The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

it would have been caught on the open line and recorded DUMBASS

Maybe if he yelled it. But if he muttered it under his breath, a 911 operator would never hear that...

roddy is just trying to cut a deal with the crooks @GBI

Roddy is trying to save his own ass and, frankly, I support him. He couldn't have had any idea that Travis McMichaelw as going to murder Arbery and, when he did, he realized he'd have to step up and play ball if he didn't want to be held responsible for Pudge's crimes...

they got oprahs balls in dey mouf LOL besides uttering a racial epithet after youve just been attacked by a black guy is FAR FROM a "hate crime"


I never said it was a hate crime, dipshit. I'm saying that a savvy prosecutor could make it appear as though it is.

Try to keep up...

i remeber when SJW IDIOTS were claiming the mcmichels were klansmen

Not saying it didn't happen, but I didn't hear that...
how come he didn't report the naughty word on the scene and only concocted it after he was "trying to cut a deal" LOL

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I don't understand.

I brought this up before but, like the cowardly little fuck you've proven yourself to be, you ignored it.

In an earlier post you said that houses were on "acres of property", yet in this photo I can see three houses. If they were on "acres of property" they wouldn't be located so closely together.

You're just lying and obfuscating at every turn in a pathetic attempt to reel yourself back in from looking so fucking ignorant...

No fences no walls just acres and Acres of woods and structures to disappear into but he must have been uncomfortable trespassing so i guess he just had to throat punch someone instead LOL
You didn't say there were "acres and acres of woods and structures".

But I would expect nothing less from an ignorant, lying piece of shit.

You said the houses were located on "acres and acres". That was a lie, and a quick scan of the photos you've posted confirm that it was a lie...
Seriously, I think it may be entirely possible that you're just too fucking stupid to converse with...
According to my parents, I could read at 1 year of age. Taught my older brother how to read when I was only 2 years old.

Straight A student. Was actually getting paid to tutor nursing and medical students before I was in my teens.

Scored 158 on the Stanford-Binet. Another time when I took the test I scored even higher than that, but I don't count that because it was the exact same test. The results would be skewed.

The odds that your IQ is even within 50 points of mine are pretty fucking slim.

Judging by your posts, I'd estimate your IQ to be slightly below average. In the 80-95 range.
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rameriz had been identified through fingerprints

Um, okay.

Arbury was not.

Once Ramirez was identified (and it was because of a single fingerprint), the police released his photo. Continuing to try to draw comparisons between Arbury and Ramirez is stupid, because none of that happened with Arbury...

Arberry had not been a legally identified yet because they didn't have any evidence except the eyewitness testimony and the camera footage associated with missing things at Larry english's house

"Legally identified"??

What the fuck does that even mean. Please explain that, and please provide a link to further explain that concept. See, I did a Google search, and I'm not finding anything referred to as "legally identified".

Or you can just stop making shit up...

If it was "no big deal and totally fine" to go poking around a man's construction site at night how come the cops kept showing up when they called them then and taking reports of burglary just like the initial DA said

Do you really think if after taking that report the police encountered arberry ducking through the shadows in the neighborhood they wouldn't have immediately arrested him

No, I definitely don't.

They certainly would've detained him. More than likely he'd have been released with a citation. And, hey, maybe they would've arrested him. But that doesn't matter. As far as I know, neither of the McMichael inbreds were in a police uniform wearing a badge. While Arbury may have elected to stop for actual police, and not a couple of rednecks playing "police", all he saw with the McMichaels were two armed rednecks chasing him...

Yes, everybody was looking for him... the McMichaels the neighborhood Larry English and the police were all looking for the man that kept stealing things from the neighborhood and looked identical to the mentally retarded well-known Petty criminal who got shot that fateful day

They "were all looking for the man".


They just had no idea who that man was...
They identified him from his photograph EXACTLY like Richard Ramirez and both men were legally pursued even though no one saw them commit a crime

you want to change the law so Ramirez gets away

No, the night intruder did not at all look like Ramirez.
Arberry looked like neither of them.
And if there was no crime, then you are wrong and you can NOT legally pursue them.
If someone is on your property and you want them to leave, the most you can do is chase them away.
You can not arrest them for just being on your property unless you have it well fenced and posted.
There are lots of valid reasons why people can legally be on your property.
For example, to get in contact with you, to retrieve something lost like a pet, by mistake, etc.
But Arberry did nothing.
He did not even remotely tresspass.
There was no valid reason to suspect him of anything.
Seriously, I think it may be entirely possible that you're just too fucking stupid to converse with...
According to my parents, I could read at 1 year of age. Taught my older brother how to read when I was only 2 years old.

