completely understand that you think it should be all the probable cause needed.

Thing is, in Georgia, it's not...

The notion that you actually have to witness a felony in order to commit a citizen's arrest is absolutely ridiculous

No one has made that claim, so why are you lying again?

if that were true all the people that ran down Richard Ramirez would have to go to jail

Again, the difference is that Ramirez had a warrant for his arrest. Arbery did not. That's a profoundly important distinction that you seem unable to wrap your pointed little head around...

A civilized human being should cooperate with a citizen's arrest conducted in the middle of the road in broad daylight in a populated area while the people are on the phone and simply sue them in court at a later date especially after you were doing something highly suspicious like poking around in someone's home under construction

Oh, did they announce that they were making a citizen's arrest? Because earlier you said they didn't. I just want to stay on top of things so I know which lie you're using...
so you actually believe that Roddy was close enough to hear Travis utter those words under his breath right after he shot maud but Gregorys open line with 911 the entire time did not?

There's no reason to doubt Roddy's statement...
Except for the fact that it only came up after he was desperate to cut a deal having been actually charged with a murder for having the temerity to film a man he was trying to detain for the police

That crazy little thief was actually trying to carjack Roddy because he knew the cops were on the way

I bet none of the people in satilla Shores will ever call the cops again

I wonder what I can get Larry english's place for

hey Larry let's talk cash!!!

I don't know that Roddy was desperate to cut a deal. Is there evidence; a statement or something, which indicates that Roddy is cooperating in return for a reduced sentence if convicted? There must be, right? Go ahead and show us that...
so you actually believe that Roddy was close enough to hear Travis utter those words under his breath right after he shot maud but Gregorys open line with 911 the entire time did not?

There's no reason to doubt Roddy's statement...
like this one?

people say on the scene is usually more reliable than what they say after they've been threatened charged and they've got lawyers whispering in their ears
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so you actually believe that Roddy was close enough to hear Travis utter those words under his breath right after he shot maud but Gregorys open line with 911 the entire time did not?

There's no reason to doubt Roddy's statement...
"Travis, he never really raised his gun to him, but about that time, he come over and just started whaling on his face, the black dude started hitting the white guy in the face."

And now the pigs are trying to use Bryan to further their political witch hunt because they know he is a useful idiot suffering from PTSD.
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Seems to me that Roddy's attorney is simply trying to get the prosecutor to communicate with him, as he sees his client being targeted by the attorneys of the McMichael boys.

I see nothing there which would suggest he's looking to cut a deal...
so you actually believe that Roddy was close enough to hear Travis utter those words under his breath right after he shot maud but Gregorys open line with 911 the entire time did not?

There's no reason to doubt Roddy's statement...
"Travis, he never really raised his gun to him, but about that time, he come over a just started whaling on his face, the black dude started hitting the white guy in the face."

Thank you, pinhead.

We were actually discussing Travi McMichael's use of the words "fucking ni**er" that Roddy claimed to hear. There's no reason to believe he's being dishonest.

But thanks for letting everyone know that you've got the attention span of a hamburger...
Seems to me that Roddy's attorney is simply trying to get the prosecutor to communicate with him, as he sees his client being targeted by the attorneys of the McMichael boys.

I see nothing there which would suggest he's looking to cut a deal...
so you actually believe that Roddy was close enough to hear Travis utter those words under his breath right after he shot maud but Gregorys open line with 911 the entire time did not?

There's no reason to doubt Roddy's statement...
"Travis, he never really raised his gun to him, but about that time, he come over a just started whaling on his face, the black dude started hitting the white guy in the face."

Thank you, pinhead.

We were actually discussing Travi McMichael's use of the words "fucking ni**er" that Roddy claimed to hear. There's no reason to believe he's being dishonest.

But thanks for letting everyone know that you've got the attention span of a hamburger...

Just like cowardly Larry English William Roddy Bryant and likely anyone else in the blast radius of this BLM inspired propaganda turd grenade will do anything they have to to protect themselves from the death threats they're receiving from the more militant characters who actually bought in the ridiculous narrative that a innocent young jogger was targeted solely for this color of his skin

this guy sounds like he might be willing to lie at this early point in the investigation imagine what his attitude would be like after he was getting death threats and facing murder charges

I bet he never chases a criminal suspect again

I don't believe I've seen a quicker flip flop in my life then what happened with cowardly Larry tho...LOL

And now after the death threats this cowardly man is singing a completely different tune

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Roddy Wrong about first shot: 26281067 reply to 26280427
"Travis, he never really raised his gun to him, but about that time, he come over and just started whaling on his face, the black dude started hitting the white guy in the face."

