The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

Forensic Model of First Shot 26278188 reply to 26277810
I see we're having to walk back the fallacious suggestion that the shotgun was aimed directly at your criminal hero

Do you see how you must revert to lying almost from every other sentence.

I didn’t say ‘aimed directly’ you liar. I said ‘sufficiently aimed’ for the charges that have been brought against your morons with guns heroes.

TM did not need to aim directly at AA to be committing any one of the felonies and charged with malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault, false imprisonment and criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment under Georgia Law.

So like all your bullshit defenses of morons with guns ‘directly aimed’ is not a threshold needed to bring the charges.

I know you dismiss the shadows under the truck as clues to the positions of the two men when TM was across the centerline defending AA’s intended path of escape. With the the shadow of an aimed shotgun at AA while yelling stop.

I can’t prove to you that that is forensic scientific evidence to be pure fact here, but those shadows both move with the positions of the hat and the shoulder visible through the windshield and I am very confident that GBI and FBI forensic analysts will develop a model that shows exactly what took place when both men were not visible and when the first shot was fired.

IF TM was up against the front bumper as you suggest looking east while AA was running west on the grass coming around to the front of the truck. It is highly possible that GBI have your moron with a gun with his knees up against the bumper with the shotgun aimed over the hood pointed north east ready and aimed to fire when AA gets close heading due east. AA’s visibility of TM’s new position is blocked by GM standing up in the bed unconcerned about being shot or attacked by the passing jogger.

So as AA comes by he is shocked that TM is right there and within a couple tenths of a second TM shoots and hits AA in the lower chest.

But AA’s momentum forces TM to start a backward retreat heading southwest with bleeding AA in pursuit.

And that potential scenario matches prosecution investigators being quite adamant that AA was shot in the chest before there was struggle for the gun completely left of that double yellow line.

Jesse Evans: (52:44) He’s already saturated blood before the struggle that you can see on the video?​

Richard Dial: (52:49) Well that’s correct, during the struggle is mere seconds after the first shot, his front of his shirt is saturated with blood.​

I’m talking their on what happened in nb front of the truck - not yours based on nothing you can see.
Travis simply stepped to the front of his vehicle about 3 feet because the criminal was running from the rear and that gives him the best tactical position in case he's fired upon.
I think Travis was more concerned about getting his ass kicked when Arbery had him cornered between the open truck door and the truck body. Not fired upon. I don't think he was concerned about getting fired upon until the perp attacked him and tried to steal his gun.

He could not go backwards because the truck door was in his way.

He could not go forward because Arbery was charging at him from that direction.

He could not jump back into the truck and just take off because his disabled obese senior citizen father was standing in the bed of the truck and would have fell out if he did that.

So he retreated to the front of the truck.

Then to attack Travis, Arbery ran around the truck and got Darwin awarded.
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Travis simply stepped to the front of his vehicle about 3 feet because the criminal was running from the rear and that gives him the best tactical position in case he's fired upon
I think Travis was concerned about getting his ass kicked when Arbery had him cornered between the open door and the truck body. Not fired upon.

He could not go backwards because the truck door was in his way.

He could not go forward because Arbery was charging at him from that direction.

He could not jump back into the truck and just take off because his disabled obese senior citizen father was standing in the bed of the truck and would have fell out if he did that.

So he retreated to the front of the truck.

Then Arbery ran around the truck and got Darwin awarded.
As soon as someone tries to grab your weapon it's reasonable for you to defend yourself since the dawn of man and there's always a chance Maude could have got a lucky shot in disabling Travis long enough for him to get hold of that shotgun however Gregory McMichael would have shot his crazy ass

I figure a mentally retarted criminal from a criminal family who was likely steeped in BLM propaganda for years is very likely to panic in that situation so I don't fault him for attacking the mcmichels since his worldview probably supports the notion that they were out to murder him in broad daylight in the middle of the road while on the phone with the police LOL however when you resort to violence in order to evade citizens arrest in the state of Georgia you have to have no Escape opportunity

a good example is someone locked in a room or someone surrounded in a dark alley however in the middle of a road in a neighborhood full of Ranchettes on 1/2 acre plots without fences it's a ridiculous notion to suggest that he was actually "cornered" by two vehicles

Here's the view immediately to Maude's left right before the shooting



"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

I've seen no evidence that the McMichaels pursued Arbery.

Then you're the dumbest fucking retard to ever post to the internet.


Travis McMichaal and Gregory McMichael both told police "We went after him."

Now, for a special ed retard like you, I'm sure that doesn't qualify as "pursuing".

Thankfully, for those of us who are intelligent and don't drool on our shoes when we talk, it does.

Why did Travis McMichael get out of his truck? Why didn't he simply continue to follow Arbery? He could've done that. If what you say is true, Travis should've stayed in the truck and, when he didn't, and when he made the bad decision to get out of his truck with a gun, he escalated the entire situation and, accordingly, is responsible for every single thing that happened after his feet hit the ground.