Straight A student. Was actually getting paid to tutor nursing and medical students before I was in my teens.

Scored 158 on the Stanford-Binet. Another time when I took the test I scored even higher than that, but I don't count that because it was the exact same test.

The odds that your IQ is even within 50 points of mine are pretty fucking slim.

Judging by your posts, I'd estimate your IQ to be slightly below average. In the 80-95 range.


Now you're just making fun of yourself.

What a little douchebag. You've just confirmed that you really are too fucking stupid to converse with...
was not a well-known local thief or a unknown thief or any kind of thief.

Yeah, he was a regular Billy The Kid.

You think one body-cam clip of him being taken into custody makes him "well-known thief"?

You're retarded...

Arberry has a pretty good criminal history for a guy his age...

what about all the other things he did like taking a gun to school and getting so nuts that even his MOM called the COPS on him??

He acts so crazy even the cops tried to taze him after they caught him smoking weed in the park

All of that is absolutely meaningless with regards to the case of Travis McMichael chasing him down and killing him, simply because none of that was known to McMichael when he chased down, confronted and then murdered Arbury...

like i said

a well known local THEIF

*got that?

There has never been any proof of anyone being a thief, only that in the past there was suspected theft, but by someone not at all looking like Arberry.
was not a well-known local thief or a unknown thief or any kind of thief.

Yeah, he was a regular Billy The Kid.

You think one body-cam clip of him being taken into custody makes him "well-known thief"?

You're retarded...

Arberry has a pretty good criminal history for a guy his age...

what about all the other things he did like taking a gun to school and getting so nuts that even his MOM called the COPS on him??

He acts so crazy even the cops tried to taze him after they caught him smoking weed in the park

All of that is absolutely meaningless with regards to the case of Travis McMichael chasing him down and killing him, simply because none of that was known to McMichael when he chased down, confronted and then murdered Arbury...

like i said

a well known local THEIF

*got that?

There has never been any proof of anyone being a thief, only that in the past there was suspected theft, but by someone not at all looking like Arberry.

Wait, you need to allow for the fact that, to Guerilla, all black people look the same...
Seriously, I think it may be entirely possible that you're just too fucking stupid to converse with...
According to my parents, I could read at 1 year of age. Taught my older brother how to read when I was only 2 years old.

Straight A student. Was actually getting paid to tutor nursing and medical students before I was in my teens.

Scored 158 on the Stanford-Binet. Another time when I took the test I scored even higher than that, but I don't count that because it was the exact same test. The results would be skewed.

The odds that your IQ is even within 50 points of mine are pretty fucking slim.

Judging by your posts, I'd estimate your IQ to be slightly below average. In the 80-95 range.

That is not a valid reply.
A person can be smart and the opposition could be stupid, but the smart person can still be wrong due to being misinformed, prejudiced, making a logical error, deliberately lying, etc.
So one should always stick to the subject and not about personality traits.
You didn't say there were "acres and acres of woods and structures".

But I would expect nothing less from an ignorant, lying piece of shit.

You said the houses were located on "acres and acres". That was a lie, and a quick scan of the photos you've posted confirm that it was a lie...
How many acres is Satilla Shores?
You didn't say there were "acres and acres of woods and structures".

But I would expect nothing less from an ignorant, lying piece of shit.

You said the houses were located on "acres and acres". That was a lie, and a quick scan of the photos you've posted confirm that it was a lie...
How many acres is Satilla Shores?

I have no idea.

His point was that someone who owned a house had that house on "acres and acres" of property; suggesting those "acres and acres" were owned by the person who owned the house...
Seriously, I think it may be entirely possible that you're just too fucking stupid to converse with...
According to my parents, I could read at 1 year of age. Taught my older brother how to read when I was only 2 years old.

Straight A student. Was actually getting paid to tutor nursing and medical students before I was in my teens.

Scored 158 on the Stanford-Binet. Another time when I took the test I scored even higher than that, but I don't count that because it was the exact same test. The results would be skewed.

The odds that your IQ is even within 50 points of mine are pretty fucking slim.

Judging by your posts, I'd estimate your IQ to be slightly below average. In the 80-95 range.

That is not a valid reply.
A person can be smart and the opposition could be stupid, but the smart person can still be wrong due to being misinformed, prejudiced, making a logical error, deliberately lying, etc.
So one should always stick to the subject and not about personality traits.

Well, that and the fact that Muhammed's full of shit...
Seriously, I think it may be entirely possible that you're just too fucking stupid to converse with...
According to my parents, I could read at 1 year of age. Taught my older brother how to read when I was only 2 years old.

Straight A student. Was actually getting paid to tutor nursing and medical students before I was in my teens.

