The Palestinian Wrong of Return: Perpetuating Victimhood

Sweet_Caroline said:
The Palestinian refugee crisis, caused by the invading Arab armies during the war of annihilation waged by them against Israel,...

Good post. :lol::lol::lol: Right off the bat the first sentence is a lie.:lol::lol::lol:

Israel had already created over 300,000 refugees before any Arab country entered Palestine.

So 'Palestine' is not an Arab country as you've previously claimed!
Not in the least bit.

Peace talks must be based on fact, not fiction

As Israel and the Palestinian Arabs once again return to land-for-peace negotiations, it is vital that these talks be based on legitimate historical fact and international law for there to be any hope of success.

For decades, Israel's antagonists have argued that the very existence of the Jewish state is illegitimate, and that Israel has no actual right to any of the land, neither historically nor legally.

But a review of legal documents going back to the time that the region was freed from centuries of Ottoman Turkish rule reveals that the Jews have every right, from a historical and legal viewpoint, to exercise sovereignty over this part of the Middle East.

WATCH: Peace talks must be based on fact, not fiction - Israel Today | Israel News
Not in the least bit.

Peace talks must be based on fact, not fiction

As Israel and the Palestinian Arabs once again return to land-for-peace negotiations, it is vital that these talks be based on legitimate historical fact and international law for there to be any hope of success.

For decades, Israel's antagonists have argued that the very existence of the Jewish state is illegitimate, and that Israel has no actual right to any of the land, neither historically nor legally.

But a review of legal documents going back to the time that the region was freed from centuries of Ottoman Turkish rule reveals that the Jews have every right, from a historical and legal viewpoint, to exercise sovereignty over this part of the Middle East.

WATCH: Peace talks must be based on fact, not fiction - Israel Today | Israel News
The problem is, "this part", does not inlcude the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem.
Why, Billo my boy, you are the one who is predictable no matter which screen name you chose to use. With all the different forums, how come you are not condemning what is happening to innocent people in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa? Could it be that you have no interest in what is happening elsewhere and just want to get in your two cents about Israel and/or the Jews. Do you honestly think that many of the viewers are actually that dumb that they feel you really care about the Palestinians? And, Billo Boy, regardless if it is Long Beach. Buena Park or many different cities in the U.S., there are Hispanic workers who came here for jobs in addition to the poor flooding into Europe from places like Southeast Asia and Africa for jobs, the same way the poor Arabs came from the surrounding impoverished countries when the Jews had jobs for them in Israel (and that is the reason you see their growth in population).
There were no jobs for arabs! They were racially discriminated against and denied work on jewish land as a matter of zionist policy.

A strict policy of what in today's terms would be described as racial discrimination was maintained by the Zionist Organization in this rapid advance towards the "national home". Only Jewish labour could service Jewish farms and settlements. The eventual outcome of this trend was a major outbreak of violence with unprecedented loss of life in 1929, which was investigated by the Shaw Commission.
That's what started all the violence. So stop lying!

Here's what another UN report had to say about labor opportunities for arabs in Israel...

observations of the Hope Simpson Commission...on labour and employment policies...of the Zionist agencies

"The Constitution of the Jewish Agency: Land Holding and Employment Clauses ...

"(d) Land is to be acquired as Jewish property and ... the same shall be held as the inalienable property of the Jewish people.

"(e) The Agency shall promote agricultural colonization based on Jewish labour ... it shall be deemed to be a matter of principle that Jewish labour shall be employed ..."​

"Keren Kayemet draft lease: Employment of Jewish labour only

"... The lessee undertakes to execute all works connected with the cultivation of the holding only with Jewish labour. Failure to comply with this duty by the employment of non-Jewish labour shall render the lessee liable to the payment of compensation ..."

"The lease also provides that the holding shall never be held by any but a Jew ..."​

"Keren ha-Yesod agreements: Employment of labour

The following provisions are included:

'Article 7 - The settler hereby undertakes that ... if and whenever he may be obliged to hire help, he will hire Jewish workmen only.'

"In the similar agreement for the Emek colonies, there is a provision as follows:
'Article 11 - The settler undertakes ... not to hire any outside labour except Jewish labourers.'"​
In light of the above zionist labour policies, why would you think that would draw arabs into the area? If people already living there are refused work, why would someone moving into the area think they'd do any better?