Seriously, I think it may be entirely possible that you're just too fucking stupid to converse with...
Travis was trained by the US Military and he knew better than to stand by the driver side door when a criminal was charging him from the rear of his truck

There's not a single scenario in McMichael's military training which covered the situation he caused with Arbery. He was in the Coast Guard. His training involved water craft, not pick-up trucks you simp...
Travis simply stepped to the front of his vehicle about 3 feet because the criminal was running from the rear and that gives him the best tactical position in case he's fired upon
I think Travis was concerned about getting his ass kicked when Arbery had him cornered between the open door and the truck body. Not fired upon.

He could not go backwards because the truck door was in his way.

He could not go forward because Arbery was charging at him from that direction.

He could not jump back into the truck and just take off because his disabled obese senior citizen father was standing in the bed of the truck and would have fell out if he did that.

So he retreated to the front of the truck.

Then Arbery ran around the truck and got Darwin awarded.
As soon as someone tries to grab your weapon it's reasonable for you to defend yourself since the dawn of man and there's always a chance Maude could have got a lucky shot in disabling Travis long enough for him to get hold of that shotgun however Gregory McMichael would have shot his crazy ass

I figure a mentally retarted criminal from a criminal family who was likely steeped in BLM propaganda for years is very likely to panic in that situation so I don't fault him for attacking the mcmichels since his worldview probably supports the notion that they were out to murder him in broad daylight in the middle of the road while on the phone with the police LOL however when you resort to violence in order to evade citizens arrest in the state of Georgia you have to have no Escape opportunity

a good example is someone locked in a room or someone surrounded in a dark alley however in the middle of a road in a neighborhood full of Ranchettes on 1/2 acre plots without fences it's a ridiculous notion to suggest that he was actually "cornered" by two vehicles

Here's the view immediately to Maude's left right before the shooting

View attachment 438649
View attachment 438650

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

buh, buh ,b,b,but the fake news said it was a lynch mob. And Travis had a gun and uttered the forbidden non-PC f-word and n-word! OMG!

How is it possible for people who exercise their 1st and 2nd amendment rights to not be automatically considered guilty until proven innocent?
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Arbery was a mentally retarded Street criminal so he wasn't that good at his game and got recognized by The Neighbors as the man wanted for the string of burglaries and trespasses in the neighborhood
... and totally by coincidence, the crime wave in the neighborhood ended when Arbery ended.

LOLOL!!! What "crime wave"??

You're such a fucking idiot...
And Travis uttrerd the n-word! OMG!

In a demonstration of even greater stupidity, by doing so he may have very well made it possible for this to be prosecuted as a hate crime. If that happens, Gregory McMichael is pretty well fucked, as well, and could get sentenced to life in prison.

Given the heinous nature of the crime, Travis would likely be executed...
Arbery was a mentally retarded Street criminal so he wasn't that good at his game and got recognized by The Neighbors as the man wanted for the string of burglaries and trespasses in the neighborhood
... and totally by coincidence, the crime wave in the neighborhood ended when Arbery ended.

LOLOL!!! What "crime wave"??

You're such a fucking idiot...
so you havent watched the body cam interviews i see?

Arberry was terrorizing that neibourhood man
And Travis uttrerd the n-word! OMG!

In a demonstration of even greater stupidity, by doing so he may have very well made it possible for this to be prosecuted as a hate crime. If that happens, Gregory McMichael is pretty well fucked, as well, and could get sentenced to life in prison.

Given the heinous nature of the crime, Travis would likely be executed...
It's not a crime to defend yourself, jackass.
Arbery was a mentally retarded Street criminal so he wasn't that good at his game and got recognized by The Neighbors as the man wanted for the string of burglaries and trespasses in the neighborhood
... and totally by coincidence, the crime wave in the neighborhood ended when Arbery ended.

LOLOL!!! What "crime wave"??

You're such a fucking idiot...
so you havent watched the body cam interviews i see?

Arberry was terrorizing that neibourhood man

There was no "crime wave".

You're such a dolt...
Travis simply stepped to the front of his vehicle about 3 feet because the criminal was running from the rear and that gives him the best tactical position in case he's fired upon
I think Travis was concerned about getting his ass kicked when Arbery had him cornered between the open door and the truck body. Not fired upon.

He could not go backwards because the truck door was in his way.

He could not go forward because Arbery was charging at him from that direction.

He could not jump back into the truck and just take off because his disabled obese senior citizen father was standing in the bed of the truck and would have fell out if he did that.

So he retreated to the front of the truck.