Scored 158 on the Stanford-Binet. Another time when I took the test I scored even higher than that, but I don't count that because it was the exact same test. The results would be skewed.

The odds that your IQ is even within 50 points of mine are pretty fucking slim.

Judging by your posts, I'd estimate your IQ to be slightly below average. In the 80-95 range.
Explains his compatriotion with amaud
He did not even remotely tresspass
You think Larry English welcomed him onto his property?

do you think Larry English spend thousands of dollars on a security system and forgot the no trespassing sign?

why would Maude Sprint out the front door if he "wasn't doing nothing wrong"
Seriously, I think it may be entirely possible that you're just too fucking stupid to converse with...
According to my parents, I could read at 1 year of age. Taught my older brother how to read when I was only 2 years old.

Straight A student. Was actually getting paid to tutor nursing and medical students before I was in my teens.

Scored 158 on the Stanford-Binet. Another time when I took the test I scored even higher than that, but I don't count that because it was the exact same test. The results would be skewed.

The odds that your IQ is even within 50 points of mine are pretty fucking slim.

Judging by your posts, I'd estimate your IQ to be slightly below average. In the 80-95 range.
Explains his compatriotion with amaud

You realize that you're saying that to someone who claims to have tutored medical students before his balls dropped, right?
You didn't say there were "acres and acres of woods and structures".

But I would expect nothing less from an ignorant, lying piece of shit.

You said the houses were located on "acres and acres". That was a lie, and a quick scan of the photos you've posted confirm that it was a lie...
How many acres is Satilla Shores?
They get so desperate to split hairs the breaking out the microscope

The fact is there were hundreds of places that kid could have ran off road and lost two trucks in a matter of minutes

Like I said here's the view to the immediate left when arBerry was facing down a couple of men with guns who he had supposedly been terrorized by and for some inexplicable reason decided to go jogging right next to their truck whip around the front bumper in a 90 degree turn and try to beat the tar out of a man holding a shotgun

how come he didn't report the naughty word on the scene and only concocted it after he was "trying to cut a deal" LOL

I don't have the foggiest idea, but it doesn't matter an iota...
so you actually believe that Roddy was close enough to hear Travis utter those words under his breath right after he shot maud but Gregorys open line with 911 the entire time did not?
Seriously, I think it may be entirely possible that you're just too fucking stupid to converse with...
According to my parents, I could read at 1 year of age. Taught my older brother how to read when I was only 2 years old.

Straight A student. Was actually getting paid to tutor nursing and medical students before I was in my teens.

Scored 158 on the Stanford-Binet. Another time when I took the test I scored even higher than that, but I don't count that because it was the exact same test. The results would be skewed.

The odds that your IQ is even within 50 points of mine are pretty fucking slim.

Judging by your posts, I'd estimate your IQ to be slightly below average. In the 80-95 range.
Explains his compatriotion with amaud

You realize that you're saying that to someone who claims to have tutored medical students before his balls dropped, right?
you don't strike me as someone that knows much about Street crime

The fact that a known Petty Thief kept casing out a place that suffered repeated burglaries and then fled like a maniac the moment he was spotted should be all the probable cause anybody should ever need to use their powers of citizen's arrest

The notion that you actually have to witness a felony in order to commit a citizen's arrest is absolutely ridiculous

if that were true all the people that ran down Richard Ramirez would have to go to jail

A civilized human being should cooperate with a citizen's arrest conducted in the middle of the road in broad daylight in a populated area while the people are on the phone and simply sue them in court at a later date especially after you were doing something highly suspicious like poking around in someone's home under construction

you have to have an extremely good reason to attack someone and by Georgia law you have to have no other means of Escape

If you had a choice between trying to throat punch two guys with guns or Trot off between these two houses what decision would you make?


any normal person being chased by men with guns would immediately run up to a door and ask for help or at the very least run behind cover and use their phone to call 911

there's a very good reason why Maude did not do either one of these things

he was an experienced Thief who knew he just been caught doing something he would very likely go to jail for and so he did not want to talk to the police under any circumstances and was willing to try to throat punch two men with guns in order to avoid the police
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They get so desperate to split hairs the breaking out the microscope

I can only react to what you say, not to what you'd like me to think you said.

Words mean things.

The fact is there were hundreds of places that kid could have ran off road and lost two trucks in a matter of minutes

And maybe that would've happened. We'll never know, though, because Travis decided to kill Arbery.[/QUOTE]

Why did Travis McMichael get out of his truck. Arbery wasn't running anywhere that McMichael wouldn't have been able to follow. See, I know this because I've actually been to where this all happened. You haven't, so you have only ignorance as an ally...

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