Care to comment on the above apartheid policies? Or are you going to try to change the subject again?
Come on, Billo Boy, if you are not interested enough to post on other USMB forums about the actual atrocities which are being committed in Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East, you certainly don't think we all believe you care what is happening to the Palestinians. Only the Arab viewers and the typical anti-Semites will lap up what you say.
Stop trying to change the subject and address what I said.

would you PLEASE just ignore him. he is baiting you.

the palestinians have a legal right to return. civilians fleeing a war zone, no matter who is responsible, have a right to return as long as they maintain their refugee status and israel has no right to insist other arab states take them in anymore than they have a right to insist the USA takes in illegal refugees.
Oh, good! It's nice to know that sealie stands with the 950,000 Arab refugees who had all their lands and property stolen from them by the Arab League nations which colluded to strip them of their citizenship.
Oh, good! It's nice to know that sealie stands with the 950,000 Arab refugees who had all their lands and property stolen from them by the Arab League nations which colluded to strip them of their citizenship.

i know i get ya all hot and bothered, maggie, but get it through your thick skull i really have no interest in you. i think you meant "jews'...

and no prob in reccompense for those legal refugees, but most of them left at the behest of zionists to bolster their hegemony over the native palestinians.

(she follows me around like a lost, little puppy dog...LOL.)
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News flash for sealie: those 950,000 refugees are ARABS in ethnicity and culture. Judaism is not a 'race': it is entirely possible for a person to be 'Armenian' and Jewish, or 'Kurdish' and Jewish or 'Arab' and Jewish.....

Not my fault if the Arab League nations decided they were going to re-define all their Jewish citizens as 'hostile aliens', plunder them of everything and toss them out.

This had nothing to do with any supposed efforts by 'Zionists' to request ME Jews to emigrate to Israel. It was a cabal of AL states which conspired to 'nationalize' everything these people owned and dump them on Israel, again hoping to cause chaos and misery there. How well could most nations absorb a mass immigration of destitute people equal to over 20%of the population in only a couple of years?

The very fact that many of these refugees were forced to leave behind, not merely houses, but businesses and acreage, stands witness to the lie about 'the Zionists asked them to come'. People don't abandon what their family has had for generations like that.
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Fact Sheet: Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries

Although much is heard about the plight of the Palestinian refugees from the aftermath of the 1948 Israeli War of Independence and the 1967 Six Day War, little is said about the hundreds of thousands of Jews who were forced to flee from Arab states before and after the creation of Israel. In fact, these refugees were largely forgotten because they were assimilated into their new homes, most in Israel, and neither the United Nations nor any other international agency took up their cause or demanded restitution for the property and money taken from them.

Yemenite Jews
Yemenite Jews flee during Operation Magic Carpet

In 1945, roughly 1 million Jews lived peacefully in the various Arab states of the Middle East, many of them in communities that had existed for thousands of years. After the Arabs rejected the United Nations decision to partition Palestine and create a Jewish state, however, the Jews of the Arab lands became targets of their own governments’ anti-Zionist fervor. As Egypt’s delegate to the UN in 1947 chillingly told the General Assembly: “The lives of one million Jews in Muslim countries will be jeopardized by partition.” The dire warning quickly became the brutal reality.

Throughout 1947 and 1948, Jews in Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Syria, and Yemen (Aden) were persecuted, their property and belongings were confiscated, and they were subjected to severe anti-Jewish riots instigated by the governments. In Iraq, Zionism was made a capital crime. In Syria, anti-Jewish pogroms erupted in Aleppo and the government froze all Jewish bank accounts. In Egypt, bombs were detonated in the Jewish quarter, killing dozens. In Algeria, anti-Jewish decrees were swiftly instituted and in Yemen, bloody pogroms led to the death of nearly 100 Jews.
News flash for sealie: those 950,000 refugees are ARABS in ethnicity and culture. Judaism is not a 'race': it is entirely possible for a person to be 'Armenian' and Jewish, or 'Kurdish' and Jewish or 'Arab' and Jewish.....

Not my fault if the Arab League nations decided they were going to re-define all their Jewish citizens as 'hostile aliens', plunder them of everything and toss them out.