Then Arbery ran around the truck and got Darwin awarded.
As soon as someone tries to grab your weapon it's reasonable for you to defend yourself since the dawn of man and there's always a chance Maude could have got a lucky shot in disabling Travis long enough for him to get hold of that shotgun however Gregory McMichael would have shot his crazy ass

I figure a mentally retarted criminal from a criminal family who was likely steeped in BLM propaganda for years is very likely to panic in that situation so I don't fault him for attacking the mcmichels since his worldview probably supports the notion that they were out to murder him in broad daylight in the middle of the road while on the phone with the police LOL however when you resort to violence in order to evade citizens arrest in the state of Georgia you have to have no Escape opportunity

a good example is someone locked in a room or someone surrounded in a dark alley however in the middle of a road in a neighborhood full of Ranchettes on 1/2 acre plots without fences it's a ridiculous notion to suggest that he was actually "cornered" by two vehicles

Here's the view immediately to Maude's left right before the shooting

View attachment 438649
View attachment 438650

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

buh, buh ,b,b,but the fake news said it was a lynch mob. And Travis had a gun and uttered the forbidden non-PC f-word and n-word! OMG!

How is it possible for people who exercise their 1st and 2nd amendment rights to not be automatically considered guilty until proven innocent?
guns + southern white male=media feeding frenzy

its the last demographic is ok to be overtly bigoted against
And Travis uttrerd the n-word! OMG!

In a demonstration of even greater stupidity, by doing so he may have very well made it possible for this to be prosecuted as a hate crime. If that happens, Gregory McMichael is pretty well fucked, as well, and could get sentenced to life in prison.

Given the heinous nature of the crime, Travis would likely be executed...
of course we know nobody said
"fu*king nig*er"
while standing over the crooks body because gramps had an OPEN LINE TO 911 THE ENTIRE TIME

propaganda FAIL


after getting punched in the face a bunch if a white male DID say that its still not a "hate crime" LOL

hate crime means they targeted him because he was black so good luck with that HILARIOUS suggestion LOL

he was freaking RECOGNIZED LOL
Arbery was a mentally retarded Street criminal so he wasn't that good at his game and got recognized by The Neighbors as the man wanted for the string of burglaries and trespasses in the neighborhood
... and totally by coincidence, the crime wave in the neighborhood ended when Arbery ended.

LOLOL!!! What "crime wave"??

You're such a fucking idiot...
So you are in denial that there was a crime wave?

Why do moonbats like you consistently deny reality?
hate crime means they targeted him because he was black so good luck with that HILARIOUS suggestion LOL


Whether they targeted him for his color or not no longer matters. He used a racial slur which was overheard by Roddy. A savvy prosecutor would be able to use that to demonstrate that Arbery was targeted for his color. After all, if he wasn't targeted for his skin color, why use the slur?

And insisting that he didn't say it because Gregory McMichael had an open line to the police is retarded.

But, then again, so are you...
hate crime means they targeted him because he was black so good luck with that HILARIOUS suggestion LOL


Whether they targeted him for his color or not no longer matters. He used a racial slur which was overheard by Roddy. A savvy prosecutor would be able to use that to demonstrate that Arbery was targeted for his color. After all, if he wasn't targeted for his skin color, why use the slur?

And insisting that he didn't say it because Gregory McMichael had an open line to the police is retarded.

But, then again, so are you...
it would have been caught on the open line and recorded DUMBASS

roddy is just trying to cut a deal with the crooks @GBI

they got oprahs balls in dey mouf LOL besides uttering a racial epithet after youve just been attacked by a black guy is FAR FROM a "hate crime"


i remeber when SJW IDIOTS were claiming the mcmichels were klansmen

it would have been caught on the open line and recorded DUMBASS

Maybe if he yelled it. But if he muttered it under his breath, a 911 operator would never hear that...

roddy is just trying to cut a deal with the crooks @GBI

Roddy is trying to save his own ass and, frankly, I support him. He couldn't have had any idea that Travis McMichaelw as going to murder Arbery and, when he did, he realized he'd have to step up and play ball if he didn't want to be held responsible for Pudge's crimes...

they got oprahs balls in dey mouf LOL besides uttering a racial epithet after youve just been attacked by a black guy is FAR FROM a "hate crime"


I never said it was a hate crime, dipshit. I'm saying that a savvy prosecutor could make it appear as though it is.

Try to keep up...

i remeber when SJW IDIOTS were claiming the mcmichels were klansmen

Not saying it didn't happen, but I didn't hear that...
as AA comes by he is shocked that TM is right there
so an innocent young jogger has been terrorized by rednecks with guns durring a nearly 15 min chace where he is LITERALLY running for his life when he rounds the corner to see a muderous cretin "somewhat aiming" a deadly shotgun at him and another murderous monster ready to ambush him as he innocently runs by




View attachment 438674

I don't understand.

I brought this up before but, like the cowardly little fuck you've proven yourself to be, you ignored it.

In an earlier post you said that houses were on "acres of property", yet in this photo I can see three houses. If they were on "acres of property" they wouldn't be located so closely together.

You're just lying and obfuscating at every turn in a pathetic attempt to reel yourself back in from looking so fucking ignorant...

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