Just like you and me watching the video, Roddy could not see through TM’s pickup when the first shot was fired.

GBI investigators use the video to contradict Roddy’s crime scene statements. There was no struggle until after AA was wounded in the lower chest by the first shot.

The First Shot​
Jesse Evans: (52:08) And is there video evidence that you saw that tends to corroborate based on your observation that that is an accurate statement that the chest wounds was, or least one of the chest wounds, was the first shot that was fired at the deceased victim Mr. Arbery?​

Richard Dial: (52:25) Yes, sir, there is.​

Jesse Evans: (52:26) Can you articulate for the court how that is that you’re able to see that?​

Richard Dial: (52:29) After the first shot, again, you see a struggle between Travis McMichael and Mr. Arbery. During that struggle, Mr. Arbery, while he was wearing a white shirt during this incident, during that struggle, you see the front of his shirt is saturated with blood.​

Jesse Evans: (52:44) He’s already saturated blood before the struggle that you can see on the video?​

Richard Dial: (52:49) Well that’s correct, during the struggle is mere seconds after the first shot, his front of his shirt is saturated with blood.​
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Again, the difference is that Ramirez had a warrant for his arrest.
Dianne Feinstein (D) released critical secret information about Richard Ramirez in a press conference. She purposefully tipped him off, so he got rid of the gun and his footwear.

And then continued his Satanic rape and serial killing spree.
Roddy Wrong about first shot: 26281067 reply to 26280427
"Travis, he never really raised his gun to him, but about that time, he come over and just started whaling on his face, the black dude started hitting the white guy in the face."

Just like you and me watching the video, Roddy could not see through TM’s pickup when the first shot was fired.

GBI investigators use the video to contradict Roddy’s crime scene statements. There was no struggle until after AA was wounded in the lower chest by the first shot.

The First Shot​
Jesse Evans: (52:08) And is there video evidence that you saw that tends to corroborate based on your observation that that is an accurate statement that the chest wounds was, or least one of the chest wounds, was the first shot that was fired at the deceased victim Mr. Arbery?​

Richard Dial: (52:25) Yes, sir, there is.​

Jesse Evans: (52:26) Can you articulate for the court how that is that you’re able to see that?​

Richard Dial: (52:29) After the first shot, again, you see a struggle between Travis McMichael and Mr. Arbery. During that struggle, Mr. Arbery, while he was wearing a white shirt during this incident, during that struggle, you see the front of his shirt is saturated with blood.​

Jesse Evans: (52:44) He’s already saturated blood before the struggle that you can see on the video?​

Richard Dial: (52:49) Well that’s correct, during the struggle is mere seconds after the first shot, his front of his shirt is saturated with blood.​
the people tasked with putting the McMichaels in jail are full of crap

Anyone can literally see the shotgun blast emanating from the front of the truck in the upper right portion of your screen and recognize that it was discharged well after arbery began his assault

this slow-motion video is pretty definitive

Jesse Evans: (52:44) He’s already saturated blood before the struggle that you can see on the video?
Richard Dial: (52:49) Well that’s correct, during the struggle is mere seconds after the first shot, his front of his shirt is saturated with blood
what about this statement is inconsistent with that fact that Arberry was shot while he attacked Travis in front of the truck?
Why did Travis McMichael get out of his truck.
It is not illegal to get out of your truck.

Why do you think he got out of his truck? To go coon huntin', 'cause that's just what all crackers with red beards do? Are you really that fucking racist and bigoted?

Drag the n!gger down the road with his wayciss pickup truck?

Or what?

Why do you think he got out of his truck?
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Why did Travis McMichael get out of his truck.
It is not illegal to get out of your truck.

Why do you think he got out of his truck?
he was a trained MILITARY operator, hes not dumb enough to just sit there while a guy runs up behind his veichle and when it became obvious that maud was gonna run around the far side he moved to the front to intercept/slice the pie in case maud opened fire...dude just saw travis with a gun and kept comming so something was deff very DANGEROUS with that moron

travis was smart, careful and showed great trigger discipline but he was a moron for trying to do the right thing in a sick and messed up world

these guys are cowards so they view the would thru a cowards eyes

they wish travis shot maud as he innocently ran by but thats not what happened
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