This had nothing to do with any supposed efforts by 'Zionists' to request ME Jews to emigrate to Israel. It was a cabal of AL states which conspired to 'nationalize' everything these people owned and dump them on Israel, again hoping to cause chaos and misery there. How well could most nations absorb a mass immigration of destitute people equal to over 20%of the population in only a couple of years?

The very fact that many of these refugees were forced to leave behind, not merely houses, but businesses and acreage, stands witness to the lie about 'the Zionists asked them to come'. People don't abandon what their family has had for generations like that.

and had they maintained their refugee status, i would be in favour of full recompense...

but by your reasoning, it is ok for jews to kill all the palestinians because of what happened during the holocaust.
Why, Billo my boy, you are the one who is predictable no matter which screen name you chose to use. With all the different forums, how come you are not condemning what is happening to innocent people in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa? Could it be that you have no interest in what is happening elsewhere and just want to get in your two cents about Israel and/or the Jews. Do you honestly think that many of the viewers are actually that dumb that they feel you really care about the Palestinians? And, Billo Boy, regardless if it is Long Beach. Buena Park or many different cities in the U.S., there are Hispanic workers who came here for jobs in addition to the poor flooding into Europe from places like Southeast Asia and Africa for jobs, the same way the poor Arabs came from the surrounding impoverished countries when the Jews had jobs for them in Israel (and that is the reason you see their growth in population).
There were no jobs for arabs! They were racially discriminated against and denied work on jewish land as a matter of zionist policy.

A strict policy of what in today's terms would be described as racial discrimination was maintained by the Zionist Organization in this rapid advance towards the "national home". Only Jewish labour could service Jewish farms and settlements. The eventual outcome of this trend was a major outbreak of violence with unprecedented loss of life in 1929, which was investigated by the Shaw Commission.
That's what started all the violence. So stop lying!

Here's what another UN report had to say about labor opportunities for arabs in Israel...

observations of the Hope Simpson Commission...on labour and employment policies...of the Zionist agencies

"The Constitution of the Jewish Agency: Land Holding and Employment Clauses ...

"(d) Land is to be acquired as Jewish property and ... the same shall be held as the inalienable property of the Jewish people.

"(e) The Agency shall promote agricultural colonization based on Jewish labour ... it shall be deemed to be a matter of principle that Jewish labour shall be employed ..."​

"Keren Kayemet draft lease: Employment of Jewish labour only

"... The lessee undertakes to execute all works connected with the cultivation of the holding only with Jewish labour. Failure to comply with this duty by the employment of non-Jewish labour shall render the lessee liable to the payment of compensation ..."

"The lease also provides that the holding shall never be held by any but a Jew ..."​

"Keren ha-Yesod agreements: Employment of labour

The following provisions are included:

'Article 7 - The settler hereby undertakes that ... if and whenever he may be obliged to hire help, he will hire Jewish workmen only.'

"In the similar agreement for the Emek colonies, there is a provision as follows:
'Article 11 - The settler undertakes ... not to hire any outside labour except Jewish labourers.'"​
In light of the above zionist labour policies, why would you think that would draw arabs into the area? If people already living there are refused work, why would someone moving into the area think they'd do any better?

Care to comment on the above apartheid policies? Or are you going to try to change the subject again?
So Billo, are you calling Winston Churchill and the British officials who were stationed in the area liars when they said the Arabs were coming in droves from the poor surrounding countries? And, Billo Boy, if you are so concerned with "Apartheid," surely you would take the time to speak of Apartheid in the Arab countries or all the Muslim countries as a whole on the different available forums. The fact that you only want to diss Israel and not where real apartheid takes place tells an awful lot about you. However, if you want the viewers to think that you actually care about the Arabs, go for it since I think most of the viewers are smart enough to see right through you.
So Billo, are you calling Winston Churchill and the British officials who were stationed in the area liars when they said the Arabs were coming in droves from the poor surrounding countries? And, Billo Boy, if you are so concerned with "Apartheid," surely you would take the time to speak of Apartheid in the Arab countries or all the Muslim countries as a whole on the different available forums. The fact that you only want to diss Israel and not where real apartheid takes place tells an awful lot about you. However, if you want the viewers to think that you actually care about the Arabs, go for it since I think most of the viewers are smart enough to see right through you.
So you choose "change of subject" and have no intention of addressing what I said?

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